17 States Sue Trump Over Separation Of Illegal Families


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
The Left has never met a humanitarian issue it didn't love to exploit, especially if it involves aliens. Never mind that THIS IS THE LAW, we are merely enforcing long in place laws and that families have been separated for good reason many times for years and years. Every fricking leftist democratic kook in the land now can't wait to throw another lawsuit at the administration hoping mud will stick to the wall long enough to use as leverage in the fall election before SCOTUS finally overrules the Left again and throws it all out.

17 States Sue Trump Admin Over The Separation Of Illegal Immigrant Families At The Border
Are people this stupid?

I recently saw a George Carlin quote: Consider how stupid the average person is...then consider that half the population is dumber than that.

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