1900-2014 Warming -->Extraordinary or Normal?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
1900-2014 Warming -->Extraordinary or Normal?

A new OPED is out and it has done a significant slam dance on the CAGW cult and its holier than thou remarks that the last 150 years of warming was somehow unprecedented.

Nature has provided us with data telling a simple story: For periods on earth comparable with today, we see many examples of temperature increases in the magnitude of 1 K for all kinds of natural reasons. Very rarely does any temperature rise (via supposed positive feedbacks) reach 3 K within 100 years.
It is thus surprising that IPCC and others with big confidence can claim large temperature rises of up to 3 – 6 K as most likely result from just a minor temperature increase, for example induced by CO2 warming.

More, it appears (fig 4.) that the temperature rise of 0,7K from 1900 to 2010 is as normal as can be when comparing with other temperature rises during other warm periods.

Not only is the last last rise in temperature not significant it falls in the normal range of previous rises. The AGW kooks just cant win one.... Even Ice Cores say they have lost it....
Anthony Watts, why don't you just quote the Weekly Globe?

Why, yes, there have been periods that the climate moved much faster than it is doing now. Going into and out of the Younger Dryas. And when that was done, most of the mega-fauna on the North American Continent was gone. As was the Clovis Culture.

Billy Boob, why the hell don't you devote some time to real research, use Google Scholar, and find what real scientists are finding.
Anthony Watts, why don't you just quote the Weekly Globe?

Why, yes, there have been periods that the climate moved much faster than it is doing now. Going into and out of the Younger Dryas. And when that was done, most of the mega-fauna on the North American Continent was gone. As was the Clovis Culture.

Billy Boob, why the hell don't you devote some time to real research, use Google Scholar, and find what real scientists are finding.

Why dont you address the science? Your run right to character assassination tells me that science is not even a consideration for you.

Your failure to address the science presented shows just how much of a left wit moron you are.
No character assassination. You are one dumb ass, and you prove it daily. Do you know what the Younger Drayas was, and it's cause? Clovis Culture? What we are speaking of concerning the Megafauna of North America?

Look, kid, try to learn something.
Real scientists? Where can I find your peer-reviewed papers, comrade old rocks? Pravda? Put up or shut up.
Canadian ice core scientists have disproven AGW myth for at least 15 years. Has anyone in this debate ever considered sun spot cycles for trends in warming and cooling? Of course not, warmies don't know the first thing about dynamics beyond our planet that affect our lives here on earth. Besides, there's no money in trying to con our star.
No character assassination. You are one dumb ass, and you prove it daily. Do you know what the Younger Drayas was, and it's cause? Clovis Culture? What we are speaking of concerning the Megafauna of North America?

Look, kid, try to learn something.

There are many cooling and warming times in history, something you should acquaint yourself with.. OF the 150 plotted recent warming cycles we are statistically dead center. And you want me to believe that this is an emergency?
No character assassination. You are one dumb ass, and you prove it daily. Do you know what the Younger Drayas was, and it's cause? Clovis Culture? What we are speaking of concerning the Megafauna of North America?

Look, kid, try to learn something.

There are many cooling and warming times in history, something you should acquaint yourself with.. OF the 150 plotted recent warming cycles we are statistically dead center. And you want me to believe that this is an emergency?
What do these fucks want anyway, a fucking Ice Age?

Which is what they were telling us we were entering 50 something years ago when all the lakes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, froze fuckin' solid.
No character assassination. You are one dumb ass, and you prove it daily. Do you know what the Younger Drayas was, and it's cause? Clovis Culture? What we are speaking of concerning the Megafauna of North America?

Look, kid, try to learn something.

There are many cooling and warming times in history, something you should acquaint yourself with.. OF the 150 plotted recent warming cycles we are statistically dead center. And you want me to believe that this is an emergency?
What do these fucks want anyway, a fucking Ice Age?

Which is what they were telling us we were entering 50 something years ago when all the lakes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, froze fuckin' solid.

