150 Starbucks Stores to Strike in Support of LGBTQ+Read Newsmax: 150 Starbucks Stores to Strike in Support of LGBTQ+ | Newsmax.comImportant: Find Y

Never been to Starbucks in my life!

Couldn't care less what happens to Starbucks. :dunno:
The issues of pride and fundamentalist Christians will not mix together. Never. So what will eventually happen is one group will be silenced by force.
Or by the force of public opinion.
But either way Pride will stand.
Did you even bother to read your link? They are saying that they want to have a union, nothing in there about LGBTQ.

From your link....................

Workers at more than 100 Starbucks locations across the country went on strike Wednesday to protest the company’s alleged union-busting tactics and demand a contract negotiation.

The strike was timed to fall on “Founder’s Day,” a holiday the coffee chain invented to honor three-time CEO Howard Schultz. Schultz announced Monday that he was stepping down from his post two weeks early. He has been replaced by Laxman Narasimhan.

“We are on strike today … to show Starbucks that we will no longer take the hour cuts, the lack of guaranteed hours. We will no longer settle for anything less than a real seat at the table, and also to show them that we have the power,” a woman named Lola, who works at a Starbucks store in St. Paul, Minnesota, told More Perfect Union.

They are protesting that Starbucks won't give them guaranteed hours because they want an actual paycheck that they can live on, not striking in support of LGBTQ.

Might wanna find a link that supports your bullshit. Hate to tell you, but there are a lot of people on here (like me) that actually read the links rather than just blindly believing whatever bullshit a person throws out.
While your comment is true, the right-wing nuts believe everything any of their fascism-loving brethren post. So, the right-wing nuts, at least those reading the OP's message, now believe Starbucks employees support human rights for the LGBTQ community.

Nothing like getting a cup of coffee from a place where minutes before your server had his shit pushed in.

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