18 Most Famous Atheists in the World

f you said lack of
So what? That doesn't mean someone believes there is or isn't a god. One would only have to believe, for instance, thattthatt strawbe taste good, in order to satisfy that condition. Try to use your big boy words better.

A militant atheist is an angry and hostile atheist who usually wants to see force used against theism.
Bullshit, you whiner. To you , a "militant atheist" is anyone who dares speak out against your goofy, idiotic voodoo in any setting, at any time,in any way.
The point is that since communism is much like a religion in that it rests on absurd faith they have to get rid of the competition as all religions do. They may be lacking a specific deity but it is not necessary to have a specific deity to have a religion. It is all about using faith to believe that which would not be believed by anyone with intelligence. SO they adopt and enforce atheism to suppress some of the competition.

... that it rests on absurd faith

in fact communism is the opposite of faith, they only share in common the fact neither is ever achieved - full employment w/ shared means of production.
I did not say communism IS faith I said it is rooted in faith.

Or contrary to what someone else here said atheism does not lead to communism but faith does.

Communism is base evil and impossible yet people still insist it is achievable and good. Such a belief can only be achieved through blind faith
Communism is base evil and impossible yet people still insist it is achievable and good. Such a belief can only be achieved through blind faith

Communism is base evil ...

I take it you do not insist the communist manifesto was inspired by the Almighty by its scriptures ... just why a material philosophy is not achievable is a little perplexing.

full employment is base evil - you must be an entrepreneur.

* again, faith not achieved never existed.

Communism is not about full employment.

It is about dictatorship and all the evils associated with dictatorship like war slavery and genocide.
18 Most Famous Atheists in the World - Insider Monkey

These are supposedly the "most" famous in 2016 and only one in hard science. Also, some of these people aren't A-list celebs. And atheism leads to communism. I have to agree Karl Marx is right up there.
I just heard one today you might find interesting. Geraldo Rivera is an atheist. He said it on Howard stern.

I don’t think Howard believes either. He’s more famous than most of the people on your list.
Geraldo and Howard Stern on your team.
18 Most Famous Atheists in the World - Insider Monkey

These are supposedly the "most" famous in 2016 and only one in hard science. Also, some of these people aren't A-list celebs. And atheism leads to communism. I have to agree Karl Marx is right up there.
I just heard one today you might find interesting. Geraldo Rivera is an atheist. He said it on Howard stern.

I don’t think Howard believes either. He’s more famous than most of the people on your list.
Geraldo and Howard Stern on your team.
And every molesting priest is on your team. Everyone has to have their idols, I suppose...
18 Most Famous Atheists in the World - Insider Monkey

These are supposedly the "most" famous in 2016 and only one in hard science. Also, some of these people aren't A-list celebs. And atheism leads to communism. I have to agree Karl Marx is right up there.
I just heard one today you might find interesting. Geraldo Rivera is an atheist. He said it on Howard stern.

I don’t think Howard believes either. He’s more famous than most of the people on your list.
Geraldo and Howard Stern on your team.
And every molesting priest is on your team. Everyone has to have their idols, I suppose...
And every mass murderer is on your team.
18 Most Famous Atheists in the World - Insider Monkey

These are supposedly the "most" famous in 2016 and only one in hard science. Also, some of these people aren't A-list celebs. And atheism leads to communism. I have to agree Karl Marx is right up there.
Atheism does not lead to communism it forces communism.

The vast majority of atheists reject the evil of religion and the evil of communism
Of course militant atheism leads to communism. Communism is naturalized humanism. It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness.

"...The interrelationship is such, moreover, that the current of materialism which is farthest to the left, and is hence the most consistent, always proves to be stronger, more attractive, and victorious. Humanism which has lost its Christian heritage cannot prevail in this competition. Thus during the past centuries and especially in recent decades, as the process became more acute, the alignment of forces was as follows: Liberalism was inevitably pushed aside by radicalism, radicalism had to surrender to socialism, and socialism could not stand up to communism..." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

No you are quite wrong and ignorant of history.

There is no form of militant atheism. Communism is atheist but it is only incidental to communism and it was not atheism which led to communism.

