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17k strong anti islam march in Germany

Islam is a Satanic Cult of murder...

Islam is a Satanic Cult of murder, not a ā€˜religionā€™
September 21, 2015 | Christianity is a religion but Islam is merely a satanic cult of rape, torture, murder, bestiality, and satan worship!!!!! Any ā€œreligionā€ that demands Jesusconformity or death and has different rules for those ruling and those being ruled is not a religion.
Moslem men regularly rape male and female children, women, and animals and say it is their ā€œrightā€ to do so. They also mutilate young girls in a perverse doctrine that women should not enjoy sex (enjoying sex is only the prerogative of men). Men also physically and sexually abuse their wives as a ā€œright of manhoodā€. If the only way to ā€œheavenā€ is to commit murder and do so for the promise of 72 virgins to satisfy their sexual desires in ā€œheavenā€ how legitimate can they be? Islamists regularly have sexual relations with young boys yet hang homosexuals, does anyone else see the hypocrisy in this? They also say it is acceptable for them to have anal sexual relations with each other in order to expand their anus so as to hold more explosives to kill people with. More hypocrisy from savages bereft of intelligence, morals, or common sense.

They are evil people who murder more moslems than ā€œinfidelsā€. Sunnis kill Shiites because they arenā€™t Sunni and the other sect of the cult does the same. I have not seen members of one denomination of Christianity kill members of another denomination of Christianity and donā€™t expect that to ever happen. I canā€™t imagine Baptists killing Methodists for some unknown reason as we see in the satanic cult of islam. I remember an instance in Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein where a group of ā€œjihadistsā€ fired on American soldiers then hid in a mosque. The Americans returned fire, causing minor damage. The ā€œoutrageā€ of the worldwide islamic cult and the Bush hating ā€œAmericanā€ media was vociferous.saddam hussein The American government led by the coward and traitor George Bush immediately dispatched millions of dollars to the islamist terrorists to pay homage to allah/satan but before any repairs were made the other sect of the satanic cult blew it up with a truck bomb. The total destruction of the house of satan was met with silence from moslems and the ā€œAmericanā€ media.

Only Satan can condone such savagery as his evil has no bounds. No other group calling itself a religion comes anywhere near the evil presented by Islam. Even those who donā€™t participate in the savagery accept it as a normal part of life and therefore are just as guilty in their silence. There are a few who have spoken out, such as Salman Rushdie and Brigitte Gabriel. Those who have spoken the truth about the satanic cult have been threatened with murder for speaking out against the evil that is Islam. Liberals in America stand with the Godless islamic cult against Christianity. Just look at how Christians are defiled in the USA; criticized, fined, and even jailed, for standing by their beliefs yet islamists are never treated this way because those who have power hate Christians and like islamists. I donā€™t hate moslems, I pray for their kim davisredemption through their acceptance of Jesus Christ and the everlasting salvation that Jesus offers. Many people deride Christianity because it requires standards they donā€™t want to accept but Christianity does not impose a physical death sentence on those who refuse to accept the redemption that is offered by the death and resurrection of Jesus. People like to call us names because we donā€™t ā€œgo along to get alongā€ with the evil of sin. We are called ā€œintolerantā€, ā€œbigotā€, ā€œhatersā€, and a host of ā€œphobesā€ because we will not accept what Godā€™s word calls sin.

Some of American society, sponsored by government entities, is now persecuting Christians and pushing the murderous cult of islam on our children in public schools. Those who constantly scream ā€œseparation of church and stateā€ in regards to the legitimate religion of Christianity ( the religion this nation is based on) have no issue with the satanic cult of islam being taught to their children in the public schools.Barbed Wire Homosexuality is also pushed by these same people, those who also demand abortion, the murder of unborn children, while they decry capital punishment for rape and murder as ā€œcruelā€ punishment. My opinion is that the unborn should be saved and the brutal criminals be put to death but then I am considered an ā€œintolerantā€ ā€œbigotā€ who ā€œdoesnā€™t understandā€ according to the bleeding heartless fools who consider a murderer better for society than an unborn child because the child is an inconvenience to a woman. I guess they would call me a ā€œcriminalphobeā€ and I would proudly plead guilty as charged.


See also:

Satanic 'Zombified' Religion Making Inroads in United States
9/23/2015 - While the United States makes entertainment out of the undead, missionaries south of the border know a horrific truth: Zombies walk.
No, it's not a Halloween stunt, but a tenet of voodoo: the official religion of Haiti, along with Roman Catholicism. But don't expect for Haitians to separate the two. "In churches, there's a lot of syncretism (or the combination of multiple religions)," says David Vanderpool, a missionary and doctor in Haiti. Vanderpool is the founder and CEO of LiveBeyond, a faith-based, humanitarian organization bringing medical and maternal health care, clean water, education, orphan care, community development and the gospel of Jesus Christ to the oppressed in Thomazeau, Haiti. "Voodoo is the culture, the way they think. They view the world through a lens of voodoo, and it colors what they do, what they see. They bring it unwittingly into the church, and see mainstream denominations as no different from voodoo." The satanic worship can be traced to colonization when the French demanded African slaves convert to Catholicism. Rather than fully converting, the slaves named their idols after saints, and the worship of the demons was incorporated into the church.

