17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Now.....watch uncensored 08 disappear.

His lie completely exposed. Making up a story about an encounter with a Sheriff's department.....which doesn't exist. Wow.
Yes you did.


Link it.

Or admit you're lying.

But first....clarify why you made up a story about the "San Dimas Sheriffs" at Lake Puddington showing you so much mercy in 1974.....when the San Dimas Sheriffs Department.....DOESN'T EXIST. Because it is in LA County. Where only 1 sheriffs office exists. The LA sheriffs office.

You have lied throughout this thread.


What a fucking moron.

Actually duhs, that exact scenario happened when I was 17. San Dimas Sheriffs. I had to dump everything out, but they let me keep my pipe..

Things were VERY different then.

HEY UNCENSORED....I don't mean to bust your lie WIDE OPEN again.

But....this tale you have of the San Dima Sheriff's busting up your weed party at Lake Puddington and showing leniancy...um....there's a problem.

See....sheriffs departments are COUNTY agencies.

And that lake....is in LA County.

There is no "San Dimas Sheriff".

It's in the jurisdiction of LA County. Under the Los Angeles County Sheriff.

So....for a person claiming to have known SO MUCH about policing back then.....at least make up a story about a Sheriff's department that ACTUALLY EXISTS.

Good god but you're stupid.


San Dimas Sheriff ’s Station
Sheriff's Department
Address: 270 S Walnut Ave, San Dimas, CA 91773
Phone:(909) 450-2700


Hey moron:
City of San Dimas - LA County Sheriff

That is the sheriffs STATION. A sub station...in San Dimas....of the LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT.

There is no San Dimas Sheriffs Department. LA County only has ONE SHERIFF. Every county has ONE SHERIFF. Been that way since British rule in America.

That's a Sheriff's STATION....an outpost basically....of the LA SHERIFF.

You said you had an encounter with San Dimas Sheriffs. They don't exist. San Dimas is a CITY not a COUNTY. San Dimas doesn't have sheriffs. LA County has them. LA County has a STATION in San Dimas.....same way LAPD has substations in the city.

Wow. For a guy who knows so much about police....you didn't know this distinction that has been rule of law since the British ruled America???

You never got stopped by a "San Dimas Sheriff" as you claimed. They don't exist.
Now.....watch uncensored 08 disappear.

His lie completely exposed. Making up a story about an encounter with a Sheriff's department.....which doesn't exist. Wow.

Actually, I figure you'll disappear, retard.

Me leave?? No way. This is too much fun.

So....explain to us how LA County apparently has TWO sheriffs. The LA County Sheriff.....and....apparently the San Dimas Sheriff. First county in American or British history to have 1 county with 2 sheriffs!!

Actually duhs, that exact scenario happened when I was 17. San Dimas Sheriffs. I had to dump everything out, but they let me keep my pipe..

Things were VERY different then.
theses couple of posts about your supposed aborted attempts to get stoned prove only one thing you were fucking stupid.
if you lived in the OC during that time why drive all the way to puddingstone and san dimas to get stoned?
everybody who was anybody knew the place to party were the canyons, black star at falls , Silverado, Modjeska.
there was almost zero chance of get busted in the canyons back then.
never even saw a cop and the rangers just left you alone.
on the other hand in the summer of 75 I was working for my best friend's dad ,who owned and antique store.
he wanted to start an association of all the other businesses on that street .
he sent my friends and I to get addresses and phone numbers.
right around that time someone called the police saying there was suspicious activity involving four juveniles, (who as we found out later supposedly looked a lot like the four of us)
as we were leaving the sandwich shop ,two cops cars came out of nowhere.
a cop jumped out of the driver side door ,bull horn in hand (funny because he was no more than five feet away ).
ordered us to assume the position and proceeded to search us without telling us why cuffed us and never did tell us we were under arrest.
my friend got sticked in the mouth for asking why.
I got punched in the nuts for no particular reason.
then a call came over the radio say the juveniles had been apprehended ...6 blocks away.
they let us go ,without an apology without a reason.
my parents and my friend's parents sued.
yeah things have changed since then.
Uncensored we are gonna start from scratch rebuilding your knowledge of police since it's been exposed as obviously so lacking.

