18 million ppl watched trumps rally Saturday nite WOWOWOWOWOOW


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019

8 million ppl!? Watched on fox alone That’s incredible! America loves you trump!

online was 10 million! This is incredible times!

Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Mean while biden cant get 60 ppl to watch his speeches online lol hahaha
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Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Mean while biden her 60 ppl to watch his speeches online lol hahaha

And still, Biden is beating him handily....largely from his basement. :)
That's not good.
Lol..Why doesn’t the Trump campaign just come out say “a gazillion“ people watched Trump’s rally. It will just be more cover for his pathetic and humiliating rally.
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Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Mean while biden her 60 ppl to watch his speeches online lol hahaha

And still, Biden is beating him handily....largely from his basement. :)
That's not good.
Ha only if Republicans participated in Opinion polls haha WE JUST WIN ALL THE ELECTIONS
I watched the rally on FOX out of curiosity and wanting to see the fights and riots between the negroes and negro lovers and red necks. Those who know me and my postings here know I would never vote for or support Trump. Only idiots believe viewer numbers indicate support for Dopey Don.
I watched the rally on FOX out of curiosity and wanting to see the fighters and riots between the negroes and negro lovers and red necks. Those who know me and my postings here know I would never vote for or support Trump. Only idiots believe viewer numbers indicate support for Dopey Don.
30% of democrats have switched over because of that rally and every rally trump gets ppl
To switch
Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Mean while biden her 60 ppl to watch his speeches online lol hahaha

And still, Biden is beating him handily....largely from his basement. :)
That's not good.

If you believe that you may also have advised Hillaries team to orders 10s of thousands of balloons for her anointment...
Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Mean while biden her 60 ppl to watch his speeches online lol hahaha

And still, Biden is beating him handily....largely from his basement. :)
That's not good.
You're the most gullible bubble head on the planet if you believe that.

What happened to Hitlery? She was beating Trump by huge margins too, right up to the day of the election.

For Christ sake, get a fucking clue.
Lol..Why doesn’t the Trump campaign just come out says “a gazillion“ people watched Trump’s rally. It will just be more cover for his pathetic and humiliating rally.
2020 is bringing out the desperation of the left. They are burning cities, looting innocent people's stores, they are harming citizens who have done nothing wrong, yet the left still thinks that NORMAL citizens want what the left offers. You cant make this shit up..

2020 a repeat performance..

And as usual, the Greatest Hits continue. We're back to Hillary Clinton. Snore!!!
Nothing new, just same old same old. Sounds like I'm not the one that needs the clue.
Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Mean while biden her 60 ppl to watch his speeches online lol hahaha

And still, Biden is beating him handily....largely from his basement. :)
That's not good.
Same was said about the hag Hillary.

8 million ppl!? Watched on fox alone That’s incredible! America loves you trump!

online was 10 million! This is incredible times!

Sure they did. Fox? Trump? Those liars?
And as usual, the Greatest Hits continue. We're back to Hillary Clinton. Snore!!!
Nothing new, just same old same old. Sounds like I'm not the one that needs the clue.
You can’t win elections! Young POC are all running as republicans. California Texas Florida Massachusetts Boston.. People are leaving your party by the thousands

8 million ppl!? Watched on fox alone That’s incredible! America loves you trump!

online was 10 million! This is incredible times!

Sure they did. Fox? Trump? Those liars?
Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Mean while biden her 60 ppl to watch his speeches online lol hahaha

And still, Biden is beating him handily....largely from his basement. :)
That's not good.
Same was said about the hag Hillary.
And that was before Trump put our deficits back to a trillion, bankrupted farmers, totally blew a pandemic response, got impeached, caught trying to get China to help his campaign, Nev er ever got the ec onomy close to the 4% he promised, had Barr protecting his buddies.
Meanwhile, back in reality, only 6,200 people actually showed up to the rally in OKC..cause, you know, the fear of getting sick and possibly getting hospitalized or dying was a pretty good deterrent. And so what about the viewership and online numbers? They mean nothing. I watched the rally on Fox. I was watching out of morbid curiosity. Not out of support for Trump. And what I saw was the weakest rally speech he's ever given. Just trying to go back to the 2016 playbook for the Greatest Hits. Not even a glancing blow on Biden. But the cherry on top of the sundae was watching him get off the chopper and walk back to the White House. Tie undone, head down, looking disheveled, dejected, defeated. What a disaster. Get used to it Trump supporters. That's his existence until Election Day. And it's only going to get worse.
Mean while biden her 60 ppl to watch his speeches online lol hahaha

And still, Biden is beating him handily....largely from his basement. :)
That's not good.
Same was said about the hag Hillary.
And that was before Trump put our deficits back to a trillion, bankrupted farmers, totally blew a pandemic response, got impeached, caught trying to get China to help his campaign, Nev er ever got the ec onomy close to the 4% he promised, had Barr protecting his buddies.
Lol why does the left have to vehemently lie about trump to win? Why can’t you run on your own success? Everything you just said was a fallacy.. so sad
And that was before Trump put our deficits back to a trillion, bankrupted farmers, totally blew a pandemic response, got impeached, caught trying to get China to help his campaign, Nev er ever got the ec onomy close to the 4% he promised, had Barr protecting his buddies.

Awful early to be impaired davey...

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