151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

Why did Mississippi go so heavily Republican in 64? Because MORE BLACK PEOPLE VOTED, lol!

"lol" is right, since the black vote has been heavily skewed to Democrats since the 1930s.


So that would have produced the opposite effect. Always check your point before posting to make sure you actually have one.

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Really, then what do you call this?

From a link from a site that explains the whole thing. You people have seriously jaded Black America, and in its current form, are doing it for the people that take jobs, ILLEGAL ALIENS!


The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) challenged the seating of the all white delegates of the state’s Democratic Party, confronting the convention with two delegations claiming the same seats. Due to an intense speech in Atlantic City by MFDP’s Fannie Lou Hamer, television viewers in many states sent messages to their delegates urging their support for seating the MFDP. Protesters on the Atlantic City boardwalk picketed outside the convention center, urging the seating of the MFDP instead of the segregationist white Mississippi Democrats.

Democratic President Lyndon Baines Johnson was in the meantime putting pressure on the Convention’s credentials committee not to seat the MFDP; the Southern states in 1964 were both segregationist and Democratic Party strongholds, and Johnson didn’t want to risk their support for his re-election.

The compromise offered to the MFDP was two of the seats in the Mississippi delegation and a promise to ban any group guilty of discrimination from future conventions.

In response to this offer, all but 4 of the white Mississippi Democratic Party members walked out. MFDP turned down the compromise saying the credentials committee “can’t just issue two seats at large for a moral issue.” To back up their words the MFDP occupied the seats that were vacated by the other Mississippi Democratic Party members; the national Democratic Party leadership had them removed from the building.

While the MFDP did not take the place of the white Democratic Party for Mississippi in 1964, its action led to a future ban against seating delegations chosen through racial discrimination. After a summer of education, voter registration, beatings and killings, the MFDP’s confrontation of the national Democratic Party brought Freedom Summer to a dramatic close.
The KKK was started by former soldiers of the Confederacy,

which is the single most important reason you see so many conservatives so vigorously defend the display of the Confederate Flag.


Maybe we should ask NY since he is such an historical scholar-----> forget the KKK for a second..........remember when Kennedy had to send in the national guard, remember when all the water cannons were used on black people fighting for their rights? Which political party did virtually ALL of the people doing these transgressions belong to! Oh wait, wait, say it isn't so....you mean the charming, delightful, open minded, all inclusive DEMOCRATS?!?!?!?!?!

And now.........wait for it........we are going to hear all about how Democrats and Republicans switched sides, but this time, we are ready for them! Let us look back and see which politicians in control in the South switched party's-) If they didn't switch party's leftists, it didn't happen, now did it, lol. Be specific! And of course, we will show all the politicians who were in charge of the water cannons, and which political party they belonged to a little further down the road-) Once you delve into individual politicians, your whole phony theory falls apart, and you are laid bare as the party of racism!
And you do know that JFK was a DEMOCRAT President, don't YOU? A Democrat President sent troops to put down civil unrest wrought by White racists, not Democrats. There is no proof that the rioting White racists of that era were affiliated with any political party. You just assume they were without really knowing. But looking at the GOP today, I don't see much difference between the two when it comes to racial matters.Both parties fre full of racists.
Blacks are democrats because most of them are working class people who have a vested interest in labor and the collective bargaining apparatus that drives it. Most Blacks aren't liberal, they are just part of a labor force that is politically aligned with the Democratic Party. 75% of Backs live above the poverty level as a result of that strategy.

Ummm, really! Seriously? Ever hear of George Wallace? How about Bull Connor!

Folks, are these lefties that dumb, or do they think that we are that dumb not to catch them in their obvious, propaganda lies, lol!
Yes, I have heard of those two conservative democrats. Did you hear George Wallace refer to
the Freedom Riders as liberals although most were democrats too? Your attempt to make hatred and prejudice he national character of the Democratic Party fails miserably under closer scrutiny. And that held true even during the civil rights era. Republicans are quick to point the finger at conservative democrats of a bygone era while extolling the "virtues" of GOP conservatism today. For people of color, the key word here is "conservative." When a "conservative takes off his blue coat and dons a red jacket he remains a conservative.
Conservatism, has traditionally been associated with racism in this country no matter which party claims it!
Conservatism, has traditionally been associated with racism in this country no matter which party claims it!

Yeah if you believe everything the LMSM tells you, the Democrats gave birth to the KKK in the 1860's, the 1910's and the 1950's, this is recorded history...
Conservatives started the kkk.

Unless one of you misinformists want to argue tha bum fuck Tennessee is the hot bed of liberalism.
The KKK was started by former soldiers of the Confederacy,

which is the single most important reason you see so many conservatives so vigorously defend the display of the Confederate Flag.


Maybe we should ask NY since he is such an historical scholar-----> forget the KKK for a second..........remember when Kennedy had to send in the national guard, remember when all the water cannons were used on black people fighting for their rights? Which political party did virtually ALL of the people doing these transgressions belong to! Oh wait, wait, say it isn't so....you mean the charming, delightful, open minded, all inclusive DEMOCRATS?!?!?!?!?!

And now.........wait for it........we are going to hear all about how Democrats and Republicans switched sides, but this time, we are ready for them! Let us look back and see which politicians in control in the South switched party's-) If they didn't switch party's leftists, it didn't happen, now did it, lol. Be specific! And of course, we will show all the politicians who were in charge of the water cannons, and which political party they belonged to a little further down the road-) Once you delve into individual politicians, your whole phony theory falls apart, and you are laid bare as the party of racism!
And you do know that JFK was a DEMOCRAT President, don't YOU? A Democrat President sent troops to put down civil unrest wrought by White racists, not Democrats. There is no proof that the rioting White racists of that era were affiliated with any political party. You just assume they were without really knowing. But looking at the GOP today, I don't see much difference between the two when it comes to racial matters.Both parties fre full of racists.
Blacks are democrats because most of them are working class people who have a vested interest in labor and the collective bargaining apparatus that drives it. Most Blacks aren't liberal, they are just part of a labor force that is politically aligned with the Democratic Party. 75% of Backs live above the poverty level as a result of that strategy.