For many who visit the churches, it's difficult to tell the difference between the Catholic Saints and African demons. According to the Associated Press, many of Haiti's 10 million residents consider themselves followers of both voodoo and Catholicism. The presence of voodoo is so strong that Vanderpool has seen strong Christians get swallowed up in the spiritual battle.


Max Beauvoir was Haiti's high priest of voodoo before he died earlier this year.

He attributes their losing struggles to a desensitization of evil, including the rise of zombies in Hollywood. Look only to apocalyptic thrillers like The Walking Dead, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later and Dawn of the Deadā€”or even comedies like Warm Bodies, Zombieland and Life After Bethā€”to see the cultural transition. "Hollywood for many years (has been) trying to implement these kinds of evil practices on children," Vanderpool says. "When (it's a) childhood game or movie, (we) see actual damage that's done. It's not just a little toy." In Haiti, zombies aren't horror monsters meant for a good scare. Rather, they are men and women who have been cursed by a voodoo priest. The priest will inject them with a poison, which will cause intense paralysis and breathing so shallow family members will bury the person. The priest will placed hollowed sugar cane in the grave so that when paralysis wears off, people claw out of the grave, essentially becoming the walking dead. The zombification of someone sounds like a hoax and one many would attribute to a film stunt and not spiritual warfare.

Former voodoo high priest Max Beauvoir, who died earlier this month, fought the perception of voodoo as an evil and tried to publicize it as a way of life. "Haiti has a Western veneer, with an educational system, courts and a government," Beauvoir told the New York Times in 1983, "but this has very little to do with the way things really work. We should stop being ashamed and recognize what we are: a country with an African social structure that revolves around the voodoo community. Voodoo governs everything, our moral codes, the way we rationalize, eat, cure, and work the land." Beauvoir was known for his passionate fight to inoculate the Western world to the intrinsic values of voodoo, removing its demonic stigma. But the spiritual warfare continues, and missionaries like Vanderpool must ready for the battle every day, covering himself and his patients in prayer. "If God doesn't show up, people suffer," Vanderpool says. But when God does show up, the blind can see, the deaf can hear, the lame can walk and lives are transformed as former voodoo followers become radical soldiers for the gospel.

Satanic 'Zombified' Religion Making Inroads in United States
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But more than shots have already been fired...

Islam Will Conquer Europe Without Firing A Shot
September 29, 2015 - The failed foreign policies of the EU and the US under President Obama, have brought the Arabs to the brink of chaos, and destroyed regimes which, even though they were not democratic utopias, at least provided governance and public order. These failed policies have abandoned the Arabs to the atrocities of the Sunni Islamists and to the murderous proxies of the Iranian Islamic Revolution -- and are ultimately the cause of the tsunami of refugees beating at the gates of Europe.
Now the EU and Obama want to bring the catastrophe of Gaza to the West Bank. The American FDA is more careful with experiments on animals than the White House is with experiments on the people of the Middle East. Every time the Palestinians have taken steps against the Israelis, we have hurt no one but ourselves, and are left with -- nothing. The Arabs living in Israel and the Palestinian Authority territories know, although it is a bitter pill to swallow, that we have been favored by fortune, because under the State of Israel we live in security. In the face of ongoing mass murder in the Middle East, what arcane consideration, apart from Federica Mogherini being a racist, could possibly bring the EU to deal with something as marginal to global issues as boycotting Israeli face-cream and cookies?

With the recent anniversary of Al-Qaeda's September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, internal Palestinian discourse revolves around radical Islam and America's actions. It relates to the slaughter, rape and millions of refugees who have fallen victim to Al-Qaeda, the humanitarian calamity and the Islamist terrorist organizations to which it gave birth, such as ISIS. Today a disaster of apocalyptic proportions is unfolding in territories that used to be Arab states but are now the battle grounds for feuding Arab tribes, whose only objective is to destroy one another.

In their heart of hearts, the Arabs living in Israel and the Palestinian Authority territories know, although it is a bitter pill to swallow, that we have been favored by fortune because under the State of Israel we live in security. This reality is brought home to us by the feeble international response and the strange behavior of U.S. President Barack Obama and the leaders of the Western world who have abandoned the Arabs to the atrocities of the Sunni Islamists (and their supporters in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar), and to the murderous proxies of the Iranian Islamic Revolution (mainly in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon).


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