17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Yep. Those idiots think you can just ignore what the cops is saying to do and just keep video taping and ignoring it. Eventually....you'll have to comply with the law or be forced to.

Those morons don't grape that idea because they've NEVER been held accountable or disciplined in their life. The concept of authority and been told what to do is so bizarre to them. They had shitty parents who didn't raise them right. They were too pathetic to play tough sports. And they wouldn't dare put on a uniform.

So to them....when someone has any kind of authority....it mind fucks them. They just can't grasp the idea that they may not be totally 100% free to do anything they want.

Hey Bucs, tell us again how there is no San Dimas Sheriffs station?


You're a coward and a scumbag, and lack the class to apologize.
I said I was running their numbers...but hey, if you don't know what that means, I can understand, since you have no experience outside of your little fish bowl. Hell, I wouldn't have known what I was running, had I not looked into the brown bags they gave me...and the fact that my dad was a cop and I made the mistake of telling him about it (got my ass kicked good too). I got hamburgers and fries and free pinball for running those little errands, while pansies like you were playing with barbie dolls and learning how to boff sheep, so I can see why you can't tell people that you have done what I have done.

Of course internet cowards like you have no problem writing checks with their mouths that they wouldn't dare ever risk having cashed in person...if you get my drift. Best be careful about calling people liars, boy, but thanks for confirming what I only suspected before...you ain't even a Texan, you're just a pussy.

Running numbers means exactly what I said.

You are a liar. Now what are you going to do? Cry?
He already claims to be a retired cop. His next move will be to claim he was Chief of Police. From there he might even springboard into claiming he's an FBI agent or in the CIA running black ops like Wayne Simmons.

What a tangled web we weave....

Marine, cop, police commissioner, failed rancher, failed country singer, half-assed business owner, successful loafer. Those who can do, those who can't call those who do liars. Better to be a used-to-be, than a never-was...like you, for example.
only never was's use that that line.

I haven't heard what you have done in your life yet, boy...embarrassed about it? No matter, what we have done only makes us what we are today...which is why this bullshit is all you little cupcakes can come up with. I may not like you, but I understand you. There, there. There, there.
you understand jack shit!
as to your boy nonsense I have hemorrhoids older that you.
I have not said what I have done in my life, not from embarrassment , I'll put it like this I've been places ,seen things, done things that you can't even imagine.
if our past makes us what we are then I've done rather well.
Only if you're a wussy who thinks any bit of resistance to your unwanted advances is an attack. Face it, not all of us are pussies like you.
The difference is I don't lie about my life experience. I don't tell people I was out collecting bets and delivering pay offs at five years of age.

I said I was running their numbers...but hey, if you don't know what that means, I can understand, since you have no experience outside of your little fish bowl. Hell, I wouldn't have known what I was running, had I not looked into the brown bags they gave me...and the fact that my dad was a cop and I made the mistake of telling him about it (got my ass kicked good too). I got hamburgers and fries and free pinball for running those little errands, while pansies like you were playing with barbie dolls and learning how to boff sheep, so I can see why you can't tell people that you have done what I have done.

Of course internet cowards like you have no problem writing checks with their mouths that they wouldn't dare ever risk having cashed in person...if you get my drift. Best be careful about calling people liars, boy, but thanks for confirming what I only suspected before...you ain't even a Texan, you're just a pussy.

Running numbers means exactly what I said.

You are a liar. Now what are you going to do? Cry?

Nope, since you can only hide behind your computer, I'm just gonna laugh at your dumb ass. You got no idea, boy...no freakin idea. :lol:

Your the tough guy making threats and I know for a fact you can't do shit. So go ahead tough guy, talk more trash that you can't back up.

Keep thinking that boy...come on up here to this shit hole they call Ohio...or better yet, send me your address...I need to take a nice elk hunting vacation back in New Mexico and have no problem making a little detour. Well maybe a big detour...you gotta be in east Texas...they don't tolerate pussies like you much in West Texas. So if you feel froggy...jump.

It's actually Southeast Texas. Little village of Bonney, Texas pop. 300 or so. Just ask anyone for Cowboy they'll direct you to my door.
Good to see you concede finally. Can't murder someone for videotaping you which is EXACTLY what happened here oh along with an illegal stop.

Happy death, you poor dumb son of a bitch.

What we are finding is that rights are at best lip service. It used to be that Republicans and Conservatives would fight to ensure that rights were protected, while the left advocated for all power to the state. But in this thread we have supposed conservatives jinging the leftists in demanding that the state be lord of all and unchallenged.

