17.6 million Americans gained health insurance through law

Hey west wall..
WHO | Universal health coverage (UHC)
Key facts
  • At least a billion people suffer each year because they cannot obtain the health services they need.
  • People-centred and integrated health services are critical for reaching universal health coverage.
  • About 150 million of the people who do use health services are subjected to financial catastrophe annually, and 100 million are pushed below the poverty line as a result of paying for the services they receive.

Hey David.....guess what. There are more people WITHOUT electricity than are without health insurance. SHOCKING I TELL YOU! The fact that there are ONLY a billion without care is fucking amazing. That tells you how much effort has gone into getting care to those who need it.

"Worldwide 1.3 billion people – a population equivalent to that of the entire OECD – continue to live without access to electricity. This is equivalent to 18% of the global population and 22% of those living in developing countries. Nearly 97% of those without access to electricity live in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. The latest estimate for sub-Saharan Africa has been revised up by 22 million, illustrating how rapid population growth can continue to outpace the rate of electrification in many countries and conceal the progress that has been made. In developing Asia, the general trend shows an improving picture, but the pace varies. The largest populations without electricity are in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and Indonesia."

IEA - Energy access database
nice false comparison.

False? More people are without electricity than with healthcare. Electricity is easy. Healthcare is hard. They are able to provide healthcare to places with no electricity and you can't even grasp how cool that it.

You're a damned bigot is what you are.
What point are you trying to make? You do realize that healthcare is given out for free in those places? Isn't that evil socialism? According to you it is. The majority of people live under a UHC like system and aren't dying in droves like you keep spewing.
Yes, Canada's is so good that TWO of their high level politicians have fled the system to come to the USA to get treatment. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the poor and the middle class have trouble even finding a doctor much less ever getting a chance to go see one.

Yeppers, like I said, the middle class gets screwed and the rich come to the USA to get fixed up.

I suggest you look up the scandal with the UK's NHS where patients are trucked around in ambulances for HOURS so they don't have to be treated in a timely manner with the attendant deaths that occur.

And your claim that they live longer is not true either. There is a lot of statistical manipulations going on to attain those results, but let's look at the results for when you get sick....

Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor
"OTTAWA — Tackling the shortage of family doctors in Canada should be the first step in developing any national wait-time strategy, according to a new report released Thursday.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) said the lack of doctors delivering primary care is slowing down the delivery of specialized care, and governments need to factor that delay into the development of wait-time benchmarks.

"Wait-time strategies need to address the complete patient experience," said Dr. Calvin Gutkin, executive director and CEO of the CFPC. "If you ask most patients, the clock starts ticking when they see their family doctor or recognize the need to see a physician."
Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
by JAMES CHAPMAN, Daily Mail

Cancer patients in Britain have a far worse chance of surviving than those in any other country in the developed world, a shocking study reveals today.
Researchers who studied data covering millions of patients in dozens of countries said their findings laid bare Britain's appalling record.
Five-year survival rates for early-stage breast cancer were only 78 per cent, against 97 per cent in the U.S. and 93 per cent across Europe.
Similarly, only 70 per cent of patients with early-stage colorectal cancer live for five years in Britain, against 90 per cent in the U.S. and 80 per cent in Germany.

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
As expected, the ignorant idiot ^ relies on ridiculous cherry pickings and ludicrous bullshit to attempt to make a point that just isn't there. No system is perfect, certainly not out privatized system. When you start peddling the "Canadians leave for healthcare or they'll die" bullshit, you're truly lying. 2 people left.. For what exactly? Statistical manipulations? Yeah, I know you ignore all data and claim its manipulated to make a point, I love when right wing nuts do it. Oh lawd, explain why the majority in Britain support the NHS. No system is safe from corruption, but God damn, you truly are stupid. Americans leave for healthcare all the time, does that mean American healthcare sucks? Oh, don't apply your own standards, I forgot.. Millions of some Canadians don't have a family doctor, and guess what? They're fucking addressing it, do you know how many Americans don't have a family doctor? Want to mention that? Jesus Christ, you really are stupid. Britain trails in cancer survival rates.. Uh, ok, how do you know that's not manipulated? It's not, but I'm applying your ridiculous hogshit. Oh, funny thing: "93 percent across all of Europe" ah. There it is. Funny how you only mention cancer by the way, is that all you have to cherry pick?

And yet you have no response to the facts that blow your silly bullpoo out of the water other than to fling poo. And what is funny is you're too stupid to even try and look up how retarded you position is. What is Canada's population? 35 million. So, after the medical system has been up and running FOR DECADES they still can't get people taken care of.

