16 dead in Texas hot air balloon crash

Didn't look like a crash to me. More of a electrical power line contact causing fire and death.
You got me on that one. It was pushing 100°F in central Texas today. The burners would have to generate an awful lot of heat to offset that. Suspect we will have to wait for the NSTB report.
Agreed 100%. Hence why I disagree with the nitwits who proclaim they all died because they hit a power line.
Why was it so low? Why didn't they add power and lift over the lines?

You got me on that one. It was pushing 100°F in central Texas today. The burners would have to generate an awful lot of heat to offset that. Suspect we will have to wait for the NSTB report.

It was very early in the day. Balloon flights are usually very early to take advantage of cooler temps and low winds.
It was very early in the day. Balloon flights are usually very early to take advantage of cooler temps and low winds.

@ 0740 hrs, according to the noted link. You are correct, having lived next to a balloon launch site, they always try to launch in the early AM. Still, even at that time, it was high 80°'s low 90°'s ambient air temperature. I say, wait for the NTSB report so we can all be sure.
It was very early in the day. Balloon flights are usually very early to take advantage of cooler temps and low winds.

@ 0740 hrs, according to the noted link. You are correct, having lived next to a balloon launch site, they always try to launch in the early AM. Still, even at that time, it was high 80°'s low 90°'s ambient air temperature. I say, wait for the NTSB report so we can all be sure.

I guess you think the eyewitness was somehow wrong?
It's a safe assumption given there's a fire burning on the power line. That's not to say the balloon wasn't already on fire and on it's way down when it hit the power line, but it certainly appears the balloon hit it.
Disagreed, but thanks for the insight on how you tend to jump to conclusions.

I don't know if the balloon hit the lines or not, but that video is not proof it did. You are guessing.
You're such a dumbfuck. <smh> Even looking at the power lines burning, you're still too stupid to know that the balloon hit them.

Hot air balloon catches fire, crashes in Texas; 16 feared dead

Texas state police confirmed that 16 people died on Saturday in the crash of a hot-air balloon, which eyewitnesses said struck power transmission lines and burst into flames before plunging into a pasture.​
Tim Kaine: 10 pack balloons PROVE no limits for Illuminati jokes at end of show
See #2 in list below.

Illuminati jokes starring Tim Kaine alias Howard Ronald Stuart-Houston alias Stewart Hitler:
July 29, 2016
1, With the joke word in headlines
America, Tim Kaine loves your dad jokes

2. 10 pack balloon:s mocking the BIG BANG that starts with the staged arrest of the Obama Bi-nla-den presidency
10 reasons we believe Tim Kaine had never seen or heard of balloons before last night

Now you know why the daily major fake blood headlines for Jul 30 are not terror attacks but rather the
Climax of the series of fake balloon crashes:
1, Fiery crash of hot-air balloon kills 16 in central Texas
More headlines:
2. Cruz offers condolences in Texas balloon crash
3. A look at the deadliest hot air balloon accidents
4. FAA was warned of risk for high-fatality balloon crashes

1. America, Tim Kaine loves your dad jokes
2. 10 reasons we believe Tim Kaine had never seen or heard of balloons before last night

Tim Kaine's real name same as Hillary Clinton's real maiden name: HITLER.
The Hitler-Hitler ticket to terminate the USA
End of The USA - Horrible Facts revealed first by Prophet: Tim Kaine's real name same as Hillary Clinton's real maiden name: HITLER.

BIG BANG, the ultimate reversal of illuminati scripts:
What follows Obama Bin Laden's resurrection, crucified to a Boeing 777
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: BIG BANG 2016 for dummies
I guess you think the eyewitness was somehow wrong?

No, I have no reason to disbelieve her. Was not there either. It is just that I have lived in Texas for decades & this time of year, it is very hot, even in the AM. Apologies if you think I meant that the witness misspoke, I did not.

According to the records, it was about 78 degrees at the time.
Hot air balloon rides are NOT on the top ten list of things that can get you killed yet:

1 - skydiving
2 - private aviation
3 - motorcycles
4 - swimming and scuba (combined) [this one is #1 for kids -- drowning]
5 - automobile and boat racing
6 - backcountry snowmobiling
7 - automobile travel and commuting
8 - buses and trains
9 - commercial aviation
10 - house fires
I'll bet these dozen or so dumbazzes is now in line at the Pearly Gates and wishing they had done one of the other top 10 instead.

On that note, too many live in fear as proved by the amount of fearful/fear-mongering posts on this forum plus those responding to news articles.

People don't fear being one of the 30,000+ dying on American roads every year**, but do fear becoming a victim of a terrorist attack or "gun violence" when the odds strongly against both for the vast majority of Americans.

**They feel they're safe drivers with nothing to fear and seem to ignore the fact a large portion of those deaths are caused by drunk drivers slamming into other cars.

not only drunk drivers but also inattentive drivers

texting snapchatting and more

i do a lot of driving out here in the Dakotas

not a day that goes by i see at least two cars with two wheels over the center line

with their faces buried in a phone texting

sometimes they dont even have a clue that i just past by them

I'm on the road many days 100 miles or more. I've seen just about anything a person can do to be distracted while driving. Reading the paper, texting, putting on makeup, combing/brushing hair, etc. Since many of those miles are on the interstates, people are doing those things at a high rate of speed. My concern isn't for those doing it. If they want to do something stupid and harm themselves, that's their choice. My concern is with the innocent people they tend to hit.

yes i had this gal driving along side of me some time ago with a phone to her ear

a coffee and checkbook in her left hand on the steering wheel

with the right hand trying to write a check

in heavy traffic
How sad. :( Not a very pleasant way to go.
As a pilot, I know things like this are messy, but except for a few seconds o heart-pounding excitement the sudden stop at the end is painless.

years ago when i lived in Minnesota

a guy was flying a Cessna 210 out of west Minneapolis with his family on a vacation

at 7000' the motor prop and all was ripped off the plane losing its center of gravity

the plane spiraled tail first

i imagine the souls on board had plenty of time to think things over before crashing next to a highway

When I think Minnesota, rust & corrosion are the first things that comes to mind.

I guess you think the eyewitness was somehow wrong?

No, I have no reason to disbelieve her. Was not there either. It is just that I have lived in Texas for decades & this time of year, it is very hot, even in the AM. Apologies if you think I meant that the witness misspoke, I did not.
Stasha_Sz , how come you are using John Milius' famous B52 chicken footprint?

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