17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

I asked, where does the money come from? SPell it out for us genius. Where?

It comes from the pockets of good, cheap-assed, hypocritical tax-payers like you, dumb ass...and the federal printing press.
so you won't answer the question. I did expect you wouldn't. And btw, the feds don't pay for local cops. you should actually go learn where the funding does come from. you'd be edumicated then.

Well then, sunshine, dazzle us with your brilliance...if the funding for police does not come from tax dollars, edumicate us. Come on, moron, this outta be good.
ah I see what you did there, you tell me which tax dollars genius?

I pointed it out the first time moron....yours, mine, ours. You keep trying to look like you know something, but you are failing miserably...especially considering that I already mentioned my background.

But here, perhaps it's time I "edumicated" your dumb ass. Depending on the locality, some portion of income/sales/gross receipts taxes make up a portion of the funding, while usually a share of county/state and federal taxes, either directly or via grants and other goodies, make up the majority of the funding. In some places levies, bonds and even property taxes may make up a portion. Bottom line, they are all tax dollars...all coming from you and me as the original source.

Now if you want to refute that, go for it...but we both know you won't because you can't, so please spare us your lame attempts to look smart with silly word games. The more you write, the more the opposite becomes apparent.

That's true. Cops are paid by their host government...which is funded through taxes. Which...cops also pay.

So....cops are technically "self employed" haha!!
Gee it's so neat to have a History Professor on this forum.

I'm an economics Professor, never taught history.

You fucking idiot!
Ya two hundred years ago the cops were SOOOOO much more 'civilized'. What's wrong with you?
Two years ago if you attacked a LEO you would have been shot dead!


Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1788 Doctors' riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blood in the Streets: The New York City Draft Riots

Same with a hundred years ago. Same with fifty years ago.
Same with twenty years ago. SAME WITH TODAY you fucking idiot!
Or are you referring to what was happening in Romania two hundred years ago?
Fuck wit!

The thing is, i was alive 50 years ago and know what it was really like. I take it you are in your early 20's and still know everything?

So, are you a cop?

Do you abuse meth?

So you must be around 70 years old right? You say you were alive 50 years ago and knew what it was like. To have that kind of awareness of your surrounding society...you'd have to have been at least 15-20 years old 50 years ago. Right?

So....now youre a 70 year old geezer on a message board arguing about how bad cops are?? Hahaha! What a loser! When I'm 70...I sure won't give a fuck about Internet message boards.
So much jibberish. But I'll try to respond....

"We" the voters and tax payers. We elect people. And the majority of us are ok with laws and law enforcement. It's a staple of a civil society.

The "cops are just DMV workers with a gun" nonsense haha? You hate cops. No reasoning with you. Guys like you and DontTazeMeBro....the "radical libertarians"....are more useless than radical lefties. You live in a bubble of safety provided by the military and police....and you proclaim how you don't need governemnt.

As for Frost.....did he kill the driver for flashing his beams?? I swear....I thought I read the story....and I swear I thought the driver attacked the cop just before the shooting. Hmmm.

I'm not a fan of government workers. Once unionized, and semblance of fairness was evicted. Retire at 50 and leech off of the public for life - yeah that offends me.

The real difference is that I view cops as public servants, and you view them as public masters. You believe the public exists to serve and obey the police.
So much jibberish. But I'll try to respond....

"We" the voters and tax payers. We elect people. And the majority of us are ok with laws and law enforcement. It's a staple of a civil society.

The "cops are just DMV workers with a gun" nonsense haha? You hate cops. No reasoning with you. Guys like you and DontTazeMeBro....the "radical libertarians"....are more useless than radical lefties. You live in a bubble of safety provided by the military and police....and you proclaim how you don't need governemnt.

As for Frost.....did he kill the driver for flashing his beams?? I swear....I thought I read the story....and I swear I thought the driver attacked the cop just before the shooting. Hmmm.

I'm not a fan of government workers. Once unionized, and semblance of fairness was evicted. Retire at 50 and leech off of the public for life - yeah that offends me.