Marx was no atheist before he became a communist and invented the idea he incorporated atheism into communism because it was practical.

Communism's rhetorical vows revolve around SOME men not MAN. Specifically the workers.
But you are a militant atheist. Just like Fort Fun is a militant atheist and Sealybob is a militant atheist and Taz is a militant atheist.

You all condemn respect for anyone who believes in God. But you do it in a cowardly fashion; anonymously behind the safety of your keyboard.

There is no such thing as a militant atheist and what you describe is not militant.

I have never said any such thing as you describe which makes you a liar.
18 Most Famous Atheists in the World - Insider Monkey

These are supposedly the "most" famous in 2016 and only one in hard science. Also, some of these people aren't A-list celebs. And atheism leads to communism. I have to agree Karl Marx is right up there.
Atheism does not lead to communism it forces communism.

The vast majority of atheists reject the evil of religion and the evil of communism
Of course militant atheism leads to communism. Communism is naturalized humanism. It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness.

"...The interrelationship is such, moreover, that the current of materialism which is farthest to the left, and is hence the most consistent, always proves to be stronger, more attractive, and victorious. Humanism which has lost its Christian heritage cannot prevail in this competition. Thus during the past centuries and especially in recent decades, as the process became more acute, the alignment of forces was as follows: Liberalism was inevitably pushed aside by radicalism, radicalism had to surrender to socialism, and socialism could not stand up to communism..." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

No you are quite wrong and ignorant of history.

There is no form of militant atheism. Communism is atheist but it is only incidental to communism and it was not atheism which led to communism.

Marx was no atheist before he became a communist and invented the idea he incorporated atheism into communism because it was practical.

Communism's rhetorical vows revolve around SOME men not MAN. Specifically the workers.
But you are a militant atheist. Just like Fort Fun is a militant atheist and Sealybob is a militant atheist and Taz is a militant atheist.

You all condemn respect for anyone who believes in God. But you do it in a cowardly fashion; anonymously behind the safety of your keyboard.

There is no such thing as a militant atheist and what you describe is not militant.

I have never said any such thing as you describe which makes you a liar.
No such thing as a militant atheist?
Mao, Stalin, Che, Pol Pot etc disagree.
That is more accurate.

Communism incorporates atheism because it is a practical tool for their ends. They do not arrive at communism because they are atheists.

Commies were always atheists. Someone who is not an atheist is a not a Commie. Who is not a Commie is an enemy.

And of course communism relies on blind faith to be believed.

Exactly: Atheism is a belief.

Reason and logic and evidence dictates that communism is abominable and evil and will never work.


Therefore you have to side step logic reason and evidence and replace it with faith.

This faith that it will work makes communism far more akin to a religion. For example the absolute iron clad faith in the scientific, dialectic view of history. Which falls apart the instant anyone of reasonable intelligence studies history and sees that the dialectic his ludicrously stupid and unworkable. Yet communists believe it blindly.

The point is that since communism is much like a religion in that it rests on absurd faith they have to get rid of the competition as all religions do.

If I follow your "logic" then you say here Christians are like Commies, because atheism is a belief.

They may be lacking a specific deity but it is not necessary to have a specific deity to have a religion.

¿Deity? ...

It is all about using faith to believe that which would not be believed by anyone with intelligence.

Christians and Commies suffer a lack of intelligence? I fear you suffer a lack of intelligence to say so.

SO they adopt and enforce atheism to suppress some of the competition.

No. Atheism is an essential part of Communism. Atheism needs not scruple. Because Communism is an ideology of war (class-fight) scruples are a problem for the readiness to use violence or any other kind of dirty trick.

Christians: Peace is only possible with a way of peace.
Commies: The end justifies the means.

In this example here Communism and Pragmatism are very similar and Idealism and Christianity are more similar.
Communists are always atheists but atheism does not lead to communism which is the point.

Atheism is a belief. Who believes not in spirituality ignores spirituality. That's all. Example: They see in animals little machine or think animals do not have rights. ...

Atheism is not a belief

If you would not say so then you had to accept the paradox that atheists are believing not to believe. Christians are in a better situation. We are able to discuss about every theme, also spiritual themes including paradoxa of our own beliefes - what's often very interesting.

it is a conclusion

Conclusion? ¿"Because I am an atheist atheism is ... ¿true?"?

while it is true that communists force it on others most people who are atheists in the free world arrive at that conclusion intelligently.

