19.5% of America is on Welfare?

90% of big corporations and nearly all stock market 'investors'(snicker) receive the most welfare by far, they just hide it under different names. The poor here get a little chump change, the rest goes to keep all the illegals fed and keep the cheap labor pool large. The wealthy aren't paying for it so they're fine with welfare; it keeps their expenses down for their maids and yard work.
Kind of true. Think about hidden fees we pay for whoever manages our 401K's or Roth IRA's, mutual funds, cd's. If you are poor, that $250 fee might eat up the 10% you made that year.

I remember I invested $20K for a year in something that paid 2% when that was all you could get. That's $400. Pathetic. And I have to pay a $250 fee for them managing my money? But if I invest a million dollars that's $20,000. I'll gladly pay the $250 fee.
Look at Walmart's business model. How many of their employees are on food stamps? Where do they spend those food stamp moneys?
You are claiming that you know what WalMart's business model is, show us what WalMart's business model is.
Republicans, I will agree with you that this is unacceptable.

Overall: In 2019, 19.5 percent of the total population received or lived with a family member who received a benefit in any amount from TANF, SNAP, or SSI at any point during the year.

Glad to read this

With some exceptions, non-citizens entering the United States after August 22, 1996, the date of enactment of the welfare reform legislation, are not eligible for most welfare benefits, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), SSI, Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), ...
SSI is Social Security for the most part.

SNAP amounts to about $100/month in feed assistance to children of the poor
SSI is Social Security for the most part.

SNAP amounts to about $100/month in feed assistance to children of the poor
All while hundreds of billions are transferred to the MIC, Wall Street, and billionaires annually.

What a GREAT country!
SSI is Social Security for the most part.

SNAP amounts to about $100/month in feed assistance to children of the poor
Republicans like to think the only people getting welfare are black people in big Democratically run cities. Not true

Perhaps at most disadvantage are people in rural areas. Parts of the state lack jobs, transportation, broadband and grocery stories, Kraft said, which increases reliance on SNAP and food banks.

But the largest portion of the bill is what is called the "nutrition title." It is the section that makes up about 80% of the bill's spending and helps to manage nutrition assistance programs, such as food stamps. Although food stamps are funded through the regular budget process, the farm bill helps make the rules for how the programs will work and who qualifies.

"SNAP is our country's most powerful anti-hunger program,"

Over 40 million Americans are currently on SNAP. But there are significant barriers to accessing the program for college students, those in the military, those in U.S. territories and formerly incarcerated individuals

SNAP recipients to get employment training and provides support such as transportation, child care and clothing allowances for participants.
All while hundreds of billions are transferred to the MIC, Wall Street, and billionaires annually.

What a GREAT country!
I remember hearing this on NPR

More than 40 million Americans receive federal SNAP benefits. That's monthly assistance that helps low-income families buy groceries.

Congress boosted these benefits during the pandemic. But now, those buffs are gone. The average SNAP recipient lost $90 a month at the end of February.

They explained how we actually save money if we give poor people more food money. Then those people don't have to decide between eating and taking their medications. So we save money on medicaid.
How many are Democrats in sky high tax and fee Dem run cities and states? Does 19.5% include the millions of Dem illegals?
Good question

Rural Americans are increasingly reliant on food stamps to make ends meet each month — and their usage outstrips that of urban residents, a new study found. Nationally, food stamp participation is highest overall among households in rural areas (16%) and small towns (16%) compared to metro counties (13%).
Walmart is our nations largest employer. A shit ton of Walmart employees are on welfare. There aren't any Walmarts in Detroit last I checked.
Good question

Rural Americans are increasingly reliant on food stamps to make ends meet each month — and their usage outstrips that of urban residents, a new study found. Nationally, food stamp participation is highest overall among households in rural areas (16%) and small towns (16%) compared to metro counties (13%).
I'll just laugh at your post. Riiiiiight rural Americans where the food is grown make up the 19.5% on welfare and rely on food stamps. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: You Dems are funny!
Two-thirds of Americans live paycheck to paycheck & struggle to afford basic necessities like housing & healthcare yet Democrats are on TV bragging about “hOw GrEaT tHe EcOnOmY iS” & shaming anyone who demands better. It’s time to call their bluff & vote third party. #CornelWest
I'll just laugh at your post. Riiiiiight rural Americans where the food is grown make up the 19.5% on welfare and rely on food stamps. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: You Dems are funny!
What? You think everyone on rural America is a farmer? That farmers give away their crops?

What? You think everyone on rural America is a farmer? That farmers give away their crops?

Have you been to rural America, idiot?


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