19 shot at New Orleans Mother's Day parade


I have been.against New Orleans in general ever since that welfare rebuilding after the big Hurricane. Living in Missouri our rich folks prefer to use the flood plain instead of the fine lands along I70 for developement.

Buy alas that is another issue.

I give, why would any gun control liberal organization not be all over this? (i assume that is the point here?)
Nobody was killed or even seriously hurt. That's probably why it's not much of a big deal.

It is no big deal because it was black on black, just like no major reports about 20 people shot in one night in Chicago. Those stats don't help improve the odds of more gun control. Whitey has to be doing the shooting.
CNN is covering it now, the bbc . There must be done reason they are covering a black on black crime . Does no have strict gun control?
Huffpo lib comment showing how progressive and tolerant they are:

watch fox news and watch brain cells fall
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3 minutes ago ( 9:00 PM)
Too bad la pierre wasn't one of the victims.
If it was 50 wounded in a black on black shooting, still nobody would cover it from CNN et. al........

But if it was white guys..........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

People on the far left........just no ability to connect the dots.:gay:
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I'm still holding out hope that the shooters were white, NRA member teabaggers! Clearly background checks would have prevented this because there's no way those guns were illegally purchased!
No description of a suspect that I can find.

The police are looking for three. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Officers were interspersed with the marchers, which is routine for such events. As many as 400 people joined in the procession that stretched for about 3 blocks, though only half that many were in the immediate vicinity of the shooting, Serpas said.

Serpas said that the procession had been accompanied by officers, who saw two or three suspects run from the scene in the city's 7th Ward.

New Orleans police are searching for three suspects Sunday after at least 19 people were shot during a Mother’s Day parade.

Police spokeswoman Remi Braden said in an email that many of the victims were grazed and most of the wounds weren't life-threatening. No deaths were reported.

SNIP: The victims included 10 men, seven women, a boy and a girl. The children, both 10 years old, were grazed and in good condition. Police said at least two people were in surgery Sunday night.

SNIP: Eleven patients have been admitted to Interim LSU Public Hospital with no life threatening injuries, hospital spokesperson Marvin McGraw said.

Read more: As many as 19 injured in shooting at New Orleans Mother's Day parade | Fox News
Are the witnesses cooperating with the police A major issue in why so few arrestes/convictions occur in black on black crimes is the refusal to "snitch". hope that's not happening here. I think with the attention being given to this story (shocking to me) is that it would look really, really bad if people weren't cooperating with the police.
Fbi ruled it isn't terrorism :lol: after a whole five minutes investigation

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