Each county has 1 sheriff and 1 sheriffs department. Old English law and been that way for centuries.

Within that county...several city police departments exist.

So there can NOT BE a "San Dimas Sheriff" patrolling Lake Puddington in Los Angeles County....as you claimed....because LA County only has 1 sheriff.

With me so far?

Actually duhs, that exact scenario happened when I was 17. San Dimas Sheriffs. I had to dump everything out, but they let me keep my pipe..

Things were VERY different then.
theses couple of posts about your supposed aborted attempts to get stoned prove only one thing you were fucking stupid.
if you lived in the OC during that time why drive all the way to puddingstone and san dimas to get stoned?
everybody who was anybody knew the place to party were the canyons, black star at falls , Silverado, Modjeska.
there was almost zero chance of get busted in the canyons back then.
never even saw a cop and the rangers just left you alone.
on the other hand in the summer of 75 I was working for my best friend's dad ,who owned and antique store.
he wanted to start an association of all the other businesses on that street .
he sent my friends and I to get addresses and phone numbers.
right around that time someone called the police saying there was suspicious activity involving four juveniles, (who as we found out later supposedly looked a lot like the four of us)
as we were leaving the sandwich shop ,two cops cars came out of nowhere.
a cop jumped out of the driver side door ,bull horn in hand (funny because he was no more than five feet away ).
ordered us to assume the position and proceeded to search us without telling us why cuffed us and never did tell us we were under arrest.
my friend got sticked in the mouth for asking why.
I got punched in the nuts for no particular reason.
then a call came over the radio say the juveniles had been apprehended ...6 blocks away.
they let us go ,without an apology without a reason.
my parents and my friend's parents sued.
yeah things have changed since then.

He made that up man.

He said "San Dimas Sheriffs" stopped him. That lake is in LA County. So that sheriff cannot exist.

He tried linking me to a SUBSTATION of the LA Sheriff in San Dima to counter it. He made it up. The sheriffs he claimed he encountered either don't exist or they were impersonating officers and stole his weed haha!! "Sir...San Dimas Sheriffs Department....hand over the weed!"

Apparently LA County has 2 sheriffs now according to Uncensored2008.

Hey moron:
City of San Dimas - LA County Sheriff

That is the sheriffs STATION. A sub station...in San Dimas....of the LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT.

There is no San Dimas Sheriffs Department. LA County only has ONE SHERIFF. Every county has ONE SHERIFF. Been that way since British rule in America.

That's a Sheriff's STATION....an outpost basically....of the LA SHERIFF.

You said you had an encounter with San Dimas Sheriffs. They don't exist. San Dimas is a CITY not a COUNTY. San Dimas doesn't have sheriffs. LA County has them. LA County has a STATION in San Dimas.....same way LAPD has substations in the city.

Wow. For a guy who knows so much about police....you didn't know this distinction that has been rule of law since the British ruled America???

You never got stopped by a "San Dimas Sheriff" as you claimed. They don't exist.

So, were you born retarded, or did you do too much crack as cop?
I'd imagine not. Because in the 60s and 70s....police Kevlar vests barely existed and M4s didn't exist (civilian version of M16).

And the fact that the snow joke went so far over your head....nevermind.

The M4 is a purely military rifle.

The AR-15 would be the closest civilian counterpart.

Police were not military until the late 90's. Police used to be civilian law enforcement working FOR communities. The change to military forces subduing subjects came during Clinton, after Waco and McVeigh. Basically the police declared war on the people.

Blame the unconstitutional "civil asset forfeiture" laws. Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies have millions of dollars supplementing their budgets with which they buy APC's (tanks) and other military weapons and implements. All of this started right after those laws were passed, and thus was the beginning of the government thinking it needed to arm itself against it's own citizens.

