1st month after tax cuts feds run surplus

We're more likely to run surpluses in some months than in others.

It's far, far too early to tell what this is going to ultimately look like. Making assumptions on something as complicated as our economy based on anecdotal evidence is not a great idea.

U.S. government posts $49 billion surplus in January

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government reported a $49 billion surplus in January, the Treasury Department said on Monday.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testifies to the House Financial Services Committee on "The Annual Report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council" on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., February 6, 2018. That compared with a budget surplus of $51 billion in the same month last year, according to Treasury’s monthly budget statement. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the Treasury recording a $51 billion surplus last month.

When accounting for calendar adjustments, the surplus last month was $20 billion compared with an adjusted surplus of $33 billion in the same month in the prior year.
And most implemented Jan 1, shitforbrains.

Bullshit. Provide some evidence of this bullshit claim. You are just making shit up now.
You partisan moron.

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

So a biased news story is your proof. Fucking zealot, you are too stupid to even know how foolish you look.
And your proof is your partisan bullshit dripping from your lips.
where are the progressives that told me that Trump was going to ruin the economy and that these tax cuts would be horrible for everybody???

Right here. I still hold that opinion. Nothing has changed.
On the contrary, something has changed. You're even more wrong now.

Good one. And because you said it, that makes it so.

Thanks for chiming in, really appreciate it.
where are the progressives that told me that Trump was going to ruin the economy and that these tax cuts would be horrible for everybody???
They Can't Duck Donald

While the media have been intentionally distracted running off on Twitter runs, President Trump has axed numerous wasteful programs outside their focus. It's an old magician's trick, which the myopic media easily fall for.
sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The idiot CNS site must depend on people not reading the report -- which says DEFICIT...

Despite the monthly surplus of $49,236,000,000, the federal government is still running a deficit of approximately $175,718,000,000 for fiscal year 2018. That is because the government entered the month with a deficit of approximately $224,955,000,000.

Talk about fake misleading "news".

How do you people even figure out how to turn on a computer when you're this stupid.
Yes, isn't that interesting? Much of that revenue growth is from the improving economy. An improving economy means more tax revenue. The tax cuts only went into effect in the last week or two of January. Let's see what happens in February.

Of course, as liberals are happily pointing out, we're still running a deficit! The point is that the revenue trajectory is going in the right direction. This is the first surplus month we've had in ages. Sheesh, can't you liberals admit ANYTHING?
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sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by somewhere it be mis

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The idiot CNS site must depend on people not reading the report -- which says DEFICIT...

Despite the monthly surplus of $49,236,000,000, the federal government is still running a deficit of approximately $175,718,000,000 for fiscal year 2018. That is because the government entered the month with a deficit of approximately $224,955,000,000.

Talk about fake misleading "news".

How do you people even figure out how to turn on a computer when you're this stupid.
You got that from th e article and you say it’s misleading. LOlL
The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Tax cuts went into effect January 1. 2018, shitforbrains. Bonuses are being handed out left and right the past 6 weeks and corporations like Apple have brought in hundreds of billions into the US from offshore accounts.

It is why no one trusts the left with the economy.

Yeah, and when people file their taxes for their 2018 income we will see the effect. Fuck you are dumb.
Dumbass, didn't you notice that less taxes are being taken out of your welfare check?

Even if that were true, how could revenues immediately go up if the government withheld billions less for a month?
People that were not working are getting jobs thus paying taxes, companies are building inventory thus paying taxes, people are traveling thus paying taxes...........etc etc.

You mean for the holiday season.

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