17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

I wouldn't have listened either. Cop was a maniac and I ALWAYS record my encounters with these whack jobs. Never know when one might lose it and let that little metal shield go to their head and make them think they have more rights than us.

You WILL be shot if you video record a cop.

But honestly, it won't be much of a loss...
And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...
You just proved you're no smarter than a 17 year old punk. He also thought he could record the police in lieu of following instructions. He was wrong and you're wrong. When the police give instructions, you follow them. If not, you're going to get your face shoved into the ground and cuffed. If you resist and go for the cop's gun, you're going to get shot.....

And the world will be better without you.
Go ahead and do so. Abuse of power and excessive force makes for a WONDERFUL lawsuit when recorded :) Never know when these pigs get the itch to "lose" or "video gets erased" on accident....always good to have your own evidence and when my wife is with me SHE records it all when I am the one driving,when she drives I record. When its me by myself I got a little spot on the dash my cell phone goes and I can turn whichever way I choose to. :) Oh and no one went for pigs gun in this case either so.
I wouldn't have listened either. Cop was a maniac and I ALWAYS record my encounters with these whack jobs. Never know when one might lose it and let that little metal shield go to their head and make them think they have more rights than us.

You WILL be shot if you video record a cop.

But honestly, it won't be much of a loss...
And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...
You just proved you're no smarter than a 17 year old punk. He also thought he could record the police in lieu of following instructions. He was wrong and you're wrong. When the police give instructions, you follow them. If not, you're going to get your face shoved into the ground and cuffed. If you resist and go for the cop's gun, you're going to get shot.....

And the world will be better without you.
Go ahead and do so. Abuse of power and excessive force makes for a WONDERFUL lawsuit when recorded :) Never know when these pigs get the itch to "lose" or "video gets erased" on accident....always good to have your own evidence and when my wife is with me SHE records it all when I am the one driving,when she drives I record. When its me by myself I got a little spot on the dash my cell phone goes and I can turn whichever way I choose to. :) Oh and no one went for pigs gun in this case either so.
The reason nearly all of these lawsuits fail is because there's a gulf of ignorance between what idiots in the public like yourself think police can and cannot do and what they actually can do. The investigation usually absolves the officer because he followed procedure and because the action of the suspect escalated the situation unnecessarily. You're not going to get a lawyer to take your case without a 100% deposit because he knows you'll lose but is glad to take your stupid money along the way.
I wouldn't have listened either. Cop was a maniac and I ALWAYS record my encounters with these whack jobs. Never know when one might lose it and let that little metal shield go to their head and make them think they have more rights than us.

You WILL be shot if you video record a cop.

But honestly, it won't be much of a loss...
And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...
You just proved you're no smarter than a 17 year old punk. He also thought he could record the police in lieu of following instructions. He was wrong and you're wrong. When the police give instructions, you follow them. If not, you're going to get your face shoved into the ground and cuffed. If you resist and go for the cop's gun, you're going to get shot.....