"They are working on it". So, how long do they get to "work on it"? Two more decades? You're so stupid I wonder if you are capable of wiping your own ass.
there 330 million people here and we have the same and worse problems here.
that's a fact you keep dodging.

I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves. If this country ever go's to single payer it will be even worse. If this country go's that way you had better hope you are wealthy because if you're not you are going to suffer and die long before you should. Like I said single payer is great if you're healthy but sucks when you get sick. Just ask those millions of Canadian's who STILL don't have a doctor after TWENTY YEARS!
"I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves"
You're dodging all over the place, and the fact that you actually believe that statement is fucking hysterical, millions are now insured, deaths due to healthcare aren't rising, in fact, the only possible measure is deaths decreasing thanks to people having health insurance. It'll be even worse? How so? You're full of shit, no one goes 20 years without a doctor, you're referring to dedicated family doctors, which are lacking even in the US for many people.

The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems. The fact that you're too blind due to political ideology is indicative of your narrow point of view. Facts trump "belief" any day of the week. Unless you're a religious nutter, then 'faith' trumps facts every time. Can't argue with a religious nutter 'cause they talk in circles. Kind of like you...hmmmmm:eusa_think:
Hey west wall..
WHO | Universal health coverage (UHC)
Key facts
  • At least a billion people suffer each year because they cannot obtain the health services they need.
  • People-centred and integrated health services are critical for reaching universal health coverage.
  • About 150 million of the people who do use health services are subjected to financial catastrophe annually, and 100 million are pushed below the poverty line as a result of paying for the services they receive.

Hey David.....guess what. There are more people WITHOUT electricity than are without health insurance. SHOCKING I TELL YOU! The fact that there are ONLY a billion without care is fucking amazing. That tells you how much effort has gone into getting care to those who need it.

"Worldwide 1.3 billion people – a population equivalent to that of the entire OECD – continue to live without access to electricity. This is equivalent to 18% of the global population and 22% of those living in developing countries. Nearly 97% of those without access to electricity live in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. The latest estimate for sub-Saharan Africa has been revised up by 22 million, illustrating how rapid population growth can continue to outpace the rate of electrification in many countries and conceal the progress that has been made. In developing Asia, the general trend shows an improving picture, but the pace varies. The largest populations without electricity are in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and Indonesia."

IEA - Energy access database
nice false comparison.
Don't know what the fuck he was trying to get at. Health is more important then electricity on global priorities.

Which yet again proves how stupid you are. Care to guess at the device that has extended life longer than any other?

I'll make it simple for you....AIR CONDITIONING! Yeppers, that has allowed old people to live longer, more productive lives than any healthcare ever has.

You can thank me later.
You truly are stupid. This post is an example of why no one needs to address anything you say. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HEALTHCARE IS??!!! How the hell do you expect old people to live at all if they don't get checked for diseases, get medicine.. You're truly stupid, Jeebus beaver..
Hey west wall..
WHO | Universal health coverage (UHC)
Key facts
  • At least a billion people suffer each year because they cannot obtain the health services they need.
  • People-centred and integrated health services are critical for reaching universal health coverage.
  • About 150 million of the people who do use health services are subjected to financial catastrophe annually, and 100 million are pushed below the poverty line as a result of paying for the services they receive.

Hey David.....guess what. There are more people WITHOUT electricity than are without health insurance. SHOCKING I TELL YOU! The fact that there are ONLY a billion without care is fucking amazing. That tells you how much effort has gone into getting care to those who need it.

"Worldwide 1.3 billion people – a population equivalent to that of the entire OECD – continue to live without access to electricity. This is equivalent to 18% of the global population and 22% of those living in developing countries. Nearly 97% of those without access to electricity live in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. The latest estimate for sub-Saharan Africa has been revised up by 22 million, illustrating how rapid population growth can continue to outpace the rate of electrification in many countries and conceal the progress that has been made. In developing Asia, the general trend shows an improving picture, but the pace varies. The largest populations without electricity are in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and Indonesia."

IEA - Energy access database
nice false comparison.

False? More people are without electricity than with healthcare. Electricity is easy. Healthcare is hard. They are able to provide healthcare to places with no electricity and you can't even grasp how cool that it.

You're a damned bigot is what you are.
What point are you trying to make? You do realize that healthcare is given out for free in those places? Isn't that evil socialism? According to you it is. The majority of people live under a UHC like system and aren't dying in droves like you keep spewing.

Free? Really? No one has to pay for it? Wow, so Doctors Without Borders or Refugee Relief International don't need my donations anymore. Is that what you're saying?

No, stupid.

They are not free. People like me, and other medical groups, PAY for those people to get the care they need.
I will be waiting for the mass amounts of people dying thanks to obamacare. You've claimed it, we'll all be laughing.

