1st Openly LGBT US Senator in History, Wisconsin's Tammy Baldwin, Fires Back at Republican (whose nephew is gay) who cried during gay marriage debate

If a national economic emergency occurred for any reason would the way are now in this nation stand with greatly reduced revenues to support it? I do not believe it will. And that is the real test. So therefore, the government is in the dictatorial business. Human rights with endless resources forced to support it is not freedom.
This is exactly why I mostly ignore you.

There are a lot of reasons for economic problems but gay rights is not one of them. We have the resources -if used rationally - to build a strong economy that is resilliant and works for everyone.

So why don't ypu bitch about corpoate welfare and tax givaways to the rich that costs billions instead of complaining about a law that protects human rights and costs nothing.?

Never mind. Don't bother. You'll just say something else thats stupid

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