What a luck that you do not suffer prejudices, member of the caste "intelligentia":

No Christians and communists both suspend reason and intelligence replacing it with faith to support idiotic ideas and that IS an intelligent thing to say.

Did I still say: "What a luck that you do not suffer prejudices, member of the caste "intelligentia""? I did. Good.

No you are wrong atheism is not a belief nor is it ignoring anything.

You do not know that god is not existing. Atheism is a belief. And you have not a little idea about what Christians and others - Buddhists for example too - are speaking about with each other if you ignore every knowledge which is existing since thousands of years in context with spirituality.

Atheism is the mull position

¿Mull? position? I guess you liked to say "null position" or "zero position"

as in there is no evidence of a god

"A god" and "god" are totally different things. And "evidence" is in your case an evidence in sense of natural science (basing on the idea of empirism). The elementary problem: Natural science speaks about the creation - not about the creator. When god created existence - and ways of evidence in sense of natural science - existed nothing.

ergo it does not exist

God exists not as a kind of subject you are able to put under a microscope. What doesn't mean god is not looking in your eyes when you use a microscope.

and it is up to believers to prove otherwise.

As far as I know your complete way to argue comes from Mr. Richard Dawkin. I will never understand how this man got a noble price. Since ever Christians say "I believe in god". This means to trust in god, although no one knows god. This declaration is for example true as long as someone believes in god. But no one else is able to know whether someone believes in god or not. And it's totally unimportant for Christians to prove this - or to prove the existence of god. This has nothing to do with anything what Christians say.

Since they cannot provide any evidence of any kind whatsoever that any god exists the lgoical conclusion is that there is no god.

What a nonsense. Again: God created existence - nothing was existing before he did so.

That is not a belief at all.

Then tell me why not only nothing is all around us.

As I said spirituality is something many claim to have and that is not ignored. The fact is not every one needs it or has it or wants it therefore spirituality is irrelevant to what atheists think.

"atheism is not ... ignoring anything"

Believing not to believe is merely a stupid contradiction which by definition is self defeating.

Contradictions by their very nature do not exist ever.

Look up thew word belief and the word conclusion they are not the same so your question is merely a strawman.

Do me the favor to speak with someone else. I hate this stupid never ending confusing nonsense meanwhile. Meister Eckhart showed in the deepest middle ages more intelligence than the most anti-Christian members of the caste "intelligentsia" today.

Yes I know there is no god.

You believe there is.

Atheism is not a belief it is ABSENCE of a belief and word games do not change that fact. Absence of belief is NOT a belief.

There is no knowledge which exists because of spirituality. I am not ignoring it there simply is NONE.

A god or god are precisely the same things. Existence was not created at all and no one claims it was.

All around is is everything not nothing
18 Most Famous Atheists in the World - Insider Monkey

These are supposedly the "most" famous in 2016 and only one in hard science. Also, some of these people aren't A-list celebs. And atheism leads to communism. I have to agree Karl Marx is right up there.
I just heard one today you might find interesting. Geraldo Rivera is an atheist. He said it on Howard stern.

I don’t think Howard believes either. He’s more famous than most of the people on your list.
Geraldo and Howard Stern on your team.
And every molesting priest is on your team. Everyone has to have their idols, I suppose...
And every mass murderer is on your team.
Are you kidding? Hell no...most are religious nutballs, just like you. Sorry dummy, they are all yours.
Atheism does not lead to communism it forces communism.

The vast majority of atheists reject the evil of religion and the evil of communism
Of course militant atheism leads to communism. Communism is naturalized humanism. It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness.

"...The interrelationship is such, moreover, that the current of materialism which is farthest to the left, and is hence the most consistent, always proves to be stronger, more attractive, and victorious. Humanism which has lost its Christian heritage cannot prevail in this competition. Thus during the past centuries and especially in recent decades, as the process became more acute, the alignment of forces was as follows: Liberalism was inevitably pushed aside by radicalism, radicalism had to surrender to socialism, and socialism could not stand up to communism..." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

No you are quite wrong and ignorant of history.

