150 Years Ago Today… Republicans Freed the Slaves

Yall seem to be stuck to the fact that Conservative means Republican and Liberal means Democrat. Anyone who knows anything about history knows that the Republicans of the Civil War were Liberals and the southern Democrats were the Conservatives. Today the game is still the same only the players have changed.
There has been quite a change in both parties since the Civil rights Era. Indeed, prior to the 1960s, the Democratic Party was heavy with KKK members and other assorted racists. But when their presidential elect started to react positively to the Civil Rights legislation posited by Dr. Martin L. King Jr., they killed him and subsequently abandoned the Democratic Party. With the incumbent dead, Vice President Johnson took over but he didn't drop the ball. He signed the first civil RIghts Bill into law and hastened white flight from the Democratic Party into the Republican Party.

Since that time, the Republican Party has realigned itself as a consortium of aging angry white males who want to keep all the money and wealth for themselves and their heirs. There is no sense of loyalty to a diverse America. That view underlines their voiced resistance to any tax increases or aversion to raising the debt ceiling under Obama. Behind all the rhetoric is a belief that "minorities" are prospering at their expense. There was no such outcry when President Reagan raised the debt ceiling 17 times because he was viewed as one of them. With Reagan, the consortium of disgruntled racist whites felt that their tax dollars would never be spent to help lift up the downtrodden of any race, but especially Blacks and Latinos!

The Democratic Party, as noted , was once a bastion of racial hatred and bigotry. But in the post Civil Rights milieu, a remarkable metamorphosis has transpired. Americans of color and others who had been denied full citizenship due to gender or sexual orientation banded together and formed a powerful majority voting bloc under the auspices of the Democratic Party. That is the Democratic Party of today.
Sure, some of the old school democrats, known pejoratively as "Blue Dog Democrats, linger on to stir up things in the Party;but, for the most part the progressive mindset dominates the party agenda and orientation. That is truly a good thing!
by Jim Hoft
January 1, 2013

Another Great moment in Republican Party History. On this day in 1863 Republicans freed the slaves.

Republicans rejoiced. Democrats cursed. Grand Old Partisan reported:

On New Year’s Day in 1863, the Republican Party’s Emancipation Proclamation came into effect. While Republicans rejoiced, Democrat politicians and newspapers denounced President Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) for freeing slaves. Demonstrating their depravity, New York’s Gov. Horatio Seymour, who would be the 1868 Democrat presidential nominee, denounced the Emancipation Proclamation.

Read more:
150 Years Ago Today… Republicans Freed the Slaves | The Gateway Pundit

Today Maobama, the Senate and Congress enslaved all Americans.

yep. bummer you've all destroyed your brand after taking in all the racists who hated the civil rights act. :thup:

you'd vote against the 13th amendment now. and you aren't lincoln's republican party. and this isn't the democratic party of the KKK anymore. they're yours now.
What people on this forums don't understand is this...........party representation. See if any of you had half a brain, or better yet picked up one of the MANY pieces of lititure on the subject, you would see that any social scientist with even an ounce of cred. To their name will tell you this. Party repensetation has changed of the years, the republican party that was licoln and that won the northern states during the civil rights movement is what we would call the democratic party of today. In today's terms the republican party represents the consertives in the USA, this includes .....the kkk, neo nazis, many white power militias in the mid west. So the op is a slow slow slow person, and anyone won agrees with him needs to read some of the social science that is out there.

Conservatives (Republicans) stand for individual liberty unlike Democratic Party who still stand and always have stood for slavery and limited if any liberty

Please find me a creditable social scientist that agrees with ya
I am really glad to see people with Brian are posting, to many times have I seen people try to say the shit the op is saying.
Fuck, some of you people are stupid!!

It boggles the mind to read some of the shit posted here by hyper-partisan nutbags on BOTH sides of the aisle.

The paradigm has shifted, folks, and the truth is that neither party gives a rat's ass about ANY of us!

