19 Democrats vote to keep Bush tax cuts for ALL Americans for another year


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
House approves GOP plan to maintain tax rates for all after defeating Dem plan | Fox News
Well, there are at least 19 sensible Democrats in the House. Who'd have thought?

The House approved the Republican plan Wednesday to extend all the Bush-era tax rates for a year, in another vote that served to put lawmakers on record over the issue but did not appear to bring Congress any closer to a deal.

The GOP plan was approved on a 256-171 vote. Only one Republican, Rep. Timothy Johnson of Illinois, voted against the plan, while 19 Democrats voted to approve.

Obama is on the campaign trail, touting the Democrats' plan as the only responsible route for extending the Bush-era rates. But he is not meeting with congressional leaders about how the two sides might iron out their differences and strike a compromise package.

"Two years ago the Democrats controlled everything in Washington. The same question stood before Congress," said GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy of California on Wednesday. “At that time 139 Democrats voted to ... stop a tax increase."
How many pubs also voted to keep it?
What about GOP members?
How many pubs also voted to keep it?
What about GOP members?

The dems also tried to pass a bill to make the tax cuts permanent on those making under $250,000 a year, but the GOP shitheads shot it down.

Defending the rich at all costs is their motto,...
So the Dems hate the Bush tax cuts....
But when they feel that they need to be for them to get elected again
then they are for them...

Gotta love these guys who are so much better then the rest of us.
They are so principled and dedicated to their constituents....:laugh2::dance:
It is the right thing to extend the Bush tax cuts. We are in a recession and hiking taxes would make for more hardships and less jobs. I am all for the tax cuts. Common sense.

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