161,000 Americans have died from Covid under Joe Biden

Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

Your denial is the reason people keep dying from this virus.

You’re weakness as a cult follower is the reason people keep dying from this virus.

Your president has killed 161,000 of us with this virus, and he has no plan to slow down.

Your President is doing a great job, approved by a majority of the voters. What you cultist think is irrelevant.
What you cultists think is incredibly wrong looneybin
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.

4000 people died of Covid-19 on Trump's last day in office and 1 million vaccine doses administered.

900 people died of Covid-19 on April 6, 2021 and 3 million vaccine doses administed.

Your comment about 800,000 suppposedly dying from Jan21 through the end of the year is is directly contrarry to trend data and the fact that everyone who wants a vaccine will have it by the summer.

Any more questions retard?
why haven't daily death counts gone down?
Better question....why haven't the mainstream media been showing us the daily death counts since January 20th?

It's not a "better question" it's a bullshit question, loaded with a blatant falsehood. Media still frequently covers daily death toll.


What you just showed was a segment where they were criticizing "republican's" you fucking dumbass

What I just showed is "mainstream media" covering Covid-19 deaths including daily death toll. According to you that didn't happen.

Showing the "daily death toll" was talking about showing it every day, not just showing it once with a daily chart, you simp.

The point is the press was hysterically trying to blame Trump for the GLOBAL pandemic. Which is the point of the thread.

Leftists, couldn't find your ass with both hands and a road map

Moron, they cover it EVERY FUCKING DAY. The assertion that it is no longer covered is made up horseshit.

Liar, they don't scream it every day like they did all last year. You're such a liar
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

Your denial is the reason people keep dying from this virus.

You’re weakness as a cult follower is the reason people keep dying from this virus.

Your president has killed 161,000 of us with this virus, and he has no plan to slow down.

Your President is doing a great job, approved by a majority of the voters. What you cultist think is irrelevant.
Yeah we know you consider presidents mass murderers of women and children doing a great job,that’s old news.
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.

4000 people died of Covid-19 on Trump's last day in office and 1 million vaccine doses administered.

900 people died of Covid-19 on April 6, 2021 and 3 million vaccine doses administed.

Your comment about 800,000 suppposedly dying from Jan21 through the end of the year is is directly contrarry to trend data and the fact that everyone who wants a vaccine will have it by the summer.

Any more questions retard?
why haven't daily death counts gone down?
Better question....why haven't the mainstream media been showing us the daily death counts since January 20th?

It's not a "better question" it's a bullshit question, loaded with a blatant falsehood. Media still frequently covers daily death toll.

why would i take a vaccine that gives me a virus I never contracted for the last thirteen months? That isn't reasonable. And there are Hipaa laws preventing you fks from knowing what we do. change the law then.
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

Your denial is the reason people keep dying from this virus.

You’re weakness as a cult follower is the reason people keep dying from this virus.

Your president has killed 161,000 of us with this virus, and he has no plan to slow down.

Your President is doing a great job, approved by a majority of the voters. What you cultist think is irrelevant.
What you cultists think is incredibly wrong looneybin
He is obviously a satanist,a satan worshipper.
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.

4000 people died of Covid-19 on Trump's last day in office and 1 million vaccine doses administered.

900 people died of Covid-19 on April 6, 2021 and 3 million vaccine doses administed.

Your comment about 800,000 suppposedly dying from Jan21 through the end of the year is is directly contrarry to trend data and the fact that everyone who wants a vaccine will have it by the summer.

Any more questions retard?
why haven't daily death counts gone down?

...you do know that 900 deaths a day is a lot smaller than 4000...right? So wtf are you asking?
you do know that there is now a vaccine and a Vaccine means less deaths? You know...the vaccine VP Harris said she wouldn't trust. You know....that vaccine?
You are a child in an adult game. Shoo.

0.9 million doses delivered on Jan 21,
3 million doses delivered daily today.

Do you know which number is bigger?

I cant believe it.

You are correct.

The vaccine that Harris said she wouldn't trust is being used everyday by more and more people as more and more is distributed by Fed Ex and CVS and Publix.

Wow. Thank you Mr. Biden.

You are a fucking moron.

When McDonalds started the egg McMuffin, it took them over a year to get it to every franchise.

Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

Bush AND Obama......

BOTH wealthy extremist America hating Communists huggers.