Hey David.....guess what. There are more people WITHOUT electricity than are without health insurance. SHOCKING I TELL YOU! The fact that there are ONLY a billion without care is fucking amazing. That tells you how much effort has gone into getting care to those who need it.

"Worldwide 1.3 billion people – a population equivalent to that of the entire OECD – continue to live without access to electricity. This is equivalent to 18% of the global population and 22% of those living in developing countries. Nearly 97% of those without access to electricity live in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. The latest estimate for sub-Saharan Africa has been revised up by 22 million, illustrating how rapid population growth can continue to outpace the rate of electrification in many countries and conceal the progress that has been made. In developing Asia, the general trend shows an improving picture, but the pace varies. The largest populations without electricity are in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and Indonesia."

IEA - Energy access database
nice false comparison.

False? More people are without electricity than with healthcare. Electricity is easy. Healthcare is hard. They are able to provide healthcare to places with no electricity and you can't even grasp how cool that it.

You're a damned bigot is what you are.
What point are you trying to make? You do realize that healthcare is given out for free in those places? Isn't that evil socialism? According to you it is. The majority of people live under a UHC like system and aren't dying in droves like you keep spewing.

Free? Really? No one has to pay for it? Wow, so Doctors Without Borders or Refugee Relief International don't need my donations anymore. Is that what you're saying?

No, stupid.

They are not free. People like me, and other medical groups, PAY for those people to get the care they need.
Don't get literal, you know damn well what I meant, the people receiving the healthcare are getting it for free, your silly attempt to dodge is noted.

Hey David.....guess what. There are more people WITHOUT electricity than are without health insurance. SHOCKING I TELL YOU! The fact that there are ONLY a billion without care is fucking amazing. That tells you how much effort has gone into getting care to those who need it.

"Worldwide 1.3 billion people – a population equivalent to that of the entire OECD – continue to live without access to electricity. This is equivalent to 18% of the global population and 22% of those living in developing countries. Nearly 97% of those without access to electricity live in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. The latest estimate for sub-Saharan Africa has been revised up by 22 million, illustrating how rapid population growth can continue to outpace the rate of electrification in many countries and conceal the progress that has been made. In developing Asia, the general trend shows an improving picture, but the pace varies. The largest populations without electricity are in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and Indonesia."

IEA - Energy access database
nice false comparison.
Don't know what the fuck he was trying to get at. Health is more important then electricity on global priorities.

Which yet again proves how stupid you are. Care to guess at the device that has extended life longer than any other?

I'll make it simple for you....AIR CONDITIONING! Yeppers, that has allowed old people to live longer, more productive lives than any healthcare ever has.

You can thank me later.
You truly are stupid. This post is an example of why no one needs to address anything you say. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HEALTHCARE IS??!!! How the hell do you expect old people to live at all if they don't get checked for diseases, get medicine.. You're truly stupid, Jeebus beaver..

What a dumbshit. When people get old their bodies can't handle the rapid increase or decrease in temperature. That kills more old people (and very young as well) than diseases do. Go ahead, look it up.
As expected, the ignorant idiot ^ relies on ridiculous cherry pickings and ludicrous bullshit to attempt to make a point that just isn't there. No system is perfect, certainly not out privatized system. When you start peddling the "Canadians leave for healthcare or they'll die" bullshit, you're truly lying. 2 people left.. For what exactly? Statistical manipulations? Yeah, I know you ignore all data and claim its manipulated to make a point, I love when right wing nuts do it. Oh lawd, explain why the majority in Britain support the NHS. No system is safe from corruption, but God damn, you truly are stupid. Americans leave for healthcare all the time, does that mean American healthcare sucks? Oh, don't apply your own standards, I forgot.. Millions of some Canadians don't have a family doctor, and guess what? They're fucking addressing it, do you know how many Americans don't have a family doctor? Want to mention that? Jesus Christ, you really are stupid. Britain trails in cancer survival rates.. Uh, ok, how do you know that's not manipulated? It's not, but I'm applying your ridiculous hogshit. Oh, funny thing: "93 percent across all of Europe" ah. There it is. Funny how you only mention cancer by the way, is that all you have to cherry pick?

And yet you have no response to the facts that blow your silly bullpoo out of the water other than to fling poo. And what is funny is you're too stupid to even try and look up how retarded you position is. What is Canada's population? 35 million. So, after the medical system has been up and running FOR DECADES they still can't get people taken care of.

"They are working on it". So, how long do they get to "work on it"? Two more decades? You're so stupid I wonder if you are capable of wiping your own ass.
there 330 million people here and we have the same and worse problems here.
that's a fact you keep dodging.

