19.5% of America is on Welfare?

The government should do nothing to support illegitimate children.
No, that would never fly. We have to come to a compromise with the Democrats, who think anyone and everyone should get welfare without doing anything to help themselves.

1) If a woman with illegitimate children is living with another adult (usually her own mother), ONE of them must get a full-time job. We have instances all over the place where a 19-year-old with two illegitimate children is living with her 37-year-old Mama, who has her own 13- and 16-year olds still at home - and NEITHER adult works.

2) Anyone on welfare whose youngest child is 6 or above must get a part-time job during school hours.

3) All welfare ends after 5 years.
Exactly. The virus appeared at the perfect time for the Democrats. Coincidence??
And look at how they made it as bad as possible, and exaggerated the deaths. At the same time, the Dems weren’t reporting all the steps Trump was taking to fight it.

They were SO desperate to make Trump look as bad as possible that they chose to let people die. That’s why Cuomo refused the military medical ship and sent all people with COVID to nursing homes instead.
No, that would never fly. We have to come to a compromise with the Democrats, who think anyone and everyone should get welfare without doing anything to help themselves.

1) If a woman with illegitimate children is living with another adult (usually her own mother), ONE of them must get a full-time job. We have instances all over the place where a 19-year-old with two illegitimate children is living with her 37-year-old Mama, who has her own 13- and 16-year olds still at home - and NEITHER adult works.

2) Anyone on welfare whose youngest child is 6 or above must get a part-time job during school hours.

3) All welfare ends after 5 years.
It’s wonderful that you “know how Democrats think. You’re wrong though as usual.
1.There are work requirements for TANF
2.As noted above
3. TANF ends at either 3 or 5 years. And that’s cumulative.

Snap is less than a hundred dollars a month and most SNAP recipients DO work
And look at how they made it as bad as possible, and exaggerated the deaths. At the same time, the Dems weren’t reporting all the steps Trump was taking to fight it.

They were SO desperate to make Trump look as bad as possible that they chose to let people die. That’s why Cuomo refused the military medical ship and sent all people with COVID to nursing homes instead.
Cuomo did no such thing. You’re ignorant or lying
Not sure if these statistics are accurate. 20% on welfare when only 12% of the country is black?
And look at how they made it as bad as possible, and exaggerated the deaths. At the same time, the Dems weren’t reporting all the steps Trump was taking to fight it.

They were SO desperate to make Trump look as bad as possible that they chose to let people die. That’s why Cuomo refused the military medical ship and sent all people with COVID to nursing homes instead.

Fauci told him early on that it was nothing to worry about.

Then when he changed his tune, Trump did as well. He had entire teams working on therapeutics, the vaccine, the production of ventilators, and so forth, and held daily press conferences with team leaders detailing all these efforts.

The left-wing media refused to cover the press conferences on the grounds “there was no useful information.” The truth was that it showed everything Trump was doing, and the liberal media wanted to hide that.
P.S. More people have and are dying under Biden than under Trump, but oddly the media doesn’t report on COVID at all anymore.
No, that would never fly. We have to come to a compromise with the Democrats, who think anyone and everyone should get welfare without doing anything to help themselves.

1) If a woman with illegitimate children is living with another adult (usually her own mother), ONE of them must get a full-time job. We have instances all over the place where a 19-year-old with two illegitimate children is living with her 37-year-old Mama, who has her own 13- and 16-year olds still at home - and NEITHER adult works.

2) Anyone on welfare whose youngest child is 6 or above must get a part-time job during school hours.

3) All welfare ends after 5 years.
Those with IQ's below 75 cannot be educated and are unemployable. I do not believe those people should be allowed to starve to death. I do not believe that they should be allowed to spread their bad gene alleles either.
Those with IQ's below 75 cannot be educated and are unemployable. I do not believe those people should be allowed to starve to death. I do not believe that they should be allowed to spread their bad gene alleles either.
People with 75 IQs can scan items at the grocery and put them in the bag, run the grill at McDonalds, fold the clothes nicely at Target and match them up by color, and clear tables at restaurants and load the dishwasher. There are plenty of unskilled jobs for “marginal” people, but we’ve got to shut the border so they’re not taken up by illegals.
Don't worry, kids. The government spends $1.4 trillion on tax expenditures every year, which is more than twice the amount spent on all "welfare" programs combined.

And you don't hear the tard herd complaining about those government handouts they gladly accept.
“Tax expenditures”?
Like the earned income tax credit for bottom feeding degenerates or like how good productive people are forced to pay (through tax code) ShaQuita and Guadalupe to run their baby factories and create more of their filthy same?
Has the Lib herd ever complained about 50% of America not contributing to the treasury at all? Have they ever complained about the tens of millions of wetbacks working off the books and sending all their earnings back to their shitholes?

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