19.5% of America is on Welfare?

Republicans, I will agree with you that this is unacceptable.

Overall: In 2019, 19.5 percent of the total population received or lived with a family member who received a benefit in any amount from TANF, SNAP, or SSI at any point during the year.

Glad to read this

With some exceptions, non-citizens entering the United States after August 22, 1996, the date of enactment of the welfare reform legislation, are not eligible for most welfare benefits, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), SSI, Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), ...
You seem to ignore the fact that big cities in red states are democrats.
So if congress thought that killing all the old people was good for the general welfare, they could do it? Of course not, you big govt statist. They can contribute to the general welfare while staying in line of the other enumerated powers.
That clause wasnt an all encompassing power. If it was, they wouldnt have needed a constitution.
James Madison 1792
If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their Own hands; they may a point teachers in every state, county, and parish, and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision for the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress; for every object I have mentioned would admit of the application of money, and might be called, if Congress pleased, provisions for the general welfare.
In short, sir, without going farther into the subject. Which I should not have here touched at all but for the reasons already mentioned, I venture to declare it as my opinion, that, were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America; and what inferences might be drawn, or what consequences ensue, from such a step, it is incumbent on us all to consider.
Agreed, but unfortunately the Constitution has been rendered meaningless. The federal government breeches it constantly. Nearly every one of the Bill of Rights is ignored by the USG without consequence.
Agreed, but unfortunately the Constitution has been rendered meaningless. The federal government breeches it constantly. Nearly every one of the Bill of Rights is ignored by the USG without consequence.
For most of the people of the country, it only matters, if the "other side" is doing something they dont like.
Im not a conservative.
I respect the Constitution. I respect the limits it put on a central authority because we are a diverse country.
I am agnostic.
Why do you see the world in the binary? Such a limited intellect and outlook. Sad.
You lean right. Most people identify as one or the other. Actually, most people consider themselves moderate or independent but they identify with one of the two major parties. You I bet identify with Trump/Republicans.

Either way, us liberals and democrats don't agree.

You guys love to use the constitution. Spin it your way. We can do the same. For example, it's not just unconstitutional to make a baker bake a gay wedding cake. It's also unconstitutional to deny a person your products or services because they are gay, or black.

Imagine Ford Credit saying it's against their religion to give loans to black people.
For most of the people of the country, it only matters, if the "other side" is doing something they dont like.
And even when the other side is doing exactly what they would do, when they aren't in power they always argue the opposite. For example Russia. We should all be unified that we should be supporting Ukraine but nope.
Something’s wrong when 20% of Americans need government assistance to survive.
Need or want?

There are plenty of over weight lazy welfare bums on food stamps who should be working
You lean right. Most people identify as one or the other. Actually, most people consider themselves moderate or independent but they identify with one of the two major parties. You I bet identify with Trump/Republicans.

Either way, us liberals and democrats don't agree.

You guys love to use the constitution. Spin it your way. We can do the same. For example, it's not just unconstitutional to make a baker bake a gay wedding cake. It's also unconstitutional to deny a person your products or services because they are gay, or black.

Imagine Ford Credit saying it's against their religion to give loans to black people.
Im right and i certainly dont identify with the fascist republicans or the bloated orange.
You are far from a liberal. 99% of you people that claim to be liberal, arent even close. Just like conservatives.
It is nowhere near close to being unconstitutional to deny someone your own property. In fact, PA laws are unconstitutional. They infringe on constitutional AND natural rights. They constitution doesnt take rights away from people. You obviously shouldnt be mentioning it, as you have no idea what the document is.
And even when the other side is doing exactly what they would do, when they aren't in power they always argue the opposite. For example Russia. We should all be unified that we should be supporting Ukraine but nope.
Not all of us are war mongers. Not all of us want innocent people to die.
You know those cluster bombs the pedo rican in the WH wants to send them? Do you realize that a MAJORITY of cluster bomb victims are children? Did you know the second victim to cluster bombs are civilians? Did you know they still kill people years after they are released? Thats because they have an extremely high failure rate.
No, of course you didnt know that stuff. You dont seem to know much of anything.
Those fucking things are banned in 120 countries FFS.
But here you are. Thanks for your support of dead people, Bush.
You seem to ignore the fact that big cities in red states are democrats.
No you guys love to point that out. All that proves is Republican policies are out of touch in big cities. Sure your policies work in rural areas. Hell, they don't even work there. There's a lot of poverty in rural communities run by Republicans.

