17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

That's enough! You're a stupid troll attempting to 'get your lonely empty day in' by making ludicrous circular arguments. Permanent Ignore.

You wound me meth boi, what will I do without your childish, emotional outbursts?

Childish emotional outbursts? Tell us some more about how all cops kill as a first response to any situation as you claimed earlier.

That would literally mean thousands of police killings everyday, you idiot.
So I assume you don't like our military and you absolutely despise their retirement at age 38?

The military is needed for national defense, I am a Conservative and take the view of Thomas Jefferson regarding a standing army.
I take the Constitution's view on a standing army. The Constitution gives Congress the authority to raise an Army and Navy and gives it wide discretion on what size it is, how it's deployed, and how it enforces treaties made with other nations. That means, short of martial law, there is nothing our military is doing that violates the Constitution. Like all Leftists, you never have actually read the document, have you?
false! most leftists have read it ,beside false assumption, you got any other turds of wisdom you'd like to spew?
I take the Constitution's view on a standing army. The Constitution gives Congress the authority to raise an Army and Navy and gives it wide discretion on what size it is, how it's deployed, and how it enforces treaties made with other nations. That means, short of martial law, there is nothing our military is doing that violates the Constitution. Like all Leftists, you never have actually read the document, have you?

"A standing army has always been used by despots to enforce their rule and to keep their people under subjection. Its existence was therefore considered a great threat to peace and stability in a republic and a danger to the rights of the nation. Since every aspect of government was designed to prevent the rise of tyranny, strict limits and control over the military were considered absolutely necessary. It was essential that the military be subordinate to civilian control." - Thomas Jefferson.

You can counter with a quote from Nikita Kruscheve to promote your side, if you so desire...

The Constitution places the military under civilian control. You lose.
you assumed that and were obviously wrong .
if he were no threat he would not have been shot.
no need to respond with your usual delusional jack booted trained killer bullshit.

Well, there you go. If you have nothing to hide, you won't object to the police monitoring your phone calls and email!
you assumed that and were obviously wrong .
if he were no threat he would not have been shot.
no need to respond with your usual delusional jack booted trained killer bullshit.

Well, there you go. If you have nothing to hide, you won't object to the police monitoring your phone calls and email!

I harbor a most sincere hope they are monitoring yours.
folks unhinged has a system when he's getting his ass handed to him.
1. accuse other posters of drug or alcohol abuse.
2 accuse other posters of being emotionally overwrought.
3 liberal use of the your stupid ploy .
you assumed that and were obviously wrong .
if he were no threat he would not have been shot.
no need to respond with your usual delusional jack booted trained killer bullshit.

Well, there you go. If you have nothing to hide, you won't object to the police monitoring your phone calls and email!
so you respond with the equally paranoid big brother is watching ploy.
fact they always are and always have been
folks unhinged has a system when he's getting his ass handed to him.
1. accuse other posters of drug or alcohol abuse.
2 accuse other posters of being emotionally overwrought.
3 liberal use of the your stupid ploy .

The stupid ploy belongs to STMichael?

You have to admit duhs, you really aren't the sharpest marshmallow in the bag. :dunno:

But no doubt I am stinging from you pointing out the extreme crime rates in Yorba Linda.. :eusa_whistle:
folks unhinged has a system when he's getting his ass handed to him.
1. accuse other posters of drug or alcohol abuse.
2 accuse other posters of being emotionally overwrought.
3 liberal use of the your stupid ploy .

The stupid ploy belongs to STMichael?

You have to admit duhs, you really aren't the sharpest marshmallow in the bag. :dunno:

But no doubt I am stinging from you pointing out the extreme crime rates in Yorba Linda.. :eusa_whistle:
thanks for making my point again.
so you respond with the equally paranoid big brother is watching ploy.
fact they always are and always have been

You really are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Absolutely no way you are 55 years old. You are...at most...22. Your posts are just too immature to be from a 55 year old.

Unless....you're just a really really dumb 55 year old who has never really been educated.
odd I was around 50 years ago and back then the cops could beat ,shoot , falsely arrest and detain anyone for no reason at all .

So, you're saying nothing has changed?

didn't have Miranda rights until 1966.
you must have lived in a box and been forced to watch Disney good behavior shorts.

Miranda is idiocy.

When I was 17, I was up at Puddingstone with friends, we had a case of beer, some pot, and I think sloe gin. Cops showed up.

Here is how it went down:

1974: Alright, what are you kids up to? Dump out the beer and the dope and go home.

2015: SWAT called in and automatic weapons trained on the kids. Everyone arrested on felony charges, except the kid who mouthed off and was shot 93 times by the poor cop in body armor fearing for his life from the cellphone wielding thug.

Cops used to be regular people enforcing the laws that everyone agreed on. Now they are paramilitary thugs with itchy trigger fingers.
odd I was around 50 years ago and back then the cops could beat ,shoot , falsely arrest and detain anyone for no reason at all .

So, you're saying nothing has changed?

didn't have Miranda rights until 1966.
you must have lived in a box and been forced to watch Disney good behavior shorts.

Miranda is idiocy.

When I was 17, I was up at Puddingstone with friends, we had a case of beer, some pot, and I think sloe gin. Cops showed up.

Here is how it went down:

1974: Alright, what are you kids up to? Dump out the beer and the dope and go home.

2015: SWAT called in and automatic weapons trained on the kids. Everyone arrested on felony charges, except the kid who mouthed off and was shot 93 times by the poor cop in body armor fearing for his life from the cellphone wielding thug.

Cops used to be regular people enforcing the laws that everyone agreed on. Now they are paramilitary thugs with itchy trigger fingers.
Absolutely no way you are 55 years old. You are...at most...22. Your posts are just too immature to be from a 55 year old.

Unless....you're just a really really dumb 55 year old who has never really been educated.

Bucs, I envision you as an Al Bundy kind of guy. You finished high school, with your only strong subject as "Football."

With no real talents, you joined the police academy because busting heads was something you could do. About right? You rose to be union steward and help organize every strike when you think that $120K is too little for the arduous task of writing traffic tickets. You hate Republicans because they are against unions, particularly the greedy public employee unions like you belong to. But the democrats don't like cops, so you have a hard time being loyal to them.

Did I nail it?
odd I was around 50 years ago and back then the cops could beat ,shoot , falsely arrest and detain anyone for no reason at all .

So, you're saying nothing has changed?

didn't have Miranda rights until 1966.
you must have lived in a box and been forced to watch Disney good behavior shorts.

Miranda is idiocy.

When I was 17, I was up at Puddingstone with friends, we had a case of beer, some pot, and I think sloe gin. Cops showed up.

Here is how it went down:

1974: Alright, what are you kids up to? Dump out the beer and the dope and go home.

2015: SWAT called in and automatic weapons trained on the kids. Everyone arrested on felony charges, except the kid who mouthed off and was shot 93 times by the poor cop in body armor fearing for his life from the cellphone wielding thug.

Cops used to be regular people enforcing the laws that everyone agreed on. Now they are paramilitary thugs with itchy trigger fingers.

Haha....both stories are made up and never happened.

Damn Gramps....you are one seriously angry bitter old fart. When I'm over 70 like you...I sure won't waste my dwindling days on a message board whining about cops.

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