Ummm, really! Seriously? Ever hear of George Wallace? How about Bull Connor!

Folks, are these lefties that dumb, or do they think that we are that dumb not to catch them in their obvious, propaganda lies, lol!
Yes, I have heard of those two conservative democrats. Did you hear George Wallace refer to
the Freedom Riders as liberals although most were democrats too? Your attempt to make hatred and prejudice he national character of the Democratic Party fails miserably under closer scrutiny. And that held true even during the civil rights era. Republicans are quick to point the finger at conservative democrats of a bygone era while extolling the "virtues" of GOP conservatism today. For people of color, the key word here is "conservative." When a "conservative takes off his blue coat and dons a red jacket he remains a conservative.
Conservatism, has traditionally been associated with racism in this country no matter which party claims it!

Mostly agree although I would put it the opposite way. It's certainly possible to be conservative and not be racist (far as I know that would apply to Goldwater) --- but it's not possible to be racist and not be conservative.

The mistake the wags on this board constantly make is to ass ---ume that the label "Democrat" always means "liberal" and "Republican" always means "conservative". Not only is that not the case over historical time, it's not even true on a single day.

I'll keep hammering the point until it sinks in for them --- the purpose of a political party is not to represent this or that ideology; it is to get elected.
Conservatism, has traditionally been associated with racism in this country no matter which party claims it!

Yeah if you believe everything the LMSM tells you, the Democrats gave birth to the KKK in the 1860's, the 1910's and the 1950's, this is recorded history...

Except the LMSM never said that. Nor do the history books or Congressional investigations.
It's not "LMSM" that makes that claim but rather "USMB". As in the OP here who posts that and then cites a History Channel page that refutes him right in the same post.
Trump could not have won without the support of the KKK

Well just so you understand he doesn't know what you're even talking about OK? Did they endorse him or what? Because he's never even heard of David Duke, 66, of Metairie Louisiana, Republican candidate for Senator. Has no idea what you're even talking about with white supremacists, OKKK?
Trump could not have won without the support of the KKK

Well just so you understand he doesn't know what you're even talking about OK? Did they endorse him or what? Because he's never even heard of David Duke, 66, of Metairie Louisiana, Republican candidate for Senator. Has no idea what you're even talking about with white supremacists, OKKK?
The outright racist vote was more than enough to push Trump over the top

Trump courted that vote and it helped him win
Trump could not have won without the support of the KKK

Well just so you understand he doesn't know what you're even talking about OK? Did they endorse him or what? Because he's never even heard of David Duke, 66, of Metairie Louisiana, Republican candidate for Senator. Has no idea what you're even talking about with white supremacists, OKKK?
The outright racist vote was more than enough to push Trump over the top

Trump courted that vote and it helped him win

Which is a supreme irony ----- knuckledraggers who would never ever vote for a black guy, drooled all down their shirts for an Orange one.
It's easy to understand your denial, Forrest was the original Grand Wizard (Delegate to the 1868 DNC), Coolidge played The Birth of a Nation as the first movie to be shown in the White House and when you look at the statistical facts, Republican Senators and Congressman voted considerably more in favor for CRA from the 1860's all the way until the 1964 CRA.

But today we have the liberals many of whom post here on USMB like Pogo, Jake and RW who want you to believe none of this is true. No they want you to believe it has some weird twist and these are just coincidental FACTS that have nothing to do with the the DNC. I'll say it again, name the Southern Democrats (the 11 Confederate States) who became Southern Republicans over this 150+ year period of time, and to date you can only name 1, Strom Thurmond. That is statistically very weak considering the number of US Senators, US Congressman, State Senators, State Representatives, State Governors, etc... that have been elected.

The truth is that the DNC was and has been the strongest connection to the KKK from it's inception when it comes to our political parties, this is recorded history no matter how you try to manipulate it...
democrat attitudes in this regard have not changed, only their tactics and PR.
Trump could not have won without the support of the KKK

Is this inline with your statement of "The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet" or do you have some LMSM Poll to support it?

You need to get a new gig...
It's easy to understand your denial, Forrest was the original Grand Wizard (Delegate to the 1868 DNC), Coolidge played The Birth of a Nation as the first movie to be shown in the White House and when you look at the statistical facts, Republican Senators and Congressman voted considerably more in favor for CRA from the 1860's all the way until the 1964 CRA.

But today we have the liberals many of whom post here on USMB like Pogo, Jake and RW who want you to believe none of this is true. No they want you to believe it has some weird twist and these are just coincidental FACTS that have nothing to do with the the DNC. I'll say it again, name the Southern Democrats (the 11 Confederate States) who became Southern Republicans over this 150+ year period of time, and to date you can only name 1, Strom Thurmond. That is statistically very weak considering the number of US Senators, US Congressman, State Senators, State Representatives, State Governors, etc... that have been elected.

The truth is that the DNC was and has been the strongest connection to the KKK from it's inception when it comes to our political parties, this is recorded history no matter how you try to manipulate it...
You are missing the point

It is not politicians switching parties but the electorate switching who they vote for

After Democrat LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, the South turned from Solid Democrat to Solid Republican

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