I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves. If this country ever go's to single payer it will be even worse. If this country go's that way you had better hope you are wealthy because if you're not you are going to suffer and die long before you should. Like I said single payer is great if you're healthy but sucks when you get sick. Just ask those millions of Canadian's who STILL don't have a doctor after TWENTY YEARS!
"I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves"
You're dodging all over the place, and the fact that you actually believe that statement is fucking hysterical, millions are now insured, deaths due to healthcare aren't rising, in fact, the only possible measure is deaths decreasing thanks to people having health insurance. It'll be even worse? How so? You're full of shit, no one goes 20 years without a doctor, you're referring to dedicated family doctors, which are lacking even in the US for many people.

The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems. The fact that you're too blind due to political ideology is indicative of your narrow point of view. Facts trump "belief" any day of the week. Unless you're a religious nutter, then 'faith' trumps facts every time. Can't argue with a religious nutter 'cause they talk in circles. Kind of like you...hmmmmm:eusa_think:
Anecdotal statements mean nothing to public opinion on universal healthcare in the respective countries, the life expectancy, etc, etc..
Hey David.....guess what. There are more people WITHOUT electricity than are without health insurance. SHOCKING I TELL YOU! The fact that there are ONLY a billion without care is fucking amazing. That tells you how much effort has gone into getting care to those who need it.

"Worldwide 1.3 billion people – a population equivalent to that of the entire OECD – continue to live without access to electricity. This is equivalent to 18% of the global population and 22% of those living in developing countries. Nearly 97% of those without access to electricity live in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. The latest estimate for sub-Saharan Africa has been revised up by 22 million, illustrating how rapid population growth can continue to outpace the rate of electrification in many countries and conceal the progress that has been made. In developing Asia, the general trend shows an improving picture, but the pace varies. The largest populations without electricity are in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and Indonesia."

IEA - Energy access database
nice false comparison.

False? More people are without electricity than with healthcare. Electricity is easy. Healthcare is hard. They are able to provide healthcare to places with no electricity and you can't even grasp how cool that it.

You're a damned bigot is what you are.
What point are you trying to make? You do realize that healthcare is given out for free in those places? Isn't that evil socialism? According to you it is. The majority of people live under a UHC like system and aren't dying in droves like you keep spewing.

Free? Really? No one has to pay for it? Wow, so Doctors Without Borders or Refugee Relief International don't need my donations anymore. Is that what you're saying?

No, stupid.

They are not free. People like me, and other medical groups, PAY for those people to get the care they need.
Don't get literal, you know damn well what I meant, the people receiving the healthcare are getting it for free, your silly attempt to dodge is noted.

Yes, the recipients get it free. BUT IT IS PAID FOR BY OTHER PEOPLE. So it truly isn't free...now is it.
Hey David.....guess what. There are more people WITHOUT electricity than are without health insurance. SHOCKING I TELL YOU! The fact that there are ONLY a billion without care is fucking amazing. That tells you how much effort has gone into getting care to those who need it.

"Worldwide 1.3 billion people – a population equivalent to that of the entire OECD – continue to live without access to electricity. This is equivalent to 18% of the global population and 22% of those living in developing countries. Nearly 97% of those without access to electricity live in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. The latest estimate for sub-Saharan Africa has been revised up by 22 million, illustrating how rapid population growth can continue to outpace the rate of electrification in many countries and conceal the progress that has been made. In developing Asia, the general trend shows an improving picture, but the pace varies. The largest populations without electricity are in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and Indonesia."

IEA - Energy access database
nice false comparison.
Don't know what the fuck he was trying to get at. Health is more important then electricity on global priorities.

Which yet again proves how stupid you are. Care to guess at the device that has extended life longer than any other?

I'll make it simple for you....AIR CONDITIONING! Yeppers, that has allowed old people to live longer, more productive lives than any healthcare ever has.

You can thank me later.
You truly are stupid. This post is an example of why no one needs to address anything you say. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HEALTHCARE IS??!!! How the hell do you expect old people to live at all if they don't get checked for diseases, get medicine.. You're truly stupid, Jeebus beaver..

What a dumbshit. When people get old their bodies can't handle the rapid increase or decrease in temperature. That kills more old people (and very young as well) than diseases do. Go ahead, look it up.
Oh, I know that, but healthcare saves far more lives. Providing antibiotics, basic wound cleaning..!
And yet you have no response to the facts that blow your silly bullpoo out of the water other than to fling poo. And what is funny is you're too stupid to even try and look up how retarded you position is. What is Canada's population? 35 million. So, after the medical system has been up and running FOR DECADES they still can't get people taken care of.