The real difference is that I view cops as public servants, and you view them as public masters. You believe the public exists to serve and obey the police.

Haha sure I do whatever.

Now down on your knees and obey you peasant!:bow2:

Or....are your knees to old to kneel? You are at least 65-70 years old so we gotta be sure you obey in a way that won't hurt.
So you must be around 70 years old right? You say you were alive 50 years ago and knew what it was like.

I know that you're a government worker, but a little math reveals that someone 51 years old was alive 50 years ago. Someone 55 years old knows what it was like.

To have that kind of awareness of your surrounding society...you'd have to have been at least 15-20 years old 50 years ago. Right?

So....now youre a 70 year old geezer on a message board arguing about how bad cops are?? Hahaha! What a loser! When I'm 70...I sure won't give a fuck about Internet message boards.

When you are 50, you'll start sucking off the public teet and doing very little. Another government leech.
So much jibberish. But I'll try to respond....

"We" the voters and tax payers. We elect people. And the majority of us are ok with laws and law enforcement. It's a staple of a civil society.

The "cops are just DMV workers with a gun" nonsense haha? You hate cops. No reasoning with you. Guys like you and DontTazeMeBro....the "radical libertarians"....are more useless than radical lefties. You live in a bubble of safety provided by the military and police....and you proclaim how you don't need governemnt.

As for Frost.....did he kill the driver for flashing his beams?? I swear....I thought I read the story....and I swear I thought the driver attacked the cop just before the shooting. Hmmm.

I'm not a fan of government workers. Once unionized, and semblance of fairness was evicted. Retire at 50 and leech off of the public for life - yeah that offends me.

The real difference is that I view cops as public servants, and you view them as public masters. You believe the public exists to serve and obey the police.

So I assume you don't like our military and you absolutely despise their retirement at age 38?
So you must be around 70 years old right? You say you were alive 50 years ago and knew what it was like.

I know that you're a government worker, but a little math reveals that someone 51 years old was alive 50 years ago. Someone 55 years old knows what it was like.

To have that kind of awareness of your surrounding society...you'd have to have been at least 15-20 years old 50 years ago. Right?

So....now youre a 70 year old geezer on a message board arguing about how bad cops are?? Hahaha! What a loser! When I'm 70...I sure won't give a fuck about Internet message boards.

When you are 50, you'll start sucking off the public teet and doing very little. Another government leech.

Wait...see...you said "I was alive 50 years ago I know what it was like". Now you say you are 55? So.....as a 5 year old....you were aware of what police/community relations were like? Damn. You must have had irresponsible parents to let a 5 year old roam the streets so much.
So much jibberish. But I'll try to respond....

"We" the voters and tax payers. We elect people. And the majority of us are ok with laws and law enforcement. It's a staple of a civil society.

The "cops are just DMV workers with a gun" nonsense haha? You hate cops. No reasoning with you. Guys like you and DontTazeMeBro....the "radical libertarians"....are more useless than radical lefties. You live in a bubble of safety provided by the military and police....and you proclaim how you don't need governemnt.

As for Frost.....did he kill the driver for flashing his beams?? I swear....I thought I read the story....and I swear I thought the driver attacked the cop just before the shooting. Hmmm.

I'm not a fan of government workers. Once unionized, and semblance of fairness was evicted. Retire at 50 and leech off of the public for life - yeah that offends me.

The real difference is that I view cops as public servants, and you view them as public masters. You believe the public exists to serve and obey the police.

The real difference is that I view cops as public servants, and you view them as public masters. You believe the public exists to serve and obey the police

Where do you get that idea from?
So let's get this right.....UNCENSORED2008 was a 5 year old 50 years ago......waking up and reading his newspaper and sipping coffee....then jumping onto his tricycle and rolling around town observing all the interactions between 1960s cops and citizens.

Ok. Got it.
So much jibberish. But I'll try to respond....

"We" the voters and tax payers. We elect people. And the majority of us are ok with laws and law enforcement. It's a staple of a civil society.