And the world will be better without you.
Go ahead and do so. Abuse of power and excessive force makes for a WONDERFUL lawsuit when recorded :) Never know when these pigs get the itch to "lose" or "video gets erased" on accident....always good to have your own evidence and when my wife is with me SHE records it all when I am the one driving,when she drives I record. When its me by myself I got a little spot on the dash my cell phone goes and I can turn whichever way I choose to. :) Oh and no one went for pigs gun in this case either so.
The reason nearly all of these lawsuits fail is because there's a gulf of ignorance between what idiots in the public like yourself think police can and cannot do and what they actually can do. The investigation usually absolves the officer because he followed procedure and because the action of the suspect escalated the situation unnecessarily. You're not going to get a lawyer to take your case without a 100% deposit because he knows you'll lose but is glad to take your stupid money along the way.
Already got a lawyer on retainer. :) Oh and no those lawsuits don't fail. You CAN NOT murder someone for videotaping their encounter with pigs. Simple as that.
The irony of one of our resident white supremacists calling cops Nazis , is fucking hilarious
Only to one of our resident retards who can't comprehend with their middle school education that National Socialists and White Supremacists DO NOT go hand in in hand. I am NOT a National Socialist I am a Creator look it up moron. White Supremacist ABSOLUTELY!
Uh huh. It's like the goth kids and vampire kids. The goths and vamps insist there is a HUGE difference between them. The rest of us don't give a shit.
Only because you are either A. Ignorant or B. Willfully stupid. Personally I would rather be so ignorant that I COULDN'T understand the difference rather than willfully stupid and didn't WANT to know the diwafference. Rant on wagon burner.
wagon burner?
Make that up yourself or did you have help?
Wouldn't you like to know.
The typical 5th grade education retort.
Village burner , deceiver, pox bringer, genocidest, nation destroyer. ..etc.
The irony of one of our resident white supremacists calling cops Nazis , is fucking hilarious
Only to one of our resident retards who can't comprehend with their middle school education that National Socialists and White Supremacists DO NOT go hand in in hand. I am NOT a National Socialist I am a Creator look it up moron. White Supremacist ABSOLUTELY!
Uh huh. It's like the goth kids and vampire kids. The goths and vamps insist there is a HUGE difference between them. The rest of us don't give a shit.
Only because you are either A. Ignorant or B. Willfully stupid. Personally I would rather be so ignorant that I COULDN'T understand the difference rather than willfully stupid and didn't WANT to know the difference. Rant on wagon burner.
Same shit, different blender speed.
Wrong as usual. But hey you want to make a habit out of it be my guest. Not that I care. I deal with ignorant fucks every day :)
Maybe you should take down all the mirrors in your trailer?
Same shit, different blender speed.
Wrong as usual. But hey you want to make a habit out of it be my guest. Not that I care. I deal with ignorant fucks every day :)
Which proves me right. Nobody cares how you differentiate yourself from every other NAZI boy, who you're just like.
Yawn. Equating yourself to other equally ignorant people doesn't help your case dipshit. MOST americans are idiots. So.
No, most Americans just don't care about pathetic Nazi boys spewing hate toward Jews and Blacks. You're all the same to us.
yawn. Most americans don't know difference between a communist and a national socialist much less a national socialist and a white supremacist. If National Socialists were white supremacists WHY in the fuck would they dislike Slavs/Russians etc? Eh genius.Both of those are white oh and NS is an ideology not a race or anything else. White Supremacy is a FACT.
A meaningless one like the fact shit stinks.
I'd imagine not. Because in the 60s and 70s....police Kevlar vests barely existed and M4s didn't exist (civilian version of M16).

And the fact that the snow joke went so far over your head....nevermind.

The M4 is a purely military rifle.

The AR-15 would be the closest civilian counterpart.

Police were not military until the late 90's. Police used to be civilian law enforcement working FOR communities. The change to military forces subduing subjects came during Clinton, after Waco and McVeigh. Basically the police declared war on the people.

No, it was actually in the early 90s that governing bodies started allowing their police departments to take advantage of what Uncle Sugar was offering them. The declaration of war on the people also originated from the respective governing bodies...and went into full retard mode after 9/11. The police are merely the tools...and it's sad to see what tools they have become over the last 20 years or so.
Only to one of our resident retards who can't comprehend with their middle school education that National Socialists and White Supremacists DO NOT go hand in in hand. I am NOT a National Socialist I am a Creator look it up moron. White Supremacist ABSOLUTELY!
Uh huh. It's like the goth kids and vampire kids. The goths and vamps insist there is a HUGE difference between them. The rest of us don't give a shit.
Only because you are either A. Ignorant or B. Willfully stupid. Personally I would rather be so ignorant that I COULDN'T understand the difference rather than willfully stupid and didn't WANT to know the difference. Rant on wagon burner.
Same shit, different blender speed.
Wrong as usual. But hey you want to make a habit out of it be my guest. Not that I care. I deal with ignorant fucks every day :)
Maybe you should take down all the mirrors in your trailer?
You mean my 5 bedroom 3 bath 2500 SF home? Nah...I like them.
So you must be around 70 years old right? You say you were alive 50 years ago and knew what it was like.