There is no form of militant atheism. Communism is atheist but it is only incidental to communism and it was not atheism which led to communism.

Marx was no atheist before he became a communist and invented the idea he incorporated atheism into communism because it was practical.

Communism's rhetorical vows revolve around SOME men not MAN. Specifically the workers.
But you are a militant atheist. Just like Fort Fun is a militant atheist and Sealybob is a militant atheist and Taz is a militant atheist.

You all condemn respect for anyone who believes in God. But you do it in a cowardly fashion; anonymously behind the safety of your keyboard.

There is no such thing as a militant atheist and what you describe is not militant.

I have never said any such thing as you describe which makes you a liar.
No such thing as a militant atheist?
Mao, Stalin, Che, Pol Pot etc disagree.
They were communists not militant atheists.

You should have kept up those men were not murdering for atheism which was merely incidental to their beliefs. They were killing for communism
18 Most Famous Atheists in the World - Insider Monkey

These are supposedly the "most" famous in 2016 and only one in hard science. Also, some of these people aren't A-list celebs. And atheism leads to communism. I have to agree Karl Marx is right up there.
Atheism does not lead to communism it forces communism.

The vast majority of atheists reject the evil of religion and the evil of communism

Atheists call themselves secular humanists now. It's another step towards communism.
No they do not at least in general. Some might but it is not some commonality.
Of course militant atheism leads to communism. Communism is naturalized humanism. It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness.

"...The interrelationship is such, moreover, that the current of materialism which is farthest to the left, and is hence the most consistent, always proves to be stronger, more attractive, and victorious. Humanism which has lost its Christian heritage cannot prevail in this competition. Thus during the past centuries and especially in recent decades, as the process became more acute, the alignment of forces was as follows: Liberalism was inevitably pushed aside by radicalism, radicalism had to surrender to socialism, and socialism could not stand up to communism..." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

No you are quite wrong and ignorant of history.

There is no form of militant atheism. Communism is atheist but it is only incidental to communism and it was not atheism which led to communism.

Marx was no atheist before he became a communist and invented the idea he incorporated atheism into communism because it was practical.

Communism's rhetorical vows revolve around SOME men not MAN. Specifically the workers.
But you are a militant atheist. Just like Fort Fun is a militant atheist and Sealybob is a militant atheist and Taz is a militant atheist.

You all condemn respect for anyone who believes in God. But you do it in a cowardly fashion; anonymously behind the safety of your keyboard.

There is no such thing as a militant atheist and what you describe is not militant.

I have never said any such thing as you describe which makes you a liar.
No such thing as a militant atheist?
Mao, Stalin, Che, Pol Pot etc disagree.
They were communists not militant atheists.

You should have kept up those men were not murdering for atheism which was merely incidental to their beliefs. They were killing for communism
When your primary agenda is to crush religion, you’re a militant atheist.
Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc are in your camp.
Exactly: Atheism is a belief.
Hmm, generally not true, in practice. Most we would call "atheists" are agnostic atheists, which is not a belief, but rather a lack of belief.

Everyone believes something. If you said lack of brains, then we'd believe you.

militant atheism.
You have to understand....to these guys, a "militant atheist" is any atheist who dares speak up. It is their version of "uppity ni***r".


A militant atheist is an angry and hostile atheist who usually wants to see force used against theism.
There are no such angry militant athiests.
No you are quite wrong and ignorant of history.

There is no form of militant atheism. Communism is atheist but it is only incidental to communism and it was not atheism which led to communism.

Marx was no atheist before he became a communist and invented the idea he incorporated atheism into communism because it was practical.

Communism's rhetorical vows revolve around SOME men not MAN. Specifically the workers.
But you are a militant atheist. Just like Fort Fun is a militant atheist and Sealybob is a militant atheist and Taz is a militant atheist.

You all condemn respect for anyone who believes in God. But you do it in a cowardly fashion; anonymously behind the safety of your keyboard.

There is no such thing as a militant atheist and what you describe is not militant.

I have never said any such thing as you describe which makes you a liar.
No such thing as a militant atheist?
Mao, Stalin, Che, Pol Pot etc disagree.
They were communists not militant atheists.

