17.6 million Americans gained health insurance through law

more lost their ins than gained


And what part of $18 Trillion in debt is over your head?

The Wall Street Journal's bogus numbers are actually beneath my contempt.
I saw that Westwall gave you the proof, so I won't bother piling on.

But please prove that our $18 Trillion in debt is bogus.

You made the claim. You prove it.
It's already been proven.

fucking leftist, they lie, knowing it's a lie, get proved to them it's a lie but keep living the lie.

you're a useless troll and not good enough for me to bother with.
more lost their ins than gained


And what part of $18 Trillion in debt is over your head?

The Wall Street Journal's bogus numbers are actually beneath my contempt.
I saw that Westwall gave you the proof, so I won't bother piling on.

But please prove that our $18 Trillion in debt is bogus.

You made the claim. You prove it.
It's already been proven.

fucking leftist, they lie, knowing it's a lie, get proved to them it's a lie but keep living the lie.

you're a useless troll and not good enough for me to bother with.
See folks that's how you do denial.
It's already been proven.

Not in this forum it hasn't. You saw the headline in your Yahoo! feed and thought "Cool, I can impress my friends with this!"

You don't even know what it was referring to. (Hint: It has nothing to do with the PPACA.)

But yes, let the ignorance flow through you. You're just one more example.
say what? Obama LIED? Gruber told the truth?
the op of this thread should be Ashamed of themselves for pushing this Insurance Scam with that lying Obama's name attached to it

Kaiser Study: Deductibles under Obamacare rising seven times faster than inflation
posted at 4:01 pm on September 24, 2015 by Kristina Ribali

We all remember the promise – President Obama famously told us time and time again that ObamaCare would lower health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year for families. But unless you’re receiving a giant subsidy from the government for your insurance, you’re not paying less in premiums, in fact, for employer sponsored plans, premiums have risen nearly $5,000 since Obama promised to cut them. What about deductibles? They haven’t decreased either. But don’t just take my word for it.

A new survey finds that in 2015 deductibles on employer-provided health plans actually rose by almost nine percent.

According to a new report by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust, the increase brings the average deductible that workers must pay for their health insurance plans to $1,077; more than triple what it was a decade ago. As reported in the L.A. Times, “That is seven times faster than wages have risen in the same period.”

Kaiser Family Foundation president Drew Altman said, “It’s a quiet revolution. When deductibles are rising seven times faster than wages … it means that people can’t pay their rent. … They can’t buy their gas. They can’t eat.”

As a comparison, “workers’ wages increased 1.9% between April 2014 and April 2015, according to federal data analyzed by the report’s authors.”

The news is also bad for family plans as, the “average family plan cost workers $4,955, up 3% from last year.”

This is a significant problem for families trying to make ends meet.

all of it here:
Kaiser Study: Deductibles under Obamacare rising seven times faster than inflation « Hot Air
say what? Obama LIED? Gruber told the truth?
the op of this thread should be Ashamed of themselves for pushing this Insurance Scam with that lying Obama's name attached to it

Kaiser Study: Deductibles under Obamacare rising seven times faster than inflation
posted at 4:01 pm on September 24, 2015 by Kristina Ribali

We all remember the promise – President Obama famously told us time and time again that ObamaCare would lower health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year for families. But unless you’re receiving a giant subsidy from the government for your insurance, you’re not paying less in premiums, in fact, for employer sponsored plans, premiums have risen nearly $5,000 since Obama promised to cut them. What about deductibles? They haven’t decreased either. But don’t just take my word for it.

A new survey finds that in 2015 deductibles on employer-provided health plans actually rose by almost nine percent.

According to a new report by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust, the increase brings the average deductible that workers must pay for their health insurance plans to $1,077; more than triple what it was a decade ago. As reported in the L.A. Times, “That is seven times faster than wages have risen in the same period.”

Kaiser Family Foundation president Drew Altman said, “It’s a quiet revolution. When deductibles are rising seven times faster than wages … it means that people can’t pay their rent. … They can’t buy their gas. They can’t eat.”

As a comparison, “workers’ wages increased 1.9% between April 2014 and April 2015, according to federal data analyzed by the report’s authors.”