The "cops are just DMV workers with a gun" nonsense haha? You hate cops. No reasoning with you. Guys like you and DontTazeMeBro....the "radical libertarians"....are more useless than radical lefties. You live in a bubble of safety provided by the military and police....and you proclaim how you don't need governemnt.

As for Frost.....did he kill the driver for flashing his beams?? I swear....I thought I read the story....and I swear I thought the driver attacked the cop just before the shooting. Hmmm.

I'm not a fan of government workers. Once unionized, and semblance of fairness was evicted. Retire at 50 and leech off of the public for life - yeah that offends me.

The real difference is that I view cops as public servants, and you view them as public masters. You believe the public exists to serve and obey the police.

The real difference is that I view cops as public servants, and you view them as public masters. You believe the public exists to serve and obey the police

Where do you get that idea from?

From his toddler years. He was the most aware and socially engaged 5 year old in human history. He was well aware of public/police dynamics in the 1960s....as a 5 year old. He said so himself. He says he knows what it was like. Guess he rolled gangsta as a toddler to be that deep in the hoods to know so much about policing in the 60s.
Gee it's so neat to have a History Professor on this forum.

I'm an economics Professor, never taught history.

You fucking idiot!
Ya two hundred years ago the cops were SOOOOO much more 'civilized'. What's wrong with you?
Two years ago if you attacked a LEO you would have been shot dead!


Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1788 Doctors' riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blood in the Streets: The New York City Draft Riots

Same with a hundred years ago. Same with fifty years ago.
Same with twenty years ago. SAME WITH TODAY you fucking idiot!
Or are you referring to what was happening in Romania two hundred years ago?
Fuck wit!

The thing is, i was alive 50 years ago and know what it was really like. I take it you are in your early 20's and still know everything?

So, are you a cop?

Do you abuse meth?
That's enough of you and your
No longer is it unusual to hear about incidents in which police shoot unarmed individuals first and ask questions later. What is unusual is our lack of outrage, the relative disinterest of our elected representatives, the media’s abysmal failure to ask questions and demand answers, and our growing acceptance of the status quo in the United Police States of America—a status quo in which “we the people” are powerless in the face of the heavy-handed tactics employed by the government and its armed agents.

However, as I document in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, it’s all part of the larger police state continuum. Thus, with each tragic shooting that is shrugged off or covered up, each piece of legislation passed that criminalizes otherwise legal activities, every surveillance drone that takes to the skies, every phone call, email or text that is spied on, and every transaction that is monitored, the government’s stranglehold over our lives grows stronger.

We have been silent about too many things for too long, not the least of which is the deadly tendency on the part of police to resort to lethal force. However, as Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.”}

The Rutherford Institute :: Welcome to the United Police States of America, Where Police Shoot First & Ask Questions Later
Wow! You're really an author of a book. Like WOW!
And your name is John Whitehead. Like WOW again!

Or are you some fucking troll loser who C&Ps other people's
words and pretends they are his own?
So you must be around 70 years old right? You say you were alive 50 years ago and knew what it was like.

I know that you're a government worker, but a little math reveals that someone 51 years old was alive 50 years ago. Someone 55 years old knows what it was like.

To have that kind of awareness of your surrounding society...you'd have to have been at least 15-20 years old 50 years ago. Right?

So....now youre a 70 year old geezer on a message board arguing about how bad cops are?? Hahaha! What a loser! When I'm 70...I sure won't give a fuck about Internet message boards.

When you are 50, you'll start sucking off the public teet and doing very little. Another government leech.

Wait...see...you said "I was alive 50 years ago I know what it was like". Now you say you are 55? So.....as a 5 year old....you were aware of what police/community relations were like? Damn. You must have had irresponsible parents to let a 5 year old roam the streets so much.

To be fair...at 5 I was pretty much roaming where I wanted to in one of the ten largest cities in America at the time...was running numbers for the nice old guys in the corner taverns and had the "thrill" of seeing a man I called "uncle" gunned down in cold blood. Times were different then (concerning the roaming around anyway)...but your point of how aware we were of current events beyond our fishbowls and paygrades is perfectly valid.
I asked, where does the money come from? SPell it out for us genius. Where?