Been watching the large polar low in the lower arctic the last few days. the pressures and gradient changes look to place it on the mid west in about 10 days. This one will drop temps about 25 degrees and it won't warm for some time. If this holds, like it did last year, in place for over a month, watch what happens to the great lakes and the Louisiana delta. Many areas in the lower 48 are 5 degree's below normal already. (I have no idea how NOAA/GISS come up with hot when every indicator is cooling -F'ing morons).

The moisture from recent tropical storms is funneling into the gulf of Alaska and its about to hit home in the US.
1) Frank Lansner, as far as can be seen, identifies himself only as "an AGW skeptic". Lansner is a Dane, he graduated state high school and "attended" a technical university. He did not come out with a degree of any sort. He and Nicolai Skjoldby, annother, this time with Dane with a masters in Forestry, operate the website "Hide the Decline" (Hide the decline - Who are we ).

Oh! Were you wondering who Frank Lansner was? He was the UN-FUCKING-IDENTIFIED, Billy Bob source for the graphic in the OP.

2) The temperature increase between 1900 and 2010 was not 0.6-0.7 K, it was 1.0 K. Locate THAT on his Vostok chart.
1) Frank Lansner, as far as can be seen, identifies himself only as "an AGW skeptic". Lansner is a Dane, he graduated state high school and "attended" a technical university. He did not come out with a degree of any sort. He and Nicolai Skjoldby, annother, this time with Dane with a masters in Forestry, operate the website "Hide the Decline" (Hide the decline - Who are we ).

Oh! Were you wondering who Frank Lansner was? He was the UN-FUCKING-IDENTIFIED, Billy Bob source for the graphic in the OP.

2) The temperature increase between 1900 and 2010 was not 0.6-0.7 K, it was 1.0 K. Locate THAT on his Vostok chart.
And because what he found discredits your religious belief, you character assassinate. You have no rebut. No facts. Not even a single cognitive thought.

He did what PHD's and others refused to do because it was not following the party line and the command of your masters. Go fuck yourself ass clown! You're elitist bull shit is sickening. And his assessment of actual increase was correct as it was not your adjusted bull shit.
What do these fucks want anyway, a fucking Ice Age? Which is what they were telling us we were entering 50 something years ago when all the lakes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, froze fuckin' solid.

It was only 30 years ago. They were still stumping global freezing catechism in the mid 80's. If bullshit was money, warmies could pay off the national debt in a New York Minute. People in the West need to let go of all the energy they expend in exposing this marxist charade (we've already done that), and ask themselves instead why this legion of warmies exists, and what their real agenda is.

That's simple. They want to bankrupt all Western economies, and they want to end the free market system and capitalism, and they want to institute worldwide marxism instead, and they want to end mankind's dependence on oil. They have nothing to replace it with of course, except mass slave labor I'm sure, but rabid destruction has never stopped marxists before. They mostly murder their way into attaining the goals of their agendas, and leave nothing but dystopian horror in their wake. They're too cowardly to call themselves communists any longer, so they call themselves "progressives" instead. That's what warmies are all about, and that's what their agenda is all about.
1) Frank Lansner, as far as can be seen, identifies himself only as "an AGW skeptic". Lansner is a Dane, he graduated state high school and "attended" a technical university. He did not come out with a degree of any sort.

How many warmie high priests at the UN possess earth science degrees? All those people who..."settled the science" for us?

Neither did Bill Gates or Steve Jobs have degrees, BTW. Attending State U and listening to Professor Loser drone on has nothing to do with one's brilliance, nor one's ability to change the world forever via high science. I knew dozens of such people in Silicon Valley, who never went beyond high school.
1) Frank Lansner, as far as can be seen, identifies himself only as "an AGW skeptic". Lansner is a Dane, he graduated state high school and "attended" a technical university. He did not come out with a degree of any sort. He and Nicolai Skjoldby, annother, this time with Dane with a masters in Forestry, operate the website "Hide the Decline" (Hide the decline - Who are we ).

Oh! Were you wondering who Frank Lansner was? He was the UN-FUCKING-IDENTIFIED, Billy Bob source for the graphic in the OP.

