18,000 of us died from Covid last week while the Democrats did their Orange Man Bad TV show

Half a million died whilst the fat fuck was playing golf and tweeting.
+/-.14%.....No more than the annual flu. That is if you even believe the stats which are cooked because hospitals get paid more for folks with Covid in their system even though they may have died from an on-going morbid condition. More people died during Obama's golf outings.

Two lies in a single post. Cheeto-Boy would be proud of his little CheetLets.
Look at the CDC guidelines for death certs. It doesn't matter if death is caused by say....a heart attack, Covid will be listed in the 2nd part of the death cert. This is where the stats are coming from. Do you actually think you can trust the result? I admit I was mistaken about the annual flu and I edited my post however the .014% death rate is accurate IF you believe the stats are accurate.
Next question.
xiden owns the chinese flu. and you retarded demonRATS fell for the---we will stomp it out immediately.. does xiden not know the meaning of that? xiden the chinese bought, piece of shit LIAR. treasonist piece of shit
Post like an adult, bunghole.
whats wrong, shit stain, dont like reading the TRUTH?
Next question.
So you believe that a person who died of a heart attack but had Covid in their system, actually died of Covid? You believe that someone who died in a vehicular accident and had Covid in their system actually died of Covid? Come on, you can't be that dumb....or can you?
Thanks for the update on the continuing cost of the Trumpybears failure and how it compounded over a years time into the calamity we see today.

A good reminder never to vote for a jackass like that again.
What are democrats going to do about Cuomo?

Shit, and fall back in it?
Everything Democrats touch turns to shit.
Poor booboo, in reality if the Gov. broke the law he will have to face the consequence of his actions.
I don't think so. He's probably going to be reelected.

What law is he accused of breaking?
I don’t even know what he supposedly did wrong.

I don't think they know. It's not in the headlines.
Of course. When a Democrat screws up it's buried.
So you don't know what law he's supposedly broken either?
The same law President Trump broke. None.
Trump violated his oath of office to protect America.
yo, delusional,-- antifa--black flies matter--riots--all summer--TRUMP offered national guard---demonRAT cities said--no---how quick you retarded demonRATS forget....im here to remind you
so, xiden, pig-lousy are the asswipes that said no and now, you are in denial mode....Boo-Hoo, you moron
That's six 9/11s while the Democrats went on TV to complain about Trump again, and Biden still has no plan!

Biden is on track to kill a MILLION of us by the end of this year alone, while he and his buddies run around without masks laughing at us.


It's herd immunity bunghole.

Is that what the shitstain on CNN with the giant q-tip is telling you? That Biden needs to let 20,000 of us die every week so we can get "herd immunity"? LOL
No everyone of us, just the bungholes like you that don't wear masks, socially distance or wash your dirty hands.

Ah, another science denier. There's no Covid deaths under Biden, right, rube?

Nope. Political Science would blame the results of the policies on the one who made the policies, not the official who inherited the results of the policy decision. So, try as you might, everyday you are highlighting Trumpybears greatest failure to the American public.

Keep up the good work

Another Covid denier joins the party! Tell us how it's all a hoax and no one has died since January 20th...

Why did you change from science denier to Covid denier? What kind of sic individual makes fun of so many dead Americans. You making Putin proud?
the answer is plain as day
pig-lousy hemorrhoid chucky
Next question.
So you believe that a person who died of a heart attack but had Covid in their system, actually died of Covid? You believe that someone who died in a vehicular accident and had Covid in their system actually died of Covid? Come on, you can't be that dumb....or can you?

Covid is well known to cause vascular occlusions and otherwise stress the cardio system.

But aside from all these spurious straw grasps, completely independent excess mortality data tracks closely official Covid death toll numbers.

SOMETHING killed almost half a million Americans above what was normaly expected since the start of the pandemic.

Are you going to be crazy/stupid enough to still argue it wasn't Covid?
So it’s not a hoax?

Is that what you think, denier? Is that why Joe isn't doing anything and has no plan?
Half a million died whilst the fat fuck was playing golf and tweeting.

900,000 babies were killed through abortion in the US last year.
You should tell the police.That sounds awful.

Killing the unborn will not go unpunished. There will be payment.
You cant kill something that is unborn Mr Stupid.

