16 Historical "Facts" That Are Totally False

So, if I go to somewhere I've never been before, am I discovering it?

You're really stretching to justify it aint ya? NO. If you go somewhere that's NOT ON THE current maps of the world -- that's diff than booking the trip thru a travel agency. DUH.....

Maybe the natives should have ADVERTISED "Adventures in America" to boost their tourist industry.

I stopped reading the "list of facts" right there. Because "fact checkers" are a BLIGHT to society.
15. The Pilgrims did not have buckles on their hats or wear the same, dark-colored clothing. The popularized image of pilgrims was created in the 19th century when buckles were a symbol of quaintness.
Dang, now I gotta change my Thanksgiving decorations.
In a certain sense, yes. Lots of people visit new places and think to themselves that they have "discovered" something, especially if their friends and family have never been there or heard about it either. Good examples of that are finding a quaint little town that is out of the way that has good produce or excellent cafes and restaurants. The people who find these places think they have "discovered" them since the didn't know they existed prior to that, even though the place in question may have been there for years prior to them getting there.

Expand that mentality to a nation, and you can readily see why Columbus thought he'd "discovered" America, even though there were indigenous people who had been here for thousands of years prior to him "discovering" it. And, America had been visited several hundred years prior to him getting here by the Vikings.

Do we really put this sort of discovering in the History books?
The reality is, and everyone knows it, that they say Columbus "discovered" the Americans because he was the FIRST PERSON to do it.

A) he wasn't even the first European
B) there were people already there.
You're really stretching to justify it aint ya? NO. If you go somewhere that's NOT ON THE current maps of the world -- that's diff than booking the trip thru a travel agency. DUH.....

Maybe the natives should have ADVERTISED "Adventures in America" to boost their tourist industry.

I stopped reading the "list of facts" right there. Because "fact checkers" are a BLIGHT to society.

I'm sure facts are a blight on your entertainment.
What do you know? Kids who slept through history 101 found out later in life that Columbus didn't land in Virginia and they have to remind us that Columbus didn't really discover America. Way to go nerds, now go back to sleep.

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