17.6 million Americans gained health insurance through law

U.S. says 17.6 mln Americans gained health insurance through law

The U.S. national healthcare reform law has extended health insurance coverage to 17.6 million Americans, according to a new government report on Tuesday, up from its previous estimate of 16.4 million.

The number of uninsured has decreased because of changes in the law that allowed young people to stay on their parents' health plans for longer, the expansion of Medicaid in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and the sale of subsidized health insurance to individuals, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a speech.

The previous estimate, which is calculated by a division of HHS, was issued in March. (Reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

And among the greedy, selfish, and ignorant, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government. Freedom huh? Ain't it great?
if you folks had been smart the single payer program would be up and running by now.
You mean the law we've been talking about for 5 pages???

I'm willing to talk about Obamacare/the PPACA. You keep baby-talking about something that doesn't exist. I think it's because you're unable to defend your POV, or maybe you're just being cute.

When you're ready to talk about the PPACA, let me know.

Actually, you're not. All you can do is spew talking points and propaganda. In other words you're pretty useless.
the I've run out of any cogent arguments so you are talking out your ass ploy.
frequently used but never effective.
Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government.

You have other options.
Yeah, like pass on insurance and pay a fine to cover YOURS...

Kind of like a McSwaggart... Pay for it and watch while somebody else eats it...

Or do like millions of working Americans do... Pay high premiums for their insurance, pay for someone else's too, then do without medical care due to sky-high deductibles, right???
and who's problem is that? also several million working people are democrats.
they myth of the non working democrat was bullshit from the second you guys thought it up.

Unemployment Rate Average During Term President Political Party
4.26 Harry S. Truman Democratic
4.89 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
5.97 John F. Kennedy Democratic
4.17 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
5.09 Richard Nixon Republican
8.09 Gerald Ford Republican
6.54 Jimmy Carter Democratic
7.54 Ronald Reagan Republican
6.30 George H. W. Bush Republican
5.20 Bill Clinton Democratic
5.27 George W. Bush Republican
8.27 Barack H. Obama Democratic
You mean the law we've been talking about for 5 pages???

I'm willing to talk about Obamacare/the PPACA. You keep baby-talking about something that doesn't exist. I think it's because you're unable to defend your POV, or maybe you're just being cute.

When you're ready to talk about the PPACA, let me know.

Actually, you're not. All you can do is spew talking points and propaganda. In other words you're pretty useless.
the I've run out of any cogent arguments so you are talking out your ass ploy.
frequently used but never effective.
You know, I'm glad in a way that you think Grubercare is such a miracle...

Other Libs were saying we needed federal funding for Planned Parenthood, or women couldn't get medical treatment due to Obozo's failing program...

Since we obviously don't need to fund PP any more, would you like to sign our petition???
Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government.

You have other options.
Yeah, like pass on insurance and pay a fine to cover YOURS...

Kind of like a McSwaggart... Pay for it and watch while somebody else eats it...

Or do like millions of working Americans do... Pay high premiums for their insurance, pay for someone else's too, then do without medical care due to sky-high deductibles, right???
and who's problem is that? also several million working people are democrats.
they myth of the non working democrat was bullshit from the second you guys thought it up.

Unemployment Rate Average During Term President Political Party
4.26 Harry S. Truman Democratic
4.89 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
5.97 John F. Kennedy Democratic
4.17 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
5.09 Richard Nixon Republican
8.09 Gerald Ford Republican
6.54 Jimmy Carter Democratic
7.54 Ronald Reagan Republican
6.30 George H. W. Bush Republican
5.20 Bill Clinton Democratic
5.27 George W. Bush Republican
8.27 Barack H. Obama Democratic

Thanks, Bro...

I just KNEW the Democrats were lying about how Obozo planted all those money trees and worked miracles...

At least YOU admitted unemployment is higher under him than it was under Bush!!!
You mean the law we've been talking about for 5 pages???

I'm willing to talk about Obamacare/the PPACA. You keep baby-talking about something that doesn't exist. I think it's because you're unable to defend your POV, or maybe you're just being cute.

When you're ready to talk about the PPACA, let me know.

Actually, you're not. All you can do is spew talking points and propaganda. In other words you're pretty useless.
the I've run out of any cogent arguments so you are talking out your ass ploy.
frequently used but never effective.
You know, I'm glad in a way that you think Grubercare is such a miracle...

Other Libs were saying we needed federal funding for Planned Parenthood, or women couldn't get medical treatment due to Obozo's failing program...