Here's something else you should notice. Look at the richest communities in red states. You'll notice two things. All white and right next to them is always a poor Democratic black community. The whites take advantage of the blacks. And you want the black communities to vote Republican? HA!
Not all of us are war mongers. Not all of us want innocent people to die.
You know those cluster bombs the pedo rican in the WH wants to send them? Do you realize that a MAJORITY of cluster bomb victims are children? Did you know the second victim to cluster bombs are civilians? Did you know they still kill people years after they are released? Thats because they have an extremely high failure rate.
No, of course you didnt know that stuff. You dont seem to know much of anything.
Those fucking things are banned in 120 countries FFS.
But here you are. Thanks for your support of dead people, Bush.
What an idiot! Do you realize the reason children die because of those bombs is because

1. Who's using them?
2. Where are they using them?

The Ukrainians aren't using them in Russian cities you fucking idiot. They are using them on the battlefield and only Russians are dying from them.

If Ukraine invades Russia and uses them in Russian cities, that would be wrong. Oh wait. That's what Putin is doing.
No you guys love to point that out. All that proves is Republican policies are out of touch in big cities. Sure your policies work in rural areas. Hell, they don't even work there. There's a lot of poverty in rural communities run by Republicans.

Here's something else you should notice. Look at the richest communities in red states. You'll notice two things. All white and right next to them is always a poor Democratic black community. The whites take advantage of the blacks. And you want the black communities to vote Republican? HA!
Big cities are filled with welfare bums who expect big handouts from democrat politicians
Big cities are filled with welfare bums who expect big handouts from democrat politicians

It's stupid to say that. Then why do I vote for Democrats?

And do 94% of Detroiters get handouts? Nope. So why do the ones who don't get handouts vote Democratic. Think.

Biden won the city of Detroit with 94% of the vote while Trump received 5%
What an idiot! Do you realize the reason children die because of those bombs is because

1. Who's using them?
2. Where are they using them?

The Ukrainians aren't using them in Russian cities you fucking idiot. They are using them on the battlefield and only Russians are dying from them.

If Ukraine invades Russia and uses them in Russian cities, that would be wrong. Oh wait. That's what Putin is doing.
Those things can take years before they go off. Thats why they are banned in a huge majority of countries.
Much of the "battlefield" is in the cities in ukraine, dolt.
As I said, you dont know much about anything.

For instance, undetonated submunitions from cluster bombs continue to murder and mutilate civilians in Syria, Yemen, the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Southeast Asia decades after the weapons were launched.

Handicap International's analysis, which looked at the consequences of cluster munitions in 24 different nations and areas, revealed that civilians represent 98 percent of those murdered by cluster munitions,
It's stupid to say that. Then why do I vote for Democrats?
Only you can answer that

Not all democrats depend on governmrnt for their daily bread

But its the primary incentive for those that do
Those things can take years before they go off. Thats why they are banned in a huge majority of countries.
Much of the "battlefield" is in the cities in ukraine, dolt.
As I said, you dont know much about anything.

For instance, undetonated submunitions from cluster bombs continue to murder and mutilate civilians in Syria, Yemen, the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Southeast Asia decades after the weapons were launched.

Handicap International's analysis, which looked at the consequences of cluster munitions in 24 different nations and areas, revealed that civilians represent 98 percent of those murdered by cluster munitions,

So you are mad at Ukraine for using those bombs in Ukraine to deal with an occupying force who is also using them?

Do you want Ukraine to fight with 1 hand tied behind it's back?

Isn't that Ukraine's decision? It's their citizens at risk. I also heard someone in the government explain how we will help them mitigate the number of civilian casualties. I also heard that our bombs aren't as unreliable as Russias. Ours go boom.
So you are mad at Ukraine for using those bombs in Ukraine to deal with an occupying force who is also using them?

Do you want Ukraine to fight with 1 hand tied behind it's back?

Isn't that Ukraine's decision? It's their citizens at risk. I also heard someone in the government explain how we will help them mitigate the number of civilian casualties. I also heard that our bombs aren't as unreliable as Russias. Ours go boom.
I dont give two shits what ukraine or russia does. I dont want us being the responsible ones for them using them and killing kids.
There are reasons we are so hated on this planet. And its because of war mongering pieces of shit like you.
Only you can answer that

Not all democrats depend on governmrnt for their daily bread

But its the primary incentive for those that do

Interesting. I have two friends

1. She's getting Biden's student loan forgiveness but voting Trump.
2. Jimmy is on disability and medicaid. When I asked him why he voted for Trump, a Republican who wants to make cuts to those programs he said, "oh I don't know, because it was time for change?"

Trump appealed to these poor idiots. Why? They're white. Also, because they don't like government either and Trump was the wrench in the wheels/spokes/gears of government. I get it. Government sucks. Even poor people on welfare get that.

But yea, I guess if I ever got welfare or was on welfare, I'd vote Democrat too. But that doesn't always happen. Look at Ben Carson.
I dont give two shits what ukraine or russia does. I dont want us being the responsible ones for them using them and killing kids.
There are reasons we are so hated on this planet. And its because of war mongering pieces of shit like you.

Really? Look how many Americans are murdered by guns. So then we should ban guns. At least the most dangerous ones. Assault rifles.

You don't want to be responsible for the ones who use them to kill kids in America. Right?

There are reasons you Republicans are so hated in this country.

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