151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.
Why won't you guys answer the most obvious question?

This is how it goes so far. The South was mostly Democrat, and the north Republican. The Civil War happened and the Republicans in the north won. Since that time, the south is mostly Republican and the north mostly Democrat. So how did that happen? How did the northern Republicans move south and the southern Democrats move North? And how did the KKK, the Alt Right, the Confederates and the Aryan Nation end up part of the Republican Party?

Can you at least explain this obvious outcome?
The South was mostly Baptist. KKK members were primarily Baptists

Baptists formed the KKK

:lol: Actually the second Klan did have a disproportionate number of Methodists. True story.

Hey! Composition Fallacists! Batter up here!
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux.

Fast forward 151 years and they are owned and boned by the far right...my how things change. The left grow up, the conservatives are stuck in the past.

They were always far-right. Fascists, technically. "The left" in 1865 would have been in the Republican Party ---- which even featured a far-left wing.
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux.

Fast forward 151 years and they are owned and boned by the far right...my how things change. The left grow up, the conservatives are stuck in the past.

They were always far-right. Fascists, technically. "The left" in 1865 would have been in the Republican Party ---- which even featured a far-left wing.
Nothing like big .gov to protect the democrats institution of slavery......and the democrats subsequent kkk terrorist wing.....

Besides being a klansman, you are an all around democrat idiot....:lol:

At this stage...is there really any difference between the Republican Party and the Klan?

Yes Winger! Between the Republican party and the klan is a group called liberals. They are also known in some circles as Democrats, and they are certainly between the two, although much closer to the Klan than the Republicans-)

It's not ME....its YOU
Section 6 of the GOP playbook

Let's do this......why don't you post elements of the Democratic Party platform that are similar to the KKK

I have already done it for Republicans

Here Winger, try this-)

The real story of the political switcheroo, that Democrats don't tell you!

Let's hear you explain this:

Why did Barry Goldwater win 87% of the vote in Mississippi in 1964 if the state was a racist Democrat state?
The last of the old segregationist Southern Democrats is Zell Miller.

Every conservative's favorite Democrat.

Zell's defiantly Democrat "'til the day I die" as he says even while campaigning for Republicans.

Not aware that he's ever been a segregationist though. Supposedly he got Lester Maddox to soften up on that account. Zell Miller's from the mountains just over the border from here in Appalachia --- there's not much around here in the way of racism, possibly owing to never having much of a history of slavery. This general area voted against secession in 1861 and stayed Union-loyal.

Miller also made an effort to remove the Confederate logo from the Georgia state flag, for whatever that's worth.
At this stage...is there really any difference between the Republican Party and the Klan?

Yes Winger! Between the Republican party and the klan is a group called liberals. They are also known in some circles as Democrats, and they are certainly between the two, although much closer to the Klan than the Republicans-)

It's not ME....its YOU
Section 6 of the GOP playbook

Let's do this......why don't you post elements of the Democratic Party platform that are similar to the KKK

I have already done it for Republicans

Opps, sorry, I missed that, which post did you post your facts in?
From Post 243

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Now.....show where TODAYS Democratic Party (not 150 years ago) has a platform remotely similar to the Klan
At this stage...is there really any difference between the Republican Party and the Klan?

Yes Winger! Between the Republican party and the klan is a group called liberals. They are also known in some circles as Democrats, and they are certainly between the two, although much closer to the Klan than the Republicans-)

It's not ME....its YOU
Section 6 of the GOP playbook

Let's do this......why don't you post elements of the Democratic Party platform that are similar to the KKK

I have already done it for Republicans

Here Winger, try this-)

The real story of the political switcheroo, that Democrats don't tell you!
Has nothing to do with my post
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux.

Fast forward 151 years and they are owned and boned by the far right...my how things change. The left grow up, the conservatives are stuck in the past.

