19 shot at New Orleans Mother's Day parade

Americans need protection from mother day paraders?

Too bad the shooters weren't more muslim, then the rightwing may suddenly realize the damage that their lax gun laws to.
Americans need protection from mother day paraders?

Too bad the shooters weren't more muslim, then the rightwing may suddenly realize the damage that their lax gun laws to.

Its libs like you who typically ignore black on black crime. When whites shoot people then you demand gun control
Americans need protection from mother day paraders?

Too bad the shooters weren't more muslim, then the rightwing may suddenly realize the damage that their lax gun laws to.

Its libs like you who typically ignore black on black crime. When whites shoot people then you demand gun control

Gun control will help bring down all crime, which is the goal. Conservatives like you are race-obsessed about black crime, and its the number one reason why so many bumpkin white conservatives demand lax gun laws: Fear of not having something to shoot black people with. That's why the murder of unarned Travon Martin was such a big deal among conservatives. Conservatives want to be allowed to shoot "suspicious" blacks whenever for whatever, and get away with it.
Americans need protection from mother day paraders?

Too bad the shooters weren't more muslim, then the rightwing may suddenly realize the damage that their lax gun laws to.

Its libs like you who typically ignore black on black crime. When whites shoot people then you demand gun control

Gun control will help bring down all crime, which is the goal.

Not doing a very good job for Shitcago.
Libs like you ignore that most gun violence I. The USA is black on black in areas with strict gun control
Libs like you ignore that most gun violence I. The USA is black on black in areas with strict gun control
There is no "strict gun control" in New Orleans. Is that a joke? Louisiana is one of the most gun friendly states in the union. Talk about ignoring reality!
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Libs like you ignore that most gun violence I. The USA is black on black in areas with strict gun control
There is no "strict gun control" in New Orleans. Is that a joke? Louisiana is one of the most gun friendly states in the union. Talk about ignoring reality!

I'm referring to places like Baltimore, Newark, Oakland, Chicago, washington, DC.

Despite guns being illegal, Washington DC used to be the murder capital of the USA in the 1990s. Now guns are legal, the murder rate has dropped a lot by over 50%
Libs like you ignore that most gun violence I. The USA is black on black in areas with strict gun control
There is no "strict gun control" in New Orleans. Is that a joke? Louisiana is one of the most gun friendly states in the union. Talk about ignoring reality!

I'm referring to places like Baltimore, Newark, Oakland, Chicago, washington, DC.

Yeah, well I dunno if you noticed, but this thread isn't about a shooting in Baltimore or Newark or Oakland or Chicago or DC.

Despite guns being illegal, Washington DC used to be the murder capital of the USA in the 1990s. Now guns are legal, the murder rate has dropped a lot by over 50%
What does that have to do with the OP?
Are the witnesses cooperating with the police A major issue in why so few arrestes/convictions occur in black on black crimes is the refusal to "snitch". hope that's not happening here. I think with the attention being given to this story (shocking to me) is that it would look really, really bad if people weren't cooperating with the police.
You want it to look bad.


Police identify suspect in New Orleans shooting | Reuters
In any other Westernised country this would be front page news for weeks.
NEW ORLEANS – New Orleans police and federal authorities were searching early Tuesday for a young man who is suspected of opening fire at a Mother's Day parade in New Orleans, wounding 19.

Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas identified the suspect late Monday as Akein Scott, 19, of New Orleans. Referring to blurry surveillance camera images of the mass shooting, Serpas said police have "multiple identifications of Akein Scott as the shooter" seen in the film.

Serpas said officers would be searching all night and into Tuesday for Scott, whom he called "no stranger to the criminal justice system." He urged the teen, who has previous arrests on firearms and drug charges, to give himself up.

"We would like to remind the community and Akein Scott that the time has come for him to turn himself in," Serpas said at a news conference outside police headquarters.

Read more: New Orleans police identify suspect in Mother's Day parade shooting | Fox News

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