1st month after tax cuts feds run surplus

Tax Revenues Up 5% After Tax Reform

Frontpage Magazine

The Congressional Budget Office says that federal revenues in January added up to $362 billion. That's an increase of $18 billion— or 5.2% — from the year before. As a result, the government ran a surplus of $51 billion that month, which is equal to the previous January.


Go Figure: Tax Revenues Climbed $18 Billion In First Month Of GOP Tax Cuts

Read BEYOND the headline of your own citation, moron......From the artcile

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax with- holdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.

These sources know they are misinforming, but do it anyway because rightwingers either don't read or don't have the critical thought pattern required to understand past the headline.

Read BEYOND the headline of your own citation, moron......From the artcile

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax with- holdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.
Individual income and payroll taxes, it says, rose by $68 billion. "That change largely reflects increases in wages and salaries," the CBO says.

The left hate it when average Americans get a pay raise.

Read BEYOND the headline of your own citation, moron......From the artcile

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax with- holdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.

These sources know they are misinforming, but do it anyway because rightwingers either don't read or don't have the critical thought pattern required to understand past the headline.
Mother Jones tell you that, shitforbrains?

Read BEYOND the headline of your own citation, moron......From the artcile

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax with- holdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.
Individual income and payroll taxes, it says, rose by $68 billion. "That change largely reflects increases in wages and salaries," the CBO says.

The left hate it when average Americans get a pay raise.


What part of that you can't grasp?
The Congressional Budget Office says that federal revenues in January added up to $362 billion. That's an increase of $18 billion— or 5.2% — from the year before. As a result, the government ran a surplus of $51 billion that month, which is equal to the previous January.


Did you bother to read (comprehension may be a bit too hard for you) the THIRD paragraph of your own fucking article, nitwit???

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax withholdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.

Read BEYOND the headline of your own citation, moron......From the artcile

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax with- holdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.
Individual income and payroll taxes, it says, rose by $68 billion. "That change largely reflects increases in wages and salaries," the CBO says.

The left hate it when average Americans get a pay raise.
"Those gains in wages and salaries are likely to continue, if not accelerate, under the tax cuts."

Read BEYOND the headline of your own citation, moron......From the artcile

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax with- holdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.
Individual income and payroll taxes, it says, rose by $68 billion. "That change largely reflects increases in wages and salaries," the CBO says.

The left hate it when average Americans get a pay raise.
"Those gains in wages and salaries are likely to continue, if not accelerate, under the tax cuts."

The Congressional Budget Office says that federal revenues in January added up to $362 billion. That's an increase of $18 billion— or 5.2% — from the year before. As a result, the government ran a surplus of $51 billion that month, which is equal to the previous January.


Did you bother to read (comprehension may be a bit too hard for you) the THIRD paragraph of your own fucking article, nitwit???

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax withholdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.
"In addition, companies that are bringing money they had parked oversees — because of the excessively high U.S. corporate tax rate — back into the U.S. because of the corporate tax cuts, will be making tax payments they wouldn't have otherwise."

Read BEYOND the headline of your own citation, moron......From the artcile

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax with- holdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.
Individual income and payroll taxes, it says, rose by $68 billion. "That change largely reflects increases in wages and salaries," the CBO says.

The left hate it when average Americans get a pay raise.
"Those gains in wages and salaries are likely to continue, if not accelerate, under the tax cuts."

Says who, shitforbrains? You calling JFK a liar, dufus?
The Congressional Budget Office says that federal revenues in January added up to $362 billion. That's an increase of $18 billion— or 5.2% — from the year before. As a result, the government ran a surplus of $51 billion that month, which is equal to the previous January.


Did you bother to read (comprehension may be a bit too hard for you) the THIRD paragraph of your own fucking article, nitwit???

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax withholdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.
"In addition, companies that are bringing money they had parked oversees — because of the excessively high U.S. corporate tax rate — back into the U.S. because of the corporate tax cuts, will be making tax payments they wouldn't have otherwise."


Read BEYOND the headline of your own citation, moron......From the artcile

As the CBO notes, the new payroll withholding scheduled hadn't fully taken effect in January; companies don't have to update their employee tax with- holdings until the middle of this month. When that happens, monthly revenues from individual income taxes will likely slip.
Individual income and payroll taxes, it says, rose by $68 billion. "That change largely reflects increases in wages and salaries," the CBO says.

The left hate it when average Americans get a pay raise.
"Those gains in wages and salaries are likely to continue, if not accelerate, under the tax cuts."

Says who, shitforbrains? You calling JFK a liar, dufus?

Say ECONOMISTS ignoramus.

Every single serious, non-partisan analysis pegs revenue reduction of at least 1 Trillion dollars, most of it FRONT LOADED and will hit in 2018-2020.

Nope, they weren't. Guess you missed the news about the many companies giving bonuses/raises in advance of the new code.

Want some more, shit-for-brains???

Companies announce layoffs alongside tax cut bonuses - Axios
Comcast announced 100,000 bonuses of $1,000, while around 500 managers, supervisors, and salespeople were fired. AT&T announced 200,000 bonuses of $1,000, while laying off thousands. Walmart announced minimum hourly wage raises to $11, and offering $1,000 bonuses; on the same day it announced the lay off ...

Corporate America Celebrated Tax Cuts by Laying Off Workers - VICE
Jan 10, 2018 - If a business gave a bonus in 2017, it went against the 35 percent corporate tax rate then in effect. If were to give one this year, the ... Because around the same time that they made a big show of rewarding employees with bonuses, both companies quietly engaged in layoffs. Comcast fired 500 members of ...

AT&T quietly lays off thousands after touting bonuses - IndyStar
AT&T, touting bonuses and investment fueled by tax reform, quietly lays off thousands
Jan 2, 2018 - Moments after Congress passed a Republican-backed tax overhaul that will savecorporations billions of dollars per year, AT&T was the first major company to draw a link between the bill and benefits for workers. AT&T said it would give $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 employees and invest $1 billion in the ...

Pepsi announces bonuses and layoffs after earnings - BI
NEW YORK (AP) — PepsiCo reported flat revenue for the last few months of 2017, and said that it will cut some jobs while giving others bonuses of up to $1,000. The layoffs, which will affect its corporate employees, amounts to less than 1 percent of its more than 110,000 employees, the company said Tuesday. Bonuses go ...

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