151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.
Isn't it a hoot how the Democrats are panicking and running for the tall grass on this?

The truth kills them. They absolutely cannot stand to have it come out. They must make up all the excuses and diversions they can think of.

"But, but, but they weren't REALLY Democrats back then!! Umm, they've changed! That's it, they've changed!

"BTW, Republicans are racist poopy-heads! Yeah, Republicans are the problem!!! PLEASE stop talking about Democrats!!!"
It's not revision if it's accurate. They fought for state rights against a President who believed the government didn't have enough power.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~

The South has always been conservative throughout. You can't have slaves and not be conservative. It demands a hierarchical view of humans. You're perhaps too young to have seen enough of the world to know this but trust me. I grew up a child of parents from each side of the Mason Dixon line. I was immersed in both from an early age. White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South. Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ballots there in either election he ran in. The party was only six years old and concentrated its efforts in the North and Midwest, where it knew its support would be. Consequently in 1861 there were no Republicans in the South.

When the War was over the Republicans were seen culturally as the heavy hand of federal gummint (they were after all largely Whigs) and most deeply as the "party of Lincoln", the man who had defeated and humiliated it. Consequently it became unthinkable for white Southerners, who very much saw themselves as playing defense, to be a Republican, for a long long time. 99 years to be exact. As a result of that, the South was in effect a one-party State. You wanted to run for office, your choices were: (1) run as a Democrat, or (2) lose. That had to do much more with tradition than with any ideology. Tradition and the emotional baggage of Lincoln's name.

But that conservatism was always at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party's base, which was to its shame trying to be all things to all people to amass votes (which is after all what a political party exists for). Case in point, George Wallace in the 1960s constantly railing against "Liberals" -- he's talking about the other side of his own bipolar party. Case in point, the Dixiecrats who walked out of the Democratic convention in 1948 and ran their own candidates --- even got Harry Truman pulled off the ballot in at least one state. They did that because they were hearing way too much Liberalism from Truman and from then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who made an impassioned speech for civil rights.

This bipolar tension was always there, even back to 1860 when Southerners also walked out of that year's convention and again ran their own ticket.

The short version --- "conservative" doesn't necessarily mean "Republican", even when Republicans became conservatives.

That all didn't change until 1964 (there's your 99 years) when Strom Thurmnd did the unthinkable and became a Republican. And he did that because the Democrats just weren't conservative enough and he couldn't hack it any more. It was a big step at the time because it was a huge break with tradition.

(Thurmond was a bit of a maverick though --- after he endorsed Eisenhower in 1952 the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in ..... which he won.)
Now you almost have to be GOP or lose in the South...
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

You've posted this every 12 hours like clockwork, oblivious to your oblivity. Matter of fact you posted both of the posts on this page before because you're too much of a fucking moron to think of any new lies.

I busted your OP last night, pointing out that the first two sentences in YOUR OWN LINK disprove the shit you made up. Moreover I've invited you to prove me wrong and show me any political affiliations of Crowe, Lester, Kennedy, Reed, Jones and/or McCord ---- and you can't do it. And the reason you can't do it is because no such evidence EXISTS.

Yet here you are posting the same fiction yet again expecting different results.

You must be drinking Flint water.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~

The South has always been conservative throughout. You can't have slaves and not be conservative. It demands a hierarchical view of humans. You're perhaps too young to have seen enough of the world to know this but trust me. I grew up a child of parents from each side of the Mason Dixon line. I was immersed in both from an early age. White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South. Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ballots there in either election he ran in. The party was only six years old and concentrated its efforts in the North and Midwest, where it knew its support would be. Consequently in 1861 there were no Republicans in the South.

