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U.S. in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Families Separated at Border

What I remember was before Obama came into office, I had busted 401K, and underwater mortgage and I had to accept a drop in salary. We were in the worst recession in 70 years and mired in two pointless wars.

But you seem to want to forget that...

Just like you'd like to forget Trump Plague, Trump Riots and Trump Recession.

the classic cycle.

1) Republicans fuck things up, get voted out of office.
2) Republicans complain Democrats aren't fixing what they fucked up fast enough.
3) Democrats fix things, Republicans move on to some bullshit social issue to get stupid white people angry.
4) When all else fails, Republican cheat.

We are on phase 2 right now.
Your phase two: blatant lies and demented claims. Otherwise known as BS
Or they had a reasonable expectation that we would follow our own laws. Our own laws state that if you apply for asylum, you get a hearing to determine if you can stay or not.

Here's why we need to consider this settlement a gift.

You get this in front of a jury, and you put one crying parent who still can't find her child because Trump didn't keep good records, or one child who was sexually abused in a Trump Concentration Camp, and $450,000 would seem paltry to what a jury would award.
We would follow our laws and they did not have to? Just how screwed up are you? They never planned to apply for asylum and the vast majority still have not. And then you try to claims it was only Trump that separated kids from their families, the numbers have totally increased under that Nazi Biden.

Before making lying post like this, you should at least gather some facts. Of course that is not what democrats like you do as they prove you to be wrong in every case.
Just another indication in a long line of indications of the perfidy of the Biden White House.

This is outrageous but is so typical of the left, who are if anything xenophiles.

The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.
The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.

I realize that what tump did in separating families was horrible and predictable from someone with no moral fiber. However, payments are unacceptable in my view. Let 'em stay here, if that is what they want, but no money.
We would follow our laws and they did not have to? Just how screwed up are you? They never planned to apply for asylum and the vast majority still have not. And then you try to claims it was only Trump that separated kids from their families, the numbers have totally increased under that Nazi Biden.

Except they followed the laws. They presented themselves at the border as refugees and asked for asylum.

You can babble along all day, but Trump stepped in a pile of shit on this one.

Before making lying post like this, you should at least gather some facts. Of course that is not what democrats like you do as they prove you to be wrong in every case.

You should get your facts from somewhere other than Hate Radio and Faux News.
Except they followed the laws. They presented themselves at the border as refugees and asked for asylum.

You can babble along all day, but Trump stepped in a pile of shit on this one.

You should get your facts from somewhere other than Hate Radio and Faux News.
That is why so many of these illegals cross in the dead of night and run away from border patrols?

What liberal weed are you smoking? They get caught and never present themselves at court and yo0u say that they are following out laws?

How much liberal ass have you kissed to reach tht false conclusion?
That is why so many of these illegals cross in the dead of night and run away from border patrols?

What liberal weed are you smoking? They get caught and never present themselves at court and yo0u say that they are following out laws?

How much liberal ass have you kissed to reach tht false conclusion?

We aren't talking about the ones who were caught by the Border Patrol. They get sent right back to Mexico.

We are talking about families that presented themselves as asylum seekers and were promptly thrown into one of Trump's concentration camps, where their children were taken and they were lost by the bureaurcracy.
If we stop blaming the folks coming across the border and put the blame squarely on the shoulders of white liberals in the communist wing of the party we can stop this...just take a look at who in this thread agrees with this policy and you will see who it is that wants to bring down this country...white liberals, they need to be stopped and the first step is to recognize them verbally and publicly.
If we stop blaming the folks coming across the border and put the blame squarely on the shoulders of white liberals in the communist wing of the party we can stop this...just take a look at who in this thread agrees with this policy and you will see who it is that wants to bring down this country...white liberals, they need to be stopped and the first step is to recognize them verbally and publicly.

Actually, I can tell you exactly who we can blame for this fake crisis.

It's the sweatshop owner who doesn't want to pay a fair wage.
It's the DIY person who hires a truckload of day-laborers to finish that job that turned out to be a lot harder than Chip and Joanna made it look on HGTV.
It's the rich couple who want someone else to raise their kids, they just don't want to pay her all that much, but she's just like a member of the family.
It's every last one of us who don't want to do the unpleasent jobs... we just don't want to think too much about the people who do them.

You could end the illegal crisis in five minute by going after the people who hire them, but you'll end up instituting a guest worker program when key stuff doesn't get done.
Just another indication in a long line of indications of the perfidy of the Biden White House.

This is outrageous but is so typical of the left, who are if anything xenophiles.

The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.
The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.

