1st month after tax cuts feds run surplus

sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Nope, they weren't. Guess you missed the news about the many companies giving bonuses/raises in advance of the new code.

But the MUCH BIGGER EFFECT than a few % of people getting relatively small one time bonus and even less getting any raise will be the reduction in collections from most paychecks in the country.

This effect did not hit until February
Nope, they weren't. Guess you missed the news about the many companies giving bonuses/raises in advance of the new code.

Want some more, shit-for-brains???

Companies announce layoffs alongside tax cut bonuses - Axios
Comcast announced 100,000 bonuses of $1,000, while around 500 managers, supervisors, and salespeople were fired. AT&T announced 200,000 bonuses of $1,000, while laying off thousands. Walmart announced minimum hourly wage raises to $11, and offering $1,000 bonuses; on the same day it announced the lay off ...

Corporate America Celebrated Tax Cuts by Laying Off Workers - VICE
Jan 10, 2018 - If a business gave a bonus in 2017, it went against the 35 percent corporate tax rate then in effect. If were to give one this year, the ... Because around the same time that they made a big show of rewarding employees with bonuses, both companies quietly engaged in layoffs. Comcast fired 500 members of ...

AT&T quietly lays off thousands after touting bonuses - IndyStar
AT&T, touting bonuses and investment fueled by tax reform, quietly lays off thousands
Jan 2, 2018 - Moments after Congress passed a Republican-backed tax overhaul that will savecorporations billions of dollars per year, AT&T was the first major company to draw a link between the bill and benefits for workers. AT&T said it would give $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 employees and invest $1 billion in the ...

Pepsi announces bonuses and layoffs after earnings - BI
NEW YORK (AP) — PepsiCo reported flat revenue for the last few months of 2017, and said that it will cut some jobs while giving others bonuses of up to $1,000. The layoffs, which will affect its corporate employees, amounts to less than 1 percent of its more than 110,000 employees, the company said Tuesday. Bonuses go ...


These all happen with or without tax-cuts and the job of any thinking person is to be aware of that when reading on the topic of economic effects of any given policy.

Cranks and charlatans will always use convenient correlations to baselessly insinuate causation.
Let's compare the number's of the last budget signed by Obama to Trump's first budget, for the 2018 fiscal year that started October 1st.

January's revenues grew 5% over January of last year. Unfortunately spending grew 6%. So far in the 1st third of this fiscal year (October-January) deficit spending is up $17 billion (11%) over the same period last year. (WSJ)

Last year's federal spending was $4 trillion. The 2019 budget just proposed by Trump calls for spending of $4.4 trillion.

Good job?
sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Nope, they weren't. Guess you missed the news about the many companies giving bonuses/raises in advance of the new code.

Nope I did catch those stories. Now, can we get back to the topic of the thread.
sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Tax cuts went into effect January 1. 2018, shitforbrains. Bonuses are being handed out left and right the past 6 weeks and corporations like Apple have brought in hundreds of billions into the US from offshore accounts.

It is why no one trusts the left with the economy.

Yeah, and when people file their taxes for their 2018 income we will see the effect. Fuck you are dumb.
Dumbass, didn't you notice that less taxes are being taken out of your welfare check?

Honestly that statement is so dumb, you shouldn't comment for a while...
sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Tax cuts went into effect January 1. 2018, shitforbrains. Bonuses are being handed out left and right the past 6 weeks and corporations like Apple have brought in hundreds of billions into the US from offshore accounts.

It is why no one trusts the left with the economy.

Yeah, and when people file their taxes for their 2018 income we will see the effect. Fuck you are dumb.
The greedy gator is showing a distinct lack of understanding regarding the boost the economy has received from Trump policies. Go ahead and keep your head firmly planted in your anus.

Fucking libs. Bitched about the SALT tax changes because they will have to pay their fair share and then bitch about tax reductions.
sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Tax cuts went into effect January 1. 2018, shitforbrains. Bonuses are being handed out left and right the past 6 weeks and corporations like Apple have brought in hundreds of billions into the US from offshore accounts.

It is why no one trusts the left with the economy.

Yeah, and when people file their taxes for their 2018 income we will see the effect. Fuck you are dumb.
The greedy gator is showing a distinct lack of understanding regarding the boost the economy has received from Trump policies. Go ahead and keep your head firmly planted in your anus.