I know that you're a government worker, but a little math reveals that someone 51 years old was alive 50 years ago. Someone 55 years old knows what it was like.

To have that kind of awareness of your surrounding society...you'd have to have been at least 15-20 years old 50 years ago. Right?

So....now youre a 70 year old geezer on a message board arguing about how bad cops are?? Hahaha! What a loser! When I'm 70...I sure won't give a fuck about Internet message boards.

When you are 50, you'll start sucking off the public teet and doing very little. Another government leech.

Wait...see...you said "I was alive 50 years ago I know what it was like". Now you say you are 55? So.....as a 5 year old....you were aware of what police/community relations were like? Damn. You must have had irresponsible parents to let a 5 year old roam the streets so much.

To be fair...at 5 I was pretty much roaming where I wanted to in one of the ten largest cities in America at the time...was running numbers for the nice old guys in the corner taverns and had the "thrill" of seeing a man I called "uncle" gunned down in cold blood. Times were different then (concerning the roaming around anyway)...but your point of how aware we were of current events beyond our fishbowls and paygrades is perfectly valid.

Your credibility is now at zero.

Why? Because you led a sheltered life porking heifers and wearing panties with your boots? :lol:
You WILL be shot if you video record a cop.

But honestly, it won't be much of a loss...
And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...
You just proved you're no smarter than a 17 year old punk. He also thought he could record the police in lieu of following instructions. He was wrong and you're wrong. When the police give instructions, you follow them. If not, you're going to get your face shoved into the ground and cuffed. If you resist and go for the cop's gun, you're going to get shot.....

And the world will be better without you.
Go ahead and do so. Abuse of power and excessive force makes for a WONDERFUL lawsuit when recorded :) Never know when these pigs get the itch to "lose" or "video gets erased" on accident....always good to have your own evidence and when my wife is with me SHE records it all when I am the one driving,when she drives I record. When its me by myself I got a little spot on the dash my cell phone goes and I can turn whichever way I choose to. :) Oh and no one went for pigs gun in this case either so.
The reason nearly all of these lawsuits fail is because there's a gulf of ignorance between what idiots in the public like yourself think police can and cannot do and what they actually can do. The investigation usually absolves the officer because he followed procedure and because the action of the suspect escalated the situation unnecessarily. You're not going to get a lawyer to take your case without a 100% deposit because he knows you'll lose but is glad to take your stupid money along the way.
Already got a lawyer on retainer. :) Oh and no those lawsuits don't fail. You CAN NOT murder someone for videotaping their encounter with pigs. Simple as that.

Good. Now all you have left to do is to pick a fight with the police. God speed to you, young fella.
false love the guilt by association shit you are flinging.
the point is he's white so you falsely assume he's an angel.
there are thousands of cases where black teenagers are church going and get shot.
no racist you.

What I pointed out is this was not a criminal element or a threat.

Even with you 60 IQ points, seems you should have grasped that...

He was attacking a cop so he was indeed a threat.

When the sheep bleat at you as you are boffing them, do you consider them a threat too? :lol:

Ya know, most Texan males I know are actually men...you gotta be some kind of pussy transplant from Commifornia.
And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...
You just proved you're no smarter than a 17 year old punk. He also thought he could record the police in lieu of following instructions. He was wrong and you're wrong. When the police give instructions, you follow them. If not, you're going to get your face shoved into the ground and cuffed. If you resist and go for the cop's gun, you're going to get shot.....