I'm off to the wall, see if I can make me fortune.
Actually, I can tell you exactly who we can blame for this fake crisis.
really? does this mean we are going to be treated to a "blame the rich" diatribe

It's the sweatshop owner who doesn't want to pay a fair wage.
give me an example the sweatshops you are referring

It's the DIY person who hires a truckload of day-laborers to finish that job that turned out to be a lot harder than Chip and Joanna made it look on HGTV.
and you are "for" or "against" cutting off that supply of labor by preventing them from coming into the country? you may want to skip this question]

It's the rich couple who want someone else to raise their kids, they just don't want to pay her all that much, but she's just like a member of the family.
I notice you refer to the right as rich and successful but never the left in that way

It's every last one of us who don't want to do the unpleasent jobs... we just don't want to think too much about the people who do them.
wouldn't cutting off the supply of labor at the border solve your dilemma?

You could end the illegal crisis in five minute by going after the people who hire them, but you'll end up instituting a guest worker program when key stuff doesn't get done.
Or you could just prevent the "crisis" to start with
Um, okay, clearly you got the Abbie Normal Brain.

really? does this mean we are going to be treated to a "blame the rich" diatribe

More like, giving credit where credit is due... Most illegals are hired by the wealthy.

give me an example the sweatshops you are referring

Google is your friend.
and you are "for" or "against" cutting off that supply of labor by preventing them from coming into the country? you may want to skip this question]
I have no opinion one way or the other, really. We really do need immigration reform and we have a labor shortage. It needs to be managed better.

I notice you refer to the right as rich and successful but never the left in that way
Most rich aren't 'successful'. They are just winners of life's lottery.

wouldn't cutting off the supply of labor at the border solve your dilemma?

No, those jobs would still need to get done.

Or you could just prevent the "crisis" to start with
Except it isn't a crisis.
We aren't talking about the ones who were caught by the Border Patrol. They get sent right back to Mexico.

We are talking about families that presented themselves as asylum seekers and were promptly thrown into one of Trump's concentration camps, where their children were taken and they were lost by the bureaurcracy.
You do know that Trump is no longer president, right? All the camps were established under Obama and expanded under Biden.

Also, they are not "asylum" seekers. There are legal methods to do that which they don't even attempt to use. Not to mention that the Bide3n administration works constantly to block deportations of these individuals.

Also, until the states got mad enought
Um, okay, clearly you got the Abbie Normal Brain.

More like, giving credit where credit is due... Most illegals are hired by the wealthy.

Google is your friend.

I have no opinion one way or the other, really. We really do need immigration reform and we have a labor shortage. It needs to be managed better.

Most rich aren't 'successful'. They are just winners of life's lottery.

No, those jobs would still need to get done.

Except it isn't a crisis.
Soon to be millions of illegals coming across the border is not a crisis? If so, then you pay for them and leave the law abiding citizens out of it.

By the way, people American citizens to stay home and still get paid is why there are jobs going unfilled.
You do know that Trump is no longer president, right? All the camps were established under Obama and expanded under Biden.

Also, they are not "asylum" seekers. There are legal methods to do that which they don't even attempt to use. Not to mention that the Bide3n administration works constantly to block deportations of these individuals.

Trump is no longer president, but it's going to take years to fix the damage he caused.

Yes, these folks are asylum seekers, and they only have to present themselves as such at a border crossing. Again, the problem here isn't Mexicans anymore, they can find jobs in Mexico. It's refugees from Central America, where a century of colonial policy by the US is coming to bite us in the ass.

Soon to be millions of illegals coming across the border is not a crisis? If so, then you pay for them and leave the law abiding citizens out of it.

By the way, people American citizens to stay home and still get paid is why there are jobs going unfilled.

Except those payments (started under Trump) ended months ago and people are still not rushing out to take those shitty jobs.

Of course, the problem is more complex. Covid kind of taught us all who the shitty bosses are.... and people realized they could do better.

Some realized that working a minimum wage job and then paying for day care was just dumb. Especially if you are exposing yourself to a deadly disease because some Karen in a MAGA hat refuses to get her damn shot or wear a mask.

Of course, the bigger problem is American Demographics. We have more baby boomers retiring every year than we have Millennials to take their place. Millennials also don't have the view towards work that Boomers have. Work for the same company for a decade when they can fire you at any time? Fuck that.
Um, okay, clearly you got the Abbie Normal Brain.
It helps in tutoring the lefties, and it's "Mr. Normal" to you

More like, giving credit where credit is due... Most illegals are hired by the wealthy.
and all your posts are an attack on the successful

Google is your friend.
I knew you had no examples, that's why I asked you for them

I have no opinion one way or the other, really. We really do need immigration reform and we have a labor shortage. It needs to be managed better.
and your answer is to punish successful Americans...

Most rich aren't 'successful'. They are just winners of life's lottery.
Is there anything you do not repeat from the TV?

No, those jobs would still need to get done.