Blind Boo Negro is right

Hey, that rail you went off is over there.

The Dog was a recued albino Aussie a rouge breeder was going to kill at 6 weeks.
Trumpybear was the captain of the ship who sailed us knowingly into the Covid-19 infested waters.
funny, I could swear the hoax was delivered from Wuhan China. No?

So you're saying Trump engineered the virus?

Trumpybear was not responsible for what China's response to the outbreak in China was. He was however responsible for his response to it coming to our shores. China is not responsible for Trumpybears response to the outbreak in the USA.

I blame Mother Nature for engineering it. She's always trying to kill us off, that bitch.
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

Your denial is the reason people keep dying from this virus.

You’re weakness as a cult follower is the reason people keep dying from this virus.

Your president has killed 161,000 of us with this virus, and he has no plan to slow down.

Your President is doing a great job, approved by a majority of the voters. What you cultist think is irrelevant.
What you cultists think is incredibly wrong looneybin
He is obviously a satanist,a satan worshipper.

Nice. A supernatural punt!
Biden is using illegal aliens to seed the country with COVID, destroy thousands of school districts and lower wages for the lower and middle classes. The guy is an idiot. Thank God Trump was President last year because he was the only President that could have gotten the vaccine made so fast. If Biden were President last year, there would be no vaccine today, incompetent buffoon that he is.
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.

What turnip trump did you just fall off? Because of TRump lies they are still dying. TRump had nothing to do with the vaccine. LMFAO

Friday, February 7, and Wednesday, February 19
The claim: The coronavirus would weaken “when we get into April, in the warmer weather—that has a very negative effect on that, and that type of a virus.”
The truth: When Trump made this claim, it was too early to tell whether the virus’s spread would be dampened by warmer conditions, though public-health experts and epidemiologists were immediately skeptical of Trump’s comment. But the spring and summer have passed, and the pandemic is still raging.
When: Thursday, February 27
The claim: The outbreak would be temporary: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.”
The truth: Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned days later that he was concerned that “as the next week or two or three go by, we’re going to see a lot more community-related cases.” He was right—the virus has not disappeared.

When: Multiple times
The claim: If the economic shutdown continues, deaths by suicide “definitely would be in far greater numbers than the numbers that we’re talking about” for COVID-19 deaths.
The truth: More than 200,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. But the number of people who died by suicide in 2017, for example, was roughly 47,000, nowhere near the COVID-19 numbers. Estimates of the mental-health toll of the Great Recession are mixed. A 2014 study tied more than 10,000 suicides in Europe and North America to the financial crisis. But a larger analysis in 2017 found that although the rate of suicide was increasing in the United States, the increase could not be directly tied to the recession and was attributable to broader socioeconomic conditions predating the downturn.

When: Multiple times
The claim: “Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere,” and cases are “coming way down.”
The truth: When Trump made these claims in May, coronavirus cases were either increasing or plateauing in the majority of American states. Over the summer, the country saw a second surge even greater than its first in the spring.

Juliette Kayyem: The emotionally challenging next phase of the pandemic

When: Wednesday, June 17
The claim: The pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.”
The truth: Trump made this claim ahead of his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when the country was still seeing at least 20,000 new daily cases and a second spike in infections was beginning.

When: Thursday, July 2
The claim: The pandemic is “getting under control.”
The truth: Trump’s claim came as the country’s daily cases doubled to about 50,000, a higher count than was seen at the beginning of the pandemic, and as the number continued to rise, fueled by infections in the South and the West.

When: Saturday, July 4
The claim: “99%” of COVID-19 cases are “totally harmless.”
The truth: The virus can still cause tremendous suffering if it doesn’t kill a patient, and the WHO has said that about 15 percent of COVID-19 cases can be severe, with 5 percent being critical. Fauci has rejected Trump’s claim, saying the evidence shows that the virus “can make you seriously ill” even if it doesn’t kill you.

When: Monday, July 6
The claim: “We now have the lowest Fatality (Mortality) Rate in the World.”
The truth: The U.S. had neither the lowest mortality rate nor the lowest case-fatality rate when Trump made this claim. As of July 13, the case-fatality rate—the ratio of deaths to confirmed COVID-19 cases—was 4.1 percent, which placed the U.S. solidly in the middle of global rankings. At the time, it had the world’s ninth-worst mortality rate, with 41.33 deaths per 100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Mass murderer Biden should be impeached.
He's not the one giving the orders--------his puppet masters and his whole administration should be held accountable for their actions.