And the world will be better without you.
Go ahead and do so. Abuse of power and excessive force makes for a WONDERFUL lawsuit when recorded :) Never know when these pigs get the itch to "lose" or "video gets erased" on accident....always good to have your own evidence and when my wife is with me SHE records it all when I am the one driving,when she drives I record. When its me by myself I got a little spot on the dash my cell phone goes and I can turn whichever way I choose to. :) Oh and no one went for pigs gun in this case either so.
The reason nearly all of these lawsuits fail is because there's a gulf of ignorance between what idiots in the public like yourself think police can and cannot do and what they actually can do. The investigation usually absolves the officer because he followed procedure and because the action of the suspect escalated the situation unnecessarily. You're not going to get a lawyer to take your case without a 100% deposit because he knows you'll lose but is glad to take your stupid money along the way.
Already got a lawyer on retainer. :) Oh and no those lawsuits don't fail. You CAN NOT murder someone for videotaping their encounter with pigs. Simple as that.

Good. Now all you have left to do is to pick a fight with the police. God speed to you, young fella.
Good to see you concede finally. Can't murder someone for videotaping you which is EXACTLY what happened here oh along with an illegal stop.
And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...

What we are finding is that rights are at best lip service. It used to be that Republicans and Conservatives would fight to ensure that rights were protected, while the left advocated for all power to the state. But in this thread we have supposed conservatives joining the leftists in demanding that the state be lord of all and unchallenged.

Cops will kick the phone from your hand and shoot you to death, while retards like Bucs clap in loud approval, and duhs jacks off to his poster of Pol Pot's killing fields.

Rights mean nothing if no one supports them.
You just proved you're no smarter than a 17 year old punk. He also thought he could record the police in lieu of following instructions. He was wrong and you're wrong. When the police give instructions, you follow them. If not, you're going to get your face shoved into the ground and cuffed. If you resist and go for the cop's gun, you're going to get shot.....

And the world will be better without you.
Go ahead and do so. Abuse of power and excessive force makes for a WONDERFUL lawsuit when recorded :) Never know when these pigs get the itch to "lose" or "video gets erased" on accident....always good to have your own evidence and when my wife is with me SHE records it all when I am the one driving,when she drives I record. When its me by myself I got a little spot on the dash my cell phone goes and I can turn whichever way I choose to. :) Oh and no one went for pigs gun in this case either so.
The reason nearly all of these lawsuits fail is because there's a gulf of ignorance between what idiots in the public like yourself think police can and cannot do and what they actually can do. The investigation usually absolves the officer because he followed procedure and because the action of the suspect escalated the situation unnecessarily. You're not going to get a lawyer to take your case without a 100% deposit because he knows you'll lose but is glad to take your stupid money along the way.
Already got a lawyer on retainer. :) Oh and no those lawsuits don't fail. You CAN NOT murder someone for videotaping their encounter with pigs. Simple as that.

Good. Now all you have left to do is to pick a fight with the police. God speed to you, young fella.
Good to see you concede finally. Can't murder someone for videotaping you which is EXACTLY what happened here oh along with an illegal stop.

Happy death, you poor dumb son of a bitch.
And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...

What we are finding is that rights are at best lip service. It used to be that Republicans and Conservatives would fight to ensure that rights were protected, while the left advocated for all power to the state. But in this thread we have supposed conservatives jinging the leftists in demanding that the state be lord of all and unchallenged.

Cops will kick the phone from your hand and shoot you to death, while retards like Bucs clap in loud approval, and duhs jacks off to his poster of Pol Pot's killing fields.

Rights mean nothing if no one supports them.

Go resist arrest and get yourself shot. I'll applaud your death right along with Odiums. What are you pussies waiting for?
Go ahead and do so. Abuse of power and excessive force makes for a WONDERFUL lawsuit when recorded :) Never know when these pigs get the itch to "lose" or "video gets erased" on accident....always good to have your own evidence and when my wife is with me SHE records it all when I am the one driving,when she drives I record. When its me by myself I got a little spot on the dash my cell phone goes and I can turn whichever way I choose to. :) Oh and no one went for pigs gun in this case either so.
The reason nearly all of these lawsuits fail is because there's a gulf of ignorance between what idiots in the public like yourself think police can and cannot do and what they actually can do. The investigation usually absolves the officer because he followed procedure and because the action of the suspect escalated the situation unnecessarily. You're not going to get a lawyer to take your case without a 100% deposit because he knows you'll lose but is glad to take your stupid money along the way.
Already got a lawyer on retainer. :) Oh and no those lawsuits don't fail. You CAN NOT murder someone for videotaping their encounter with pigs. Simple as that.