It comes from the pockets of good, cheap-assed, hypocritical tax-payers like you, dumb ass...and the federal printing press.
so you won't answer the question. I did expect you wouldn't. And btw, the feds don't pay for local cops. you should actually go learn where the funding does come from. you'd be edumicated then.

Well then, sunshine, dazzle us with your brilliance...if the funding for police does not come from tax dollars, edumicate us. Come on, moron, this outta be good.
ah I see what you did there, you tell me which tax dollars genius?

I pointed it out the first time moron....yours, mine, ours. You keep trying to look like you know something, but you are failing miserably...especially considering that I already mentioned my background.

But here, perhaps it's time I "edumicated" your dumb ass. Depending on the locality, some portion of income/sales/gross receipts taxes make up a portion of the funding, while usually a share of county/state and federal taxes, either directly or via grants and other goodies, make up the majority of the funding. In some places levies, bonds and even property taxes may make up a portion. Bottom line, they are all tax dollars...all coming from you and me as the original source.

Now if you want to refute that, go for it...but we both know you won't because you can't, so please spare us your lame attempts to look smart with silly word games. The more you write, the more the opposite becomes apparent.

crickets, as expected. You're dismissed, junior.

No. You said several times "shoot first ask questions never". Yet you can't provide examples of when a cop has done exactly that.

You can question the laws of your society. We have elections and campaigns and open town hall meetings where you can question the LAW MAKERS. Cops dont make the laws.

And no....we don't support disarming people. That's silly. You should never pull a gun on a cop or try to take one of his weapons. That won't end well.

Who is "we" bucs?

You openly called for strict gun control during your few years of far left trolling on this board.

Look, you are a pampered and entitled government worker feeding at the public trough, who thinks that somehow this makes you superior to the peasants. A cop is just a DMV worker with a gun.

Oh, and cops don't make laws, but often think that they ARE the law. This prick Frost driving with his high beams blinding oncoming traffic and then pulling people over for flashing the rude asshole. He wasn't enforcing the law, the law states that people CAN flash, Frost had the attitude you do, that he alone was law, that people must obey HIM without question. When someone questioned him, he killed him.

You think that's okay, because you think that people are the property of the state to be done with as the state pleases.

I view the state as the property of the people.

So much jibberish. But I'll try to respond....

"We" the voters and tax payers. We elect people. And the majority of us are ok with laws and law enforcement. It's a staple of a civil society.

The "cops are just DMV workers with a gun" nonsense haha? You hate cops. No reasoning with you. Guys like you and DontTazeMeBro....the "radical libertarians"....are more useless than radical lefties. You live in a bubble of safety provided by the military and police....and you proclaim how you don't need governemnt.

As for Frost.....did he kill the driver for flashing his beams?? I swear....I thought I read the story....and I swear I thought the driver attacked the cop just before the shooting. Hmmm.
It's funny that he thinks he's a conservative. He fails woefully to meet the definition not only because he's bat shit crazy but because real conservatives believe in law and order and when a cop tells you to do something, you do it....and that if you go for the cop's gun, you're going to get ventilated.

No. You said several times "shoot first ask questions never". Yet you can't provide examples of when a cop has done exactly that.

You can question the laws of your society. We have elections and campaigns and open town hall meetings where you can question the LAW MAKERS. Cops dont make the laws.

And no....we don't support disarming people. That's silly. You should never pull a gun on a cop or try to take one of his weapons. That won't end well.

Who is "we" bucs?

You openly called for strict gun control during your few years of far left trolling on this board.

Look, you are a pampered and entitled government worker feeding at the public trough, who thinks that somehow this makes you superior to the peasants. A cop is just a DMV worker with a gun.

Oh, and cops don't make laws, but often think that they ARE the law. This prick Frost driving with his high beams blinding oncoming traffic and then pulling people over for flashing the rude asshole. He wasn't enforcing the law, the law states that people CAN flash, Frost had the attitude you do, that he alone was law, that people must obey HIM without question. When someone questioned him, he killed him.

You think that's okay, because you think that people are the property of the state to be done with as the state pleases.

