17% of jobs held by Immigrants ie none Americans.

Unions: Mikulski Sold Out American Workers
Letter accuses her of driving down wages with foreign ‘slave’ labor


Some of the largest and most influential trade unions in the country are calling out Democrats for boosting guest worker programs and open borders policies.

North America’s Building Trades Unions—an umbrella organization representing three million workers and 15 major unions, including the Laborers and Teamsters—sent outgoing Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D., Md.) a letter Thursday accusing her of selling out workers by importing foreigners to work for “Close to Slavery” wages. Mikulski pushed for increasing the number of temporary H2B visas that allow companies to bring guest workers to the United States to fill seasonal jobs.

“We wanted to express to you our extreme disappointment over your efforts to leverage the power and trust that the people of Maryland have placed in you as their representative to doggedly pursue language in the recently passed omnibus bill that will result in diminished job opportunities for hard working Americans,” the letter says. “Flooding a loose labor market such as the construction industry with additional low-skill labor hurts the wages and reduces the job prospects of both recent immigrants and native-born workers who are struggling the most. To be blunt, Senator, your actions will induce a race to the bottom on wages and benefits for U.S. workers.”

Unions: Mikulski Sold Out American Workers
We continue to import foreign born workers to take American jobs:uhh:

24,914,000 Foreign-Born Workers Employed While Native-Born Lose Jobs

While the number of foreign-born individuals holding jobs increased in August, the number of employed native-born workers fell, according to data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

There were 24,914,000 foreign-born individuals employed in August, up 204,000 from the previous month. According to the BLS, a foreign-born worker may be undocumented because the data does not distinguish between legal or illegal immigrants.

“The foreign-born include legally-admitted immigrants, refugees, temporary residents such as students and temporary workers, and undocumented immigrants. The survey does not separately identify the numbers of persons in these categories,” according to the BLS.

24,914,000 Foreign-Born Workers Employed While Native-Born Lose Jobs

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