Since we obviously don't need to fund PP any more, would you like to sign our petition???
hallucinating again?
we need both and the aca is not failing you just wish it was.
btw I pay for my insurance too .
everybody does.
Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government.

You have other options.
Yeah, like pass on insurance and pay a fine to cover YOURS...

Kind of like a McSwaggart... Pay for it and watch while somebody else eats it...

Or do like millions of working Americans do... Pay high premiums for their insurance, pay for someone else's too, then do without medical care due to sky-high deductibles, right???
and who's problem is that? also several million working people are democrats.
they myth of the non working democrat was bullshit from the second you guys thought it up.

Unemployment Rate Average During Term President Political Party
4.26 Harry S. Truman Democratic
4.89 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
5.97 John F. Kennedy Democratic
4.17 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
5.09 Richard Nixon Republican
8.09 Gerald Ford Republican
6.54 Jimmy Carter Democratic
7.54 Ronald Reagan Republican
6.30 George H. W. Bush Republican
5.20 Bill Clinton Democratic
5.27 George W. Bush Republican
8.27 Barack H. Obama Democratic

Thanks, Bro...

I just KNEW the Democrats were lying about how Obozo planted all those money trees and worked miracles...

At least YOU admitted unemployment is higher under him than it was under Bush!!!
never said it wasn't but again this polices were not the cause. bushes were.
the democrats never said anything like that.
look at UE stats under Gerald ford he did that all buy himself ...
And, the issues in the article are being shown to occur. It is an excellent article overall. Very accurate in its long range predictions.

Then it should be easy for you to find some follow-up data that present the fulfillment of those long-range predictions. I look forward to your posting them.

I will by all means. First though why don't you tell us all why obama was forced to exempt his friends companies' and corporations from the law? If the law is so good for everyone, why was that done?
Ask your Congresscritter.

No, you're the propagandist. So educate us. Why if the law was so good did obama exempt the corporations who had given him huge sums of cash.

C'mon propagandist....propagandize.
oh you mean like citizens united and the crotch brothers do and did .
The political activities of the Koch brothers include the financial and political influence of Charles G. and David H. Koch on United States politics. This influence is seen both directly and indirectly via various advocacy and lobbying organizations in which they have an interest.[1][2]

The Koch brothers are the sons of Fred C. Koch, who founded Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the United States, of which they own 84%.[3] Having bought out two other brothers' interests, they remain in control of the family business, the fortune which they inherited from their father, and the Koch Family Foundations.

The brothers have made significant financial contributions to libertarian and conservative think tanks and campaigns. They actively fund and support organizations that contribute significantly to Republican candidates, and that lobby against efforts to expand government's role in health care and combat global warming.[4] They have donated more than $100 million to dozens of free-market and advocacy organizations.[4] In 2008, the three main Koch family foundations contributed to 34 political and policy organizations, three of which they founded, and several of which they direct.[4] Some of the political activities of the Koch brothers have been criticized by organizations such as Greenpeace and politicians such as Harry Reid.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You're truly fucking pathetic. When you have no argument you resort to non-sequitur, personal attack, and off topic trolling. Pot, meet kettle, YOU are the perfect example of a propagandist with no argument who can do nothing but spew shit.

Congrats, you have descended to the level of poo flinging monkey, and monkeys are merely fun to watch, but they can't carry on even a simple conversation.

Have fun flinging yer poo....monkey!
Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government.

You have other options.
Yeah, like pass on insurance and pay a fine to cover YOURS...

Kind of like a McSwaggart... Pay for it and watch while somebody else eats it...

Or do like millions of working Americans do... Pay high premiums for their insurance, pay for someone else's too, then do without medical care due to sky-high deductibles, right???
and who's problem is that? also several million working people are democrats.
they myth of the non working democrat was bullshit from the second you guys thought it up.

Unemployment Rate Average During Term President Political Party
4.26 Harry S. Truman Democratic
4.89 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
5.97 John F. Kennedy Democratic
4.17 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
5.09 Richard Nixon Republican
8.09 Gerald Ford Republican
6.54 Jimmy Carter Democratic
7.54 Ronald Reagan Republican
6.30 George H. W. Bush Republican
5.20 Bill Clinton Democratic
5.27 George W. Bush Republican
8.27 Barack H. Obama Democratic

Thanks, Bro...

I just KNEW the Democrats were lying about how Obozo planted all those money trees and worked miracles...