Hey moron:
City of San Dimas - LA County Sheriff

That is the sheriffs STATION. A sub station...in San Dimas....of the LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT.

There is no San Dimas Sheriffs Department. LA County only has ONE SHERIFF. Every county has ONE SHERIFF. Been that way since British rule in America.

That's a Sheriff's STATION....an outpost basically....of the LA SHERIFF.

You said you had an encounter with San Dimas Sheriffs. They don't exist. San Dimas is a CITY not a COUNTY. San Dimas doesn't have sheriffs. LA County has them. LA County has a STATION in San Dimas.....same way LAPD has substations in the city.

Wow. For a guy who knows so much about police....you didn't know this distinction that has been rule of law since the British ruled America???

You never got stopped by a "San Dimas Sheriff" as you claimed. They don't exist.

So, were you born retarded, or did you do too much crack as cop?

You mad bro? Your lie got exposed as badly as any lie I can remember on USMB.

Hahaha.....San Dimas Sheriffs Department hahaha!!!! That was a good one. Too bad it cannot exist by law. So admit....you were not stopped by a San Dimas Sheriffs deputy. Because....San Dimas is in LA County...and only LA County Sheriff's Department is in LA County....because for 250 years that's been how it works. 1 county, 1 sheriffs department.

So how much of your other stories are made up?

Hey moron:
City of San Dimas - LA County Sheriff

That is the sheriffs STATION. A sub station...in San Dimas....of the LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT.

There is no San Dimas Sheriffs Department. LA County only has ONE SHERIFF. Every county has ONE SHERIFF. Been that way since British rule in America.

That's a Sheriff's STATION....an outpost basically....of the LA SHERIFF.

You said you had an encounter with San Dimas Sheriffs. They don't exist. San Dimas is a CITY not a COUNTY. San Dimas doesn't have sheriffs. LA County has them. LA County has a STATION in San Dimas.....same way LAPD has substations in the city.

Wow. For a guy who knows so much about police....you didn't know this distinction that has been rule of law since the British ruled America???

You never got stopped by a "San Dimas Sheriff" as you claimed. They don't exist.

So, were you born retarded, or did you do too much crack as cop?
there it is! the you must be retarded and do drugs combo ploy!
Me leave?? No way. This is too much fun.

So....explain to us how LA County apparently has TWO sheriffs. The LA County Sheriff.....and....apparently the San Dimas Sheriff. First county in American or British history to have 1 county with 2 sheriffs!!

Even though I proved you were a fucking retard?

Yo retard, the agency in a county as big as LA is defined by the substation. The San Dimas Sheriffs are distinct form the Lancaster Sheriffs, moron.

San Dimas sheriff's

Seriously, what a fucking retard you are.

Hey moron:
City of San Dimas - LA County Sheriff

That is the sheriffs STATION. A sub station...in San Dimas....of the LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT.

There is no San Dimas Sheriffs Department. LA County only has ONE SHERIFF. Every county has ONE SHERIFF. Been that way since British rule in America.

That's a Sheriff's STATION....an outpost basically....of the LA SHERIFF.

You said you had an encounter with San Dimas Sheriffs. They don't exist. San Dimas is a CITY not a COUNTY. San Dimas doesn't have sheriffs. LA County has them. LA County has a STATION in San Dimas.....same way LAPD has substations in the city.

Wow. For a guy who knows so much about police....you didn't know this distinction that has been rule of law since the British ruled America???

You never got stopped by a "San Dimas Sheriff" as you claimed. They don't exist.

So, were you born retarded, or did you do too much crack as cop?
there it is! the you must be retarded and do drugs combo ploy!


He got exposed. Made up a cop story involving officers from an agency that never existed. He claims to have this vast knowledge of cops...yet...doesn't know this fundamental rule of law enforcement that has existed since....well....colonial days. And because of that....he made up a story that was easily debunked.

He said San Dimas Sheriffs deputies at Lake Puddington. I've been to that lake once. And it struck me.....isn't that in Los Angeles County??? And LA County only has 1 sheriffs department.
Me leave?? No way. This is too much fun.