2) The temperature increase between 1900 and 2010 was not 0.6-0.7 K, it was 1.0 K. Locate THAT on his Vostok chart.

crick accidentally points out what we have been saying about the 'adjustments'. in 2010 the consensus view was that the globe had warmed 0.7C. after four more years of 'the pause' the consensus is telling us that it is actually 1.0C, not 0.7C. perhaps it will be 1.2C next year after the scorching year we have just had. just ask Gavin, he'll tell you.
No character assassination. You are one dumb ass, and you prove it daily. Do you know what the Younger Drayas was, and it's cause? Clovis Culture? What we are speaking of concerning the Megafauna of North America?

Look, kid, try to learn something.
Like old crock knows anything, old crock don't even know all the steps in steel production, and old crock claims he works in steel, tell us about that metallurgist who is doing not and not metallurgy again, dumbass!
are the warmists here arguing that the Vostok data are wrong, or that Lasner cannot punch the data into Excel because he doesnt have a PhD?

can anyone here point out a PhD climate scientist who has benefited from espousing even mildly skeptical positions on climate change? I can think of quite a few who were punished, or even lost their jobs.
Anthony Watts, why don't you just quote the Weekly Globe?

Why, yes, there have been periods that the climate moved much faster than it is doing now. Going into and out of the Younger Dryas. And when that was done, most of the mega-fauna on the North American Continent was gone. As was the Clovis Culture.

Billy Boob, why the hell don't you devote some time to real research, use Google Scholar, and find what real scientists are finding.

Climate science is bought and paid for...fat and happy on government money....government which, by the way is hungry for the power that a CAGW scare gives them. Don't fret though, this isn't the first time science has been bought and paid for in order to garner power for political types.

The warming of the past century is either unprecedented or it isn't...if it isn't, then once again climate science and its vast pool of useful idiots have lied....unprecedented warming is a regular theme around here....where did the useful idiots pick up that bit of pseudoscience?...Either you were told a lie by climate science which you passed on or you made it up...which is it?
No character assassination. You are one dumb ass, and you prove it daily. Do you know what the Younger Drayas was, and it's cause? Clovis Culture? What we are speaking of concerning the Megafauna of North America?

Look, kid, try to learn something.

Do you know what the cause of the Younger Drayas was? Does anyone? Hell, climate science doesn't even know the reason the warming stopped 2 decades ago...nor do they know what triggered it at the end of the LIA either...if you don't know what caused the warming to stop, then you certainly don't know what caused it in the first place.
1) Frank Lansner, as far as can be seen, identifies himself only as "an AGW skeptic". Lansner is a Dane, he graduated state high school and "attended" a technical university. He did not come out with a degree of any sort. He and Nicolai Skjoldby, annother, this time with Dane with a masters in Forestry, operate the website "Hide the Decline" (Hide the decline - Who are we ).

Oh! Were you wondering who Frank Lansner was? He was the UN-FUCKING-IDENTIFIED, Billy Bob source for the graphic in the OP.

2) The temperature increase between 1900 and 2010 was not 0.6-0.7 K, it was 1.0 K. Locate THAT on his Vostok chart.
And because what he found discredits your religious belief, you character assassinate. You have no rebut. No facts. Not even a single cognitive thought.

He did what PHD's and others refused to do because it was not following the party line and the command of your masters. Go fuck yourself ass clown! You're elitist bull shit is sickening. And his assessment of actual increase was correct as it was not your adjusted bull shit.

You can tell exactly what sort of people you are dealing with when character assassination and ad hominem are their first response to data that runs afoul of their dogma....Crick especially....show him something that doesn't agree with his dogma and immediately he asks where it came from as if that determines whether the data is correct or not.
It's not character assassination. It's qualification. Why should we take the word of a dropout who makes AGW skeptic graphs for a hobby over the word of virtually every, degreed, professional researcher on the planet? The answer is: we shouldn't.

Care to explain where Mr Lansner got a 0.6C rise between 1900 and 2010? Do YOU have data that shows such a number?

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