"They are working on it". So, how long do they get to "work on it"? Two more decades? You're so stupid I wonder if you are capable of wiping your own ass.
there 330 million people here and we have the same and worse problems here.
that's a fact you keep dodging.

I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves. If this country ever go's to single payer it will be even worse. If this country go's that way you had better hope you are wealthy because if you're not you are going to suffer and die long before you should. Like I said single payer is great if you're healthy but sucks when you get sick. Just ask those millions of Canadian's who STILL don't have a doctor after TWENTY YEARS!
"I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves"
You're dodging all over the place, and the fact that you actually believe that statement is fucking hysterical, millions are now insured, deaths due to healthcare aren't rising, in fact, the only possible measure is deaths decreasing thanks to people having health insurance. It'll be even worse? How so? You're full of shit, no one goes 20 years without a doctor, you're referring to dedicated family doctors, which are lacking even in the US for many people.

The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems. The fact that you're too blind due to political ideology is indicative of your narrow point of view. Facts trump "belief" any day of the week. Unless you're a religious nutter, then 'faith' trumps facts every time. Can't argue with a religious nutter 'cause they talk in circles. Kind of like you...hmmmmm:eusa_think:
Anecdotal statements mean nothing to public opinion on universal healthcare in the respective countries, the life expectancy, etc, etc..

The links I provided aren't anecdotal nimrod. They are OFFICIAL reports that are exposing the failures of the Canadian and UK's NHS.

Thanks for playing now I think I hear your momma calling you.
nice false comparison.

False? More people are without electricity than with healthcare. Electricity is easy. Healthcare is hard. They are able to provide healthcare to places with no electricity and you can't even grasp how cool that it.

You're a damned bigot is what you are.
What point are you trying to make? You do realize that healthcare is given out for free in those places? Isn't that evil socialism? According to you it is. The majority of people live under a UHC like system and aren't dying in droves like you keep spewing.

Free? Really? No one has to pay for it? Wow, so Doctors Without Borders or Refugee Relief International don't need my donations anymore. Is that what you're saying?

No, stupid.

They are not free. People like me, and other medical groups, PAY for those people to get the care they need.
Don't get literal, you know damn well what I meant, the people receiving the healthcare are getting it for free, your silly attempt to dodge is noted.

Yes, the recipients get it free. BUT IT IS PAID FOR BY OTHER PEOPLE. So it truly isn't free...now is it.
Nothing in the entire world is "free" if we go by your definition, might as well scrap the whole word. We are not getting literal here, your silly attempts to dodge are noted.
there 330 million people here and we have the same and worse problems here.
that's a fact you keep dodging.

I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves. If this country ever go's to single payer it will be even worse. If this country go's that way you had better hope you are wealthy because if you're not you are going to suffer and die long before you should. Like I said single payer is great if you're healthy but sucks when you get sick. Just ask those millions of Canadian's who STILL don't have a doctor after TWENTY YEARS!
"I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves"
You're dodging all over the place, and the fact that you actually believe that statement is fucking hysterical, millions are now insured, deaths due to healthcare aren't rising, in fact, the only possible measure is deaths decreasing thanks to people having health insurance. It'll be even worse? How so? You're full of shit, no one goes 20 years without a doctor, you're referring to dedicated family doctors, which are lacking even in the US for many people.

The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems. The fact that you're too blind due to political ideology is indicative of your narrow point of view. Facts trump "belief" any day of the week. Unless you're a religious nutter, then 'faith' trumps facts every time. Can't argue with a religious nutter 'cause they talk in circles. Kind of like you...hmmmmm:eusa_think:
Anecdotal statements mean nothing to public opinion on universal healthcare in the respective countries, the life expectancy, etc, etc..

The links I provided aren't anecdotal nimrod. They are OFFICIAL reports that are exposing the failures of the Canadian and UK's NHS.

Thanks for playing now I think I hear your momma calling you.
You said this:
The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems.

Oh, by the way, no one is admitting the systems are perfect, but public opinion in the respective countries, WHICH YOU WANT TO USE, says otherwise. I thought mentioning family was against the rules?
Yes, Canada's is so good that TWO of their high level politicians have fled the system to come to the USA to get treatment. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the poor and the middle class have trouble even finding a doctor much less ever getting a chance to go see one.

Yeppers, like I said, the middle class gets screwed and the rich come to the USA to get fixed up.

I suggest you look up the scandal with the UK's NHS where patients are trucked around in ambulances for HOURS so they don't have to be treated in a timely manner with the attendant deaths that occur.

