151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

You must be retarded. YOUR OWN LINK disproves your post in its first two sentences. And I already pointed this out last night. Yet here you come trotting the same bullshit post expecting different results.
You democrats hated blacks back then and you hate them now...the only change is the chains you use to shackle them.....

You history revisionists hated the facts then and you hate them now. The only change is the internet you use to spread it from your collective colostomy bag.

You've already agreed with the OP's link, which states, and I quote, "In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.”

----- which is true, and which I've been posting the whole time.

Know what terms does not appear on that page at all?

"Democrat" and "Democratic".

Know what else doesn't appear?

"Politics", "politician" or "political". Or for that matter, "party".

Know what else doesn't appear?


All for the same reason ----- none of them are relevant.

You're a hard core klansman democrat.....there are fewer and fewer of you each passing year as people become more educated as to your kkk evil....
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
More historical revisionism! The Emancipation Proclamation was issued January 1, 1863, over 18 months after the start of the Civil War! Distorting and lying about easily obtainable historical facts is rather stupid, don't you think? Or don't you think!
18 months is more than enough time to decide to go for such a war measure, you've done nothing to disprove my statement~
Claiming your statement is correct by removing all the earlier context of the full exchange is just another form of revisionism, another way to lie. Your distortions do not change actual history!

The overarching factor which brought on the Civil War was that of SLAVERY! Referring to the unscrupulous and despicable conduct and actions of those southern quislings and turncoats alleging 'States' Rights issues to dilute it's repugnance is just another form revisionism to disguise the facts!

Insurrections are initiated and instituted by TRAITORS regardless of the traitorous reasons and goals. But if your are comfortable with those lies and distortions to salve your tender sensibilities, be welcome to your self-inflected altered state!
I didn't remove any context, dude. Didn't distort anything, either.

I see you completely ignored Pogo's post, since he disproved your statements entirely. Here, let me help:

Actually she said "until" so in effect you kinda supported her point.

It's not really accurate though. It would be inaccurate to say Slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War and equally inaccurate to say it was the only cause. The rift and rivalry between North and South was at base economic, and Slavery was an inseparable part of the South's dominating economy. It was a wedge between North and South since the country was founded and festered for decades until it could no longer be ignored and the whole thing boiled over.

But at base the concept of secession had also been festering for decades long before the Slavery question came to a head. South Carolinians were calling for secession at least as far back as 1828 over the Quincy Adams "Tariff of Abominations", which had nothing to do with slavery. So the seeds were already sown long before 1861. South Carolina, one will recall, was also the first state to take the step of secession, as well as the site of the first shots of the War.

So we could say the cause of the Civil War was technically an economic rift, but an essential and inseparable part of it was the question of Slavery and whether it would be allowed to continue, which directly affected that economy. Had Slavery not been in question, the economic rift would have still been present. How it would have resolved we can only guess. The North was beginning to urbanize and industrialize so change was inevitable in some form. And the various European and Latin American nations were themselves already doing away with Slavery so its days were already numbered.

Punkin is correct that the EP was a war measure. Our history books like to crow "Lincoln freed the slaves" but he really didn't. That wasn't done until the 13th Amendment after Lincoln was dead. What the EP did was free slaves inside the Confederacy that were living in Union-occupied territory ---- which gave him more soldiers.

He had to be right about something eventually, even by accident~
I'm just playing, Pogo, you know I like you<3
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

You must be retarded. YOUR OWN LINK disproves your post in its first two sentences. And I already pointed this out last night. Yet here you come trotting the same bullshit post expecting different results.
You democrats hated blacks back then and you hate them now...the only change is the chains you use to shackle them.....

You history revisionists hated the facts then and you hate them now. The only change is the internet you use to spread it from your collective colostomy bag.

You've already agreed with the OP's link, which states, and I quote, "In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.”

----- which is true, and which I've been posting the whole time.

Know what terms does not appear on that page at all?

"Democrat" and "Democratic".

Know what else doesn't appear?

"Politics", "politician" or "political". Or for that matter, "party".

Know what else doesn't appear?


All for the same reason ----- none of them are relevant.

You're a hard core klansman democrat.....there are fewer and fewer of you each passing year as people become more educated as to your kkk evil....


