17 shot in mass shooting in Chattanooga

99.9999+% of all legal gun owners have never committed a crime with their guns.

Why do you insist they should be disarmed?
I don't dave. But a good question!

I have become convinced in the last few days that there is nothing that can be done now.
If you're in tune with what I've been saying then maybe we can review it all. That's up to you.

Michael Moore hit on the key, but national pride makes that unacceptable. And not something that could be accomplished in time now anyway.

Perhaps if he was listened to at Columbine.
Thank God the guns are ok and there has been no major damage.
Progs gonna Prog. Also besides reasons we do not want to broach before it gets to weapons of war, the economy and the impoverishing of people or people having a more difficult living standard then even before are more desperate and callous is part of the equation.
Back to back weekly mass shootings for Philly and Chattanooga. Hoodrats been busy.
How come that Philly shooting isn't getting any love? Oh right, female suspect, totally breaks the fake ass narrative that liberals were trying to sell earlier this week. Oh well, looks like another fine weekend in the 'Hood. Dozens across the country dead and liberals don't give a damn about any of them.

Odd, earlier the reports had a female suspect involved, that's been scrubbed, in fact there is no information, description, or anything about the shooter(s). Like freaking ghosts are committing these crimes. We all would know if it was crazy ass crackers shooting up the place, so we can safely rule that out.

How come that Philly shooting isn't getting any love? Oh right, female suspect, totally breaks the fake ass narrative that liberals were trying to sell earlier this week. Oh well, looks like another fine weekend in the 'Hood. Dozens across the country dead and liberals don't give a damn about any of them.

Odd, earlier the reports had a female suspect involved, that's been scrubbed, in fact there is no information, description, or anything about the shooter(s). Like freaking ghosts are committing these crimes. We all would know if it was crazy ass crackers shooting up the place, so we can safely rule that out.

A Dimm shithole City cover-up!!
It's gang related!
It's the Democrats' fault.
It's black people's fault.
mass shootings aren't all mass shootings.
Gangs don't follow laws.

Gun violence has become self-replicating and it's happened more quickly than anyone could have imagined.

It's the equivalent of another covid epidemic in America and no vaccine will work to stop it.

All facts. All correct.

So tell me, oh brainless one.... it's already against the law to murder people, so we know for a fact that the only people who will be disarmed are the law abiding.

Why do you always make it easier for criminals to hurt people?

Is your life so fucked up that you want everyone to be miserable, like you?
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It's gang related!
It's the Democrats' fault.
It's black people's fault.
mass shootings aren't all mass shootings.
Gangs don't follow laws.

Gun violence has become self-replicating and it's happened more quickly than anyone could have imagined.

It's the equivalent of another covid epidemic in America and no vaccine will work to stop it.
Progs with millions of talkers but very few walkers.
It's gang related!
It's the Democrats' fault.
It's black people's fault.
mass shootings aren't all mass shootings.
Gangs don't follow laws.

Gun violence has become self-replicating and it's happened more quickly than anyone could have imagined.

It's the equivalent of another covid epidemic in America and no vaccine will work to stop it.
Fear Porn. Here we go again. Got news for ya. Most major cities there are areas where people are killing others every night.

Been like that a while. So go home duck
What reforms?
Will the criminals adhere to these reforms?
According to statista, since 1982, there has been 1034 deaths by mass shooters in the US.

In the calendar year 2021, between Baltimore and Chicago, there were 1134 homicides.

The Left deems one a crisis, while the other is simply par for the course.

Gun control is racist.
It's gang related!
It's the Democrats' fault.
It's black people's fault.
mass shootings aren't all mass shootings.
Gangs don't follow laws.

Gun violence has become self-replicating and it's happened more quickly than anyone could have imagined.

It's the equivalent of another covid epidemic in America and no vaccine will work to stop it.
It is NOT the fault of legal gun owners. Why do you want them disarmed?
I don't dave. But a good question!

I have become convinced in the last few days that there is nothing that can be done now.
If you're in tune with what I've been saying then maybe we can review it all. That's up to you.

Michael Moore hit on the key, but national pride makes that unacceptable. And not something that could be accomplished in time now anyway.

Perhaps if he was listened to at Columbine.
Michael Moore is personally guarded by people with guns. He's a hypocrite, and his views are worthless.
Msm isn’t covering the story. 3-4 of them are dead

It's a gang shooting.......that's why.....likely not a White, male, Trump supporter....
No, I mean that 2aguy doesn't classify some mass shootings as mass shootings.

We're waiting for him to clarify that for us.

Because they are not mass public shootings....gang members shooting at each other is not the same as a mass public shooter targeting innocent strangers....

2 different crimes, two very different ways of preventing them.
Because they are not mass public shootings....gang members shooting at each other is not the same as a mass public shooter targeting innocent strangers....

2 different crimes, two very different ways of preventing them.
They're both mass shootings and they're both public.
If they're not 'private' then they must be public.

Whatever they are, you need to start your own count, if you don't agree with the one that counts all mass shootings.

You have a lot of work cut out for you there! There's 9 pages for you to analyze so you can exclude the mass shootings you don't like. Get back to me when you have a number to go on about!
It is NOT the fault of legal gun owners. Why do you want them disarmed?
I don't and I've made that clear many times. I'm in agreement with Flash on the demographics being the issue. It's America's culture of continuous wars and the killing of others.

I've also mentioned the fact that the gun violence is self-replicating in that with every mass shootings the people's fear is ratcheted up and they go out to buy more guns to protect themselves and their families.
Well at least they said it was gang related. That's a step in the right direction because it is more than "the mass shooting was because of guns" while ignoring the fact it was because of criminals.

We can stem gun violence if we start treating criminals like criminals and start supporting police. I'd even say if you kill someone in cold blood and found guilty then you're executed. No appeals, no death row, right to the kill house and either cremated or sent to a medical school for students in med school to learn on.

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