Wake the Hell up already!

It's about conservative vs. liberal principals of course there are plenty of liberal fake conservatives in the Republican Party we have to change that but there are no blatant socialist there

You just got ur ass handed to you.
Look how far downhill the Republican Party has gone in 150 years.

And look how much further the Democrat Party has fallen. Which is pretty sad considering they've fallen from a pro-slavery position
Pitiful, pathetic comment by you.

FDR was a hero.

He beat Tojo and Hitler.

Something no conservative would ever be able to do.

Can anyone name a conservative President that won a real war? I mean one that was against a power that was really going to destroy this country.

Funny, considering Truman was President when we beat both Tojo and Hitler.

So Truman wasn't President when we beat Hitler and Tojo?
Fuck, some of you people are stupid!!

It boggles the mind to read some of the shit posted here by hyper-partisan nutbags on BOTH sides of the aisle.

The paradigm has shifted, folks, and the truth is that neither party gives a rat's ass about ANY of us!

Wake the Hell up already!

And that truly is the problem. Which is why I try to get at least one party caring about the people. Unfortunately, progressivism has corrupted both parties to such a degree that it's difficult.
What people on this forums don't understand is this...........party representation. See if any of you had half a brain, or better yet picked up one of the MANY pieces of lititure on the subject, you would see that any social scientist with even an ounce of cred. To their name will tell you this. Party repensetation has changed of the years, the republican party that was licoln and that won the northern states during the civil rights movement is what we would call the democratic party of today. In today's terms the republican party represents the consertives in the USA, this includes .....the kkk, neo nazis, many white power militias in the mid west. So the op is a slow slow slow person, and anyone won agrees with him needs to read some of the social science that is out there.

Conservatives (Republicans) stand for individual liberty unlike Democratic Party who still stand and always have stood for slavery and limited if any liberty

Explain if you can why the Republcian Party opposes same sex marriage and abortion if it supports individual liberty? Explain why the Republican Party opposed the Equal Rights Amendment and the Lily Leadbetter fair pay act if they support individual liberty? Explain if you can the Republican effort to suppress the vote, a movement that has since slowed since the people spoke on November 6, 2012?

easy. We oppose government regulation of homosexual relationships. They are free to make their own agreements between on another without the governments approval or recognition. We also are for the individual liberties of the child you want to brutally kill. Not really difficult if you think about it.
What people on this forums don't understand is this...........party representation. See if any of you had half a brain, or better yet picked up one of the MANY pieces of lititure on the subject, you would see that any social scientist with even an ounce of cred. To their name will tell you this. Party repensetation has changed of the years, the republican party that was licoln and that won the northern states during the civil rights movement is what we would call the democratic party of today. In today's terms the republican party represents the consertives in the USA, this includes .....the kkk, neo nazis, many white power militias in the mid west. So the op is a slow slow slow person, and anyone won agrees with him needs to read some of the social science that is out there.

Conservatives (Republicans) stand for individual liberty unlike Democratic Party who still stand and always have stood for slavery and limited if any liberty

Please find me a creditable social scientist that agrees with ya

And why, pray tell, do you need credit from a social scientist?
Fuck, some of you people are stupid!!

It boggles the mind to read some of the shit posted here by hyper-partisan nutbags on BOTH sides of the aisle.

The paradigm has shifted, folks, and the truth is that neither party gives a rat's ass about ANY of us!

Wake the Hell up already!

It's about conservative vs. liberal principals of course there are plenty of liberal fake conservatives in the Republican Party we have to change that but there are no blatant socialist there

You just got ur ass handed to you.

Exactly, how did you reach that conclusion?
by Jim Hoft
January 1, 2013

Another Great moment in Republican Party History. On this day in 1863 Republicans freed the slaves.