You should have kept up those men were not murdering for atheism which was merely incidental to their beliefs. They were killing for communism
When your primary agenda is to crush religion, you’re a militant atheist.
Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc are in your camp.
Wrong as that was not their primary agenda nor anyone else's.
18 Most Famous Atheists in the World - Insider Monkey

These are supposedly the "most" famous in 2016 and only one in hard science. Also, some of these people aren't A-list celebs. And atheism leads to communism. I have to agree Karl Marx is right up there.
I just heard one today you might find interesting. Geraldo Rivera is an atheist. He said it on Howard stern.

I don’t think Howard believes either. He’s more famous than most of the people on your list.
Geraldo and Howard Stern on your team.
And every molesting priest is on your team. Everyone has to have their idols, I suppose...
And every mass murderer is on your team.
Are you kidding? Hell no...most are religious nutballs, just like you. Sorry dummy, they are all yours.
Almost all mass murderers are atheist.
Deal with it.
But you are a militant atheist. Just like Fort Fun is a militant atheist and Sealybob is a militant atheist and Taz is a militant atheist.

You all condemn respect for anyone who believes in God. But you do it in a cowardly fashion; anonymously behind the safety of your keyboard.

There is no such thing as a militant atheist and what you describe is not militant.

I have never said any such thing as you describe which makes you a liar.
No such thing as a militant atheist?
Mao, Stalin, Che, Pol Pot etc disagree.
They were communists not militant atheists.

You should have kept up those men were not murdering for atheism which was merely incidental to their beliefs. They were killing for communism
When your primary agenda is to crush religion, you’re a militant atheist.
Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc are in your camp.
Wrong as that was not their primary agenda nor anyone else's.
That why the first thing they did was go after religion?
I just heard one today you might find interesting. Geraldo Rivera is an atheist. He said it on Howard stern.

I don’t think Howard believes either. He’s more famous than most of the people on your list.
Geraldo and Howard Stern on your team.
And every molesting priest is on your team. Everyone has to have their idols, I suppose...
And every mass murderer is on your team.
Are you kidding? Hell no...most are religious nutballs, just like you. Sorry dummy, they are all yours.
Almost all mass murderers are atheist.
Deal with it.
False, Most are men of faith and belief in a god.

That is fact and proves you wrong deal with it.
There is no such thing as a militant atheist and what you describe is not militant.

I have never said any such thing as you describe which makes you a liar.
No such thing as a militant atheist?
Mao, Stalin, Che, Pol Pot etc disagree.
They were communists not militant atheists.

You should have kept up those men were not murdering for atheism which was merely incidental to their beliefs. They were killing for communism
When your primary agenda is to crush religion, you’re a militant atheist.
Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc are in your camp.
Wrong as that was not their primary agenda nor anyone else's.
That why the first thing they did was go after religion?
The first thing they do is NOT to go after religion.

The first thing they do is to go after dissenters and then after the educated and the property and business owners and then the gays and minorities and anyone else.

They do get around to going after religion but only after the other threats are dealt with.
Geraldo and Howard Stern on your team.
And every molesting priest is on your team. Everyone has to have their idols, I suppose...
And every mass murderer is on your team.
Are you kidding? Hell no...most are religious nutballs, just like you. Sorry dummy, they are all yours.
Almost all mass murderers are atheist.
Deal with it.
False, Most are men of faith and belief in a god.

That is fact and proves you wrong deal with it.
Name 5.
And I will disembowl your list.
No such thing as a militant atheist?
Mao, Stalin, Che, Pol Pot etc disagree.
They were communists not militant atheists.

You should have kept up those men were not murdering for atheism which was merely incidental to their beliefs. They were killing for communism
When your primary agenda is to crush religion, you’re a militant atheist.
Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc are in your camp.
Wrong as that was not their primary agenda nor anyone else's.
That why the first thing they did was go after religion?
The first thing they do is NOT to go after religion.

The first thing they do is to go after dissenters and then after the educated and the property and business owners and then the gays and minorities and anyone else.

They do get around to going after religion but only after the other threats are dealt with.
You have a public school level knowledge of history.


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