1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture.


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2020
It goes on about how the bible was mistranslated to put the word "homosexual" in the bible, when it wasn't meant to be in there.

One thing that amazes me is people who say their church is accepting.

I'm like really? Just go into a church you claim is accepting dressed as a girl or with a partner of the same gender and see how fast they kick you out the door and come back to me with your claims of accepting.
The word "homosexual" does not appear in the King James version or the Douay Rheims versions of the 17th century for a very good reason.

"homosexual" wasn't part of the English language before the late 19th Century and was totally unknown to the earlier translators.
It goes on about how the bible was mistranslated to put the word "homosexual" in the bible, when it wasn't meant to be in there.

One thing that amazes me is people who say their church is accepting.

I'm like really? Just go into a church you claim is accepting dressed as a girl or with a partner of the same gender and see how fast they kick you out the door and come back to me with your claims of accepting.

lol so you couldn't find a church that tolerates degenerate neurotic sex fetishists? They showed a lot of tolerance by letting you leave alive, but you can't grasp the obvious. Most pagans would just have killed you right on the spot.
lol so you couldn't find a church that tolerates degenerate neurotic sex fetishists? They showed a lot of tolerance by letting you leave alive, but you can't grasp the obvious. Most pagans would just have killed you right on the spot.

And my family doesn't seem to understand the talk about bigotry from the church and they feel the church accepts everyone, when it doesn't.
lol so you couldn't find a church that tolerates degenerate neurotic sex fetishists? They showed a lot of tolerance by letting you leave alive, but you can't grasp the obvious. Most pagans would just have killed you right on the spot.
Actually pagans were generally very accepting since they had no book or doctrine they had to follow. Paganism was very transactional. You offered the gods something and expected something in return. Your morality didn't factor into it.
It goes on about how the bible was mistranslated to put the word "homosexual" in the bible, when it wasn't meant to be in there.

One thing that amazes me is people who say their church is accepting.

I'm like really? Just go into a church you claim is accepting dressed as a girl or with a partner of the same gender and see how fast they kick you out the door and come back to me with your claims of accepting.

Another mistranslation in the Bible was the Hebrew word for 'young girl' translated as 'virgin'. That is why Jesus was born of a virgin to fulfil a prophecy that didn't exist.
Actually pagans were generally very accepting since they had no book or doctrine they had to follow. Paganism was very transactional. You offered the gods something and expected something in return. Your morality didn't factor into it.

Lol no, they weren't; they were big on violence and murder and mass killings and human sacrifices, all that stuff the Xian bashers like to ignore and pretend never happened. They were behind the constant massacres and mass persecutions of Xians under the Romans, which is why they had to be done away with, as a matter of self-defense, same as the Crusades. Pagans burned witches and faggots both, and tossed them into bogs when they didn't feel like starting bonfires.
The word "homosexual" does not appear in the King James version or the Douay Rheims versions of the 17th century for a very good reason.

"homosexual" wasn't part of the English language before the late 19th Century and was totally unknown to the earlier translators.

They grasp at straws all the time, never having actually read the books. They just parrot crap they read at some deviant friendly site with no concerns if they are true or not. They're not here to inform, they're here to spread lies and rubbish.
Lol no, they weren't; they were big on violence and murder and mass killings and human sacrifices, all that stuff the Xian bashers like to ignore and pretend never happened. They were behind the constant massacres and mass persecutions of Xians under the Romans, which is why they had to be done away with, as a matter of self-defense, same as the Crusades. Pagans burned witches and faggots both, and tossed them into bogs when they didn't feel like starting bonfires.
I'm not sure you're knowledge of paganism is accurate. Ironically the pagans considered the Xians to be atheists as they refused to sacrifice to the gods and thereby endangered the entire community. Also, I doubt pagan persecutions of Xians was any worse than the later Xian persecution of pagans. The Crusades were never completely about self-defense, it was about capturing the Holy Land, plunder, and killing Jews. Christians were never kind to witches, gays, and non-Christians.

Face it, all told pagans were no worse than Christians.
I'm not sure you're knowledge of paganism is accurate. Ironically the pagans considered the Xians to be atheists as they refused to sacrifice to the gods and thereby endangered the entire community. Also, I doubt pagan persecutions of Xians was any worse than the later Xian persecution of pagans. The Crusades were never completely about self-defense, it was about capturing the Holy Land, plunder, and killing Jews. Christians were never kind to witches, gays, and non-Christians.

Face it, all told pagans were no worse than Christians.
lol Christians treated them a lot better than pagans. Your dope addled hippie teachers lied to you, and of course you know zilch about the persecutions of Christians for hundreds of years because those same hippies and deviants deliberately omitted all of that from the schools. As for Jews, they were hardly poor hapless innocent victims, either.
lol Christians treated them a lot better than pagans. Your dope addled hippie teachers lied to you, and of course you know zilch about the persecutions of Christians for hundreds of years because those same hippies and deviants deliberately omitted all of that from the schools. As for Jews, they were hardly poor hapless innocent victims, either.
We'll have to disagree about everything you wrote. I'm sure you can't back it up so really it would be just you making claims. Christianity did invent anti-Semitism so it's interesting that you infer they were somehow guilty of something? Killing Christ? What did they do to get expelled from England?
The word "homosexual" does not appear in the King James version or the Douay Rheims versions of the 17th century for a very good reason.

"homosexual" wasn't part of the English language before the late 19th Century and was totally unknown to the earlier translators.
Abominations are extremely clear in the Pentateuch, doll. Christ preached from them, but those who wrote about Christ's teachings thought that "abomination" covered major human errors described in the scriptures. Also in the New Testament there is a statement saying there were a lot more of Christ's sayings than were recorded plus it is also stated by both St. Paul and Christ that He did not come either to condemn mankind nor to eliminate the laws of God. He came to save mankind from sins against God which may be why at least one Mideval poet claimed that Christ even surprised the Gates of Hell.
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We'll have to disagree about everything you wrote. I'm sure you can't back it up so really it would be just you making claims. Christianity did invent anti-Semitism so it's interesting that you infer they were somehow guilty of something? Killing Christ? What did they do to get expelled from England?

You got squat except arguments from silence; the West doucmented a lot of their history, Jews, muslims, Africans, Asians didn't. You're just a warped brainwashed tool who is just fine with the whitey bashing and Jesus hating nonsense. Witch burnings, tossing faggots in bogs, etc. all pagan cultural pastimes, along with human sacrifices, genocides, and everything else under the sun. As for Jew, they were famous for their soldiers marching into the West with their Muslim brothers in arms, into Spain, against Constantinople, raiding Italy, even sacking Rome in 816 A.D. or thereabouts, and of course screwing over the Xians in Alexandria and every other city in Islam.

In England, like elsewhere in western European cities, They were invited in to help loot the peasants and handle foreign trade; when that declined the got invited out, it's that simple. They self-segregated, and they despised the goy. They didn't have their 'Enlightenment' until; the late 18th and early 19th Century; untul then they were pretty much no different than their Muslim brothers, not trustworthy at all and purposely arrogant and petty towards most other peoples not in their tribe. their problems were nearly all self-inflicted, from Roman times right up to modern times, and some still are. I don't 'infer' anything, their own history and historians record and report this. Try reading something once in a while besides racist Orthodox and Hasedic rubbish propaganda.
Actually pagans were generally very accepting since they had no book or doctrine they had to follow. Paganism was very transactional. You offered the gods something and expected something in return. Your morality didn't factor into it.

lol they loved massacres and rape and all kinds of blood sports.

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