Fucking libs. Bitched about the SALT tax changes because they will have to pay their fair share and then bitch about tax reductions.

Typical Trump zealot, all talk and never a fact to support a single bit of it.

Put your head back up Trump's ass and wait for him to tell you what to post next.

Fucking people like you are the problem with our country, you put party before country.
sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Tax cuts went into effect January 1. 2018, shitforbrains. Bonuses are being handed out left and right the past 6 weeks and corporations like Apple have brought in hundreds of billions into the US from offshore accounts.

It is why no one trusts the left with the economy.

Yeah, and when people file their taxes for their 2018 income we will see the effect. Fuck you are dumb.
The greedy gator is showing a distinct lack of understanding regarding the boost the economy has received from Trump policies. Go ahead and keep your head firmly planted in your anus.

Fucking libs. Bitched about the SALT tax changes because they will have to pay their fair share and then bitch about tax reductions.

The tax cuts are going to result in huge deficits.
Tax cuts went into effect January 1. 2018, shitforbrains. Bonuses are being handed out left and right the past 6 weeks and corporations like Apple have brought in hundreds of billions into the US from offshore accounts.

It is why no one trusts the left with the economy.

Fucking lying ass Trump zealot. Apple has not brought back a fucking dime from offshore accounts yet.

You are too stupid to even be allowed to vote
sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Tax cuts went into effect January 1. 2018, shitforbrains. Bonuses are being handed out left and right the past 6 weeks and corporations like Apple have brought in hundreds of billions into the US from offshore accounts.

It is why no one trusts the left with the economy.

Yeah, and when people file their taxes for their 2018 income we will see the effect. Fuck you are dumb.
The greedy gator is showing a distinct lack of understanding regarding the boost the economy has received from Trump policies. Go ahead and keep your head firmly planted in your anus.

Fucking libs. Bitched about the SALT tax changes because they will have to pay their fair share and then bitch about tax reductions.

Typical Trump zealot, all talk and never a fact to support a single bit of it.

Put your head back up Trump's ass and wait for him to tell you what to post next.

Fucking people like you are the problem with our country, you put party before country.
I understand you are frustrated. 8 years of fiscal failure frustrated all of us. To ignore what is happening, to deny it, is the height of partisanship. Carry on clown.
I understand you are frustrated. 8 years of fiscal failure frustrated all of us. To ignore what is happening, to deny it, is the height of partisanship. Carry on clown.

I am frustrated by partisan zealots like you that put party before country. I am frustrated by people like you cheering for more spending and more debt for someone else to pay. I am frustrated by people that lie about the effect of tax cuts, so in other words people like you.
sounds great
doesn't sound like the great disaster predicted by some

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

The tax cuts were not in effect yet.
Tax cuts went into effect January 1. 2018, shitforbrains. Bonuses are being handed out left and right the past 6 weeks and corporations like Apple have brought in hundreds of billions into the US from offshore accounts.

It is why no one trusts the left with the economy.

Yeah, and when people file their taxes for their 2018 income we will see the effect. Fuck you are dumb.
The greedy gator is showing a distinct lack of understanding regarding the boost the economy has received from Trump policies. Go ahead and keep your head firmly planted in your anus.

Fucking libs. Bitched about the SALT tax changes because they will have to pay their fair share and then bitch about tax reductions.

The tax cuts are going to result in huge deficits.
Yet in the four years after the Bush tax cuts, total receipts were greater than the four years following the Clinton tax hikes. We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. I hold both sides responsible.
I understand you are frustrated. 8 years of fiscal failure frustrated all of us. To ignore what is happening, to deny it, is the height of partisanship. Carry on clown.

I am frustrated by partisan zealots like you that put party before country. I am frustrated by people like you cheering for more spending and more debt for someone else to pay. I am frustrated by people that lie about the effect of tax cuts, so in other words people like you.
When did I cheer spending? Fucking liar.
I understand you are frustrated. 8 years of fiscal failure frustrated all of us. To ignore what is happening, to deny it, is the height of partisanship. Carry on clown.

I am frustrated by partisan zealots like you that put party before country. I am frustrated by people like you cheering for more spending and more debt for someone else to pay. I am frustrated by people that lie about the effect of tax cuts, so in other words people like you.
When did I cheer spending? Fucking liar.
Gator breath is just a partisan hack who thinks his socialist views are mainstream.

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