The news is also bad for family plans as, the “average family plan cost workers $4,955, up 3% from last year.”

This is a significant problem for families trying to make ends meet.

all of it here:
Kaiser Study: Deductibles under Obamacare rising seven times faster than inflation « Hot Air

Thank you. This is helpful. However, if you go to the original source (i.e., the Kaiser Foundation, not "Hot Air" - a very appropriate site name), you'll also find a subsidy calculator:

Subsidy Calculator Widget

If you're courageous enough to use it (I promise it won't give you cooties or make you like Obama), you'll find that unless the buyer is in a very high income bracket, those premiums will be subsidized.

Which is the crux of the PPACA, in other words, the affordable part.

Again, thanks for posting some concrete information. :)
more lost their ins than gained


And what part of $18 Trillion in debt is over your head?

The Wall Street Journal's bogus numbers are actually beneath my contempt.
I saw that Westwall gave you the proof, so I won't bother piling on.

But please prove that our $18 Tnrillion in debt is bogus.
no, but you are blaming the wrong president
This is what I'm talking about.

leftist believe the most ignorant fucking lies, and they repeat them, KNOWING it's a lie.

what kind of fucking moron is still trying to blame Bush?

A leftist fucking moron that thinks obama added $0 to the debt.
Do you think increasing the size of government will add nothing to the debt? do you think the aca will add nothing to the debt?

are you this fucking dumb or do yu have another lie to tell us?
more lost their ins than gained


And what part of $18 Trillion in debt is over your head?

The Wall Street Journal's bogus numbers are actually beneath my contempt.
I saw that Westwall gave you the proof, so I won't bother piling on.

But please prove that our $18 Trillion in debt is bogus.

You made the claim. You prove it.
It's already been proven.

fucking leftist, they lie, knowing it's a lie, get proved to them it's a lie but keep living the lie.

you're a useless troll and not good enough for me to bother with.
See folks that's how you do denial.
telling the truth isn't denial, it's the truth.

not that you can say the truth.
It's already been proven.

Not in this forum it hasn't. You saw the headline in your Yahoo! feed and thought "Cool, I can impress my friends with this!"

You don't even know what it was referring to. (Hint: It has nothing to do with the PPACA.)

But yes, let the ignorance flow through you. You're just one more example.
How Many People Has Obamacare Really Insured?

The answer is clouded by the fact that the White House and others have changed some rules of math for making these assessments.

For example, several years ago, the Obama administration fiddled with the Census Bureau’s definition of what it means to be “uninsured.” The new parameters, which were looser than the old factors, make it hard to construct comparisons between today’s figures for the total number of uninsured and the historical trends.

Census Bureau’s definition of what it means to be “uninsured.” The new parameters, which were looser than the old factors, make it hard to construct comparisons between today’s figures for the total number of uninsured and the historical trends.

The Obama team also abruptly started to exclude uninsured illegal immigrants from the national tally on total number of uninsured Americans. Before Obamacare, these individuals were counted in that reporting, inflating the numbers. After Obamacare, these individuals didn’t get insurance, but suddenly didn’t get counted any more.

There are two critical questions embedded in all of these analyses. First, how many of the newly insured people would have gotten health coverage anyway, through some other mechanism (like their workplace)? In other words, is the law simply crowding out other forms of private coverage? Second, how many of the newly insured simply ended up on an expanded (and decaying) Medicaid program? The answers to these questions are an important measure of the ACA’s “success.”

On the latter question, according to the Goldman analysis, about two-thirds of the 2014 coverage increase was from the expansion in Medicaid. For 2014, their figures for net new coverage includes 9 million more people obligated to Medicaid, and about 2 million aging into Medicare. Only about 3 million got commercial coverage.

Obamacare’s supporters have argued that the public exchanges have not crowded out private insurance coverage that was previously offered at work. The Goldman analysis suggests that the law has indeed crowded out some employer coverage.

