2,246 Fetal Remains Found In Home Of Abortionist Whom Buttigieg Supported

Utterly degenerate. I long for the day that we look back on this baby butchering industry with the same disdain we ascribe to the Nazi slaughter of innocents.



Woudln't be surprised if top level democrats ate the fetuses in an attempt to preserve their youth.
Apparently it wasn't just a job to this guy, he liked it and he kept trophies. This might be a hint into what motivates some MD's to kill babies.
Serial killers often keep souvenirs of their victims like pieces of clothing or even body parts to relive the experience and for sexual gratification. Am I insinuating that all abortion doctors and technicians are perverts and killers? Maybe not all.
This makes no sense at all...

It makes perfect sense considering what their profession is. They are ghouls who revel in killing and wallow in body parts as souvenirs...a common trait among serial killers.
This isn’t the first time one of these abortion lairs has had to be cleaned out. Kermit Gosnell, who often used a pair of scissors to decapitate babies born alive, had his abortion clinic raided a few years back...

“[F]etal remains [were] haphazardly stored throughout the clinic– in bags, milk jugs, orange juice cartons, and even in cat-food containers... Gosnell admitted to Detective Wood that at least 10 to 20 percent... were probably older than 24 weeks [the legal limit]... In some instances, surgical incisions had been made at the base of the fetal skulls. The investigators found a row of jars containing just the severed feet of fetuses. In the basement, they discovered medical waste piled high. The intact 19-week fetus delivered by Mrs. Mongar three months earlier was in a freezer.”
Maybe something like that old Johnny Cash song about a redneck factory worker who builds himself a car out of smuggled parts. "I got it one piece at a time and it didn't cost me a dime".

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