19.5% of America is on Welfare?

Interesting. I have two friends

1. She's getting Biden's student loan forgiveness but voting Trump.
2. Jimmy is on disability and medicaid. When I asked him why he voted for Trump, a Republican who wants to make cuts to those programs he said, "oh I don't know, because it was time for change?"

Trump appealed to these poor idiots. Why? They're white. Also, because they don't like government either and Trump was the wrench in the wheels/spokes/gears of government. I get it. Government sucks. Even poor people on welfare get that.

But yea, I guess if I ever got welfare or was on welfare, I'd vote Democrat too. But that doesn't always happen. Look at Ben Carson.
As you may have guessed republicans come in all shapes a sizes

And not all of them are rich

Some are even on welfare

But they all share a belief that the private sector is where wealth is produced and government leaches off the private sector

They (we) think that government debt cannot continue to grow every year without leading to a crash that will hurt everyone
As you may have guessed republicans come in all shapes a sizes

And not all of them are rich

Some are even on welfare

But they all share a belief that the private sector is where wealth is produced and government leaches off the private sector

They (we) think that government debt cannot continue to grow every year without leading to a crash that will hurt everyone

Oh a crash is coming. "They" will decide when. I think it will be the year I turn 62. When SS runs out of $. It'll be the perfect time. Then you and I will get 20-30% cut to our social security. Now that's a tax hike. Imagine taking $400 or $600 from you every month from the rest of your life after you turn 65. No wait! They want to raise the retirement age to 70. So not only are they going to steal $500 a month from you for the rest of your life, you also have to work 5 years longer. That's awfully patriotic of you. Just remember all the tax breaks Reagan, Bush and Trump gave rich people and corporations.

Do you know how much money we owe China? I was sort of hoping Trump would tell China we aren't paying them back. Now that's a trade war move. LOL.

Republicans have fooled poor Americans not with fiscal policies but with social wedge issues. You vote against your own financial interests because of racism, religion and guns. The 3 main wedge issues they use to dupe poor and middle class people with.
Really? Look how many Americans are murdered by guns. So then we should ban guns. At least the most dangerous ones. Assault rifles.

You don't want to be responsible for the ones who use them to kill kids in America. Right?

There are reasons you Republicans are so hated in this country.
Nice false equivalency, derp.
Nice false equivalency, derp.
It points out how silly your argument is for why you don't want us selling a very dangerous weapon to Ukraine. Because some kids might get killed. Meanwhile, how many kids get killed in America?

This was in April

Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years​

What should we do about it? Sounds like you want us to stop selling the weapons that are killing these kids.

Remember. The only way to stop a bad guy (russian) with a gun is for a good guy (Ukrainian) to have a gun.
Oh a crash is coming. "They" will decide when. I think it will be the year I turn 62. When SS runs out of $. It'll be the perfect time. Then you and I will get 20-30% cut to our social security. Now that's a tax hike. Imagine taking $400 or $600 from you every month from the rest of your life after you turn 65. No wait! They want to raise the retirement age to 70. So not only are they going to steal $500 a month from you for the rest of your life, you also have to work 5 years longer. That's awfully patriotic of you. Just remember all the tax breaks Reagan, Bush and Trump gave rich people and corporations.

Do you know how much money we owe China? I was sort of hoping Trump would tell China we aren't paying them back. Now that's a trade war move. LOL.

Republicans have fooled poor Americans not with fiscal policies but with social wedge issues. You vote against your own financial interests because of racism, religion and guns. The 3 main wedge issues they use to dupe poor and middle class people with.
Stop with your crap. Progs promote laziness and disinterest and bums in employment. So, from those standards and if family income is 50 thousand dollars at least 10% is stolen from people who are competent in employment.
Stop with your crap. Progs promote laziness and disinterest and bums in employment. So, from those standards and if family income is 50 thousand dollars at least 10% is stolen from people who are competent in employment.

So you are against welfare and food stamps because it promotes laziness?

I would agree we need to be tougher on people who ask for help. Like, for every dollar you take, you have to work that much longer before you can retire. So lets say you take $12,000 in welfare when you are young and when you retire you're supposed to get $12,000 a year in social security. For the first 24 months you will only get half until that money is paid back.
It points out how silly your argument is for why you don't want us selling a very dangerous weapon to Ukraine. Because some kids might get killed. Meanwhile, how many kids get killed in America?

This was in April

Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years​

What should we do about it? Sounds like you want us to stop selling the weapons that are killing these kids.

Remember. The only way to stop a bad guy (russian) with a gun is for a good guy (Ukrainian) to have a gun.
You are stupid. Good day.
You are stupid. Good day.
You can't continue to make your argument for "the kids" because now you realize you sound just like Americans who want more common sense gun legislation.

You say you want guns just as powerful as the military so you can defend yourself AGAINST the military if it turns on us. But isn't Russia using these against Ukrainians?

  • We recognize that cluster munitions create a risk of civilian harm from unexploded ordnance.
    That is why we deferred the decision for as long as we could. But there is also a massive risk of civilian harm if Russian troops and tanks roll over Ukrainian positions and take more Ukrainian territory and subjugate more Ukrainian civilians because Ukraine does not have enough artillery. That is intolerable to us.
    Ukraine would not be using these munitions in some foreign land. This is their country they're defending. These are their citizens they're protecting. And they are motivated to use any weapons system they have in a way that minimizes risk to those citizens.
Well, first, let me say, I fully support Ukraine in their conflict against Russia and the illegal invasion that has happened.

I think this is really a huge mistake. The potential for civilian harm is too great, and Ukraine is winning the war right now using precision-guided munitions, like American HIMARS and British Storm Shadows. So we should not be sending them weapons that are indiscriminate and incapable of being individually targeted.
You can't continue to make your argument for "the kids" because now you realize you sound just like Americans who want more common sense gun legislation.