"I still have no links whatsoever for what I know full well is absolute bullshit partisan hackery".

Yeah, no shit. I knew that way before I got here.
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

You must be retarded. YOUR OWN LINK disproves your post in its first two sentences. And I already pointed this out last night. Yet here you come trotting the same bullshit post expecting different results.
You democrats hated blacks back then and you hate them now...the only change is the chains you use to shackle them.....

You history revisionists hated the facts then and you hate them now. The only change is the internet you use to spread it from your collective colostomy bag.

You've already agreed with the OP's link, which states, and I quote, "In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.”

----- which is true, and which I've been posting the whole time.

Know what terms does not appear on that page at all?

"Democrat" and "Democratic".

Know what else doesn't appear?

"Politics", "politician" or "political". Or for that matter, "party".

Know what else doesn't appear?


All for the same reason ----- none of them are relevant.

You're a hard core klansman democrat.....there are fewer and fewer of you each passing year as people become more educated as to your kkk evil....


"I still have no links whatsoever for what I know full well is absolute bullshit partisan hackery".

Yeah, no shit. I knew that way before I got here.
Translation: it's your choice to be a klan democrat....
Isn't it fascinating what myths conservatives have to cling to in some bizarre attempt to validate their own existence?

Conservatism, as a whole, is like a huge science project.
The klan was created by the democrats

Once AGAIN ----- Link?

Don't feel bad if you can't find one. I've put that question out the entire four years I've been on this board, and nobody else has been able to answer it either.

What's astounding is that y'all just keep trotting this myth out over and over still hoping somebody will buy it.

"As Dr. Foner wrote:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. It aimed to destroy the Republican party’s infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.

In 1868, the Klan elected its first Grand Wizard, Nathaniel Bedford Forrest. Decades later, his grandson wrote in the September 1928 issue of the Klan’s Kourier Magazine:

I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.


Democrats. Not Republicans, not Tea Partiers. Democrats.

It seems Chris Hayes and Alan Grayson and anyone else confused about the nature of the KKK’s political affiliation simply doesn’t know their history."

The Democratic Party and the KKK | Common Sense Central | News/Talk 1130 WISN
Last edited:
The klan was created by the democrats

Once AGAIN ----- Link?

Don't feel bad if you can't find one. I've put that question out the entire four years I've been on this board, and nobody else has been able to answer it either.

What's astounding is that y'all just keep trotting this myth out over and over still hoping somebody will buy it.

"As Dr. Foner wrote:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. It aimed to destroy the Republican party’s infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.

In 1868, the Klan elected its first Grand Wizard, Nathaniel Bedford Forrest. Decades later, his grandson wrote in the September 1928 issue of the Klan’s Kourier Magazine:

I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.

Democrats. Not Republicans, not Tea Partiers. Democrats.


It seems Chris Hayes and Alan Grayson and anyone else confused about the nature of the KKK’s political affiliation simply doesn’t know their history."

The Democratic Party and the KKK | Common Sense Central | News/Talk 1130 WISN

Read your own text. "In effect serving the interests of" is not the same as "being".

Vladimir Putin's hacking of the US election may have "served the interests of" Donald Rump. Does that mean Donald Rump is Vlad the Imputiner?

Further, you don't provide context around the quote. What segment of the Democratic Party is he talking about before he sets this up? We do not know, for we are not told.

On to Forrest. First of all the year is wrong. Forrest was drafted (he wasn't consulted or even present) by the Klan in April of 1867 as a figurehead in hopes his respected name would rub off on what was already becoming a negative image. Less that two years later (January 1869) Forrest issued his first and only General Order Number One, officially disbanding the Klan and ordering its robes and assorted paraphernalia destroyed, specifically on account of that reputation for violence. Who he may have voted for along the way is irrelevant -- this was not a political movement. In the post-war white South everybody was a Democrat, whether racist or not.

Finally, all of this is irrelevancy as Forrest was not a founder of the Klan. The founders were Capt. John Lester, Capt. John B. Kennedy, James Crowe, Frank McCord, Calvin Jones and Richard Reed, and there is, for the 576th time, NO documentation of any political affiliation or activity for any of them. Not a one. By the time local vigilante groups had commandeered it they had lost control and it was well out of their hands.