Yes, a human being in the womb is life.
The Big Book of Fairy Tales says you have to be breathing for it to be life. So suck on it.

Wrong, its life when the two cells meet. Oh yeah, you'll have to bend a knee and give an account one day. It ain't no fairy tale.
So it’s not a hoax?

Is that what you think, denier? Is that why Joe isn't doing anything and has no plan?
Half a million died whilst the fat fuck was playing golf and tweeting.

900,000 babies were killed through abortion in the US last year.
You should tell the police.That sounds awful.

Killing the unborn will not go unpunished. There will be payment.
You cant kill something that is unborn Mr Stupid.

Yes, a human being in the womb is life.
The Big Book of Fairy Tales says you have to be breathing for it to be life. So suck on it.

Wrong, its life when the two cells meet. Oh yeah, you'll have to bend a knee and give an account one day. It ain't no fairy tale.
Your own book of fairy tales says it’s when you take first breath.

Show me where it talks about “cells”. :laugh:

Cells? That’s science, something you mentally stunted don’t believe in.
That's six 9/11s while the Democrats went on TV to complain about Trump again, and Biden still has no plan!

Biden is on track to kill a MILLION of us by the end of this year alone, while he and his buddies run around without masks laughing at us.


Which is a 25% reduction from Trump's number!

We all know Republicans by their own admission are unable to manage more than failing to perform a single task.
Fortunately, Democrats are fully capable of impeaching Trump and managing the pandemic he so thoroughly screwed like a 50 cent whore. Yeah, I mean his wife. Lucky for him he screwed the pandemic, he ain't getting no more Mel!

Biden is on track to kill over a MILLION of us this year alone. And what is he doing? Putting on the Orange Man Bad TV show for the retards last week, then off on vacation to play Mario Kart like the mental 5 year old he is.
That's six 9/11s while the Democrats went on TV to complain about Trump again, and Biden still has no plan!

Biden is on track to kill a MILLION of us by the end of this year alone, while he and his buddies run around without masks laughing at us.


Which is a 25% reduction from Trump's number!

We all know Republicans by their own admission are unable to manage more than failing to perform a single task.
Fortunately, Democrats are fully capable of impeaching Trump and managing the pandemic he so thoroughly screwed like a 50 cent whore. Yeah, I mean his wife. Lucky for him he screwed the pandemic, he ain't getting no more Mel!

Biden is on track to kill over a MILLION of us this year alone. And what is he doing? Putting on the Orange Man Bad TV show for the retards last week, then off on vacation to play Mario Kart like the mental 5 year old he is.

According to you people this covid thing is a hoax. There are no covid deaths. It's all made up!

Now you got a choice sonny.

Admit you and yours have been lying for the last year
STFU and put on your effin mask!
That's six 9/11s while the Democrats went on TV to complain about Trump again, and Biden still has no plan!

Biden is on track to kill a MILLION of us by the end of this year alone, while he and his buddies run around without masks laughing at us.


Which is a 25% reduction from Trump's number!

We all know Republicans by their own admission are unable to manage more than failing to perform a single task.
Fortunately, Democrats are fully capable of impeaching Trump and managing the pandemic he so thoroughly screwed like a 50 cent whore. Yeah, I mean his wife. Lucky for him he screwed the pandemic, he ain't getting no more Mel!

Biden is on track to kill over a MILLION of us this year alone. And what is he doing? Putting on the Orange Man Bad TV show for the retards last week, then off on vacation to play Mario Kart like the mental 5 year old he is.

According to you people this covid thing is a hoax. There are no covid deaths. It's all made up!

Now you got a choice sonny.

Admit you and yours have been lying for the last year
STFU and put on your effin mask!

"Well, you think this because I have declared that you do. Now defend the words I have told you are yours! Every conversation will be about me accusing you, not about me ever answering any questions!!"

One difference between you and me is that I would never tell you to shut up, because my positions are strong enough to stand up to hearing other people's bullshit. Also, I would never, EVER stop you from showing the world what an ass you are.

No choice for you, buddy. You've already admitted you were lying the last year, by dodging and deflecting.
That's six 9/11s while the Democrats went on TV to complain about Trump again, and Biden still has no plan!