When the War was over the Republicans were seen culturally as the heavy hand of federal gummint (they were after all largely Whigs) and most deeply as the "party of Lincoln", the man who had defeated and humiliated it. Consequently it became unthinkable for white Southerners, who very much saw themselves as playing defense, to be a Republican, for a long long time. 99 years to be exact. As a result of that, the South was in effect a one-party State. You wanted to run for office, your choices were: (1) run as a Democrat, or (2) lose. That had to do much more with tradition than with any ideology. Tradition and the emotional baggage of Lincoln's name.

But that conservatism was always at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party's base, which was to its shame trying to be all things to all people to amass votes (which is after all what a political party exists for). Case in point, George Wallace in the 1960s constantly railing against "Liberals" -- he's talking about the other side of his own bipolar party. Case in point, the Dixiecrats who walked out of the Democratic convention in 1948 and ran their own candidates --- even got Harry Truman pulled off the ballot in at least one state. They did that because they were hearing way too much Liberalism from Truman and from then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who made an impassioned speech for civil rights.

This bipolar tension was always there, even back to 1860 when Southerners also walked out of that year's convention and again ran their own ticket.

The short version --- "conservative" doesn't necessarily mean "Republican", even when Republicans became conservatives.

That all didn't change until 1964 (there's your 99 years) when Strom Thurmnd did the unthinkable and became a Republican. And he did that because the Democrats just weren't conservative enough and he couldn't hack it any more. It was a big step at the time because it was a huge break with tradition.

(Thurmond was a bit of a maverick though --- after he endorsed Eisenhower in 1952 the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in ..... which he won.)
Now you almost have to be GOP or lose in the South...

That's true, it's gone from one extreme to the other. But at least they're more comfortable now. Since they found themselves a party that actually reflects their native conservatism they've disrupted zero conventions, walked out of zero presidential tickets, run their own candidates zero times and had zero Senators kicked off the ballot requiring them to run as a write-in.
It's not revision if it's accurate. They fought for state rights against a President who believed the government didn't have enough power.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~

The South has always been conservative throughout. You can't have slaves and not be conservative. It demands a hierarchical view of humans. You're perhaps too young to have seen enough of the world to know this but trust me. I grew up a child of parents from each side of the Mason Dixon line. I was immersed in both from an early age. White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South. Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ballots there in either election he ran in. The party was only six years old and concentrated its efforts in the North and Midwest, where it knew its support would be. Consequently in 1861 there were no Republicans in the South.

When the War was over the Republicans were seen culturally as the heavy hand of federal gummint (they were after all largely Whigs) and most deeply as the "party of Lincoln", the man who had defeated and humiliated it. Consequently it became unthinkable for white Southerners, who very much saw themselves as playing defense, to be a Republican, for a long long time. 99 years to be exact. As a result of that, the South was in effect a one-party State. You wanted to run for office, your choices were: (1) run as a Democrat, or (2) lose. That had to do much more with tradition than with any ideology. Tradition and the emotional baggage of Lincoln's name.

But that conservatism was always at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party's base, which was to its shame trying to be all things to all people to amass votes (which is after all what a political party exists for). Case in point, George Wallace in the 1960s constantly railing against "Liberals" -- he's talking about the other side of his own bipolar party. Case in point, the Dixiecrats who walked out of the Democratic convention in 1948 and ran their own candidates --- even got Harry Truman pulled off the ballot in at least one state. They did that because they were hearing way too much Liberalism from Truman and from then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who made an impassioned speech for civil rights.

This bipolar tension was always there, even back to 1860 when Southerners also walked out of that year's convention and again ran their own ticket.

The short version --- "conservative" doesn't necessarily mean "Republican", even when Republicans became conservatives.

That all didn't change until 1964 (there's your 99 years) when Strom Thurmnd did the unthinkable and became a Republican. And he did that because the Democrats just weren't conservative enough and he couldn't hack it any more. It was a big step at the time because it was a huge break with tradition.

(Thurmond was a bit of a maverick though --- after he endorsed Eisenhower in 1952 the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in ..... which he won.)

