16 year old IL boy shot and killed by police while riding bike AFTER

going off his meds was more likey to blame.

better health care would have included better monitoring of his illness

Maybe all bipolar people should be institutionalized?That might prevent this, right?

The link between mental illness and mass murder is becoming quite clear TM. Do you think locking them up is the answer ?

Ask a liberal, they must apparently think so because apparently medical care, forced medical care, can prevent shootings. I can't think of any way of making sure that someone takes their meds unless they are locked up.
going off his meds was more likey to blame.

better health care would have included better monitoring of his illness

Maybe all bipolar people should be institutionalized?That might prevent this, right?

How about better monitoring of their illness.

why you so rushed to lock people up?

Monitoring by who? And what if they don't comply with that person's requests?

The question for you is because you claim medical care can prevent this, to prove that it can. Seems to me the only way you could make sure this guy didn't shoot anyone was by taking him off the street because for you all you know, he was taking his meds. And say if the compliance person can't be certain and the kid just said he was taking meds, but not actually taking them? Will that solve the problem?
Maybe all bipolar people should be institutionalized?That might prevent this, right?

The link between mental illness and mass murder is becoming quite clear TM. Do you think locking them up is the answer ?

Ask a liberal, they must apparently think so because apparently medical care, forced medical care, can prevent shootings. I can't think of any way of making sure that someone takes their meds unless they are locked up.

and obviously mentally ill people are competant enough to get guns so it looks like locking em up is the answer. When sane people commit mass murder I guess we're all gonna be locked up.
Also what type of monitoring? Actually just witnessing the person take the med, or just hearing their word for it?
well give TM credit, at least he's not blaming the gun, as of yet. Don't see what good that would do given the gun is illegal. I guess that's why the medical profession is the issue.

I guess we need government run healthcare to fix this.
PS: to those who think people should be forced to be treated, what happened to "keep your laws off my body"? Every time someone mentally ill doesn't seek help they don't always kill someone, but every time there's an abortion, someone dies.
PS: to those who think people should be forced to be treated, what happened to "keep your laws off my body"? Every time someone mentally ill doesn't seek help they don't always kill someone, but every time there's an abortion, someone dies.

We all know the answer to that one. " Well THAT'S different "
So much for the theory that gun free zones like Chicago are safer.
tjvh, they can blame some other state for having more lenient gun laws. It's always someone else's fault. I live in VA where i can carry openly, I could carry concealed if I got a permit, but somehow we have so much less gun violence than in DC or MD. yet its our fault for some reason. Not the people who do the shootings.
The disease of mental Illness has a lot of patients that go off or refuse meds. Why? Numerous reasons. One is the meds make them feel funny or bad or some other feeling, another is they don't think they are sick OR a big one , that the meds worked so they can stop taking them.

Isn't it telling that the only time truthmatters and the left discuss mental illness is in the effort to take guns or because of a gun story.

Remind me truthmatters, of all the threads you have started about mental illness and a need to treat it, EXCEPT in reference to a shooting.

By the way? Unless you are going to FORCE people to take their meds, no amount of "help" will change the fact mentally ill people quit taking or refuse meds.

As for Bipolar it is not a proscribed illness to own a gun. The ONLY way mental health enters the equation is when a person is confined by order of a Court and or ruled BY A JUDGE to be mentally unfit.

being 16 he could not legally own a weapon. Living in Chicago he could not legally own a hand gun. He gained the weapon through illegal means, no amount of counseling or un taken meds prescribed would have prevented this.

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