Biden is on track to kill a MILLION of us by the end of this year alone, while he and his buddies run around without masks laughing at us.


Which is a 25% reduction from Trump's number!

We all know Republicans by their own admission are unable to manage more than failing to perform a single task.
Fortunately, Democrats are fully capable of impeaching Trump and managing the pandemic he so thoroughly screwed like a 50 cent whore. Yeah, I mean his wife. Lucky for him he screwed the pandemic, he ain't getting no more Mel!

Biden is on track to kill over a MILLION of us this year alone. And what is he doing? Putting on the Orange Man Bad TV show for the retards last week, then off on vacation to play Mario Kart like the mental 5 year old he is.

According to you people this covid thing is a hoax. There are no covid deaths. It's all made up!

Now you got a choice sonny.

Admit you and yours have been lying for the last year
STFU and put on your effin mask!

"Well, you think this because I have declared that you do. Now defend the words I have told you are yours! Every conversation will be about me accusing you, not about me ever answering any questions!!"

One difference between you and me is that I would never tell you to shut up, because my positions are strong enough to stand up to hearing other people's bullshit. Also, I would never, EVER stop you from showing the world what an ass you are.

No choice for you, buddy. You've already admitted you were lying the last year, by dodging and deflecting.

YOU claim COVID is fake.
Either you're lying about that
You're lying about Biden's responsibility.

Your lie. Your choice. Liar.
So it’s not a hoax?

Is that what you think, denier? Is that why Joe isn't doing anything and has no plan?
Half a million died whilst the fat fuck was playing golf and tweeting.

900,000 babies were killed through abortion in the US last year.
You should tell the police.That sounds awful.

Killing the unborn will not go unpunished. There will be payment.
You cant kill something that is unborn Mr Stupid.

Yes, a human being in the womb is life.

Even the abortionists themselves recognize that as fact.

That's six 9/11s while the Democrats went on TV to complain about Trump again, and Biden still has no plan!

Biden is on track to kill a MILLION of us by the end of this year alone, while he and his buddies run around without masks laughing at us.


Which is a 25% reduction from Trump's number!

We all know Republicans by their own admission are unable to manage more than failing to perform a single task.
Fortunately, Democrats are fully capable of impeaching Trump and managing the pandemic he so thoroughly screwed like a 50 cent whore. Yeah, I mean his wife. Lucky for him he screwed the pandemic, he ain't getting no more Mel!

Biden is on track to kill over a MILLION of us this year alone. And what is he doing? Putting on the Orange Man Bad TV show for the retards last week, then off on vacation to play Mario Kart like the mental 5 year old he is.

According to you people this covid thing is a hoax. There are no covid deaths. It's all made up!

Now you got a choice sonny.

Admit you and yours have been lying for the last year
STFU and put on your effin mask!

"Well, you think this because I have declared that you do. Now defend the words I have told you are yours! Every conversation will be about me accusing you, not about me ever answering any questions!!"

One difference between you and me is that I would never tell you to shut up, because my positions are strong enough to stand up to hearing other people's bullshit. Also, I would never, EVER stop you from showing the world what an ass you are.

No choice for you, buddy. You've already admitted you were lying the last year, by dodging and deflecting.

YOU claim COVID is fake.
Either you're lying about that
You're lying about Biden's responsibility.

Your lie. Your choice. Liar.

Again, YOU do not put words in my mouth and then demand that I defend them to you. Not only are you vastly underqualified to speak for me, but I utterly reject - with great amounts of derisive laughter - any notion that YOU have any authority I need to recognize.

When you are able to produce ANY post by me declaring that "COVID is fake", THEN you may - very politely and courteously, as befits a lesser being - ASK me to clarify. If I'm feeling generous, I might decide to enlighten you. But at NO point do you get to judge me on anything, and I certainly am not beholden to what the likes of you has decided I do and don't believe, based on what your masters ordered you to "know" about me.

Now that we are very clear on where we stand in relation to each other on the evolutionary scale, worm, you get exactly one chance to prove yourself worthy of having any conversation with me at all. Make it good, or begone to the ether with the other trolls who haven't earned a place in this discussion. Believe me, we're perfectly capable of discussing as though you don't exist, much the way your intelligent thoughts do not.

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