Cops will kick the phone from your hand and shoot you to death, while retards like Bucs clap in loud approval, and duhs jacks off to his poster of Pol Pot's killing fields.

Rights mean nothing if no one supports them.

Go resist arrest and get yourself shot. I'll applaud your death right along with Odiums. What are you pussies waiting for?
So using our right to videotape an encounter with pigs WITHOUT force of ANY KIND is now resisting arrest. Tell me will you be so kind as to turn in your guns when the cops tell you to? How about reporting to closest jail or prison camp for reeducation?

You cannot video the police in lieu of following their instructions. If you are the subject of an investigation, you have to follow instructions and cannot use delay tactics. Go ahead and ask your overpaid retention lawyer if you have the "right" to hold a cell phone at a cop when he's giving you instructions. Better yet, go ahead and find out for yourself. I find myself truly hoping you get your dumb ass shot.

Yep. Those idiots think you can just ignore what the cops is saying to do and just keep video taping and ignoring it. Eventually....you'll have to comply with the law or be forced to.

Those morons don't grape that idea because they've NEVER been held accountable or disciplined in their life. The concept of authority and been told what to do is so bizarre to them. They had shitty parents who didn't raise them right. They were too pathetic to play tough sports. And they wouldn't dare put on a uniform.

So to them....when someone has any kind of authority....it mind fucks them. They just can't grasp the idea that they may not be totally 100% free to do anything they want.

Yeah, morons thinking it's a free country.

You and your fellow leftists have done away with that.

Define "free country". Can I drive 120 mph down a highway drinking whiskey and shooting my pistol in the air as I scream - sing along to Metallica??? No???
I thought this was a free country?

Video of YOU being arrested:
Yep. Those idiots think you can just ignore what the cops is saying to do and just keep video taping and ignoring it. Eventually....you'll have to comply with the law or be forced to.

Those morons don't grape that idea because they've NEVER been held accountable or disciplined in their life. The concept of authority and been told what to do is so bizarre to them. They had shitty parents who didn't raise them right. They were too pathetic to play tough sports. And they wouldn't dare put on a uniform.

So to them....when someone has any kind of authority....it mind fucks them. They just can't grasp the idea that they may not be totally 100% free to do anything they want.

Hey Bucs, tell us again how there is no San Dimas Sheriffs station?


You're a coward and a scumbag, and lack the class to apologize.
there is none
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - San Dimas Station
Law enforcement services are provided to the City of San Dimas by contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. As a part of that service, the Sheriff's Department maintains a station here in San Dimas, located at 270. S. Walnut Avenue. The San Dimas Station is the central location for 12 Patrol Deputies, 2 Motorcycle Deputies, 1 CAT Team Leader, 2 Special Assignment Officers (CAT Team), 1 Team Sergeant, 2 Community Service Officers, 1 Law Enforcement Technician (Crime Prevention Officer) and 1 School Resource Officer.
That's the mindset of so called conservatives .

Yep, you and Bucs demand that people do what they are told and never question. Big Brother knows best and must NEVER be resisted.

America was once a nation predicated on liberty and dedicated to the principle that all men are created equal.

But you and Bucs have disabused such antiquated notions, clinging instead to rulers who dictate every thought and action you undertake. Enforced by violence and fear of the same. Like sheep to the slaughter, you demand that all mindlessly and blindly obey.
Plan A: Prove you aren't a sheep by fighting the cops and getting killed

Plan B: Umm....
That's the mindset of so called conservatives .

Yep, you and Bucs demand that people do what they are told and never question. Big Brother knows best and must NEVER be resisted.

America was once a nation predicated on liberty and dedicated to the principle that all men are created equal.

But you and Bucs have disabused such antiquated notions, clinging instead to rulers who dictate every thought and action you undertake. Enforced by violence and fear of the same. Like sheep to the slaughter, you demand that all mindlessly and blindly obey.

What a drama queen.

Yeah....in America...if you get pulled over and repeatedly refuse to give your ID and refuse to comply when being arrested and the. Attack the cop.....you face consequences. Yep. May as well be North Korea!!

I said I was running their numbers...but hey, if you don't know what that means, I can understand, since you have no experience outside of your little fish bowl. Hell, I wouldn't have known what I was running, had I not looked into the brown bags they gave me...and the fact that my dad was a cop and I made the mistake of telling him about it (got my ass kicked good too). I got hamburgers and fries and free pinball for running those little errands, while pansies like you were playing with barbie dolls and learning how to boff sheep, so I can see why you can't tell people that you have done what I have done.

