1st Capitol rioter to stand trial gets 7 years, the longest sentence for a Jan. 6 defendant so far

At this rate we will have the House, the Senate, and Trump will win again. That's how mad people are.

Then, we begin to dissemble the FBI and all the alphabet institutions that did this.

I. Can't. Wait.
Trumps heading to jail, but enjoy your fantasy with your desired world of Gestapo.
And you try to make sense with your fake brain. Not doing to good.

We know which one you use.
Except, we haven't been that for a long time. Plenty of lefty rioters and even formal insurrectionists, not investigated or charged at all.

Thus, these ones are political prisoners.

What's the running tally of our oppression?
Plenty huh? LOL! You don't know a one. Nice try with the lame what about isms. What a loser.
"WE?" Speak for yourself. You are manufacturing your own sick fantasy. I still care and adhere to Democracy.

You don't get to define the nation as a whole. Our actions define US. And our actions say that we don't care about laws against rioting and tresspass.

Unless, unless Dems get to use them to imprison conservatives. That is when we as a society, suddenly pretend to care.

That makes the prosecutions political. That makes the prisoners, political prisoners.
Plenty huh? LOL! You don't know a one. Nice try with the lame what about isms. What a loser.

You are violating the equal protection clause, and thus our rights.

That makes these prisoners, political prisoners.

How many political prisoners does a society have to have, before it's not a Free Country, anymore?

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