At least YOU admitted unemployment is higher under him than it was under Bush!!!
never said it wasn't but again this polices were not the cause. bushes were.
the democrats never said anything like that.
look at UE stats under Gerald ford he did that all buy himself ...
, I see...

Unemployment goes up under a Republican, Republican's fault..

Under a Democrat, Republicans' fault...

Obama starts two illegal wars, backs a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in Egypt, leaves the ME in flames... BOOOSHH!!!
U.S. says 17.6 mln Americans gained health insurance through law

The U.S. national healthcare reform law has extended health insurance coverage to 17.6 million Americans, according to a new government report on Tuesday, up from its previous estimate of 16.4 million.

The number of uninsured has decreased because of changes in the law that allowed young people to stay on their parents' health plans for longer, the expansion of Medicaid in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and the sale of subsidized health insurance to individuals, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a speech.

The previous estimate, which is calculated by a division of HHS, was issued in March. (Reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

And among the greedy, selfish, and ignorant, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government. Freedom huh? Ain't it great?
if you folks had been smart the single payer program would be up and running by now.

And single payer is even worse for the middle class.

Single payer is great so long as you stay healthy. Get sick though and you're screwed.
Then it should be easy for you to find some follow-up data that present the fulfillment of those long-range predictions. I look forward to your posting them.

I will by all means. First though why don't you tell us all why obama was forced to exempt his friends companies' and corporations from the law? If the law is so good for everyone, why was that done?
Ask your Congresscritter.

No, you're the propagandist. So educate us. Why if the law was so good did obama exempt the corporations who had given him huge sums of cash.

C'mon propagandist....propagandize.
oh you mean like citizens united and the crotch brothers do and did .
The political activities of the Koch brothers include the financial and political influence of Charles G. and David H. Koch on United States politics. This influence is seen both directly and indirectly via various advocacy and lobbying organizations in which they have an interest.[1][2]

The Koch brothers are the sons of Fred C. Koch, who founded Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the United States, of which they own 84%.[3] Having bought out two other brothers' interests, they remain in control of the family business, the fortune which they inherited from their father, and the Koch Family Foundations.

The brothers have made significant financial contributions to libertarian and conservative think tanks and campaigns. They actively fund and support organizations that contribute significantly to Republican candidates, and that lobby against efforts to expand government's role in health care and combat global warming.[4] They have donated more than $100 million to dozens of free-market and advocacy organizations.[4] In 2008, the three main Koch family foundations contributed to 34 political and policy organizations, three of which they founded, and several of which they direct.[4] Some of the political activities of the Koch brothers have been criticized by organizations such as Greenpeace and politicians such as Harry Reid.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You're truly fucking pathetic. When you have no argument you resort to non-sequitur, personal attack, and off topic trolling. Pot, meet kettle, YOU are the perfect example of a propagandist with no argument who can do nothing but spew shit.

Congrats, you have descended to the level of poo flinging monkey, and monkeys are merely fun to watch, but they can't carry on even a simple conversation.

Have fun flinging yer poo....monkey!
massive case of butthurt you got there.
U.S. says 17.6 mln Americans gained health insurance through law

The U.S. national healthcare reform law has extended health insurance coverage to 17.6 million Americans, according to a new government report on Tuesday, up from its previous estimate of 16.4 million.

The number of uninsured has decreased because of changes in the law that allowed young people to stay on their parents' health plans for longer, the expansion of Medicaid in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and the sale of subsidized health insurance to individuals, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a speech.

The previous estimate, which is calculated by a division of HHS, was issued in March. (Reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

And among the greedy, selfish, and ignorant, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government. Freedom huh? Ain't it great?
if you folks had been smart the single payer program would be up and running by now.

And single payer is even worse for the middle class.

Single payer is great so long as you stay healthy. Get sick though and you're screwed.
LOL. Explains why virtually every other country has a single payer system/two tiered system. They live longer, businesses save money thanks to not worrying about employees healthcare, etc, etc.. I can't stand when know it all Americans act like they know anything about single payer. I saw a thread on here by a mod about a veteran at the NHS, the mod flat out lied about UHC and the NHS treated the veteran anyway. Keep up your stupidity though.
I will by all means. First though why don't you tell us all why obama was forced to exempt his friends companies' and corporations from the law? If the law is so good for everyone, why was that done?
Ask your Congresscritter.