Except it isn't a crisis.
lol.. "Crisis" was in quotes because it is your claim not mine:
[JoeB131 said:
You could end the illegal crisis in five minute by going after the people who hire them, but you'll end up instituting a guest worker program when key stuff doesn't get done.]
thats proof of your lie Joe
Now you should do the same for the rest of your posts and admit they are not true either, just mindless TV rants against the successful
Most rich aren't 'successful'. They are just winners of life's lottery.
Yeah but those are your lefty successes, the Kennedy's the Baldwin's, the hollywood crowd,etc. [you know the type] who actually wouldn't have anything to do with these folks coming across the border, the folks that are truly American success stories put up buildings, bridges, tunnels, railway systems, they are the ones that connect Americans where as the lotto winners couldn't care less about "fly over country" when visiting one of their coasts.
Trump is no longer president, but it's going to take years to fix the damage he caused.

Yes, these folks are asylum seekers, and they only have to present themselves as such at a border crossing. Again, the problem here isn't Mexicans anymore, they can find jobs in Mexico. It's refugees from Central America, where a century of colonial policy by the US is coming to bite us in the ass.

Except those payments (started under Trump) ended months ago and people are still not rushing out to take those shitty jobs.

Of course, the problem is more complex. Covid kind of taught us all who the shitty bosses are.... and people realized they could do better.

Some realized that working a minimum wage job and then paying for day care was just dumb. Especially if you are exposing yourself to a deadly disease because some Karen in a MAGA hat refuses to get her damn shot or wear a mask.

Of course, the bigger problem is American Demographics. We have more baby boomers retiring every year than we have Millennials to take their place. Millennials also don't have the view towards work that Boomers have. Work for the same company for a decade when they can fire you at any time? Fuck that.
You really should try thinking without the directives of the democrats.

Everything you say is wrong and democrat talking points aimed at spreading their anti-American agenda.

You just continue believing what your masters tell you and remain useless in solving any problem.

BTW, your choice of handle is definitely appropriate for you, b rain dead and don't know what is going on.
and your answer is to punish successful Americans...

IF they are the ones breaking the law, sure. Again, go after the rich people who hire undocumented workers, you'll be amazed how fast they go home.

Instead, they get the cheap labor, and they keep stupid bigots like you angry about it.

Yeah but those are your lefty successes, the Kennedy's the Baldwin's, the hollywood crowd,etc. [you know the type] who actually wouldn't have anything to do with these folks coming across the border, the folks that are truly American success stories put up buildings, bridges, tunnels, railway systems, they are the ones that connect Americans where as the lotto winners couldn't care less about "fly over country" when visiting one of their coasts.


The rich are the ones who own the sweatshops.
The rich are the ones who hire Lupe who is just like a member of the family, so they don't have to pay her.

I knew you had no examples, that's why I asked you for them

I don't do links, because I know you guys don't read them.

If I did, I'd point out a case like the Jewish plant owner that Trump pardoned for running a sweatshop with illegals.

Rubashki was convicted in 2009 for submitting fake invoices to a bank that made Agriprocessors’ finances appear healthier than they were so that it could borrow more. His prosecution came after federal authorities raided the plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants in 2008.
IF they are the ones breaking the law, sure. Again, go after the rich people who hire undocumented workers, you'll be amazed how fast they go home.

who wants them to "go home"? they should be made cititizens if they are already here [pay attention to the quotes this time joe]
Instead, they get the cheap labor, and they keep stupid bigots like you angry about it.
I'm pretty sure anyone reading this can tell who's angry and wants to round up the immigrants joe


The rich are the ones who own the sweatshops.
give some examples

The rich are the ones who hire Lupe who is just like a member of the family, so they don't have to pay her.
so it is the rich who treat these folks like family joe?

I don't do links, because I know you guys don't read them.
plus the names Kennedy and Baldwin keeps popping up in them

If I did, I'd point out a case like the Jewish plant owner that Trump pardoned for running a sweatshop with illegals.
I'm sure you feel no anti-semitism in pointing out he was jewish, after all it was/is a key fact in your mind

Rubashki was convicted in 2009 for submitting fake invoices to a bank that made Agriprocessors’ finances appear healthier than they were so that it could borrow more. His prosecution came after federal authorities raided the plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants in 2008.

I don't see any crime here on any level! [including the paperwork] and what bank makes "Agriprocessors"? this man should be commended and given a humanitarian award for helping these folks, imagine he is poor and destitute joe and you will see the same thing. [except of course much like you he wouldn't help them.]
I'm sure you feel no anti-semitism in pointing out he was jewish, after all it was/is a key fact in your mind

Not at all... he got special treatment because he was a Jew.

I don't see any crime here on any level! [including the paperwork] and what bank makes "Agriprocessors"? this man should be commended and given a humanitarian award for helping these folks, imagine he is poor and destitute joe and you will see the same thing. [except of course much like you he wouldn't help them.]

You're babbling.. This guy got jail like he deserved... until Trump let him out.

I'm pretty sure anyone reading this can tell who's angry and wants to round up the immigrants joe

I think anyone reading this can spot the Troll. Go Troll somewhere else.

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