NOR, if we speak of the second iteration in 1915, the one that spread by far to be the biggest, is there any record of any political affiliation or activity on the part of that iteraion's founder, William J. Simmons. They simply do not exist. I keep inviting anyone and everyone to prove me wrong and come up with one. No one ever has.
The klan was created by the democrats

Once AGAIN ----- Link?

Don't feel bad if you can't find one. I've put that question out the entire four years I've been on this board, and nobody else has been able to answer it either.

What's astounding is that y'all just keep trotting this myth out over and over still hoping somebody will buy it.

"As Dr. Foner wrote:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. It aimed to destroy the Republican party’s infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.

In 1868, the Klan elected its first Grand Wizard, Nathaniel Bedford Forrest. Decades later, his grandson wrote in the September 1928 issue of the Klan’s Kourier Magazine:

I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.

Democrats. Not Republicans, not Tea Partiers. Democrats.


It seems Chris Hayes and Alan Grayson and anyone else confused about the nature of the KKK’s political affiliation simply doesn’t know their history."

The Democratic Party and the KKK | Common Sense Central | News/Talk 1130 WISN

Read your own text. "In effect serving the interests of" is not the same as "being".

Vladimir Putin's hacking of the US election may have "served the interests of" Donald Rump. Does that mean Donald Rump is Vlad the Imputiner?

Further, you don't provide context around the quote. What segment of the Democratic Party is he talking about before he sets this up? We do not know, for we are not told.

On to Forrest. First of all the year is wrong. Forrest was drafted (he wasn't consulted or even present) by the Klan in April of 1867 as a figurehead in hopes his respected name would rub off on what was already becoming a negative image. Less that two years later (January 1869) Forrest issued his first and only General Order Number One, officially disbanding the Klan and ordering its robes and assorted paraphernalia destroyed, specifically on account of that reputation for violence. Who he may have voted for along the way is irrelevant -- this was not a political movement. In the post-war white South everybody was a Democrat, whether racist or not.

Finally, all of this is irrelevancy as Forrest was not a founder of the Klan. The founders were Capt. John Lester, Capt. John B. Kennedy, James Crowe, Frank McCord, Calvin Jones and Richard Reed, and there is, for the 576th time, NO documentation of any political affiliation or activity for any of them. Not a one. By the time local vigilante groups had commandeered it they had lost control and it was well out of their hands.

NOR, if we speak of the second iteration in 1915, the one that spread by far to be the biggest, is there any record of any political affiliation or activity on the part of that iteraion's founder, William J. Simmons. They simply do not exist. I keep inviting anyone and everyone to prove me wrong and come up with one. No one ever has.
Awwww......denial snowflake....
The klan was created by the democrats

Once AGAIN ----- Link?

Don't feel bad if you can't find one. I've put that question out the entire four years I've been on this board, and nobody else has been able to answer it either.

What's astounding is that y'all just keep trotting this myth out over and over still hoping somebody will buy it.

"As Dr. Foner wrote:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. It aimed to destroy the Republican party’s infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.

In 1868, the Klan elected its first Grand Wizard, Nathaniel Bedford Forrest. Decades later, his grandson wrote in the September 1928 issue of the Klan’s Kourier Magazine:

I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.

Democrats. Not Republicans, not Tea Partiers. Democrats.


It seems Chris Hayes and Alan Grayson and anyone else confused about the nature of the KKK’s political affiliation simply doesn’t know their history."

The Democratic Party and the KKK | Common Sense Central | News/Talk 1130 WISN

Read your own text. "In effect serving the interests of" is not the same as "being".

Vladimir Putin's hacking of the US election may have "served the interests of" Donald Rump. Does that mean Donald Rump is Vlad the Imputiner?

Further, you don't provide context around the quote. What segment of the Democratic Party is he talking about before he sets this up? We do not know, for we are not told.