And your claim that they live longer is not true either. There is a lot of statistical manipulations going on to attain those results, but let's look at the results for when you get sick....

Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor
"OTTAWA — Tackling the shortage of family doctors in Canada should be the first step in developing any national wait-time strategy, according to a new report released Thursday.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) said the lack of doctors delivering primary care is slowing down the delivery of specialized care, and governments need to factor that delay into the development of wait-time benchmarks.

"Wait-time strategies need to address the complete patient experience," said Dr. Calvin Gutkin, executive director and CEO of the CFPC. "If you ask most patients, the clock starts ticking when they see their family doctor or recognize the need to see a physician."
Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
by JAMES CHAPMAN, Daily Mail

Cancer patients in Britain have a far worse chance of surviving than those in any other country in the developed world, a shocking study reveals today.
Researchers who studied data covering millions of patients in dozens of countries said their findings laid bare Britain's appalling record.
Five-year survival rates for early-stage breast cancer were only 78 per cent, against 97 per cent in the U.S. and 93 per cent across Europe.
Similarly, only 70 per cent of patients with early-stage colorectal cancer live for five years in Britain, against 90 per cent in the U.S. and 80 per cent in Germany.

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
As expected, the ignorant idiot ^ relies on ridiculous cherry pickings and ludicrous bullshit to attempt to make a point that just isn't there. No system is perfect, certainly not out privatized system. When you start peddling the "Canadians leave for healthcare or they'll die" bullshit, you're truly lying. 2 people left.. For what exactly? Statistical manipulations? Yeah, I know you ignore all data and claim its manipulated to make a point, I love when right wing nuts do it. Oh lawd, explain why the majority in Britain support the NHS. No system is safe from corruption, but God damn, you truly are stupid. Americans leave for healthcare all the time, does that mean American healthcare sucks? Oh, don't apply your own standards, I forgot.. Millions of some Canadians don't have a family doctor, and guess what? They're fucking addressing it, do you know how many Americans don't have a family doctor? Want to mention that? Jesus Christ, you really are stupid. Britain trails in cancer survival rates.. Uh, ok, how do you know that's not manipulated? It's not, but I'm applying your ridiculous hogshit. Oh, funny thing: "93 percent across all of Europe" ah. There it is. Funny how you only mention cancer by the way, is that all you have to cherry pick?

And yet you have no response to the facts that blow your silly bullpoo out of the water other than to fling poo. And what is funny is you're too stupid to even try and look up how retarded you position is. What is Canada's population? 35 million. So, after the medical system has been up and running FOR DECADES they still can't get people taken care of.

"They are working on it". So, how long do they get to "work on it"? Two more decades? You're so stupid I wonder if you are capable of wiping your own ass.
there 330 million people here and we have the same and worse problems here.
that's a fact you keep dodging.

I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves. If this country ever go's to single payer it will be even worse. If this country go's that way you had better hope you are wealthy because if you're not you are going to suffer and die long before you should. Like I said single payer is great if you're healthy but sucks when you get sick. Just ask those millions of Canadian's who STILL don't have a doctor after TWENTY YEARS!
"I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves"
You're dodging all over the place, and the fact that you actually believe that statement is fucking hysterical, millions are now insured, deaths due to healthcare aren't rising, in fact, the only possible measure is deaths decreasing thanks to people having health insurance. It'll be even worse? How so? You're full of shit, no one goes 20 years without a doctor, you're referring to dedicated family doctors, which are lacking even in the US for many people.


I have not been to a doctor for personal reasons in 40 years....

The only reason why I had to go was because of work requirements

Why are liberals so sick...inquiring minds want to know?
And single payer is even worse for the middle class.

Single payer is great so long as you stay healthy. Get sick though and you're screwed.
LOL. Explains why virtually every other country has a single payer system/two tiered system. They live longer, businesses save money thanks to not worrying about employees healthcare, etc, etc.. I can't stand when know it all Americans act like they know anything about single payer. I saw a thread on here by a mod about a veteran at the NHS, the mod flat out lied about UHC and the NHS treated the veteran anyway. Keep up your stupidity though.

Yes, Canada's is so good that TWO of their high level politicians have fled the system to come to the USA to get treatment. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the poor and the middle class have trouble even finding a doctor much less ever getting a chance to go see one.

Yeppers, like I said, the middle class gets screwed and the rich come to the USA to get fixed up.

I suggest you look up the scandal with the UK's NHS where patients are trucked around in ambulances for HOURS so they don't have to be treated in a timely manner with the attendant deaths that occur.

And your claim that they live longer is not true either. There is a lot of statistical manipulations going on to attain those results, but let's look at the results for when you get sick....

Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor
"OTTAWA — Tackling the shortage of family doctors in Canada should be the first step in developing any national wait-time strategy, according to a new report released Thursday.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) said the lack of doctors delivering primary care is slowing down the delivery of specialized care, and governments need to factor that delay into the development of wait-time benchmarks.

"Wait-time strategies need to address the complete patient experience," said Dr. Calvin Gutkin, executive director and CEO of the CFPC. "If you ask most patients, the clock starts ticking when they see their family doctor or recognize the need to see a physician."
Millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
by JAMES CHAPMAN, Daily Mail

Cancer patients in Britain have a far worse chance of surviving than those in any other country in the developed world, a shocking study reveals today.
Researchers who studied data covering millions of patients in dozens of countries said their findings laid bare Britain's appalling record.
Five-year survival rates for early-stage breast cancer were only 78 per cent, against 97 per cent in the U.S. and 93 per cent across Europe.
Similarly, only 70 per cent of patients with early-stage colorectal cancer live for five years in Britain, against 90 per cent in the U.S. and 80 per cent in Germany.

Britain trails in cancer survival rates
are you claiming or non aca... medical system is better ?

Try reading the links silly boy.
don't call me boy I have Hemorrhoids older and smarter than you.

Bullshit. I can believe the hemorrhoids. Idiots like you who sit on your asses all day are afflicted with them. I've been climbing mountains for 50 years now (I climbed one yesterday!) and have known assholes older than you for half a century.
As expected, the ignorant idiot ^ relies on ridiculous cherry pickings and ludicrous bullshit to attempt to make a point that just isn't there. No system is perfect, certainly not out privatized system. When you start peddling the "Canadians leave for healthcare or they'll die" bullshit, you're truly lying. 2 people left.. For what exactly? Statistical manipulations? Yeah, I know you ignore all data and claim its manipulated to make a point, I love when right wing nuts do it. Oh lawd, explain why the majority in Britain support the NHS. No system is safe from corruption, but God damn, you truly are stupid. Americans leave for healthcare all the time, does that mean American healthcare sucks? Oh, don't apply your own standards, I forgot.. Millions of some Canadians don't have a family doctor, and guess what? They're fucking addressing it, do you know how many Americans don't have a family doctor? Want to mention that? Jesus Christ, you really are stupid. Britain trails in cancer survival rates.. Uh, ok, how do you know that's not manipulated? It's not, but I'm applying your ridiculous hogshit. Oh, funny thing: "93 percent across all of Europe" ah. There it is. Funny how you only mention cancer by the way, is that all you have to cherry pick?

And yet you have no response to the facts that blow your silly bullpoo out of the water other than to fling poo. And what is funny is you're too stupid to even try and look up how retarded you position is. What is Canada's population? 35 million. So, after the medical system has been up and running FOR DECADES they still can't get people taken care of.

"They are working on it". So, how long do they get to "work on it"? Two more decades? You're so stupid I wonder if you are capable of wiping your own ass.
there 330 million people here and we have the same and worse problems here.
that's a fact you keep dodging.

I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves. If this country ever go's to single payer it will be even worse. If this country go's that way you had better hope you are wealthy because if you're not you are going to suffer and die long before you should. Like I said single payer is great if you're healthy but sucks when you get sick. Just ask those millions of Canadian's who STILL don't have a doctor after TWENTY YEARS!
"I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves"
You're dodging all over the place, and the fact that you actually believe that statement is fucking hysterical, millions are now insured, deaths due to healthcare aren't rising, in fact, the only possible measure is deaths decreasing thanks to people having health insurance. It'll be even worse? How so? You're full of shit, no one goes 20 years without a doctor, you're referring to dedicated family doctors, which are lacking even in the US for many people.


I have not been to a doctor for personal reasons in 40 years....

The only reason why I had to go was because of work requirements

Why are liberals so sick...inquiring minds want to know?
Then you're putting yourself in danger. Not my problem.
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Single Payer Health Care The always rising cost of health care has lead to various individuals trying to understand their health coverage option and also search for other different health care packages which will save them money. One of the most controversial options that will save people money is the single payer health care. This package involves the citizens paying taxes for the various health care services which are offered by the government to every lady, gentleman & child. This system has been used in Canada and various European countries for years now. The advantages of single payer health care This package involves everyone paying the taxes for the different services provided by the government. With this package, the government guarantees every individual irrespective of his/her economic and social status, age and health status some health care when sick. This package will save a lot of lives as everyone’s health needs will be catered for by the government. The physician will have an easier time in the hospital after admitting a patient and diagnosing him. This system eliminates the complex billing procedure which various physicians have to follow every time they diagnose a patient. This billing statement has to be signed by the personnel in-charge, so introduction of this package eliminates this process.

