1924 in 2024

A brilliant investigator on this forum pointed out that Im2 posted on one message board that he has a college education and yet on another message board said he does not have a college education. Im2 has no credibility. He is a leftist radical , and again according to numerous posters is actually a white gay guy in his 70s posing as a black guy. He does not have the support of the majority of blacks in America.
A brilliant investigator on this forum pointed out that Im2 posted on one message board that he has a college education and yet on another message board said he does not have a college education. Im2 has no credibility. He is a leftist radical , and again according to numerous posters is actually a white gay guy in his 70s posing as a black guy. He does not have the support of the majority of blacks in America.

Talk about cultural appropriation.
This guy wasn't hung in any urban ghetto. And your claim is just sheer republicAn ignorance.

There seems to be something missing in this non-lynching mainly being the white mob....

Brame said Magee went to a nearby Walmart shortly before he died. That is where he is believed to have bought the rope found around his neck.

In recent years there have been several instances of blacks being found hung in trees. In most every case, the police ruled it a suicide. Back in the Jim Crow era, blacks were found hung in trees, and those deaths were also ruled a suicide.

Black Man Found Dead Against Tree With Rope Around His Neck In NC​

In 1924 the dem party used it’s radicalized members to form the KkK to commit acts of violence and assassinations the same way they used ActBlue today to try and assassinate trump
This thread is not for whining about cops. This is about a black man found HUNG in a tree and IDGAF what you say the correct term is. Cops kill over 1000 citizens per year, so in the same time period cops have killed over 10,000 citizens. And cops dying in the line of duty covers lot of things.

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It is highly possible that cops in North Carolina, the same state where cops were caught on tape talking about a race war, coud have stopped this black truck driver and hung him.

Racist rants released of former WPD officers recorded on police cam​

It’s been more than two years since several recordings of three former Wilmington Police Department officers revealed racism within the police department’s rank and file.

And for more than two years they’ve been kept confidential.

The murder of George Floyd by former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin sparked outrage and protests across the country with thousands calling for police reform and calls to end racism within police departments.

Recent recordings obtained by WECT revealed racist conversations by now-former Columbus County Sheriff Jody Greene, but it is not the first time recordings revealed racism within law enforcement in southeastern North Carolina.

The past tense for hang is hung for things and hanged for people. We don't do ebonics here.
I'm not sure it is a race based HATE CRIME murder/death, but there does seem to be something suspicious going on. They claim that he was on survellience buying the rope. The rope of his own death?


". . . While the police investigation is ongoing, Magee's family said they are dissatisfied with the response from authorities in the days since he was found dead.

His cousin continued in her appeal: 'We really need your help... the police officers and coroner's office are giving us a hard time.'

She claimed that the coroner's office is 'not allowing his mom to identify the body', and was given the excuse that it was 'due to Covid.'

It is not explained why the Covid-19 pandemic would prevent Magee's mother from identifying his body, and the Vance County Sheriff's Office did not immediately respond to a request for clarification.

His cousin went on to say Magee's mother instead asked for pictures to verify his death, only to allegedly be told she wouldn't 'want to see your son like that.'

'This is just devastating for my family, and we really need to push this story out there,' she concluded.. . . "

Black man found dead against tree with rope around his neck in NC: 'Not a lynching,' sheriff says​




As suspicions swell that Black man was lynched in NC, warrant outlines evidence of suicide​


Search warrant outlines Magee’s movements​

". . . A Vance County search warrant outlines the steps investigators have taken to investigate Magee’s death and the evidence they have found so far. The warrant allowed officials to search Magee’s white semi-tractor.

On Sept. 11 at 10:10 a.m. the Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to 285 Vance Mill Road in Henderson after a report of a possible suicide, according to the warrant.

Detective Labra found a man with a distinctive forearm tattoo wearing a white short-sleeve shirt and black shorts sitting at the base of a tree with a blue rope wrapped around his neck, the warrant states. The detective’s first name wasn’t included on the warrant.

The man’s legs were resting on the ground, facing away from the tree. He was wearing dark Crocs, plastic clog-like shoes that slip on, the warrant states.