On to Forrest. First of all the year is wrong. Forrest was drafted (he wasn't consulted or even present) by the Klan in April of 1867 as a figurehead in hopes his respected name would rub off on what was already becoming a negative image. Less that two years later (January 1869) Forrest issued his first and only General Order Number One, officially disbanding the Klan and ordering its robes and assorted paraphernalia destroyed, specifically on account of that reputation for violence. Who he may have voted for along the way is irrelevant -- this was not a political movement. In the post-war white South everybody was a Democrat, whether racist or not.

Finally, all of this is irrelevancy as Forrest was not a founder of the Klan. The founders were Capt. John Lester, Capt. John B. Kennedy, James Crowe, Frank McCord, Calvin Jones and Richard Reed, and there is, for the 576th time, NO documentation of any political affiliation or activity for any of them. Not a one. By the time local vigilante groups had commandeered it they had lost control and it was well out of their hands.

NOR, if we speak of the second iteration in 1915, the one that spread by far to be the biggest, is there any record of any political affiliation or activity on the part of that iteraion's founder, William J. Simmons. They simply do not exist. I keep inviting anyone and everyone to prove me wrong and come up with one. No one ever has.

Again --- the Klan (original) was one of literally dozens of groups practicing various levels of insurgent continuance of the war, terrorism and/or coercion, vigilantism and social order-keeping, including but not limited to:
  • '76 Association (Louisiana 1869)
  • Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869)
  • Constitutional Union Guard (North Carolina 1868-70)
  • Heggie's Scouts (Mississippi)
  • Heroes of America (South Carolina)
  • Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi)
  • Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868)
  • Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69)
  • Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama)
  • Native Sons of the South (Mississippi)
  • Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867)
  • Red Caps (Tennessee)
  • Red Jackets (Tennessee)
  • Red Strings (South Carolina)
  • Robertson Family (Mississippi)
  • Society of the White Rose (Mississippi)
  • Seymour Knights (Louisiana)
  • White League (Louisiana 1874)
  • White Brotherhood (North Carolina 1868-70)
  • Yellow Jackets (Tennessee)
--- the reader will notice the recurring label "Knights" in these names to which we can add the second Klan itself, being officially founded in 1915 as the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" and trudging up Stone Mountain with members of the "Knights of Mary Phagan", another vigilante mob that had organized in the previous year. This terminology (along with "Sons" and "Heroes" and "Brotherhood") depict their self-view as chivalrous males defending heritage, homeland and foremost of all white womanhood. And that demonstrates their objectives ---- yet again ---- as a social force, not a political one.

These sorts of activities were going on in more- or less-organized fashion from the close of the Civil War, often in ad hoc posses pulled together for a specific occasion, sometimes formed into more or less formal groups such as above. When this element became aware of the mysterious garb and regalia of the Klan they jumped on it like a horse. But that had nothing to do with Crowe, Reed, Lester, McCord, Jones and Kennedy. They were well out of the loop by then.
The Confederate Flag is a symbol of State Rights, which has little to do with Slavery. It honors all of those who fought for their state rights, and apparently offends all of those who don't understand what the Civil War was about. Lots of good reasons to love the Confederate Flag.
The Confederate flag is a symbol of the TRAITORS who made WAR against the United States of America, its People and the Constitution! Your revision of history has no rational truth or validity in the real world!
It's not revision if it's accurate. They fought for state rights against a President who believed the government didn't have enough power.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
The Confederate Flag is a symbol of State Rights, which has little to do with Slavery. It honors all of those who fought for their state rights, and apparently offends all of those who don't understand what the Civil War was about. Lots of good reasons to love the Confederate Flag.
The Confederate flag is a symbol of the TRAITORS who made WAR against the United States of America, its People and the Constitution! Your revision of history has no rational truth or validity in the real world!
It's not revision if it's accurate. They fought for state rights against a President who believed the government didn't have enough power.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
BS. Stupid southern aristocrats and the usual dupes...Fear mongered dupes.
The Confederate Flag is a symbol of State Rights, which has little to do with Slavery. It honors all of those who fought for their state rights, and apparently offends all of those who don't understand what the Civil War was about. Lots of good reasons to love the Confederate Flag.
The Confederate flag is a symbol of the TRAITORS who made WAR against the United States of America, its People and the Constitution! Your revision of history has no rational truth or validity in the real world!
It's not revision if it's accurate. They fought for state rights against a President who believed the government didn't have enough power.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~
There is really only one thing Republicans don't seem to explain.