The last part of your post ---- no, the Klan wasn't founded by or comprised of "Democrats" except to the point where they may have been coincidental. But it required no political party. Were some of the Klan also Democrats? Almost certainly. If you were white and registered with a party at all, you were usually a Democrat, whether you were a racist or not. Just as in Maine (the largest chapter outside the South) if you were a Klanner you were probably a Republican, again simply because they dominated Maine for the same hundred year period (1855-1955). But that doesn't make either party a causation.

You're wrong, name the Democrats who became Republicans from the 11 Confederate states who switched parties as you claim from 1861 to 2016...
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~

The South has always been conservative throughout. You can't have slaves and not be conservative. It demands a hierarchical view of humans. You're perhaps too young to have seen enough of the world to know this but trust me. I grew up a child of parents from each side of the Mason Dixon line. I was immersed in both from an early age. White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South. Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ballots there in either election he ran in. The party was only six years old and concentrated its efforts in the North and Midwest, where it knew its support would be. Consequently in 1861 there were no Republicans in the South.

When the War was over the Republicans were seen culturally as the heavy hand of federal gummint (they were after all largely Whigs) and most deeply as the "party of Lincoln", the man who had defeated and humiliated it. Consequently it became unthinkable for white Southerners, who very much saw themselves as playing defense, to be a Republican, for a long long time. 99 years to be exact. As a result of that, the South was in effect a one-party State. You wanted to run for office, your choices were: (1) run as a Democrat, or (2) lose. That had to do much more with tradition than with any ideology. Tradition and the emotional baggage of Lincoln's name.

But that conservatism was always at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party's base, which was to its shame trying to be all things to all people to amass votes (which is after all what a political party exists for). Case in point, George Wallace in the 1960s constantly railing against "Liberals" -- he's talking about the other side of his own bipolar party. Case in point, the Dixiecrats who walked out of the Democratic convention in 1948 and ran their own candidates --- even got Harry Truman pulled off the ballot in at least one state. They did that because they were hearing way too much Liberalism from Truman and from then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who made an impassioned speech for civil rights.

This bipolar tension was always there, even back to 1860 when Southerners also walked out of that year's convention and again ran their own ticket.

The short version --- "conservative" doesn't necessarily mean "Republican", even when Republicans became conservatives.

That all didn't change until 1964 (there's your 99 years) when Strom Thurmnd did the unthinkable and became a Republican. And he did that because the Democrats just weren't conservative enough and he couldn't hack it any more. It was a big step at the time because it was a huge break with tradition.

(Thurmond was a bit of a maverick though --- after he endorsed Eisenhower in 1952 the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in ..... which he won.)

The last part of your post ---- no, the Klan wasn't founded by or comprised of "Democrats" except to the point where they may have been coincidental. But it required no political party. Were some of the Klan also Democrats? Almost certainly. If you were white and registered with a party at all, you were usually a Democrat, whether you were a racist or not. Just as in Maine (the largest chapter outside the South) if you were a Klanner you were probably a Republican, again simply because they dominated Maine for the same hundred year period (1855-1955). But that doesn't make either party a causation.

You're wrong, name the Democrats who became Republicans from the 11 Confederate states who switched parties as you claim from 1861 to 2016...

Ummm --- what?

Might wanna put the ole reading glasses on and read that again. This doesn't make any sense.
Bull, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention and no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves.
Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.
And a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably documents that fact.

The KKK was founded by ex Confederate soldiers, all hard core extremist conservative racists. The Confederate flags, all of them, are symbols of a bad America of racism and limited civil liberties for all. Pumpkin Row does not understand any of it.

Little-Acorn uses Democrat or variation four times. The article and link do not use it at all. Bad OP. Close the thread, mods.

