1st Capitol rioter to stand trial gets 7 years, the longest sentence for a Jan. 6 defendant so far

They are being targeted, to be made examples of, not because of the crimes they committed, but because of their right leaning politics.

You can see this, with the difference in treatment between them and the far more numerous and violent LEFT leaning rioters.

This is a violation of the Equal Protections clause, and thus a violation of their civil rights.
They are being targeted, to be made examples of, not because of the crimes they committed, but because of their right leaning politics.

You can see this, with the difference in treatment between them and the far more numerous and violent LEFT leaning rioters.

This is a violation of the Equal Protections clause, and thus a violation of their civil rights.
They’re being targeted for their criminal actions, dope.
You don't get to define the nation as a whole. Our actions define US. And our actions say that we don't care about laws against rioting and tresspass.

Unless, unless Dems get to use them to imprison conservatives. That is when we as a society, suddenly pretend to care.

That makes the prosecutions political. That makes the prisoners, political prisoners.
You are so out to lunch on this argument, that a cohesive construct of the various pieces is not possible for you.

You are so discombobulated in your messaging because of your own ignorance, misunderstanding, and lies, that an intelligent discussion is not a possibility for you.

Your only cowardly way out is to place blame on the other. LOL! That's never going to work. How do we know? Simple, guess who's on trial? Guess who's being convicted?

You can scapegoat whoever and whatever, but it's useless nonsense.
You are violating the equal protection clause, and thus our rights.

That makes these prisoners, political prisoners.

How many political prisoners does a society have to have, before it's not a Free Country, anymore?
I noticed you named none. I'll take that as "I know no one."
They’re being targeted for their criminal actions, dope.

Clearly not, or the lefty rioters who did worse, would have been targeted much more strongly.

I mean, that's painfully obvious. It's NOT about their crimes, it is about their politics.

Your denying what is painfully clear, is just silly.
I noticed you named none. I'll take that as "I know no one."

You can take it how you want. My point was about ALL of them, compared to ALL the lefty rioters.

And my point stands. This is a clear violation of the rights of the 1/6 rioters.

Great stuff. Hope he dies in priaon.First of many I hope.

Supposedly you'd forgotten to take your daily medicine before writing this shit

You are violating the equal protection clause, and thus our rights.

That makes these prisoners, political prisoners.

How many political prisoners does a society have to have, before it's not a Free Country, anymore?
The Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause requires states to practice equal protection. Equal protection forces a state to govern impartially—not draw distinctions between individuals solely on differences that are irrelevant to a legitimate governmental objective. Where in the fourteenth Amendment does it specifically state that it protects those who trespass and destroy government property? If you cannot give us a specific answer, than these folks are not political prisoners.
You can take it how you want. My point was about ALL of them, compared to ALL the lefty rioters.

And my point stands. This is a clear violation of the rights of the 1/6 rioters.
I took it right. You named none. Am I good or what? LOL! There is zero violation of these folks rights. You can't win this, because there are no statutes protecting terrorists.
You are so out to lunch on this argument, that a cohesive construct of the various pieces is not possible for you.

You are so discombobulated in your messaging because of your own ignorance, misunderstanding, and lies, that an intelligent discussion is not a possibility for you.

Your only cowardly way out is to place blame on the other. LOL! That's never going to work. How do we know? Simple, guess who's on trial? Guess who's being convicted?

You can scapegoat whoever and whatever, but it's useless nonsense.

Nice word salad.

Meanwhile in the real world, we had YEARS fo violent left leaning riots, with dozens killed and over a billion in damages, and several examples of formal insurrections,

And ONE small right leaning riot, with the only person killed an unarmed rioters, and min damage, that lasted a couple of hours.

That the government is focusing massive resources on the one right leaning riot, while ignoring the hundreds of left leaning riots and the vast majority of those rioters,

is clearly a violation of the Equal Protections clause and thus a violation of their Civil Rights.
Clearly not, or the lefty rioters who did worse, would have been targeted much more strongly.

I mean, that's painfully obvious. It's NOT about their crimes, it is about their politics.

Your denying what is painfully clear, is just silly.
The Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause requires states to practice equal protection. Equal protection forces a state to govern impartially—not draw distinctions between individuals solely on differences that are irrelevant to a legitimate governmental objective. Where in the fourteenth Amendment does it specifically state that it protects those who trespass and destroy government property? If you cannot give us a specific answer, than these folks are not political prisoners.

That was not my claim. My claim was clearly made and you have to lie about what my claim was, to set up a bullshit standard of proof, in order to pretend to not be defeated.

That bit, where you felt you needed to lie?

That right there, was you admitting that you have lost this debate.

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