It could be that most of what Obamacare does to address the “uninsured” problem is obligate a whole lot more people to Medicaid, a program that already suffers from severe access problems owing to years of underfunding relative to its expanding mission, and the chronic health needs of its mostly indigent population. Obamacare only adds to the program’s strains. At the same time, on the commercial side, Obamacare may be mostly creating churn — by displacing people from their employer-sponsored coverage and moving them onto the exchanges.

It’s hard to know for certain, since the current figures – at least those released by Washington – can’t be compared to historical trends. The Census Bureau made a significant change in how it estimates the number of people who lack insurance, starting with its assessment for 2013. That means that after 2013, the results can’t be compared to those for prior years. The government’s new method conveniently results in a lower estimate of the total number of people without insurance.

So far, even if you accept the most optimistic math, Obamacare is hardly the unmitigated success that its many apostles proclaim. Whatever minimal gains in the level of commercial coverage that’s been achieved has come at a huge fiscal expense. This is not to mention the massive growth in costly and restrictive regulation.

I'd like to think you learned something, but I know no leftist can learn what is not told to them by their meida.

but please, I'm interested in hearing your lies, they amuse me to no end.
more lost their ins than gained


And what part of $18 Trillion in debt is over your head?

The Wall Street Journal's bogus numbers are actually beneath my contempt.

Here's an older US NEWS and World Report article for you. I know it doesn't follow your party line but there are intelligent, thinking people who are curious about this terrible law.

"There’s a bizarre reason why millions of Americans saw their health insurance plans cancelled in 2013 – and as explained in a new video put out by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, millions more will lose their plans in years to come.

Insurance coverage for Americans will remain in permanent turmoil because the Affordable Care Act requires all plans to fit within four cookie-cutter designs called "metallic tiers." (The tiers – bronze, silver, gold and platinum – refer to the percentage of medical expenses a particular plan pays.) Thevideo also notes that families may have to change plans repeatedly because, as circumstances change, a plan that fits within a tier one year may not fit in any tier a later year."

If You Like Your Plan, You Still Can't Keep It

Okay, at least you made an effort. And you were honest enough to admit it was an older article - from 2013, to be exact, the year *before* the PPACA took effect.

Time travel is a bitch.

And, the issues in the article are being shown to occur. It is an excellent article overall. Very accurate in its long range predictions. Unlike the propaganda you spew which is nothing BUT talking points.

You have presented no hard data at all.
And what? Are you so stupid you can't add 2+2?

Oh, wait.... YES, YES you are too stupid. Here I'll lay it out for you... The tax burden is going to be so great on the middleclass and the wealthy that 9,000 new IRS agents have to be hired to go through it all. Nine thousands more government employees that we the people have to support and for what?

Why of course, the increased taxes that will have to be paid when obummercare is fully implemented.
Not the point ,will, when the smoke clears .will the ACA be more expensive than the most expensive tax on the chart?
That is the point and there is no way accurately predict that until then.

I agree, however, hiring 9,000 new IRS agents is a pretty damned good indicator of what is to come don't you think? Now be honest, and I know how hard that is for you, but no prior tax increase has EVER come with a corresponding increase in IRS agents so what does that imply to you?
Nothing .
But it will help with our lack of jobs.

It will? You don't understand economics very well I see. Government jobs are net losses to the GDP. I know that's hard for a progressive like you to understand but thems the facts.
Funny government employees pay the same taxes as everyone else.
You regressives are like a fickled school girl
Not too long ago you were bitching about the cost of care and blaming it on the poor .
The problem gets fixed and you bitch about that.
Did you think it would be free.

Wow. You really are stupid. Before they can pay those taxes that money that they are paid is taken from someone who is actually productive. You know, a baker who makes food. Other than misery what do IRS agents produce? What do they add to the GDP (the P stands for PRODUCT)?
And, the issues in the article are being shown to occur. It is an excellent article overall. Very accurate in its long range predictions.

Then it should be easy for you to find some follow-up data that present the fulfillment of those long-range predictions. I look forward to your posting them.
more lost their ins than gained


And what part of $18 Trillion in debt is over your head?

The Wall Street Journal's bogus numbers are actually beneath my contempt.
I saw that Westwall gave you the proof, so I won't bother piling on.

