16 year old IL boy shot and killed by police while riding bike AFTER

What can we do to the medical profession to stop people from jumping on the tracks? Maybe we need government healthcare to force all people to mental health evaluations so that this doesn't happen! There are multiple incidence in DC area every year. Or does mental health only matter with guns? Most of the people who jump on the tracks die, horribly, and mess up other people's lives forever.
i wouldnt get close enough to either of you to to shoot you let alone dance with you
truthmatters: any comments on people jumping on train tracks? Or should there only be coerced medical intervention if guns are discovered?
i wouldnt get close enough to either of you to to shoot you let alone dance with you

:eusa_liar: aw cmon--you know you wanna go dancin. BTW--the other day I watched Gone With the Wind again and I heard a line that I've never paid attention to before. Scarlette says something close to " I'm a pretty good shot as long as I don't have to shoot real far ". Way too funny.
or a liar

Go ahead link me to a thread you started dealing with Mental health and the need for universal care. One that is not also a thread on guns, gun violence or an attempt to justify taking guns from everyone.

As for mental conditions... I have several. Delusional Paranoia for one, and I take meds for it. I suffer from repeating episodes of major Depression also, again on meds for it. Guess what? I own firearms and can legally buy a firearm anytime I want.

Why you ask? Because the law is clear, unless competent authority ( Judge) rules I am unfit I do not lose that right due to my illness. Or if I were ever involuntarily committed ( again requires a Judge to do so).

I am mid 50's and suffered these conditions at least since I was 16. I spent almost 16 years in the Marine Corps. I have never shot anyone, threatened to shoot anyone or otherwise made an attempt to harm another person.

I repeat Truthmatters link us a thread where you worry about mental health universal care that does not involve guns in some way.
he was shooting at pedestrians and started shooting at the cops.

Mom of boy, 16, killed by cops: 'He was bipolar, depressed' - chicagotribune.com

how did a kid with a mental disorder

in a gun ban city

get his hands illegally on a firearm

Same way the thugs and criminals get theirs bought it from an illegal source. By the way his having Bipolar is not by itself a dis qualifier for him if he were old enough from buying firearms. Only a Judge can take that right away.
tjvh, they can blame some other state for having more lenient gun laws. It's always someone else's fault. I live in VA where i can carry openly, I could carry concealed if I got a permit, but somehow we have so much less gun violence than in DC or MD. yet its our fault for some reason. Not the people who do the shootings.

yeah that is a classic

the high violent crime rate in gun ban cities

is the fault of non gun ban cites that sell guns to the folks in the gun ban cites

he was shooting at pedestrians and started shooting at the cops.

Mom of boy, 16, killed by cops: 'He was bipolar, depressed' - chicagotribune.com

how did a kid with a mental disorder

in a gun ban city

get his hands illegally on a firearm

Same way the thugs and criminals get theirs bought it from an illegal source. By the way his having Bipolar is not by itself a dis qualifier for him if he were old enough from buying firearms. Only a Judge can take that right away.

yes of course unless the anti gun nuts get their way

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