It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~

The South has always been conservative throughout. You can't have slaves and not be conservative. It demands a hierarchical view of humans. You're perhaps too young to have seen enough of the world to know this but trust me. I grew up a child of parents from each side of the Mason Dixon line. I was immersed in both from an early age. White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South. Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ballots there in either election he ran in. The party was only six years old and concentrated its efforts in the North and Midwest, where it knew its support would be. Consequently in 1861 there were no Republicans in the South.

When the War was over the Republicans were seen culturally as the heavy hand of federal gummint (they were after all largely Whigs) and most deeply as the "party of Lincoln", the man who had defeated and humiliated it. Consequently it became unthinkable for white Southerners, who very much saw themselves as playing defense, to be a Republican, for a long long time. 99 years to be exact. As a result of that, the South was in effect a one-party State. You wanted to run for office, your choices were: (1) run as a Democrat, or (2) lose. That had to do much more with tradition than with any ideology. Tradition and the emotional baggage of Lincoln's name.

But that conservatism was always at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party's base, which was to its shame trying to be all things to all people to amass votes (which is after all what a political party exists for). Case in point, George Wallace in the 1960s constantly railing against "Liberals" -- he's talking about the other side of his own bipolar party. Case in point, the Dixiecrats who walked out of the Democratic convention in 1948 and ran their own candidates --- even got Harry Truman pulled off the ballot in at least one state. They did that because they were hearing way too much Liberalism from Truman and from then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who made an impassioned speech for civil rights.

This bipolar tension was always there, even back to 1860 when Southerners also walked out of that year's convention and again ran their own ticket.

The short version --- "conservative" doesn't necessarily mean "Republican", even when Republicans became conservatives.

That all didn't change until 1964 (there's your 99 years) when Strom Thurmnd did the unthinkable and became a Republican. And he did that because the Democrats just weren't conservative enough and he couldn't hack it any more. It was a big step at the time because it was a huge break with tradition.

(Thurmond was a bit of a maverick though --- after he endorsed Eisenhower in 1952 the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in ..... which he won.)

The last part of your post ---- no, the Klan wasn't founded by or comprised of "Democrats" except to the point where they may have been coincidental. But it required no political party. Were some of the Klan also Democrats? Almost certainly. If you were white and registered with a party at all, you were usually a Democrat, whether you were a racist or not. Just as in Maine (the largest chapter outside the South) if you were a Klanner you were probably a Republican, again simply because they dominated Maine for the same hundred year period (1855-1955). But that doesn't make either party a causation.

You're wrong, name the Democrats who became Republicans from the 11 Confederate states who switched parties as you claim from 1861 to 2016...
All the ones they have...dumb question. All magically became GOP 1964-2016...
You can't have slaves and not be conservative.

You're so full of shit, the South was Democrat, nothing else and they were anything but Conservatives. You were taught a lie, get up to speed with the truth.

White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

Then what were they? The "emotional history", you're so full of shit, again name the Democrats who became Republicans from 1861 to 2016. That's over a 150 years and you can't name anyone other than Strom Thurmond?

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South.

That's correct because they were all Democrats, so tell us why the 11 Confederate States seceded from the Union?

The last part of your post ---- no, the Klan wasn't founded by or comprised of "Democrats" except to the point where they may have been coincidental.

So now your excuse for the KKK was it happened as a coincident? You need to quite beating your head against the wall. How about the truth, the KKK was the strong arm of the Democrats, you do understand this is recorded history and not some myth you dream up to cover your ass?

If you were white and registered with a party at all, you were usually a Democrat, whether you were a racist or not.

The South was Democrat before Lincoln and well into the '70's. Put the Kool Aid down, you can't keep this stupid charade up much longer or the DNC will be a party of the past...

Just as in Maine (the largest chapter outside the South) if you were a Klanner you were probably a Republican, again simply because they dominated Maine for the same hundred year period (1855-1955). But that doesn't make either party a causation.

Your short on many things, logic would be the 1st thing you need to work on...
Bull, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention and no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves.
Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.
And a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably documents that fact.
What 'fact' is that?
Last edited:
There is really only one thing Republicans don't seem to explain.