No, you're the propagandist. So educate us. Why if the law was so good did obama exempt the corporations who had given him huge sums of cash.

C'mon propagandist....propagandize.
oh you mean like citizens united and the crotch brothers do and did .
The political activities of the Koch brothers include the financial and political influence of Charles G. and David H. Koch on United States politics. This influence is seen both directly and indirectly via various advocacy and lobbying organizations in which they have an interest.[1][2]

The Koch brothers are the sons of Fred C. Koch, who founded Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the United States, of which they own 84%.[3] Having bought out two other brothers' interests, they remain in control of the family business, the fortune which they inherited from their father, and the Koch Family Foundations.

The brothers have made significant financial contributions to libertarian and conservative think tanks and campaigns. They actively fund and support organizations that contribute significantly to Republican candidates, and that lobby against efforts to expand government's role in health care and combat global warming.[4] They have donated more than $100 million to dozens of free-market and advocacy organizations.[4] In 2008, the three main Koch family foundations contributed to 34 political and policy organizations, three of which they founded, and several of which they direct.[4] Some of the political activities of the Koch brothers have been criticized by organizations such as Greenpeace and politicians such as Harry Reid.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You're truly fucking pathetic. When you have no argument you resort to non-sequitur, personal attack, and off topic trolling. Pot, meet kettle, YOU are the perfect example of a propagandist with no argument who can do nothing but spew shit.

Congrats, you have descended to the level of poo flinging monkey, and monkeys are merely fun to watch, but they can't carry on even a simple conversation.

Have fun flinging yer poo....monkey!
massive case of butthurt you got there.

Only a simpleton such as yourself would equate mockery with being butthurt. But then, I know you are butthurt A LOT!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Run along....child.
U.S. says 17.6 mln Americans gained health insurance through law

The U.S. national healthcare reform law has extended health insurance coverage to 17.6 million Americans, according to a new government report on Tuesday, up from its previous estimate of 16.4 million.

The number of uninsured has decreased because of changes in the law that allowed young people to stay on their parents' health plans for longer, the expansion of Medicaid in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and the sale of subsidized health insurance to individuals, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a speech.

The previous estimate, which is calculated by a division of HHS, was issued in March. (Reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

And among the greedy, selfish, and ignorant, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government. Freedom huh? Ain't it great?
if you folks had been smart the single payer program would be up and running by now.

And single payer is even worse for the middle class.

Single payer is great so long as you stay healthy. Get sick though and you're screwed.
since we have never tried it , you're making shit up.
Yeah, like pass on insurance and pay a fine to cover YOURS...

Kind of like a McSwaggart... Pay for it and watch while somebody else eats it...

Or do like millions of working Americans do... Pay high premiums for their insurance, pay for someone else's too, then do without medical care due to sky-high deductibles, right???
and who's problem is that? also several million working people are democrats.
they myth of the non working democrat was bullshit from the second you guys thought it up.

Unemployment Rate Average During Term President Political Party
4.26 Harry S. Truman Democratic
4.89 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
5.97 John F. Kennedy Democratic
4.17 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
5.09 Richard Nixon Republican
8.09 Gerald Ford Republican
6.54 Jimmy Carter Democratic
7.54 Ronald Reagan Republican
6.30 George H. W. Bush Republican
5.20 Bill Clinton Democratic
5.27 George W. Bush Republican
8.27 Barack H. Obama Democratic

Thanks, Bro...

I just KNEW the Democrats were lying about how Obozo planted all those money trees and worked miracles...

At least YOU admitted unemployment is higher under him than it was under Bush!!!
never said it wasn't but again this polices were not the cause. bushes were.
the democrats never said anything like that.
look at UE stats under Gerald ford he did that all buy himself ...
, I see...

Unemployment goes up under a Republican, Republican's fault..

Under a Democrat, Republicans' fault...

Obama starts two illegal wars, backs a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in Egypt, leaves the ME in flames... BOOOSHH!!!
now that is funny
what illegal wars did Obama start?
all the stuff you mentioned bush did...
Libya and Syria....
U.S. says 17.6 mln Americans gained health insurance through law

The U.S. national healthcare reform law has extended health insurance coverage to 17.6 million Americans, according to a new government report on Tuesday, up from its previous estimate of 16.4 million.

The number of uninsured has decreased because of changes in the law that allowed young people to stay on their parents' health plans for longer, the expansion of Medicaid in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and the sale of subsidized health insurance to individuals, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a speech.

