151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans c.

Actually a group of Confederate veterans started the KKK.

Yes- the Democratic Party is the party of the Confederate States.

That is why today when you see someone driving his pickup truck with the stars and bars painted on it, you know that driver must be a Democrat......

Democrats were not exclusively located in the south they were in the north too. Too bad you can't grasp that. Also you seem to have trouble recognizing that giving up your US citizenship also strips you of your former partisanship.
Confederate states were NOT in the Union so they were no longer affiliated with the Democratic Party. After the war those states which seceded had to be readmitted.
That is why today when you see someone driving his pickup truck with the stars and bars painted on it, you know that driver must be a Democrat......

That is a wild assumption on your part. I asked a man sporting a rebel flag on his jacket what his political leanings were and he said he was conservative. He also had a vote for Trump/Pence sticker on his car.
That is why today when you see someone driving his pickup truck with the stars and bars painted on it, you know that driver must be a Democrat......

That is a wild assumption on your part. I asked a man sporting a rebel flag on his jacket what his political leanings were and he said he was conservative. He also had a vote for Trump/Pence sticker on his car.

Dude. Is it Groundhog Day?
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

Your link doesn't say Democrats founded the KKK. I see YOU saying it but your link doesn't. I think I might know why.

1. Would you agree that when southern states seceded from the union they were no longer Democrats? I think it is reasonable to say that in a legal as well as a technical sense. That is the basis for my premise.

2. The KKK was formed on December 24 1865 in Tennessee. But the people forming the KKK could not have been Democrats at the time because no states of the former confederacy had been readmitted to the union until 24 July.
1866. Confederate veterans, YES, but not Democrats.

3. The integrity of the Democratic Party was kept intact by northern democrats who had, in the years preceding the war, split into two factions: the copperheads who were sympathetic to the south and the War Democrats who took the diametrically opposite stance.

So to set the record straight, at least for now. Democrats didn't start the KKK. People who were not a part of the United States of America did.
I don't blame you for being horrified at what you are....
The democrats are the most racist organisation in the world, today.
indeed by far

You know it! Those Democrats hate negroes and those negroes are so damned stupid that they always vote for them anyway!
What choice do they have?

Yes...but....what have they got to lose?
A lot. There is a lot of poverty in America and the Republicans have a history of being cruel to poor people.
The democrats are the most racist organisation in the world, today.
indeed by far

You know it! Those Democrats hate negroes and those negroes are so damned stupid that they always vote for them anyway!
What choice do they have?

Yes...but....what have they got to lose?
A lot. There is a lot of poverty in America and the Republicans have a history of being cruel to poor people.
How so?
Whoa! What an eye opener! It's the democrats who hate the negroes! Conservatives are the ones fighting for the rights of the blacks!! Man...why hasn't someone ever mentioned this before? This changes EVERYTHING!!
News flash: Racial hatred is bipartisan. And, if you didn't know it, 19th Century democrat plantation owners were the epitome of American social conservatism. The republicans of that era were the social liberals.

What are you, some kind of sissy lib?
Hell Naw, I fear nothing and no one:

The democrats are the most racist organisation in the world, today.
indeed by far

You know it! Those Democrats hate negroes and those negroes are so damned stupid that they always vote for them anyway!
What choice do they have?

Yes...but....what have they got to lose?
A lot. There is a lot of poverty in America and the Republicans have a history of being cruel to poor people.

Cruel how? By insisting that people pull up their pants and get a job instead of put their hand out for democrat dollars?
indeed by far

You know it! Those Democrats hate negroes and those negroes are so damned stupid that they always vote for them anyway!
What choice do they have?

Yes...but....what have they got to lose?
A lot. There is a lot of poverty in America and the Republicans have a history of being cruel to poor people.
How so?
They freeze the wages. They prevent working poor from getting health care, and a decent standard of living. And they cut services and welfare for those who don't work.
indeed by far

You know it! Those Democrats hate negroes and those negroes are so damned stupid that they always vote for them anyway!
What choice do they have?

Yes...but....what have they got to lose?
A lot. There is a lot of poverty in America and the Republicans have a history of being cruel to poor people.

Cruel how? By insisting that people pull up their pants and get a job instead of put their hand out for democrat dollars?
Would they get a livable wage from getting a job?

Maybe they are retired or disabled. America is 2nd world.
I thought the Ku Klux Klan was founded by former confederate soldiers... :eusa_think:
I've read something on Internet about that.
The web is not very reliable.... ;)
The KKK was started by former soldiers of the Confederacy,

which is the single most important reason you see so many conservatives so vigorously defend the display of the Confederate Flag.


Maybe we should ask NY since he is such an historical scholar-----> forget the KKK for a second..........remember when Kennedy had to send in the national guard, remember when all the water cannons were used on black people fighting for their rights? Which political party did virtually ALL of the people doing these transgressions belong to! Oh wait, wait, say it isn't so....you mean the charming, delightful, open minded, all inclusive DEMOCRATS?!?!?!?!?!

And now.........wait for it........we are going to hear all about how Democrats and Republicans switched sides, but this time, we are ready for them! Let us look back and see which politicians in control in the South switched party's-) If they didn't switch party's leftists, it didn't happen, now did it, lol. Be specific! And of course, we will show all the politicians who were in charge of the water cannons, and which political party they belonged to a little further down the road-) Once you delve into individual politicians, your whole phony theory falls apart, and you are laid bare as the party of racism!
You know it! Those Democrats hate negroes and those negroes are so damned stupid that they always vote for them anyway!
What choice do they have?

Yes...but....what have they got to lose?
A lot. There is a lot of poverty in America and the Republicans have a history of being cruel to poor people.

Cruel how? By insisting that people pull up their pants and get a job instead of put their hand out for democrat dollars?
Would they get a livable wage from getting a job?

Maybe they are retired or disabled. America is 2nd world.

They will get what they are worth and not a penny more. I suppose you think a "livable wage" means having a big screen and a PlayStation 4 and beer money and wifi. If these people lived within there means....and never popped out welfare babies....they'd do fine on what employers wee willing to pay. If they need more money they need to get skills to get more. Simple. Common sense.
You know it! Those Democrats hate negroes and those negroes are so damned stupid that they always vote for them anyway!
What choice do they have?

Yes...but....what have they got to lose?
A lot. There is a lot of poverty in America and the Republicans have a history of being cruel to poor people.
How so?
They freeze the wages. They prevent working poor from getting health care, and a decent standard of living. And they cut services and welfare for those who don't work.
I haven't seen any of that....your fake news tell you that?

We give people opportunity and what they do with that opportunity is their choice....unlike,democrats who force them onto their democrat plantation, far away from opportunity....

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