1st Capitol rioter to stand trial gets 7 years, the longest sentence for a Jan. 6 defendant so far

Excellent demonstration of the Logical Fallacy of Argument by Assertion.

Of course, the use of such a tactic, is an admission that your position cannot be supported honestly.

That is you revealing that you know you are wrong.
All compiled evidence to date tells us it is 180 degrees from any fallacy. Try again.
Plenty of lefty rioters and even formal insurrectionists, not investigated or charged at all.

Thus, these ones are political prisoners.
This is you. Now you are changing your story.

And you still named none. Dude, you are caught.

Now you are talking shit, to try to distract from your utter inability to even address my point, let alone, challenge it.
It is a violation of their rights, to pick out one group, to make an example of them, while the vast majority of people accused of the same kind of crimes, are treated with, relatively speaking, kid gloves.

What other group invaded the seat of our government with the intent of preventing the peaceful transfer of power??
This is you; They are being targeted, to be made examples of, not because of the crimes they committed, but because of their right leaning politics.

And this is you;
I want all rioters to face equal treatment based on the severity of their individual crimes.

o you not see the irony here in your statements? In one post you are acknowledging their crimes, then in another you are telling us they are being targeted. HUH? You admit they committed crimes but they are also targets. :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:Dude you have got to do better than this. The contradictions are killing you.

As I have repeatedly explained they are being targeted DIFFERENTLY than others of their same type of offense, based not on the severity of their crimes, but on their RIGHT LEANING POLITICS.
What other group invaded the seat of our government with the intent of preventing the peaceful transfer of power??

I like the other lefty poster who tried to pretend that crimes were categorized by PLACE. That was more funny than your dodge.

RIOTERS should be treated like RIOTERS.

That you want to justify punishing enemy rioters more than your own rioters, is understandable.

BUt it is shit talk. And a violation of their rights.
No, your application of it, is.

It is my imagination that all rioters should be held to the same standards of laws and punished based on the severity of their individual crimes and NOT based on whether or not they have the right politics?

I think not.
I like the other lefty poster who tried to pretend that crimes were categorized by PLACE. That was more funny than your dodge.

RIOTERS should be treated like RIOTERS.

That you want to justify punishing enemy rioters more than your own rioters, is understandable.

BUt it is shit talk. And a violation of their rights.


You imbecile. PLACE matters.

Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building;

Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building;

Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building;

Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building

Dayum, you are one ignorant con.


You imbecile. PLACE matters.

Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building;
Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building;
Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building;
Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building

Dayum, you are one ignorant con.


Place matters soooooo much huh?

Except it doesn't. If you are the right ie left leaning politics.

"Federal prosecutors said Monday they have declined to bring charges against nine people associated with CBS' "Late Show with Stephen Colbert" who were arrested in a building in the U.S. Capitol complex last month."
Place matters soooooo much huh?

Except it doesn't. If you are the right ie left leaning politics.

"Federal prosecutors said Monday they have declined to bring charges against nine people associated with CBS' "Late Show with Stephen Colbert" who were arrested in a building in the U.S. Capitol complex last month."

Not the same. You really should read your own sources before you post them...

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office said it was not probable a conviction could be obtained and sustained given that the nine arrested had been invited and that their escorts had never asked them to leave the building.
As I have repeatedly explained they are being targeted DIFFERENTLY than others of their same type of offense, based not on the severity of their crimes, but on their RIGHT LEANING POLITICS.
And I provided the link debunking that claim, that you have not provided a rebuttal for. That means you lose.
I like the other lefty poster who tried to pretend that crimes were categorized by PLACE. That was more funny than your dodge.

RIOTERS should be treated like RIOTERS.

That you want to justify punishing enemy rioters more than your own rioters, is understandable.

BUt it is shit talk. And a violation of their rights.
You were provided the links where the one's from BLM did the most damage, and it wasn't BLM. The fact that you cannot change that reality is a testament to your own failure in this debate.
As I have repeatedly explained they are being targeted DIFFERENTLY than others of their same type of offense, based not on the severity of their crimes, but on their RIGHT LEANING POLITICS.
A crime is a crime you idiot, and the one's committing the crimes are mostly from the Right. Get that in your miniscule brain. You were given the links. If you do not mount a challenge to those links, then you have certainly lost this debate.
Why would anyone do this stuff on behalf of a politician? Explain this please. It makes no sense.
As I have repeatedly explained they are being targeted DIFFERENTLY than others of their same type of offense, based not on the severity of their crimes, but on their RIGHT LEANING POLITICS.
If you can't challenge post #340, get the hell out of here, and stop wasting everyone's time. You are embarrassing.
Why would anyone do this stuff on behalf of a politician? Explain this please. It makes no sense.
You're right, it doesn't. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. If you aren't intelligent, the problem will come to you, and make you the problem. That's what happened to all those brainless Trump Sheep on January 6th.

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