The previous estimate, which is calculated by a division of HHS, was issued in March. (Reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

And among the greedy, selfish, and ignorant, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government. Freedom huh? Ain't it great?
if you folks had been smart the single payer program would be up and running by now.

And single payer is even worse for the middle class.

Single payer is great so long as you stay healthy. Get sick though and you're screwed.
Really? Do tell.
U.S. says 17.6 mln Americans gained health insurance through law

The U.S. national healthcare reform law has extended health insurance coverage to 17.6 million Americans, according to a new government report on Tuesday, up from its previous estimate of 16.4 million.

The number of uninsured has decreased because of changes in the law that allowed young people to stay on their parents' health plans for longer, the expansion of Medicaid in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and the sale of subsidized health insurance to individuals, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a speech.

The previous estimate, which is calculated by a division of HHS, was issued in March. (Reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

And among the greedy, selfish, and ignorant, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government. Freedom huh? Ain't it great?
if you folks had been smart the single payer program would be up and running by now.

And single payer is even worse for the middle class.

Single payer is great so long as you stay healthy. Get sick though and you're screwed.
LOL. Explains why virtually every other country has a single payer system/two tiered system. They live longer, businesses save money thanks to not worrying about employees healthcare, etc, etc.. I can't stand when know it all Americans act like they know anything about single payer. I saw a thread on here by a mod about a veteran at the NHS, the mod flat out lied about UHC and the NHS treated the veteran anyway. Keep up your stupidity though.

Yes, Canada's is so good that TWO of their high level politicians have fled the system to come to the USA to get treatment. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the poor and the middle class have trouble even finding a doctor much less ever getting a chance to go see one.

Yeppers, like I said, the middle class gets screwed and the rich come to the USA to get fixed up.

I suggest you look up the scandal with the UK's NHS where patients are trucked around in ambulances for HOURS so they don't have to be treated in a timely manner with the attendant deaths that occur.

And your claim that they live longer is not true either. There is a lot of statistical manipulations going on to attain those results, but let's look at the results for when you get sick....

Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor
"OTTAWA — Tackling the shortage of family doctors in Canada should be the first step in developing any national wait-time strategy, according to a new report released Thursday.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) said the lack of doctors delivering primary care is slowing down the delivery of specialized care, and governments need to factor that delay into the development of wait-time benchmarks.

"Wait-time strategies need to address the complete patient experience," said Dr. Calvin Gutkin, executive director and CEO of the CFPC. "If you ask most patients, the clock starts ticking when they see their family doctor or recognize the need to see a physician."
Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
by JAMES CHAPMAN, Daily Mail

Cancer patients in Britain have a far worse chance of surviving than those in any other country in the developed world, a shocking study reveals today.
Researchers who studied data covering millions of patients in dozens of countries said their findings laid bare Britain's appalling record.
Five-year survival rates for early-stage breast cancer were only 78 per cent, against 97 per cent in the U.S. and 93 per cent across Europe.
Similarly, only 70 per cent of patients with early-stage colorectal cancer live for five years in Britain, against 90 per cent in the U.S. and 80 per cent in Germany.

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
and who's problem is that? also several million working people are democrats.
they myth of the non working democrat was bullshit from the second you guys thought it up.

Unemployment Rate Average During Term President Political Party
4.26 Harry S. Truman Democratic
4.89 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
5.97 John F. Kennedy Democratic
4.17 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
5.09 Richard Nixon Republican
8.09 Gerald Ford Republican
6.54 Jimmy Carter Democratic
7.54 Ronald Reagan Republican
6.30 George H. W. Bush Republican
5.20 Bill Clinton Democratic
5.27 George W. Bush Republican
8.27 Barack H. Obama Democratic

Thanks, Bro...

I just KNEW the Democrats were lying about how Obozo planted all those money trees and worked miracles...

At least YOU admitted unemployment is higher under him than it was under Bush!!!
never said it wasn't but again this polices were not the cause. bushes were.
the democrats never said anything like that.
look at UE stats under Gerald ford he did that all buy himself ...
, I see...

Unemployment goes up under a Republican, Republican's fault..

Under a Democrat, Republicans' fault...

Obama starts two illegal wars, backs a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in Egypt, leaves the ME in flames... BOOOSHH!!!
now that is funny
what illegal wars did Obama start?
all the stuff you mentioned bush did...
Libya and Syria....
false they started those all by themselves hilarious propaganda though

Obama has not started any wars.