You say you want guns just as powerful as the military so you can defend yourself AGAINST the military if it turns on us. But isn't Russia using these against Ukrainians?

  • We recognize that cluster munitions create a risk of civilian harm from unexploded ordnance.
    That is why we deferred the decision for as long as we could. But there is also a massive risk of civilian harm if Russian troops and tanks roll over Ukrainian positions and take more Ukrainian territory and subjugate more Ukrainian civilians because Ukraine does not have enough artillery. That is intolerable to us.
    Ukraine would not be using these munitions in some foreign land. This is their country they're defending. These are their citizens they're protecting. And they are motivated to use any weapons system they have in a way that minimizes risk to those citizens.
Well, first, let me say, I fully support Ukraine in their conflict against Russia and the illegal invasion that has happened.

I think this is really a huge mistake. The potential for civilian harm is too great, and Ukraine is winning the war right now using precision-guided munitions, like American HIMARS and British Storm Shadows. So we should not be sending them weapons that are indiscriminate and incapable of being individually targeted.
We are talking about ANOTHER country. We are talking about using OUR tax money for it. We are talking about kids walking down a street and getting blown to bits because some cluster just detonated on them 12 years down the road.
You are talking about mentally ill people shooting people. Guns are a constitutional right. We dont know what people will do with the guns sold. We know what will happen with the cluster bombs.
As I said, false equivalency, and you are a dumbass. Good day.
So you are against welfare and food stamps because it promotes laziness?

I would agree we need to be tougher on people who ask for help. Like, for every dollar you take, you have to work that much longer before you can retire. So lets say you take $12,000 in welfare when you are young and when you retire you're supposed to get $12,000 a year in social security. For the first 24 months you will only get half until that money is paid back.
There is at least a half century of evidence of this. And angry people feeling they are denied. Collecting money is an addiction. It affects anyone. There is no improvement over these years on irresponsible ways. Tell me your solutions. Not just federal ways are part of this. Regional, state, city and county governments are paying people off to. Tell me why the ghettos are still here.
We are talking about ANOTHER country. We are talking about using OUR tax money for it. We are talking about kids walking down a street and getting blown to bits because some cluster just detonated on them 12 years down the road.
You are talking about mentally ill people shooting people. Guns are a constitutional right. We dont know what people will do with the guns sold. We know what will happen with the cluster bombs.
As I said, false equivalency, and you are a dumbass. Good day.
Ah, so rights and freedom and doing the right thing change depending on if it's here or somewhere else. And it's not about the kids. It's about money. You're being cheap.

I can tell you this. You republicans don't realize how important Ukraine is to the free world. We can't let Putin have it. Chris Christie understands that. I think most Republcans who aren't playing politics do too.
No you guys love to point that out. All that proves is Republican policies are out of touch in big cities. Sure your policies work in rural areas. Hell, they don't even work there. There's a lot of poverty in rural communities run by Republicans.

Here's something else you should notice. Look at the richest communities in red states. You'll notice two things. All white and right next to them is always a poor Democratic black community. The whites take advantage of the blacks. And you want the black communities to vote Republican? HA!
Lol. Spoken like a true socialist
Lol. Spoken like a true socialist
This picture is the perfect example of society when republicans are in charge. What your policies produce


The rich, small merchant class who feeds off the rich and the masses commonly referred to as the rabble.
We are talking about ANOTHER country. We are talking about using OUR tax money for it. We are talking about kids walking down a street and getting blown to bits because some cluster just detonated on them 12 years down the road.
You are talking about mentally ill people shooting people. Guns are a constitutional right. We dont know what people will do with the guns sold. We know what will happen with the cluster bombs.
As I said, false equivalency, and you are a dumbass. Good day.
What I said was true. Democrats want to make things a little better for the middle class republicans policies always seem to benefit them most. For example how in the last few decades ceo pay has skyrocketed but ours hasn’t. And you defend that.

We simply want to get raises when they get raises.

When was America Great for blue collar workers? Back when 35% of american Workers were in unions.

Great pay, great benefits, pensions, social security, job security, Medicare.

There was no better time in America for blue collar than the era of unions
Something’s wrong when 20% of Americans need government assistance to survive.

90% of big corporations and nearly all stock market 'investors'(snicker) receive the most welfare by far, they just hide it under different names. The poor here get a little chump change, the rest goes to keep all the illegals fed and keep the cheap labor pool large. The wealthy aren't paying for it so they're fine with welfare; it keeps their expenses down for their maids and yard work.
"We are talking about kids walking down a street and getting blown to bits because some (American supplied) cluster just detonated on them 12 years down the road."

That's awful.
Though not disimilar to extensive Russian-laid mines.

To wit:
"Small, Hidden and Deadly: Mines Stymie Ukraine’s Counteroffensive
To gain ground, Ukrainian forces have to make their way through a variety and density of Russian land mines they never imagined." NYT 7Jul23

BTW....extensive areas of Ukraine's rich agricultural land...their tillable ground....cannot be worked due to Russian mines. FWIW

That's awful.
Though not disimilar to extensive Russian-laid mines.

To wit:
"Small, Hidden and Deadly: Mines Stymie Ukraine’s Counteroffensive
To gain ground, Ukrainian forces have to make their way through a variety and density of Russian land mines they never imagined." NYT 7Jul23

BTW....extensive areas of Ukraine's rich agricultural land...their tillable ground....cannot be worked due to Russian mines. FWIW
Yeah but we didnt supply them.
The purpose of government, in part, is to aid and assist the weakest of us.
As long as they are doing their part to help themselves as well, but Democrats are opposed to work requirements for welfare - even when the mother’s kids are well into their teens and she could get a job.

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