Republicans rejoiced. Democrats cursed. Grand Old Partisan reported:

On New Year’s Day in 1863, the Republican Party’s Emancipation Proclamation came into effect. While Republicans rejoiced, Democrat politicians and newspapers denounced President Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) for freeing slaves. Demonstrating their depravity, New York’s Gov. Horatio Seymour, who would be the 1868 Democrat presidential nominee, denounced the Emancipation Proclamation.

Read more:
150 Years Ago Today… Republicans Freed the Slaves | The Gateway Pundit

Today Maobama, the Senate and Congress enslaved all Americans.

Yep, the original Republican Party was something great. Too bad it lost its way starting about 45 years ago.

Now there is nothing but frothing hatred toward gays, Muslims, and immigrants.
Another thread about how far the Republican Party has fallen in the last 150 years.

...yes, we liberals get it; that's why we're not Republicans.

Actually that is an over simplification. I was a Republican when they stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. When Reagan began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the short fall for his tax breaks for the wealthy and ran the debt up to four times what it had been I suspected I was in the wrong party. Sure 'Nuff....I haven't voted Republican in a national election since I voted for Reagan in 1984. I've only voted three times in that 28 years and each time I voted against the spend and borrow Republicans.
And this is the part where some lib chimes in and tell us it was actually the folks that are now Democrats but where then Republicans who did this.
by Jim Hoft
January 1, 2013

Another Great moment in Republican Party History. On this day in 1863 Republicans freed the slaves.

Republicans rejoiced. Democrats cursed. Grand Old Partisan reported:

On New Year’s Day in 1863, the Republican Party’s Emancipation Proclamation came into effect. While Republicans rejoiced, Democrat politicians and newspapers denounced President Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) for freeing slaves. Demonstrating their depravity, New York’s Gov. Horatio Seymour, who would be the 1868 Democrat presidential nominee, denounced the Emancipation Proclamation.

Read more:
150 Years Ago Today… Republicans Freed the Slaves | The Gateway Pundit

Today Maobama, the Senate and Congress enslaved all Americans.

Yep, the original Republican Party was something great. Too bad it lost its way starting about 45 years ago.

Now there is nothing but frothing hatred toward gays, Muslims, and immigrants.

How can something that is blatantly untrue be too bad? There is no hate for gays, muslims, or immigrants.
Another thread about how far the Republican Party has fallen in the last 150 years.

...yes, we liberals get it; that's why we're not Republicans.

Actually that is an over simplification. I was a Republican when they stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. When Reagan began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the short fall for his tax breaks for the wealthy and ran the debt up to four times what it had been I suspected I was in the wrong party. Sure 'Nuff....I haven't voted Republican in a national election since I voted for Reagan in 1984. I've only voted three times in that 28 years and each time I voted against the spend and borrow Republicans.

So, now in protest, you vote in lockstep with a party that is for big government, can't even do a budget, throws individual rights down the toilet and throws billions away on bankrupt green energy and racks up trillions in debt?

You're a fucking retard.
by Jim Hoft
January 1, 2013

Another Great moment in Republican Party History. On this day in 1863 Republicans freed the slaves.

Republicans rejoiced. Democrats cursed. Grand Old Partisan reported:

On New Year’s Day in 1863, the Republican Party’s Emancipation Proclamation came into effect. While Republicans rejoiced, Democrat politicians and newspapers denounced President Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) for freeing slaves. Demonstrating their depravity, New York’s Gov. Horatio Seymour, who would be the 1868 Democrat presidential nominee, denounced the Emancipation Proclamation.

Read more:
150 Years Ago Today… Republicans Freed the Slaves | The Gateway Pundit

Today Maobama, the Senate and Congress enslaved all Americans.

Yep, the original Republican Party was something great. Too bad it lost its way starting about 45 years ago.

Now there is nothing but frothing hatred toward gays, Muslims, and immigrants.

You know, just because you and your like-minded mouth-breathers say this is so, doesn't make it so.

Why must you lie so much? Is it part of the liberal DNA.. the need to lie about everything?

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