With everything provided by the government, the price of health care provision will be reduced because the hospital will become a non-profit organization. The hospitals will no longer have many corporate executives who draw gigantic salaries & bonuses. This will also eliminate the need for the corporate executives to maximize profits for the hospitals shareholders. With this package you do not have to worry about being denied the health care services because of money or insurance coverage. This will eliminate the need for health indemnity covers. Even though this increase in taxes will seem high, it is quite lower for individuals who normally pay costly indemnity packages. This package will be cheaper and affordable for the lowly paid individuals. Although the doctors will be paid less as government salaried employees, they will get various bonuses. If their patients decide to take-on a lifestyle change which will help deal with the rising health care costs the doctors will then get bonuses, which is unlike the other fields where the employees do not get any bonuses for saving the government some money.

The disadvantages Various single payer system critics claim that this system will be centered-around the government and quite frankly various individuals don’t want to give the government this much power. This system will eradicate competition in this field, thus making it impossible for the individuals to seek health care services somewhere different. This will make it hard for various individuals to have various procedures crucial for their health. Since everything is paid for by the taxes in this system, many people hate the idea that their money will be paying and supporting the unhealthy decisions of others. The government bureaucratic procedures & budget issues will rationalize the health care resulting in selection of the medical procedures which will be deemed necessary which will be catered for, while the others will not be catered for. - See more at: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Single Payer Health Care | Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Healthy Recipes
I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves. If this country ever go's to single payer it will be even worse. If this country go's that way you had better hope you are wealthy because if you're not you are going to suffer and die long before you should. Like I said single payer is great if you're healthy but sucks when you get sick. Just ask those millions of Canadian's who STILL don't have a doctor after TWENTY YEARS!
"I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves"
You're dodging all over the place, and the fact that you actually believe that statement is fucking hysterical, millions are now insured, deaths due to healthcare aren't rising, in fact, the only possible measure is deaths decreasing thanks to people having health insurance. It'll be even worse? How so? You're full of shit, no one goes 20 years without a doctor, you're referring to dedicated family doctors, which are lacking even in the US for many people.

The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems. The fact that you're too blind due to political ideology is indicative of your narrow point of view. Facts trump "belief" any day of the week. Unless you're a religious nutter, then 'faith' trumps facts every time. Can't argue with a religious nutter 'cause they talk in circles. Kind of like you...hmmmmm:eusa_think:
Anecdotal statements mean nothing to public opinion on universal healthcare in the respective countries, the life expectancy, etc, etc..

The links I provided aren't anecdotal nimrod. They are OFFICIAL reports that are exposing the failures of the Canadian and UK's NHS.

Thanks for playing now I think I hear your momma calling you.
You said this:
The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems.

Oh, by the way, no one is admitting the systems are perfect, but public opinion in the respective countries, WHICH YOU WANT TO USE, says otherwise. I thought mentioning family was against the rules?

ATTACKING family is against the rules. I merely said your momma was calling you which means you're an infant. See you can't even understand simple English.

Where the fuck do you children come from?
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"I'm dodging nothing. Obummercare will kill more people than it saves"
You're dodging all over the place, and the fact that you actually believe that statement is fucking hysterical, millions are now insured, deaths due to healthcare aren't rising, in fact, the only possible measure is deaths decreasing thanks to people having health insurance. It'll be even worse? How so? You're full of shit, no one goes 20 years without a doctor, you're referring to dedicated family doctors, which are lacking even in the US for many people.

The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems. The fact that you're too blind due to political ideology is indicative of your narrow point of view. Facts trump "belief" any day of the week. Unless you're a religious nutter, then 'faith' trumps facts every time. Can't argue with a religious nutter 'cause they talk in circles. Kind of like you...hmmmmm:eusa_think:
Anecdotal statements mean nothing to public opinion on universal healthcare in the respective countries, the life expectancy, etc, etc..

The links I provided aren't anecdotal nimrod. They are OFFICIAL reports that are exposing the failures of the Canadian and UK's NHS.

Thanks for playing now I think I hear your momma calling you.
You said this:
The statement is supported by the experiences of people who live under the systems.

Oh, by the way, no one is admitting the systems are perfect, but public opinion in the respective countries, WHICH YOU WANT TO USE, says otherwise. I thought mentioning family was against the rules?

ATTACKING family is against the rules. I merely said your momma was calling you which means your an infant. See you can't even understand simple English.

Where the fuck do you children come from?
I've already verified that I'm 6 years old with Jesus, mind changing my diaper? ;)

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