This is how it goes so far. The South was mostly Democrat, and the north Republican. The Civil War happened and the Republicans in the north won. Since that time, the south is mostly Republican and the north mostly Democrat. So how did that happen? How did the northern Republicans move south and the southern Democrats move North? And how did the KKK, the Alt Right, the Confederates and the Aryan Nation end up part of the Republican Party?

Can the USMB's "new history" explain these outcomes?
The Confederate flag is a symbol of the TRAITORS who made WAR against the United States of America, its People and the Constitution! Your revision of history has no rational truth or validity in the real world!
It's not revision if it's accurate. They fought for state rights against a President who believed the government didn't have enough power.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~
Southern conservatives did it. Mainly Dems but also GOP or whatever- whigs. Both parties had conservative and liberal wings until RAYGUN, Newt, and Rush, dupe.
The Confederate flag is a symbol of the TRAITORS who made WAR against the United States of America, its People and the Constitution! Your revision of history has no rational truth or validity in the real world!
It's not revision if it's accurate. They fought for state rights against a President who believed the government didn't have enough power.
It was all about slavery. And once again Southerners were duped by the greedy idiot rich, the slave owners/plantation owners...
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
It had to do with the fears of southern aristocrats and their dupes. The usual conservative bigot operation.
You must be missing the part where they weren't conservatives, but Democrats that were keeping slaves. Hence your party being the one that filled the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws~

The South has always been conservative throughout. You can't have slaves and not be conservative. It demands a hierarchical view of humans. You're perhaps too young to have seen enough of the world to know this but trust me. I grew up a child of parents from each side of the Mason Dixon line. I was immersed in both from an early age. White Southerners, while as a group conservatives, weren't Democrats because they were conservative but in spite of it. To get this you have to grasp something of the emotional history.

When the Civil War began there was no Republican Party in the South. Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ballots there in either election he ran in. The party was only six years old and concentrated its efforts in the North and Midwest, where it knew its support would be. Consequently in 1861 there were no Republicans in the South.

When the War was over the Republicans were seen culturally as the heavy hand of federal gummint (they were after all largely Whigs) and most deeply as the "party of Lincoln", the man who had defeated and humiliated it. Consequently it became unthinkable for white Southerners, who very much saw themselves as playing defense, to be a Republican, for a long long time. 99 years to be exact. As a result of that, the South was in effect a one-party State. You wanted to run for office, your choices were: (1) run as a Democrat, or (2) lose. That had to do much more with tradition than with any ideology. Tradition and the emotional baggage of Lincoln's name.

But that conservatism was always at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party's base, which was to its shame trying to be all things to all people to amass votes (which is after all what a political party exists for). Case in point, George Wallace in the 1960s constantly railing against "Liberals" -- he's talking about the other side of his own bipolar party. Case in point, the Dixiecrats who walked out of the Democratic convention in 1948 and ran their own candidates --- even got Harry Truman pulled off the ballot in at least one state. They did that because they were hearing way too much Liberalism from Truman and from then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who made an impassioned speech for civil rights.

This bipolar tension was always there, even back to 1860 when Southerners also walked out of that year's convention and again ran their own ticket.

The short version --- "conservative" doesn't necessarily mean "Republican", even when Republicans became conservatives.

That all didn't change until 1964 (there's your 99 years) when Strom Thurmnd did the unthinkable and became a Republican. And he did that because the Democrats just weren't conservative enough and he couldn't hack it any more. It was a big step at the time because it was a huge break with tradition.

(Thurmond was a bit of a maverick though --- after he endorsed Eisenhower in 1952 the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in ..... which he won.)

The last part of your post ---- no, the Klan wasn't founded by or comprised of "Democrats" except to the point where they may have been coincidental. But it required no political party. Were some of the Klan also Democrats? Almost certainly. If you were white and registered with a party at all, you were usually a Democrat, whether you were a racist or not. Just as in Maine (the largest chapter outside the South) if you were a Klanner you were probably a Republican, again simply because they dominated Maine for the same hundred year period (1855-1955). But that doesn't make either party a causation.
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