But please prove that our $18 Tnrillion in debt is bogus.
no, but you are blaming the wrong president
This is what I'm talking about.

leftist believe the most ignorant fucking lies, and they repeat them, KNOWING it's a lie.

what kind of fucking moron is still trying to blame Bush?

A leftist fucking moron that thinks obama added $0 to the debt.
Do you think increasing the size of government will add nothing to the debt? do you think the aca will add nothing to the debt?

are you this fucking dumb or do yu have another lie to tell us?
speaking of lying and being stupid no one who is sane ever said Obama did not add to the debt.
all presidents do especially when the one before turns a profit in to a loss like bush did.
Obama spent to cushion the recession cased by bush and his policies.
How many of you were screaming about the debt during the Iraq War? Bueller?

Yes, here's the debt:


And here's the deficit:


Both are direct from official government sources. Now, tell us one is honest and the other is a lie.

The Wall Street Journal's bogus numbers are actually beneath my contempt.
I saw that Westwall gave you the proof, so I won't bother piling on.

But please prove that our $18 Trillion in debt is bogus.

You made the claim. You prove it.
It's already been proven.

fucking leftist, they lie, knowing it's a lie, get proved to them it's a lie but keep living the lie.

you're a useless troll and not good enough for me to bother with.
See folks that's how you do denial.
telling the truth isn't denial, it's the truth.

not that you can say the truth.
I do it all the time example :"See folks that's how you do denial"

  1. the action of declaring something to be untrue:
    "she shook her head in denial"
Not the point ,will, when the smoke clears .will the ACA be more expensive than the most expensive tax on the chart?
That is the point and there is no way accurately predict that until then.

I agree, however, hiring 9,000 new IRS agents is a pretty damned good indicator of what is to come don't you think? Now be honest, and I know how hard that is for you, but no prior tax increase has EVER come with a corresponding increase in IRS agents so what does that imply to you?
Nothing .
But it will help with our lack of jobs.

It will? You don't understand economics very well I see. Government jobs are net losses to the GDP. I know that's hard for a progressive like you to understand but thems the facts.
Funny government employees pay the same taxes as everyone else.
You regressives are like a fickled school girl
Not too long ago you were bitching about the cost of care and blaming it on the poor .
The problem gets fixed and you bitch about that.
Did you think it would be free.

Wow. You really are stupid. Before they can pay those taxes that money that they are paid is taken from someone who is actually productive. You know, a baker who makes food. Other than misery what do IRS agents produce? What do they add to the GDP (the P stands for PRODUCT)?

Last edited:
And, the issues in the article are being shown to occur. It is an excellent article overall. Very accurate in its long range predictions.

Then it should be easy for you to find some follow-up data that present the fulfillment of those long-range predictions. I look forward to your posting them.

I will by all means. First though why don't you tell us all why obama was forced to exempt his friends companies' and corporations from the law? If the law is so good for everyone, why was that done?
And, the issues in the article are being shown to occur. It is an excellent article overall. Very accurate in its long range predictions.

Then it should be easy for you to find some follow-up data that present the fulfillment of those long-range predictions. I look forward to your posting them.

I will by all means. First though why don't you tell us all why obama was forced to exempt his friends companies' and corporations from the law? If the law is so good for everyone, why was that done?
oh shit not the exempt ploy!
And, the issues in the article are being shown to occur. It is an excellent article overall. Very accurate in its long range predictions.

Then it should be easy for you to find some follow-up data that present the fulfillment of those long-range predictions. I look forward to your posting them.

I will by all means. First though why don't you tell us all why obama was forced to exempt his friends companies' and corporations from the law? If the law is so good for everyone, why was that done?
Ask your Congresscritter.
And, the issues in the article are being shown to occur. It is an excellent article overall. Very accurate in its long range predictions.

Then it should be easy for you to find some follow-up data that present the fulfillment of those long-range predictions. I look forward to your posting them.

I will by all means. First though why don't you tell us all why obama was forced to exempt his friends companies' and corporations from the law? If the law is so good for everyone, why was that done?
Ask your Congresscritter.
You mean the Democrat Congress critters that passed the junk???

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