They were always far-right. Fascists, technically. "The left" in 1865 would have been in the Republican Party ---- which even featured a far-left wing.
Nothing like big .gov to protect the democrats institution of slavery......and the democrats subsequent kkk terrorist wing.....

Besides being a klansman, you are an all around democrat idiot....:lol:

"Big government" was absolutely part of the Republican motif when it was young. That element was brought in by the Whigs, who largely fueled its original base. Lincoln had been a Whig for twenty years. "Forty acres and a mule" (first Affirmative Action) for an example. Yet another fun fact for those weasels who start moaning "don't you dare tell us how the parties switched positions" and then go :lalala:

"States rights" the opposite of that, used to be the battle cry of George Wallace and Strom Thurmond. Then Ronald Reagan took it up. But there's "no party shift" :eusa_liar:
At this stage...is there really any difference between the Republican Party and the Klan?

Yes Winger! Between the Republican party and the klan is a group called liberals. They are also known in some circles as Democrats, and they are certainly between the two, although much closer to the Klan than the Republicans-)

It's not ME....its YOU
Section 6 of the GOP playbook

Let's do this......why don't you post elements of the Democratic Party platform that are similar to the KKK

I have already done it for Republicans

Here Winger, try this-)

The real story of the political switcheroo, that Democrats don't tell you!

Let's hear you explain this:

Why did Barry Goldwater win 87% of the vote in Mississippi in 1964 if the state was a racist Democrat state?

Well Carebear, I think you already know why, but just in case you and your leftists friends don't, let me help you-)

And for my conservative friends, please start to educate yourselves on these matters, nothing is as it seems, lol. The Democrats have spun a good yarn for sure, but you can unravel it easily. I know, why go through the work to prove someone like Carebear or winger wrong!

The answer to that question is easy-------->they are the type of people who put forth NARRATIVE, and once you disprove their narrative, you have the ammunition to change minds. Every narrative has an answer, and answer they aren't going to tell you!

Why did Mississippi go so heavily Republican in 64? Because MORE BLACK PEOPLE VOTED, lol! Read the link, and see what those charming and delightful Democrats tried to pull off on black people, including Johnson! Oh, it was called "Freedom Summer" there carebear and leftists, just in case you didn't know! Umm, and yes, it meant freedom for BLACK people in Mississippi, you damn fools!

Freedom Summer campaign for African American voting rights in Mississippi, 1964 | Global Nonviolent Action Database As it shows, Johnson and the racist Democrats tried to screw Black America, yet again, and as usual!
At this stage...is there really any difference between the Republican Party and the Klan?

Yes Winger! Between the Republican party and the klan is a group called liberals. They are also known in some circles as Democrats, and they are certainly between the two, although much closer to the Klan than the Republicans-)

It's not ME....its YOU
Section 6 of the GOP playbook

Let's do this......why don't you post elements of the Democratic Party platform that are similar to the KKK

I have already done it for Republicans

Opps, sorry, I missed that, which post did you post your facts in?
From Post 243

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Now.....show where TODAYS Democratic Party (not 150 years ago) has a platform remotely similar to the Klan

Seriously dude, or dudette, whichever-----------> one of the 1st links on your wonderful site gave me this---->http://www.officialteapartyusa.com/...to-Obama-and-his-ilk-7.12.2013/discussion.htm something in France I believe. Do you even have a clue what you are posting, lol! It is kinda funny that you, a professional poster, can't even check your own links proof page, but that is ok, try again. I will give you 3 chances, and the 1st 2 don't count!

Lefties, you just gotta love their incompetence-)

Why did Mississippi go so heavily Republican in 64? Because MORE BLACK PEOPLE VOTED, lol! Read the link, and see what those charming and delightful Democrats tried to pull off on black people, including Johnson! Oh, it was called "Freedom Summer" there carebear and leftists, just in case you didn't know! Umm, and yes, it meant freedom for BLACK people in Mississippi, you damn fools!