I view the state as the property of the people.

So much jibberish. But I'll try to respond....

"We" the voters and tax payers. We elect people. And the majority of us are ok with laws and law enforcement. It's a staple of a civil society.

The "cops are just DMV workers with a gun" nonsense haha? You hate cops. No reasoning with you. Guys like you and DontTazeMeBro....the "radical libertarians"....are more useless than radical lefties. You live in a bubble of safety provided by the military and police....and you proclaim how you don't need governemnt.

As for Frost.....did he kill the driver for flashing his beams?? I swear....I thought I read the story....and I swear I thought the driver attacked the cop just before the shooting. Hmmm.
It's funny that he thinks he's a conservative. He fails woefully to meet the definition not only because he's bat shit crazy but because real conservatives believe in law and order and when a cop tells you to do something, you do it....and that if you go for the cop's gun, you're going to get ventilated.

Yep. He identifies as a "radical libertarian". And those are interesting breeds. They are basically leftist anarchists....who like guns. And it plays a mind fuck on them. They believe in everything the leftist anarchists want....but....they love guns too, so the right wing appeals to them.

So....radical libertarian. Nothing but an anarchist with a gun.
So you must be around 70 years old right? You say you were alive 50 years ago and knew what it was like.

I know that you're a government worker, but a little math reveals that someone 51 years old was alive 50 years ago. Someone 55 years old knows what it was like.

To have that kind of awareness of your surrounding society...you'd have to have been at least 15-20 years old 50 years ago. Right?

So....now youre a 70 year old geezer on a message board arguing about how bad cops are?? Hahaha! What a loser! When I'm 70...I sure won't give a fuck about Internet message boards.

When you are 50, you'll start sucking off the public teet and doing very little. Another government leech.

Wait...see...you said "I was alive 50 years ago I know what it was like". Now you say you are 55? So.....as a 5 year old....you were aware of what police/community relations were like? Damn. You must have had irresponsible parents to let a 5 year old roam the streets so much.

To be fair...at 5 I was pretty much roaming where I wanted to in one of the ten largest cities in America at the time...was running numbers for the nice old guys in the corner taverns and had the "thrill" of seeing a man I called "uncle" gunned down in cold blood. Times were different then (concerning the roaming around anyway)...but your point of how aware we were of current events beyond our fishbowls and paygrades is perfectly valid.

Your credibility is now at zero.
So I assume you don't like our military and you absolutely despise their retirement at age 38?

The military is needed for national defense, I am a Conservative and take the view of Thomas Jefferson regarding a standing army.
Which cities are the most violent in the US?
Which political party do the vast majority of these city's public officials belong to?
What race are these city officials from the Mayor on down?
What cities have the most 'two LEOs' patrol cars?
What cities are the poorest?
What cities have the highest incidence of LEO's being shot?
Start by answering these simple questions honestly.
Identifying the main problem must come first if any solution can be found.
Putting two LEO in patrol cars is a stupid idea except in areas where LEO's are often being targeted by negro thugs.

What does any of this have to do with a cop shooting a white kid on his way home from church to death for not producing a drivers license? :dunno:
What significance does the kid being "church going" have to the subject?
For all you know he could have been getting a hummer in the pews.
Would it have changed anything if he was out doing graffiti?
So I assume you don't like our military and you absolutely despise their retirement at age 38?

The military is needed for national defense, I am a Conservative and take the view of Thomas Jefferson regarding a standing army.

But you said you don't like government employees and their nice retirements. Hmmm.

Yes we need a military. Don't we also need police? Or...if a young woman wakes up to hear a rapist kicking in her front door....she should dial 911 and call the Navy?

Dont we need highways? And people to organize and maintain them? Dont we need water and sewer? And facilities, people and resources to keep them functioning?

Let me guess....you're a radical libertarian that believes we should have a federal Army....but no other government. Right?

You skipped over me making fun of you though. You expect us to believe that as a 5 year old....you had a healthy awareness of police interactions with the public and policy regarding it? At 5? You claimed you "knew what it was like back then".

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