15 year old girl has sex with 25 boys in school bathroom

This is a side benefit of unisex bathrooms.
He means..."It's Obama's fault."
It is Obamas fault. Executive Orders have consequences, idjit.
I knew that's what you meant.
Its not just my opinion; it is FACT.
There are some facts that have become clear from your conversation...not what you think though.
"Obama regimes order to schools to allow cross gender access to restrooms is what was the underlying cause to this event"

Really? If you can make the logical connection I would love to see it.

I've done it several times now. It isnt my fault that you are too thick headed to grasp the points I have made.

So now every time there is a rape anywhere near or in a bathroom it's Obama's doing even when there are no trannies present? That's just off the reservation Sport! I get it that you hate Obama. I'm not a fan either. But this connection you are attempting to make is pure fantasy. I can pretty much guarantee that if a rapist tries to use Obama's edict as an excuse for why he commuted raping someone that isn't a fag he will get just as much time as any rapist before Obama's trannies in bathrooms thing.

You can't get some a-hole rapist off because of what Obama says about transvestites. Why would you want a rapist to get off? That's just fucking stupid.
There is NO connection to the tranny bathroom thing and a bunch of football players that are also rapists

1. Simply because you say that there is no connection does not mean that there was no connection, and on the surface of the series of incidents there would appear to be a connection. So prove you need to prove that to not be the case, dickless.

2. There is no evidence that these boys are rapists. She gave consent, but there are question about the legitimacy of that consent due to her age and the age of the other boys.

Now if the girl was a guy dressed up in a miniskirt with no panties you MIGHT have a case. But she's a girl. THAT shoots your stupid argument in the dick.

None of that makes any sense.

You are an idiot.
Sounds like it was all consensual. What is so terrible about this?
The girl is 15 and incapable of giving consent.

Everybody knows that isn't true, even if they don't want to admit it.
The law of Florida states that a girl has to be 15 to give consent, which makes all sex between 15 year olds and younger rape, apparently, by legal definition.

The laws were not meant to be applied to cases where young men invade a womans bathroom in high schools with the President of the United States permission and then engage in a gang bang with a 15 year old.

Thank you Democrats and President Obama, going for the horny teen boy vote, apparently.
There is NO connection to the tranny bathroom thing and a bunch of football players that are also rapists

1. Simply because you say that there is no connection does not mean that there was no connection, and on the surface of the series of incidents there would appear to be a connection. So prove you need to prove that to not be the case, dickless.

2. There is no evidence that these boys are rapists. She gave consent, but there are question about the legitimacy of that consent due to her age and the age of the other boys.

Now if the girl was a guy dressed up in a miniskirt with no panties you MIGHT have a case. But she's a girl. THAT shoots your stupid argument in the dick.

None of that makes any sense.

You are an idiot.

From what I read there seems to be a strong possibility that the girl has mental health issues. That likelihood slants the incident towards her not being capable of giving consent and the boys taking advantage of her disability.
If it was my daughter and she did have mental health issues I would be looking at these boys as rapists.
You all know exactly what people would be saying if it had been twenty five girls from the volleyball team gangraping a fifteen year old boy in the boys bathroom.
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