“The decedent displayed no visible signs of assault or any outside trauma to the body,” the warrant states.

At the man’s feet, investigators found ripped paper wrapping which displayed the brand of the blue rope and Walmart.com, the warrant states. Unopened “colors sheet wraps” which are used for smoking, were also found.

A detective contacted the medical examiner, who made arrangements to transport the body to Raleigh.

Since Labra hadn’t found any identification, he went to Walmart in Henderson, the warrant states. There he linked the information on the wrapping to Magee using the self-checkout to pay $4.20 for the rope at 6:20 p.m. on Sept. 10, the warrant states.

Walmart surveillance video showed Magee, wearing the same clothing that he had on when he was found by the tree, leaving the Walmart alone and entering the driver’s side door of a large white semi-trailer.

The detective relayed the information to other investigators at the scene where Magee was found. Investigators located the semi-tractor about 70 yards away, the warrant states. In the truck, investigators found a Walmart receipt and Magee’s identification.

Investigators also reached out to KLLM Trucking, which tracked the movements of the tractor being driven by Magee. That information indicated that Magee went to a Hampton Inn on Ruin Creek Road in Henderson about 15 minutes after he left Walmart, the warrant states.

Surveillance footage showed a man wearing the same clothing as Magee walking to the front desk and leaving around 6:36 p.m., the warrant states.

Other surveillance footage showed Magee, still alone, purchasing a wrapper at a local smoke shop.

Surveillance footage from a Shell gas station then shows the truck traveling on Vance Mill Road, making a left turn into T& R Tractor and Trailer Repair. A man, wearing a white shirt and black shorts, is later seen leaving the white trailer and walking alone with a white bag toward the direction of where Magee’s body was found the next day. The footage does not show him returning, the warrant states. . . . "
Well we know a white guy didn't do it. Must of been another black guy, because it's not national news. You don't care about black on black killings, right im2?
It appears to be a suicide, though, why the establishment is making up excuses as to why the family cannot view the body?

Beyond me.
There seems to be something missing in this non-lynching mainly being the white mob....
Those like you always say this in these cases. Of course you never see anything missing if blacks do things to whites. It's the nature of white racism.
It appears to be a suicide, though, why the establishment is making up excuses as to why the family cannot view the body?

Beyond me.
Yeah, this guy just decided to string himself up outside in a forrest.
I mean, it IS POSSIBLE that it is race based hate. I doesn't make sense though. The establishment continues to make viral, anything like this. SO, why would they cover this up, if those WERE the facts?

Everyone involved in this are black. So if it were a hate crime, why would THEY be doing their best to squash that narrative? :dunno:

It would be a boon issue for Kamala if that were the truth, wouldn't it? :dunno:

The harrowing death of Javion Magee compounded by controversy and confusion​

". . .Though Magee was found outside city limits, many online commentators have also claimed that Henderson is a “sundown town” despite the lack of evidence. A “sundown town,” which still exists throughout the United States, refers to heavy majority-white communities that historically exclude non-white residents after sunset through various discriminatory practices. Of particular note, Henderson is also 63% Black/African American and 75% non-White. Vance County Sheriff Curtis R. Brame is Black. Henderson also has a Black mayor, Melissa Elliott."



The White Bigot/Racist will always find an excuse to ignore the hanging of a Black Man or Woman. As far as they are concerned, they NOT human and therefore DO NOT MATTER.

I am fortunate in that, as a child in 1950's/1960's Arkansas I never heard my parents ever use racial slur. I was taught early to not look at skin color. I of course that language on the streets of Little Rock and Memphis. I heard my teachers use that language from time to time. But never in my parents home.

I see racism as weakness. The Racist is so afraid of losing his/her identity that they use the fiction of skin color as superior. They need that myth to cover their inadequacy. It will always the "_______________" (insert racial slur here) fault that the White Racist didn't get job, or the house or the car. They to have someone blame for their failure. They will must be superior, especially when they are not,
The White Bigot/Racist will always find an excuse to ignore the hanging of a Black Man or Woman.
The town and everyone in charge of looking into it are black.

They have stated there was no hanging or foul play.

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