US is not at war with Pakistan and never has been. US forces crossed borders going after enemy combatants. Groups such as Taliban and Al-Qaeda are not defined by or contained within nations, and crossing a border does not make it a new war with another enemy..

Libya is a strange situation, since the US is not "at war" with that country, but providing support to groups trying to overthrown the government (because Kaddafi was also an enemy of the USA) There is more than one group involved in the revolution, and they are not friendly to each other nor to the USA. This is something we probably should not be involved in, but there is an obligation to support the forces of NATO as they have helped us in the past.

Obama HAS threatened military action might be used in Syria, to stop the government from mass killings of its people; however, Congress dissented on military aid to Syria, so the Syrian government is allowed to continue committing atrocious acts, without any fear of military intervention from the USA. Today, the death toll in the Syrian Uprising is reported to be over 160,000, according to NBC News.
U.S. says 17.6 mln Americans gained health insurance through law

The U.S. national healthcare reform law has extended health insurance coverage to 17.6 million Americans, according to a new government report on Tuesday, up from its previous estimate of 16.4 million.

The number of uninsured has decreased because of changes in the law that allowed young people to stay on their parents' health plans for longer, the expansion of Medicaid in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and the sale of subsidized health insurance to individuals, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a speech.

The previous estimate, which is calculated by a division of HHS, was issued in March. (Reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

And among the greedy, selfish, and ignorant, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government. Freedom huh? Ain't it great?
if you folks had been smart the single payer program would be up and running by now.

And single payer is even worse for the middle class.

Single payer is great so long as you stay healthy. Get sick though and you're screwed.
since we have never tried it , you're making shit up.

That much is true. But we can look to Canada's and the UK's experience. And those are SMALL country's. Just imagine the clusterfuck that would result in a huge country like ours. Try actually reading about the experiences from them instead of the rose colored glasses of your masters.

You might actually learn something. I doubt you will even look at the links I provide though, those sorts of facts wreck your paradigm so can't be accepted 'cause you've got "faith" man. And "faith" is all you need.
U.S. says 17.6 mln Americans gained health insurance through law

And among the greedy, selfish, and ignorant, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Yeah that's what happens when you are forced to get insurance by the government. Freedom huh? Ain't it great?
if you folks had been smart the single payer program would be up and running by now.

And single payer is even worse for the middle class.

Single payer is great so long as you stay healthy. Get sick though and you're screwed.
LOL. Explains why virtually every other country has a single payer system/two tiered system. They live longer, businesses save money thanks to not worrying about employees healthcare, etc, etc.. I can't stand when know it all Americans act like they know anything about single payer. I saw a thread on here by a mod about a veteran at the NHS, the mod flat out lied about UHC and the NHS treated the veteran anyway. Keep up your stupidity though.

Yes, Canada's is so good that TWO of their high level politicians have fled the system to come to the USA to get treatment. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the poor and the middle class have trouble even finding a doctor much less ever getting a chance to go see one.

Yeppers, like I said, the middle class gets screwed and the rich come to the USA to get fixed up.

I suggest you look up the scandal with the UK's NHS where patients are trucked around in ambulances for HOURS so they don't have to be treated in a timely manner with the attendant deaths that occur.

And your claim that they live longer is not true either. There is a lot of statistical manipulations going on to attain those results, but let's look at the results for when you get sick....

Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor
"OTTAWA — Tackling the shortage of family doctors in Canada should be the first step in developing any national wait-time strategy, according to a new report released Thursday.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) said the lack of doctors delivering primary care is slowing down the delivery of specialized care, and governments need to factor that delay into the development of wait-time benchmarks.

"Wait-time strategies need to address the complete patient experience," said Dr. Calvin Gutkin, executive director and CEO of the CFPC. "If you ask most patients, the clock starts ticking when they see their family doctor or recognize the need to see a physician."
Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
by JAMES CHAPMAN, Daily Mail

Cancer patients in Britain have a far worse chance of surviving than those in any other country in the developed world, a shocking study reveals today.
Researchers who studied data covering millions of patients in dozens of countries said their findings laid bare Britain's appalling record.
Five-year survival rates for early-stage breast cancer were only 78 per cent, against 97 per cent in the U.S. and 93 per cent across Europe.
Similarly, only 70 per cent of patients with early-stage colorectal cancer live for five years in Britain, against 90 per cent in the U.S. and 80 per cent in Germany.

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
are you claiming or non aca... medical system is better ?

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