It's true that Joe Biden is a drooling vegetable, but since he is the husk sitting in the chair in the Oval Office, he will need to be the first one to go.
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.

4000 people died of Covid-19 on Trump's last day in office and 1 million vaccine doses administered.

900 people died of Covid-19 on April 6, 2021 and 3 million vaccine doses administed.

Your comment about 800,000 suppposedly dying from Jan21 through the end of the year is is directly contrarry to trend data and the fact that everyone who wants a vaccine will have it by the summer.

Any more questions retard?
why haven't daily death counts gone down?
Better question....why haven't the mainstream media been showing us the daily death counts since January 20th?

It's not a "better question" it's a bullshit question, loaded with a blatant falsehood. Media still frequently covers daily death toll.


What you just showed was a segment where they were criticizing "republican's" you fucking dumbass

What I just showed is "mainstream media" covering Covid-19 deaths including daily death toll. According to you that didn't happen.

The fact that 46% of Republicans don't want to get vaccinated is...drumroll, please...just another one of Trump's many failures during this pandemic.

What you showed was a news channel criticizing republicans.....Not a news channel showing statistics of those that died out of concern of those that died. They listed the stats to imply republicans want people to die.


Do you read English?

Do you see the words "Deaths so far today - 518" in prominent letters along with other Covid-19 related statistics?

Do you not understand how fucking stupid you look to deny that it's covered?
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.

What turnip trump did you just fall off? Because of TRump lies they are still dying. TRump had nothing to do with the vaccine. LMFAO

Friday, February 7, and Wednesday, February 19
The claim: The coronavirus would weaken “when we get into April, in the warmer weather—that has a very negative effect on that, and that type of a virus.”
The truth: When Trump made this claim, it was too early to tell whether the virus’s spread would be dampened by warmer conditions, though public-health experts and epidemiologists were immediately skeptical of Trump’s comment. But the spring and summer have passed, and the pandemic is still raging.
When: Thursday, February 27
The claim: The outbreak would be temporary: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.”
The truth: Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned days later that he was concerned that “as the next week or two or three go by, we’re going to see a lot more community-related cases.” He was right—the virus has not disappeared.

When: Multiple times
The claim: If the economic shutdown continues, deaths by suicide “definitely would be in far greater numbers than the numbers that we’re talking about” for COVID-19 deaths.
The truth: More than 200,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. But the number of people who died by suicide in 2017, for example, was roughly 47,000, nowhere near the COVID-19 numbers. Estimates of the mental-health toll of the Great Recession are mixed. A 2014 study tied more than 10,000 suicides in Europe and North America to the financial crisis. But a larger analysis in 2017 found that although the rate of suicide was increasing in the United States, the increase could not be directly tied to the recession and was attributable to broader socioeconomic conditions predating the downturn.

When: Multiple times
The claim: “Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere,” and cases are “coming way down.”
The truth: When Trump made these claims in May, coronavirus cases were either increasing or plateauing in the majority of American states. Over the summer, the country saw a second surge even greater than its first in the spring.

Juliette Kayyem: The emotionally challenging next phase of the pandemic

When: Wednesday, June 17
The claim: The pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.”
The truth: Trump made this claim ahead of his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when the country was still seeing at least 20,000 new daily cases and a second spike in infections was beginning.

When: Thursday, July 2
The claim: The pandemic is “getting under control.”
The truth: Trump’s claim came as the country’s daily cases doubled to about 50,000, a higher count than was seen at the beginning of the pandemic, and as the number continued to rise, fueled by infections in the South and the West.

When: Saturday, July 4
The claim: “99%” of COVID-19 cases are “totally harmless.”
The truth: The virus can still cause tremendous suffering if it doesn’t kill a patient, and the WHO has said that about 15 percent of COVID-19 cases can be severe, with 5 percent being critical. Fauci has rejected Trump’s claim, saying the evidence shows that the virus “can make you seriously ill” even if it doesn’t kill you.

When: Monday, July 6
The claim: “We now have the lowest Fatality (Mortality) Rate in the World.”
The truth: The U.S. had neither the lowest mortality rate nor the lowest case-fatality rate when Trump made this claim. As of July 13, the case-fatality rate—the ratio of deaths to confirmed COVID-19 cases—was 4.1 percent, which placed the U.S. solidly in the middle of global rankings. At the time, it had the world’s ninth-worst mortality rate, with 41.33 deaths per 100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Here's something you looneytunes libbers aren't used to....facts. Pinochijoe is now president, and 165,000 are dead on his watch.
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.