Of course internet cowards like you have no problem writing checks with their mouths that they wouldn't dare ever risk having cashed in person...if you get my drift. Best be careful about calling people liars, boy, but thanks for confirming what I only suspected before...you ain't even a Texan, you're just a pussy.

Running numbers means exactly what I said.

You are a liar. Now what are you going to do? Cry?

Nope, since you can only hide behind your computer, I'm just gonna laugh at your dumb ass. You got no idea, boy...no freakin idea. :lol:

Your the tough guy making threats and I know for a fact you can't do shit. So go ahead tough guy, talk more trash that you can't back up.

Keep thinking that boy...come on up here to this shit hole they call Ohio...or better yet, send me your address...I need to take a nice elk hunting vacation back in New Mexico and have no problem making a little detour. Well maybe a big detour...you gotta be in east Texas...they don't tolerate pussies like you much in West Texas. So if you feel froggy...jump.

It's actually Southeast Texas. Little village of Bonney, Texas pop. 300 or so. Just ask anyone for Cowboy they'll direct you to my door.
there's an insult and a joke in there somewhere....
Yep. Those idiots think you can just ignore what the cops is saying to do and just keep video taping and ignoring it. Eventually....you'll have to comply with the law or be forced to.

Those morons don't grape that idea because they've NEVER been held accountable or disciplined in their life. The concept of authority and been told what to do is so bizarre to them. They had shitty parents who didn't raise them right. They were too pathetic to play tough sports. And they wouldn't dare put on a uniform.

So to them....when someone has any kind of authority....it mind fucks them. They just can't grasp the idea that they may not be totally 100% free to do anything they want.

Hey Bucs, tell us again how there is no San Dimas Sheriffs station?


You're a coward and a scumbag, and lack the class to apologize.
there is none
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - San Dimas Station
Law enforcement services are provided to the City of San Dimas by contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. As a part of that service, the Sheriff's Department maintains a station here in San Dimas, located at 270. S. Walnut Avenue. The San Dimas Station is the central location for 12 Patrol Deputies, 2 Motorcycle Deputies, 1 CAT Team Leader, 2 Special Assignment Officers (CAT Team), 1 Team Sergeant, 2 Community Service Officers, 1 Law Enforcement Technician (Crime Prevention Officer) and 1 School Resource Officer.

Lost cause. He knows you're right, but he'll never admit it.
Running numbers means exactly what I said.

You are a liar. Now what are you going to do? Cry?

Nope, since you can only hide behind your computer, I'm just gonna laugh at your dumb ass. You got no idea, boy...no freakin idea. :lol:

Your the tough guy making threats and I know for a fact you can't do shit. So go ahead tough guy, talk more trash that you can't back up.

Keep thinking that boy...come on up here to this shit hole they call Ohio...or better yet, send me your address...I need to take a nice elk hunting vacation back in New Mexico and have no problem making a little detour. Well maybe a big detour...you gotta be in east Texas...they don't tolerate pussies like you much in West Texas. So if you feel froggy...jump.

It's actually Southeast Texas. Little village of Bonney, Texas pop. 300 or so. Just ask anyone for Cowboy they'll direct you to my door.
there's an insult and a joke in there somewhere....

I'm sure there is and I'm sure we'll see it eventually. hahaha
It's actually Southeast Texas. Little village of Bonney, Texas pop. 300 or so. Just ask anyone for Cowboy they'll direct you to my door.

So I was correct...not west Texas. Also weren't born there, were ya, cowgirl. You sound like a transplant from over the border in LA...where they are raised to obey like good little girls.
So you are claiming to be an ex cop now? Hmmm. I am for sure. We should chat. Where did you work?

Cleveland...and later in New Mexico, you?

Atlanta. Zone 3.

Odd to hear. Reading your opinions on cops, it's hard to believe you were one. It's one of those jobs you can't "know" unless you've done it. And you don't come across as knowing it.
Yep. Those idiots think you can just ignore what the cops is saying to do and just keep video taping and ignoring it. Eventually....you'll have to comply with the law or be forced to.

Those morons don't grape that idea because they've NEVER been held accountable or disciplined in their life. The concept of authority and been told what to do is so bizarre to them. They had shitty parents who didn't raise them right. They were too pathetic to play tough sports. And they wouldn't dare put on a uniform.

So to them....when someone has any kind of authority....it mind fucks them. They just can't grasp the idea that they may not be totally 100% free to do anything they want.