Good. Now all you have left to do is to pick a fight with the police. God speed to you, young fella.
Good to see you concede finally. Can't murder someone for videotaping you which is EXACTLY what happened here oh along with an illegal stop.

Happy death, you poor dumb son of a bitch.

And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...

What we are finding is that rights are at best lip service. It used to be that Republicans and Conservatives would fight to ensure that rights were protected, while the left advocated for all power to the state. But in this thread we have supposed conservatives jinging the leftists in demanding that the state be lord of all and unchallenged.

Cops will kick the phone from your hand and shoot you to death, while retards like Bucs clap in loud approval, and duhs jacks off to his poster of Pol Pot's killing fields.

Rights mean nothing if no one supports them.

Go resist arrest and get yourself shot. I'll applaud your death right along with Odiums. What are you pussies waiting for?
So using our right to videotape an encounter with pigs WITHOUT force of ANY KIND is now resisting arrest. Tell me will you be so kind as to turn in your guns when the cops tell you to? How about reporting to closest jail or prison camp for reeducation?
The reason nearly all of these lawsuits fail is because there's a gulf of ignorance between what idiots in the public like yourself think police can and cannot do and what they actually can do. The investigation usually absolves the officer because he followed procedure and because the action of the suspect escalated the situation unnecessarily. You're not going to get a lawyer to take your case without a 100% deposit because he knows you'll lose but is glad to take your stupid money along the way.
Already got a lawyer on retainer. :) Oh and no those lawsuits don't fail. You CAN NOT murder someone for videotaping their encounter with pigs. Simple as that.

Good. Now all you have left to do is to pick a fight with the police. God speed to you, young fella.
Good to see you concede finally. Can't murder someone for videotaping you which is EXACTLY what happened here oh along with an illegal stop.

Happy death, you poor dumb son of a bitch.

And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...

What we are finding is that rights are at best lip service. It used to be that Republicans and Conservatives would fight to ensure that rights were protected, while the left advocated for all power to the state. But in this thread we have supposed conservatives jinging the leftists in demanding that the state be lord of all and unchallenged.

Cops will kick the phone from your hand and shoot you to death, while retards like Bucs clap in loud approval, and duhs jacks off to his poster of Pol Pot's killing fields.

Rights mean nothing if no one supports them.

Go resist arrest and get yourself shot. I'll applaud your death right along with Odiums. What are you pussies waiting for?
So using our right to videotape an encounter with pigs WITHOUT force of ANY KIND is now resisting arrest. Tell me will you be so kind as to turn in your guns when the cops tell you to? How about reporting to closest jail or prison camp for reeducation?

You cannot video the police in lieu of following their instructions. If you are the subject of an investigation, you have to follow instructions and cannot use delay tactics. Go ahead and ask your overpaid retention lawyer if you have the "right" to hold a cell phone at a cop when he's giving you instructions. Better yet, go ahead and find out for yourself. I find myself truly hoping you get your dumb ass shot.
Already got a lawyer on retainer. :) Oh and no those lawsuits don't fail. You CAN NOT murder someone for videotaping their encounter with pigs. Simple as that.

Good. Now all you have left to do is to pick a fight with the police. God speed to you, young fella.
Good to see you concede finally. Can't murder someone for videotaping you which is EXACTLY what happened here oh along with an illegal stop.

Happy death, you poor dumb son of a bitch.

And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...

What we are finding is that rights are at best lip service. It used to be that Republicans and Conservatives would fight to ensure that rights were protected, while the left advocated for all power to the state. But in this thread we have supposed conservatives jinging the leftists in demanding that the state be lord of all and unchallenged.

