1967: American society


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Well dang, people were far more polite and nice. America then Vs now? America now is trash driven by idiots. Democrats excuse fentanyl and poverty and democrat's obvious corruption.
The Democrat obsession with indicting Trump, multiple times, this is unprecedented. Unnecessary and unprecedented. Certainly, it's going to have blowback.
I remember Nixon and the Watergate hearings. Totally, At least the house majority looked into it. NOW? The house majority scurries away like slimy weasels. Biden and his Chinese/Ukrainian connections? Nothing. But they are willing to indict Trump over felony treason littering or illegal speech nonsuch. This is the level of absurdity liberals are doing.
Oh the Democrats were just as bad then as they are today. They hid their Communist leanings better. Then after Carter got elected, they were literally happier than pigs in shit because they ran the entire show for those four torturous years of economic malaise, foreign policy disasters, and especially Soviet aggression left unchecked. Not to mention that with the "Fairness Doctrine", Liberals had a total monopoly on the media. When Reagan was elected, the vitriol from the Left really ramped up. Especially with his handling of their favorite butt-buddies, the Soviet Union. And Reagan's FCC rightly shitcanned the "Fairness" Doctrine in 1987.
I used to be a Democrat back in the day, It was a proud and noble party. Or so I thought. I voted for Clinton, I hated George Bush and that party that invaded Iraq over lies. There never was WMD's. nope. Same thing can be said about Trump, there isn't any insurrection nor anything else. Just lies.
Well dang, people were far more polite and nice.
And women couldn't have a credit card, and spousal abuse was ignored.

America then Vs now? America now is trash driven by idiots. Democrats excuse fentanyl and poverty and democrat's obvious corruption.
We get it. Like all Trump cultists, you despise America with a white hot fire. So just leave. You don't like it here, and nobody wants you here. Society would be better with you gone. No one would miss you. So just go.

I suggest Iran, being that its values seem to match yours.
Well dang, people were far more polite and nice. America then Vs now? America now is trash driven by idiots. Democrats excuse fentanyl and poverty and democrat's obvious corruption.
The black riots were going on clear back in the mid sixties.

Drugs & drug related crime were rampant back then as they are now a days, just depended back then where one lived.

General crime between the two eras looks to be population proportionate SOMEWHAT.

The more things change the more they stay the same!(below)


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