This is how it goes so far. The South was mostly Democrat, and the north Republican. The Civil War happened and the Republicans in the north won. Since that time, the south is mostly Republican and the north mostly Democrat. So how did that happen? How did the northern Republicans move south and the southern Democrats move North? And how did the KKK, the Alt Right, the Confederates and the Aryan Nation end up part of the Republican Party?

Can the USMB's "new history" explain these outcomes?

Can you provide the names of the Southern Democrats that became Southern Republicans for 1861 to 2016?

How much do you want to bet you can't name 10?
You can't have slaves and not be conservative.

You're so full of shit, the South was Democrat, nothing else and they were anything but Conservatives. You were taught a lie, get up to speed with the truth.

The South was Democratic AND conservative. Until Thurmond broke the tradition barrier. That's WHY he broke away. Wasn't getting his conservative on. You cannot be a Liberal and hold slaves, Sparkles. They're mutually exclusive.

White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

Then what were they? The "emotional history", you're so full of shit, again name the Democrats who became Republicans from 1861 to 2016. That's over a 150 years and you can't name anyone other than Strom Thurmond?
Are you munching on paint chips? I never made such a point. Go learn how to read.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South.

That's correct because they were all Democrats, so tell us why the 11 Confederate States seceded from the Union?
Not "because they were all Democrats" --- because the Republican Party had not gone into that territory. Which is what I just said up there. Again, learn to read.

Some were Democrats, there may have been a few Whigs hanging on, and there was the Constitutional Union Party which took three states in 1860. But Republicans didn't even run a candidate in the South until after the War.

And again, what forever fails to seep into y'all binary-bots heads ---- NOT EVERYONE BELONGS TO A FUCKING POLITICAL PARTY AT ALL.

Why did the Confederacy secede? I covered all that way earlier. Go learn how to read it.

The last part of your post ---- no, the Klan wasn't founded by or comprised of "Democrats" except to the point where they may have been coincidental.
So now your excuse for the KKK was it happened as a coincident? You need to quite beating your head against the wall. How about the truth, the KKK was the strong arm of the Democrats, you do understand this is recorded history and not some myth you dream up to cover your ass?
My aren't we having an angry widdle meltdown. :lmao: That's so cute.
I have no "excuses", Jethro. I have historical facts. And I know where they aren't as well, and where they aren't is in the founders of either version of the KKK.

Prove me wrong. Be the first.

If you were white and registered with a party at all, you were usually a Democrat, whether you were a racist or not.

The South was Democrat before Lincoln and well into the '70's. Put the Kool Aid down, you can't keep this stupid charade up much longer or the DNC will be a party of the past...
Then you're directly contradicting your own disheveled post up above with the 1861-2016 crapola.
Having it both ways -------------- Priceless.

But this one is correct. It's what I actually said originally. For those who can read.

Just as in Maine (the largest chapter outside the South) if you were a Klanner you were probably a Republican, again simply because they dominated Maine for the same hundred year period (1855-1955). But that doesn't make either party a causation.

Your short on many things, logic would be the 1st thing you need to work on...

Funny you can't refute anything then innit.
Logic is what I mainly do around this jernt. Except when it's a topic I'm well-versed on such as this one. Then I do both. For the price of one.

Why don't you throw that Nerf ball you got from Santa against the wall. Work out summa dem frustratin's.
Then you can hold your breath 'til you turn blue. :rofl:
Bull, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention and no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves.
Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.
And a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably documents that fact.

The KKK was founded by ex Confederate soldiers, all hard core extremist conservative racists. The Confederate flags, all of them, are symbols of a bad America of racism and limited civil liberties for all. Pumpkin Row does not understand any of it.

Little-Acorn uses Democrat or variation four times. The article and link do not use it at all. Bad OP. Close the thread, mods.