What turnip trump did you just fall off? Because of TRump lies they are still dying. TRump had nothing to do with the vaccine. LMFAO

Friday, February 7, and Wednesday, February 19
The claim: The coronavirus would weaken “when we get into April, in the warmer weather—that has a very negative effect on that, and that type of a virus.”
The truth: When Trump made this claim, it was too early to tell whether the virus’s spread would be dampened by warmer conditions, though public-health experts and epidemiologists were immediately skeptical of Trump’s comment. But the spring and summer have passed, and the pandemic is still raging.
When: Thursday, February 27
The claim: The outbreak would be temporary: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.”
The truth: Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned days later that he was concerned that “as the next week or two or three go by, we’re going to see a lot more community-related cases.” He was right—the virus has not disappeared.

When: Multiple times
The claim: If the economic shutdown continues, deaths by suicide “definitely would be in far greater numbers than the numbers that we’re talking about” for COVID-19 deaths.
The truth: More than 200,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. But the number of people who died by suicide in 2017, for example, was roughly 47,000, nowhere near the COVID-19 numbers. Estimates of the mental-health toll of the Great Recession are mixed. A 2014 study tied more than 10,000 suicides in Europe and North America to the financial crisis. But a larger analysis in 2017 found that although the rate of suicide was increasing in the United States, the increase could not be directly tied to the recession and was attributable to broader socioeconomic conditions predating the downturn.

When: Multiple times
The claim: “Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere,” and cases are “coming way down.”
The truth: When Trump made these claims in May, coronavirus cases were either increasing or plateauing in the majority of American states. Over the summer, the country saw a second surge even greater than its first in the spring.

Juliette Kayyem: The emotionally challenging next phase of the pandemic

When: Wednesday, June 17
The claim: The pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.”
The truth: Trump made this claim ahead of his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when the country was still seeing at least 20,000 new daily cases and a second spike in infections was beginning.

When: Thursday, July 2
The claim: The pandemic is “getting under control.”
The truth: Trump’s claim came as the country’s daily cases doubled to about 50,000, a higher count than was seen at the beginning of the pandemic, and as the number continued to rise, fueled by infections in the South and the West.

When: Saturday, July 4
The claim: “99%” of COVID-19 cases are “totally harmless.”
The truth: The virus can still cause tremendous suffering if it doesn’t kill a patient, and the WHO has said that about 15 percent of COVID-19 cases can be severe, with 5 percent being critical. Fauci has rejected Trump’s claim, saying the evidence shows that the virus “can make you seriously ill” even if it doesn’t kill you.

When: Monday, July 6
The claim: “We now have the lowest Fatality (Mortality) Rate in the World.”
The truth: The U.S. had neither the lowest mortality rate nor the lowest case-fatality rate when Trump made this claim. As of July 13, the case-fatality rate—the ratio of deaths to confirmed COVID-19 cases—was 4.1 percent, which placed the U.S. solidly in the middle of global rankings. At the time, it had the world’s ninth-worst mortality rate, with 41.33 deaths per 100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University.

1.6% US mortality rate, below the global average of 2.3% and 14th in deaths/capita under Trump.....now 1.8% mortality rate in US to 2.1% global average, US still 14th in deaths/capita. Worldmeters
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.

The Clown writes and he isn't funny. Call him IT and bypass his hate and lies.
IDIOT-GRAM: a phrase or one sentence post which lacks substance & is not thoughtful or thought provoking.
Its ok though bro. Everyone knows you have the awareness of a dead fly.

Apparently you can't comprehend the written word. For your edification, my comment is substantive, and there are two sentences. The clown and you join the other clowns to spread the hate with lies and other bullshit in re medical conditions.

Your denial is the reason people keep dying from this virus.
Those who won't wear masks in public and won't socially distance are the reason it's going on so long......tied with those refusing to get a vaccine.
they can (try to) do is take the focus off the mess Obama inherited.
We had a recession

Big deal

the nation has had many of them in our history

since bush43 was president for 8 years of course he deserves some of the blame along with democrats

but mostly it was something that had to be rxpected no matter who was in office
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