Cops will kick the phone from your hand and shoot you to death, while retards like Bucs clap in loud approval, and duhs jacks off to his poster of Pol Pot's killing fields.

Rights mean nothing if no one supports them.

Go resist arrest and get yourself shot. I'll applaud your death right along with Odiums. What are you pussies waiting for?
So using our right to videotape an encounter with pigs WITHOUT force of ANY KIND is now resisting arrest. Tell me will you be so kind as to turn in your guns when the cops tell you to? How about reporting to closest jail or prison camp for reeducation?

You cannot video the police in lieu of following their instructions. If you are the subject of an investigation, you have to follow instructions and cannot use delay tactics. Go ahead and ask your overpaid retention lawyer if you have the "right" to hold a cell phone at a cop when he's giving you instructions. Better yet, go ahead and find out for yourself. I find myself truly hoping you get your dumb ass shot.
Only time I have been asked to get out of a car is when I KNEW I had a warrant for not paying a ticket so I already had cell phone video rolling in its holder on the dash. :) Pigs are very unpredictable assholes. Much like a violent animal. Never know what can set it off...
Good. Now all you have left to do is to pick a fight with the police. God speed to you, young fella.
Good to see you concede finally. Can't murder someone for videotaping you which is EXACTLY what happened here oh along with an illegal stop.

Happy death, you poor dumb son of a bitch.

And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...

What we are finding is that rights are at best lip service. It used to be that Republicans and Conservatives would fight to ensure that rights were protected, while the left advocated for all power to the state. But in this thread we have supposed conservatives jinging the leftists in demanding that the state be lord of all and unchallenged.

Cops will kick the phone from your hand and shoot you to death, while retards like Bucs clap in loud approval, and duhs jacks off to his poster of Pol Pot's killing fields.

Rights mean nothing if no one supports them.

Go resist arrest and get yourself shot. I'll applaud your death right along with Odiums. What are you pussies waiting for?
So using our right to videotape an encounter with pigs WITHOUT force of ANY KIND is now resisting arrest. Tell me will you be so kind as to turn in your guns when the cops tell you to? How about reporting to closest jail or prison camp for reeducation?

You cannot video the police in lieu of following their instructions. If you are the subject of an investigation, you have to follow instructions and cannot use delay tactics. Go ahead and ask your overpaid retention lawyer if you have the "right" to hold a cell phone at a cop when he's giving you instructions. Better yet, go ahead and find out for yourself. I find myself truly hoping you get your dumb ass shot.
Only time I have been asked to get out of a car is when I KNEW I had a warrant for not paying a ticket so I already had cell phone video rolling in its holder on the dash. :) Pigs are very unpredictable assholes. Much like a violent animal. Never know what can set it off...

Oh, good, then after all this we find out you already understand you can't waive a cell phone in an officer's face when he's telling you to step out of the car and giving other instructions. Maybe we'll countenance your continued, blissful existence after all. Personally, I think nutty people like you make life much more intriguing.
I wouldn't have listened either. Cop was a maniac and I ALWAYS record my encounters with these whack jobs. Never know when one might lose it and let that little metal shield go to their head and make them think they have more rights than us.

You WILL be shot if you video record a cop.

But honestly, it won't be much of a loss...
And my miserable life will end and my wife and kids will not only get my life insurance policy but the MILLIONS they sue for for murder and abuse of power and excessive force. Then the pig can rot in jail. Camera/phone whatever IS NOT a weapon and can't be confused as one. :) I have EVERY legal right to videotape and record a pig if I so choose so PLEASE shoot me...
Oh you mean the 'wife' you bought over the internet from Cambodia? The hilarious thing is everytime you put up cop hating posts and refer to them as "pigs" HLS/FBI/CIA/local LEO "pigs" are making a record of you. Who you are. Where you live.
You may be surprised the next time you call the LEO for help.

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