The Democratic Party did not found the KKK; that was done by ex-Confederate traitors. It's several manifestations, particularly the one of the 1920s, had many hundreds of thousands of Republicans, particularly Indiana.
The white Southern male has almost always been conservative. often hard core ultra conservative, and loved voting to protect the Klan.
Bull, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention and no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves.
Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.
And a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably documents that fact.

The KKK was founded by ex Confederate soldiers, all hard core extremist conservative racists. The Confederate flags, all of them, are symbols of a bad America of racism and limited civil liberties for all. Pumpkin Row does not understand any of it.

Little-Acorn uses Democrat or variation four times. The article and link do not use it at all. Bad OP. Close the thread, mods.

The Democratic Party did not found the KKK; that was done by ex-Confederate traitors. It's several manifestations, particularly the one of the 1920s, had many hundreds of thousands of Republicans, particularly Indiana.

Indeed it did. At its height it was estimated that one-third of the adult male population of Indiana was Klan.

Oh look, it's the History Channel. Same source the OP linked and then tried to ignore what it said.
The Klan has always been ultra conservative and the last forty years or so has been Republican.
It's not revision if it's accurate. They fought for state rights against a President who believed the government didn't have enough power.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~

The South has always been conservative throughout. You can't have slaves and not be conservative. It demands a hierarchical view of humans. You're perhaps too young to have seen enough of the world to know this but trust me. I grew up a child of parents from each side of the Mason Dixon line. I was immersed in both from an early age. White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South. Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ballots there in either election he ran in. The party was only six years old and concentrated its efforts in the North and Midwest, where it knew its support would be. Consequently in 1861 there were no Republicans in the South.

When the War was over the Republicans were seen culturally as the heavy hand of federal gummint (they were after all largely Whigs) and most deeply as the "party of Lincoln", the man who had defeated and humiliated it. Consequently it became unthinkable for white Southerners, who very much saw themselves as playing defense, to be a Republican, for a long long time. 99 years to be exact. As a result of that, the South was in effect a one-party State. You wanted to run for office, your choices were: (1) run as a Democrat, or (2) lose. That had to do much more with tradition than with any ideology. Tradition and the emotional baggage of Lincoln's name.

But that conservatism was always at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party's base, which was to its shame trying to be all things to all people to amass votes (which is after all what a political party exists for). Case in point, George Wallace in the 1960s constantly railing against "Liberals" -- he's talking about the other side of his own bipolar party. Case in point, the Dixiecrats who walked out of the Democratic convention in 1948 and ran their own candidates --- even got Harry Truman pulled off the ballot in at least one state. They did that because they were hearing way too much Liberalism from Truman and from then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who made an impassioned speech for civil rights.

This bipolar tension was always there, even back to 1860 when Southerners also walked out of that year's convention and again ran their own ticket.

The short version --- "conservative" doesn't necessarily mean "Republican", even when Republicans became conservatives.

That all didn't change until 1964 (there's your 99 years) when Strom Thurmnd did the unthinkable and became a Republican. And he did that because the Democrats just weren't conservative enough and he couldn't hack it any more. It was a big step at the time because it was a huge break with tradition.

(Thurmond was a bit of a maverick though --- after he endorsed Eisenhower in 1952 the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in ..... which he won.)

The last part of your post ---- no, the Klan wasn't founded by or comprised of "Democrats" except to the point where they may have been coincidental. But it required no political party. Were some of the Klan also Democrats? Almost certainly. If you were white and registered with a party at all, you were usually a Democrat, whether you were a racist or not. Just as in Maine (the largest chapter outside the South) if you were a Klanner you were probably a Republican, again simply because they dominated Maine for the same hundred year period (1855-1955). But that doesn't make either party a causation.
See, this is why I said earlier "Had to get something right eventually". To think that you have to be Conservative to own slaves, you'd have to lack an understanding of what one is.

Don't worry, I like you, anyway~<3

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