176-7! The world just handed Israel another humiliating defeat at the United Nations.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2017
The General Assembly voted 176-7 on Tuesday to affirm the Palestinian right to self-determination, one day after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to renew his quest for state membership in the international body....

The United States, Canada and Israel were among the seven that opposed the text; four states abstained.

176 nations at UN call for Palestinian statehood
Another of your frantic tirades, Louie. I suggest you think this through. An islamic terrorist "state" composed of antagonist islamic terrorist franchises that exists on welfare benefits supplied by UNRWA is not viable. With no clear ruling governmental body, there is no "state".

Secondly, the first rocket that flies out of this islamic terrorist "state" would be an act of war. Israel would have every protocol available to respond to such act of war.

Discuss that with the prayer leader at your madrassah.
European jewish refugees emigrate to palestine and take over, declare themselves a state that exists on welfare benefits supplied by USA is not viable
The General Assembly voted 176-7 on Tuesday to affirm the Palestinian right to self-determination, one day after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to renew his quest for state membership in the international body....

The United States, Canada and Israel were among the seven that opposed the text; four states abstained.

176 nations at UN call for Palestinian statehood

I agree! The Palestinians should have their “ state” without the “67 Borders” that were NEVER recognized in the first place, andE. Jerusalem which was a part of Jordan before 67 . In the “ peace talks” did the Palestinians recognize Israel’s rights to their Holy Sites? Of course not. They denied the Israelis had ANY rights there. They deserve what they got; NOTHING !
The General Assembly voted 176-7 on Tuesday to affirm the Palestinian right to self-determination, one day after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to renew his quest for state membership in the international body....

The United States, Canada and Israel were among the seven that opposed the text; four states abstained.

176 nations at UN call for Palestinian statehood

The US, along with Israel and a few other idiot nations have become the negative forces around the world since Lying Trump took office.

The US, up until about a year ago, was the gold standard of nations around the world. Trump and the cons have destroyed that in less than a year, now we're viewed alongside Guatemala and Nicaragua. Third world nations all.
The General Assembly voted 176-7 on Tuesday to affirm the Palestinian right to self-determination, one day after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to renew his quest for state membership in the international body....

The United States, Canada and Israel were among the seven that opposed the text; four states abstained.

176 nations at UN call for Palestinian statehood

I agree! The Palestinians should have their “ state” without the “67 Borders” that were NEVER recognized in the first place, andE. Jerusalem which was a part of Jordan before 67 . In the “ peace talks” did the Palestinians recognize Israel’s rights to their Holy Sites? Of course not. They denied the Israelis had ANY rights there. They deserve what they got; NOTHING !

Very melodramatic, Louie. It's always worth a chuckle when Islamists demand a Pal'istanian "state", yet they're left to stutter and mumble when they are required to offer a viable mechanism whereby competing islamic terrorist franchises are tasked with actually meeting the demands and functions of civil government.

You might consider approaching the Hamas and Fatah terrorist leadership and demand that they cede control and mismanagement of their respective mini-caliphatess to another entity. Just make sure you are prepared to offer a plan that will provide for the salaries of those laggards and layabouts who are on the UNRWA welfare fraud payroll.

Oh, yeah, and maybe suggest that the Hamas and Fatah islamic terrorist kingpins sign-up on a payment plan to reimburse western donors for all the welfare fraud money they stole. OK, pumpkin?
The General Assembly voted 176-7 on Tuesday to affirm the Palestinian right to self-determination, one day after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to renew his quest for state membership in the international body....

The United States, Canada and Israel were among the seven that opposed the text; four states abstained.

176 nations at UN call for Palestinian statehood

The US, along with Israel and a few other idiot nations have become the negative forces around the world since Lying Trump took office.

The US, up until about a year ago, was the gold standard of nations around the world. Trump and the cons have destroyed that in less than a year, now we're viewed alongside Guatemala and Nicaragua. Third world nations all.

I feel so sorry for you & your ilk living here in the USA suffering 24/7. Look at the bright side. Syria, Iran or North Korea would welcome you with open arms. Bon Voyage! And don't forget to write.
The General Assembly voted 176-7 on Tuesday to affirm the Palestinian right to self-determination, one day after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to renew his quest for state membership in the international body....

The United States, Canada and Israel were among the seven that opposed the text; four states abstained.

176 nations at UN call for Palestinian statehood

The US, along with Israel and a few other idiot nations have become the negative forces around the world since Lying Trump took office.

The US, up until about a year ago, was the gold standard of nations around the world. Trump and the cons have destroyed that in less than a year, now we're viewed alongside Guatemala and Nicaragua. Third world nations all.

I feel so sorry for you & your ilk living here in the USA suffering 24/7. Look at the bright side. Syria, Iran or North Korea would welcome you with open arms. Bon Voyage! And don't forget to write.

Sorry Charlie your dear leader worships Putin and Kim Jong Trump. As do you. Time for you to move to one of these shit-holes and be with your kind. You aren't Americans anymore, you should go be happy with Putin.
Let Palestine become a Country, the first rocket they launch at Israel will be an act of war and Israel can invade them depose the Government and occupy them until they cease. All with the blessing of the UN.
Let Palestine become a Country, the first rocket they launch at Israel will be an act of war and Israel can invade them depose the Government and occupy them until they cease. All with the blessing of the UN.

I have to admit there is a certain appeal to this line of thinking.

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