Hey Bucs, tell us again how there is no San Dimas Sheriffs station?


You're a coward and a scumbag, and lack the class to apologize.
there is none
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - San Dimas Station
Law enforcement services are provided to the City of San Dimas by contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. As a part of that service, the Sheriff's Department maintains a station here in San Dimas, located at 270. S. Walnut Avenue. The San Dimas Station is the central location for 12 Patrol Deputies, 2 Motorcycle Deputies, 1 CAT Team Leader, 2 Special Assignment Officers (CAT Team), 1 Team Sergeant, 2 Community Service Officers, 1 Law Enforcement Technician (Crime Prevention Officer) and 1 School Resource Officer.

Lost cause. He knows you're right, but he'll never admit it.
don't need him too, he lost before he started.
Nope, since you can only hide behind your computer, I'm just gonna laugh at your dumb ass. You got no idea, boy...no freakin idea. :lol:

Your the tough guy making threats and I know for a fact you can't do shit. So go ahead tough guy, talk more trash that you can't back up.

Keep thinking that boy...come on up here to this shit hole they call Ohio...or better yet, send me your address...I need to take a nice elk hunting vacation back in New Mexico and have no problem making a little detour. Well maybe a big detour...you gotta be in east Texas...they don't tolerate pussies like you much in West Texas. So if you feel froggy...jump.

It's actually Southeast Texas. Little village of Bonney, Texas pop. 300 or so. Just ask anyone for Cowboy they'll direct you to my door.
there's an insult and a joke in there somewhere....

I'm sure there is and I'm sure we'll see it eventually. hahaha
So you are claiming to be an ex cop now? Hmmm. I am for sure. We should chat. Where did you work?

Cleveland...and later in New Mexico, you?

Atlanta. Zone 3.

Odd to hear. Reading your opinions on cops, it's hard to believe you were one. It's one of those jobs you can't "know" unless you've done it. And you don't come across as knowing it.
And that's just it. His posts demonstrate repeatedly that he has no idea what cops go through, what procedures they work under, and what dangers they face daily. His posts are the epitome of ignorance and idiocy. I was a cop for a little less than 2 years, but that's all it takes for me to know EXACTLY what cops go through. He's never been a cop for a single day. He's a liar.
So you are claiming to be an ex cop now? Hmmm. I am for sure. We should chat. Where did you work?

Cleveland...and later in New Mexico, you?

Atlanta. Zone 3.

Odd to hear. Reading your opinions on cops, it's hard to believe you were one. It's one of those jobs you can't "know" unless you've done it. And you don't come across as knowing it.

I've done it, I did the commissioner bit for a small dept, my daddy did it, my brother did it, and my great grandpa did it.
Reading my opinions on cops? Not hardly, you've been reading my opinions on what makes good cops and what has gone wrong with the job...and way too many cops that think they are good cops. I know good cops...my dad was a good cop...I like to think I was a good cop, but I was never half the cop he was. If you agree with these little pussies that blind obedience is required...then you don't come across as knowing what a good cop is, pal.
there is none
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - San Dimas Station
Law enforcement services are provided to the City of San Dimas by contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. As a part of that service, the Sheriff's Department maintains a station here in San Dimas, located at 270. S. Walnut Avenue. The San Dimas Station is the central location for 12 Patrol Deputies, 2 Motorcycle Deputies, 1 CAT Team Leader, 2 Special Assignment Officers (CAT Team), 1 Team Sergeant, 2 Community Service Officers, 1 Law Enforcement Technician (Crime Prevention Officer) and 1 School Resource Officer.

No shit stupid.

Tell me fucktard, what would happen if you called LASD and there were no regions? If you were in Walnut and called, should they dispatch from Lancaster, over 150 miles away?

Hmmm fucktard? So how would they manage this? Oh yeah, they break the county into regions, the Walnut Sheriffs, the Lancaster Sheriff, the Norwalk Sheriffs, the San Dimas Sheriffs.

So fucktard, what is this?


What does the car say on the side, fucktard?

Does Norwalk have it's own sheriff, fucktard?

LASD Patrol Station

No? It's part of LASD? So why does the car say Norwalk? Why does the 911 post on my bulletin board three feet from me say "Norwalk Sheriffs Department?"

Huh fucktard, why is that?

The real question is why are you such a scumbag when you live here and know goddamned well that what I said is 100% true?

Because you'd rather fight with me than be honest, petty little fuck.

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