LOL, funniest thing you've ever posted:

Election Polls -- Vote by Groups, 1960-1964

1964, Goldwater's share of the non-white vote: 6%

Goddam you're stupid.

Why did Mississippi go so heavily Republican in 64? Because MORE BLACK PEOPLE VOTED, lol! Read the link, and see what those charming and delightful Democrats tried to pull off on black people, including Johnson! Oh, it was called "Freedom Summer" there carebear and leftists, just in case you didn't know! Umm, and yes, it meant freedom for BLACK people in Mississippi, you damn fools!

LOL, funniest thing you've ever posted:

Election Polls -- Vote by Groups, 1960-1964

1964, Goldwater's share of the non-white vote: 6%

Goddam you're stupid.

LOL, no I am not......if you notice, the Democrats were brought down-) Even the link I posted showed it was racist Democrats, and.....did you check how many Military sites are in Mississippi? Hmmmmmmmm, want to keep going-)
At this stage...is there really any difference between the Republican Party and the Klan?

Yes Winger! Between the Republican party and the klan is a group called liberals. They are also known in some circles as Democrats, and they are certainly between the two, although much closer to the Klan than the Republicans-)

It's not ME....its YOU
Section 6 of the GOP playbook

Let's do this......why don't you post elements of the Democratic Party platform that are similar to the KKK

I have already done it for Republicans

Opps, sorry, I missed that, which post did you post your facts in?
From Post 243

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Now.....show where TODAYS Democratic Party (not 150 years ago) has a platform remotely similar to the Klan

Seriously dude, or dudette, whichever-----------> one of the 1st links on your wonderful site gave me this---->http://www.officialteapartyusa.com/...to-Obama-and-his-ilk-7.12.2013/discussion.htm something in France I believe. Do you even have a clue what you are posting, lol! It is kinda funny that you, a professional poster, can't even check your own links proof page, but that is ok, try again. I will give you 3 chances, and the 1st 2 don't count!

Lefties, you just gotta love their incompetence-)
That's funny....for some reason my link gives me this

HERE is the KKK platform........compare to the Republican platform

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.
Yes Winger! Between the Republican party and the klan is a group called liberals. They are also known in some circles as Democrats, and they are certainly between the two, although much closer to the Klan than the Republicans-)

It's not ME....its YOU
Section 6 of the GOP playbook

Let's do this......why don't you post elements of the Democratic Party platform that are similar to the KKK

I have already done it for Republicans

Opps, sorry, I missed that, which post did you post your facts in?
From Post 243

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Now.....show where TODAYS Democratic Party (not 150 years ago) has a platform remotely similar to the Klan

Seriously dude, or dudette, whichever-----------> one of the 1st links on your wonderful site gave me this---->http://www.officialteapartyusa.com/...to-Obama-and-his-ilk-7.12.2013/discussion.htm something in France I believe. Do you even have a clue what you are posting, lol! It is kinda funny that you, a professional poster, can't even check your own links proof page, but that is ok, try again. I will give you 3 chances, and the 1st 2 don't count!

Lefties, you just gotta love their incompetence-)
That's funny....for some reason my link gives me this

HERE is the KKK platform........compare to the Republican platform

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

I was checking the links, inside your links, that give them cause to draw their conclusions. As I said, some French site.
Why did Mississippi go so heavily Republican in 64? Because MORE BLACK PEOPLE VOTED, lol! Read the link, and see what those charming and delightful Democrats tried to pull off on black people, including Johnson! Oh, it was called "Freedom Summer" there carebear and leftists, just in case you didn't know! Umm, and yes, it meant freedom for BLACK people in Mississippi, you damn fools!
LOL, funniest thing you've ever posted:

Election Polls -- Vote by Groups, 1960-1964

1964, Goldwater's share of the non-white vote: 6%

Goddam you're stupid.
Yeah, bout damn near split a gut reading that one.
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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