So....explain to us how LA County apparently has TWO sheriffs. The LA County Sheriff.....and....apparently the San Dimas Sheriff. First county in American or British history to have 1 county with 2 sheriffs!!

Even though I proved you were a fucking retard?

Yo retard, the agency in a county as big as LA is defined by the substation. The San Dimas Sheriffs are distinct form the Lancaster Sheriffs, moron.

San Dimas sheriff's

Seriously, what a fucking retard you are.


OK....so let me get this right. You're saying LA County has more than 1 sheriffs department? I know for a fact they do not. It's all LA County Sheriff's Department.

Oh man....watching you squirm and scramble your way out of this is gonna be fun.

Go to the San Dimas city website. I did. It CLEARLY states the "Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department".

2 hours ago....you actually thought a "San Dimas Sheriff" existed. I know for 100% fact that until today...you didn't know that 1 county can only have 1 sheriff.

What a loser haha!!

Now you say they just identify where they work.

Hmmm. So the LAPD Compton officers would identify as "Compton Police"??? Hahaha.....man....I can assure you they do not.
Oh man...destroying idiots isn't always this fun.

But it's hard to beat a cop hater making up a story about a Sheriff's deputy....only to point out that the agency he claimed to have the encounter with....DOESN'T EXIST....NEVER HAS....AND BY LAW...NEVER CAN HAHA!!!
heses couple of posts about your supposed aborted attempts to get stoned prove only one thing you were fucking stupid.
if you lived in the OC during that time why drive all the way to puddingstone and san dimas to get stoned?


Things worked differently with me than with you.

I grew up in my parents house in Covina Hills, then later moved out on my own. I understand that this confuses you, since you STILL fucking live in moms basement...

everybody who was anybody knew the place to party were the canyons, black star at falls , Silverado, Modjeska.
there was almost zero chance of get busted in the canyons back then.
never even saw a cop and the rangers just left you alone.
on the other hand in the summer of 75 I was working for my best friend's dad ,who owned and antique store.
he wanted to start an association of all the other businesses on that street .
he sent my friends and I to get addresses and phone numbers.
right around that time someone called the police saying there was suspicious activity involving four juveniles, (who as we found out later supposedly looked a lot like the four of us)
as we were leaving the sandwich shop ,two cops cars came out of nowhere.
a cop jumped out of the driver side door ,bull horn in hand (funny because he was no more than five feet away ).
ordered us to assume the position and proceeded to search us without telling us why cuffed us and never did tell us we were under arrest.
my friend got sticked in the mouth for asking why.
I got punched in the nuts for no particular reason.
then a call came over the radio say the juveniles had been apprehended ...6 blocks away.
they let us go ,without an apology without a reason.
my parents and my friend's parents sued.
yeah things have changed since then.

Yeah, things have changed. They would have shot you to death now, and morons like you would applaud.
Uncensored we are gonna start from scratch rebuilding your knowledge of police since it's been exposed as obviously so lacking.

Each county has 1 sheriff and 1 sheriffs department. Old English law and been that way for centuries.

Within that county...several city police departments exist.

So there can NOT BE a "San Dimas Sheriff" patrolling Lake Puddington in Los Angeles County....as you claimed....because LA County only has 1 sheriff.

With me so far?

Bucs, you're a fucking retard who is so lost as to have no clue what planet you're on.
You mad bro? Your lie got exposed as badly as any lie I can remember on USMB.

Hahaha.....San Dimas Sheriffs Department hahaha!!!! That was a good one. Too bad it cannot exist by law. So admit....you were not stopped by a San Dimas Sheriffs deputy. Because....San Dimas is in LA County...and only LA County Sheriff's Department is in LA County....because for 250 years that's been how it works. 1 county, 1 sheriffs department.

So how much of your other stories are made up?


Nah, shaking my head in wonder that anyone as stupid as you can wipe his own ass. But then, maybe you can't? :eek:

You sir, are a fucking idiot - truly stupid.

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