19.5% of America is on Welfare?

Have you been to rural America, idiot?

Most welfare recipients are biologically inferior. They need to be sterilized so that they will not spread their bad gene alleles.
Republicans like to think the only people getting welfare are black people in big Democratically run cities. Not true

Perhaps at most disadvantage are people in rural areas. Parts of the state lack jobs, transportation, broadband and grocery stories, Kraft said, which increases reliance on SNAP and food banks.

But the largest portion of the bill is what is called the "nutrition title." It is the section that makes up about 80% of the bill's spending and helps to manage nutrition assistance programs, such as food stamps. Although food stamps are funded through the regular budget process, the farm bill helps make the rules for how the programs will work and who qualifies.

"SNAP is our country's most powerful anti-hunger program,"

Over 40 million Americans are currently on SNAP. But there are significant barriers to accessing the program for college students, those in the military, those in U.S. territories and formerly incarcerated individuals

SNAP recipients to get employment training and provides support such as transportation, child care and clothing allowances for participants.

Speaking of nutrition title.....................I wonder how many Republicans know that damn near everyone in the military who is at the rank of E-5 and below is poor enough to qualify for WIC, which is one of those nutrition title programs.

E-3 and below with families qualify for food stamps.

Republicans like to brag about how much they support the troops, so how about paying them a decent wage for being willing to put their butts on the line for this country?
How can you be employed and still on Welfare?

If your paycheck is below a certain limit, then you can qualify for food assistance programs.

E-3's and below in the military with families qualify for SNAP.

Damn near everyone who is at E-5 level and below qualify for WIC.
Most welfare recipients are biologically inferior. They need to be sterilized so that they will not spread their bad gene alleles.

Thats one of the more ignorant statements I've heard in a while.

Why do I say that? Because only 30 percent of people in this country who are age eligible to join the military are qualified. Most of the disqualifications come from physical reasons, or too many civil convictions.

And, of those people who actually do enlist in the military, anyone who is E-3 and below with a family makes a small enough paycheck to qualify for many assistance programs.

If you are E-5 and below in the military with a family, you can qualify for WIC if you have a child on the way.

Because the military doesn't pay that much.
That's a pretty bad strategy when you take into account

Poorer Americans have much lower voting rates in national elections than the nonpoor, a study finds.​

And how many of them voted for Trump because they saw him on the Apprentice? And why were so many of them white? Did Trump blow his dog whistle? Yup.

only 46 percent of potential voters with family incomes less than twice the federal poverty line voted in the 2016 presidential election, compared with 68 percent of those with family incomes above twice the poverty line.
they voted for trump because poor old joe is barely more than a vegatable
Thats one of the more ignorant statements I've heard in a while.

Why do I say that? Because only 30 percent of people in this country who are age eligible to join the military are qualified. Most of the disqualifications come from physical reasons, or too many civil convictions.

And, of those people who actually do enlist in the military, anyone who is E-3 and below with a family makes a small enough paycheck to qualify for many assistance programs.

If you are E-5 and below in the military with a family, you can qualify for WIC if you have a child on the way.

Because the military doesn't pay that much.
I was in the military and it paid plenty enough for me to stay stoned all the time
I was in the military and it paid plenty enough for me to stay stoned all the time

Several questions about your post..............

Did you have any dependents?

What was your rank?

And, how did you manage to stay stoned all the time? I know that ever since 1982 (when I joined), the Navy (and all the military from what I've heard), had a zero tolerance policy towards drugs as well as a urinalysis program in all commands that tested randomly each month. From 1982 until around 1986, you could get by with being popped on one piss test, but if you were positive on a second one, your ass was out the door, never to return to the military. After '86, they made the rules even more strict, and one positive urinalysis was all it took to be kicked out with an RE-4.

I'm guessing you never served, and are just trolling.
That must be the 19.5% who, no matter what, vote democrat thru and thru.
Two-thirds of Americans live paycheck to paycheck & struggle to afford basic necessities like housing & healthcare yet Democrats are on TV bragging about “hOw GrEaT tHe EcOnOmY iS” & shaming anyone who demands better. It’s time to call their bluff & vote third party. #CornelWest
No it was trump who pretended he made America Great again
That must be the 19.5% who, no matter what, vote democrat thru and thru.
I know two personally who voted for trump. Poor people are just like us. Just like Bruce Jenner, Ben Carson or Majorie Taylor green. People who shouldn’t vote Republican but do anyways.

one is getting student loan forgiveness. The other is on disability.

Lots of union members vote gop. Not smart.

Some have financial motives some vote gop because of social wedge issues
Yea… if you’re single, live in the barracks, and eat all your meals in the mess hall you can piss all your money away.

Little tougher for families
No offense but why have kids when you’re poor? Our parents told us don’t get a girl pregnant until you finish college.

Heres what I’m getting at. If you interview anyone getting “welfare” you’ll almost always find the person did it to themselves. People with kids on foodstamps and only a private in the military?

Or my neighbor who’s 300 plus and on disability. She did it to herself.

But, I’m glad we live in a country that has such safety nets
E3 and below WITH FAMILIES?????? There should be no such thing.

BTW, I'm on SS, and feel free to count me among the welfare recipients. I think 20% is much too low.
The government should do nothing to support illegitimate children.
That’s pretty harsh. But I wouldn’t mind treating it like a student loan. You have to pay it back. If that means you can’t collect social security until you’re 72 I’m good with that. Hopefully those bastards you had pay off your debt.
No it was trump who pretended he made America Great again
Under Trump, until the Commies released the virus, we had the best economy in decades: nice growth, low inflation, cheap gas, real wages rising for the lower-income, a 50-year low in unemployment, a record low unemployment rate for blacks, and a rising stock market.

Now people can barely afford groceries, and the tone-deaf occupier of the WH is bragging about the success of Bidenomics.

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